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Claiming Their Cat

Page 17

by Maggie O'Malley

  After drying off, Cat padded out of Rio’s bathroom and stopped. Creed and Rio reclined on the bed—naked. A quick glance told her that Brody lay sleeping in his crib. Ila had said goodbye today and apparently that meant Cat was healed, which was a good thing. She was more than ready. She’d slept with both of them these past two months. Bulging cocks restrained by denim greeted her every way she turned. Somehow, Ila either didn’t know or didn’t care.

  Cat let her towel drop and approached the bed. Excitement rushed through her veins like wildfire. Yes, she was ready for this. Creed patted the space between them. Crawling as seductively as she could, she settled herself on her back between them.

  “Are you up for this, out sweet Cat?” Rio asked.

  “Both of us,” added Creed.

  “Yes.” Her voice was low, chocked with excitement. A real threesome had consumed her mind since the day they teased her with it. She’d even dreamed about it one night only to wake feeling hot and needy sandwiched between two very tempting men. But they wouldn’t touch her. She needed to heal. They’d said it so many times she’d started to believe she was indeed broken.

  “If you say stop, we’ll stop,” said Rio.

  Stopping was the last thing she wanted them to do. Hurry was the better word.

  Her whole body quivered with anticipation and fear of the unknown, of the forbidden pleasure she could only imagine. Creed trailed a finger from her neck slowly down and stopped between her breasts. Chills followed in its wake. His finger traveled further below, halted just above her clit.

  Rio leaned over and captured her nipple. She knew he wouldn’t suck because of her breast milk, but the nipping and flicking of the tongue was enough to peak both buds and fill them with wanting.

  Creed moved and settled between her legs. “Such a pretty pussy.” When his tongue swirled over the tight knot, she pushed her hips up. She needed pressure.

  Creed pulled away and laughed. “No, my precious darling. We need to go slow.”

  “Really,” she breathed out and lifted her head. “And if I were sucking your cock, would slow work for you?”

  When passion flooded Creed’s eyes, her womb contracted. That look was for her.

  She couldn’t reach Creed, so she snaked her hand out and gripped Rio’s cock.

  “You’re playing with fire,” Rio grunted.

  The inferno had been smoldering within her for weeks, and if she didn’t have an orgasm, she was going to combust and die a horrible death. Hell, she even missed the butt plug, missed wearing the sexy clothes.

  Creed attacked her clit, sucking, nipping. His finger slipped inside, and she resisted crying out ‘finally.’ She watched his dark head moving between her thighs. “So fucking sweet,” he said against her flesh.

  Rio kissed her collarbone, teased the delicate skin of her neck. He smelled rough, rugged, wild, and all male. Rio sucked her earlobe into his mouth and nipped as she thumbed the underside of his cock. A little growl rumbled in his chest.

  Creed plunged two fingers in her and sucked hard on her clit. Pleasure like this was only imaginary, not something that could be real. Rio pulled her leg towards her chest opening her up completely and then moved back to her breast.

  She squirmed as Creed’s lubed finger slip past the tight ring of her rear; the sensation was wicked as hell. “I need more,” she cried softly.

  More lube and two fingers slipped in, stretching tender flesh, as Creed plunged his tongue into her delicate pussy. She moved, fucking his tongue, fucking his fingers, reaching for that elusive pleasure.

  “Please. Please fuck me.”

  Creed rolled to his back taking Cat with him. She was surprised, thinking she’d face Rio, but right now, she didn’t care.

  “Ride me, my sweet Cat,” said Creed.

  Easing herself down on Creed, she saw him grit his teeth. “So good,” he said. “So fucking tight.”

  Before she could start riding Creed, a gentle hand between her shoulder blades pushed her down. Creed captured her mouth, their tongues entwining. She felt the pressure at her rear as Rio’s thick head pressed in. Pleasure and pain seared sensitive flesh. Creed cupped her head with his hands, latched on her tongue and sucked. Rio pushed in some more, but it wasn’t enough. She needed to move.

  Creed supported her hips as he and Rio pumped in and out slowly. They were moving simultaneously, sliding and retreating, feeding a slow storm inside her.

  “Hard, both of you. Please take me hard.”

  “Aw, fuck,” Rio said behind her.

  The pace increased. She was burning. Sparks flew inside her as she shifted between them. The penetration was deep and complete. She felt both of them in every fiber of her being. Cat cried out when her whole body spasmed with a hot, relentless vortex. Rio leaned down and covered her back. Creed forced her head down farther.

  Then they both bit her, one on each shoulder as they climaxed inside her. The bites were their own erotic pleasure, and she came hard again. Growls vibrated and infused her from the front and the back as waves of hot desire ebbed and flowed within her entire being.

  As she collapsed against Creed, her last thought was that something remarkable had just happened.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After lunch, Cat sat at the computer researching what and when a newborn was due shots. Brody was happy and healthy, but she couldn’t take any chances. They both insisted he didn’t need any, and she had no idea why they would say that. She’d informed them both that Brody was her child, and he was getting his shots.

  They’d promised to leave her alone for at least two hours, so she could find out about the shots and give her body some rest. Last night was so fantastic she couldn’t wait until tonight. But she’d made it clear; she wasn’t up to having an orgasm every hour. They were practically stalking her, which…excited her.

  Cat had decided last night to stay here instead of running to her parents, at least for a little while. Rio and Creed promised to protect her and Brody and not do anything stupid like go after Alvarez.

  And the sex was—off the charts.

  The two marks on her shoulders burned in a constant reminder of the pleasure.

  Did she mention the sex was fabulous?

  Staying was important to her. She felt like she and her son belonged here. She was happy and healthy too, and she believed them when they said they wanted her to stay. No, they hadn’t confessed love to her, but it felt close. If she looked hard within herself, she’d probably find that she did love them—both of them. How crazy was that?

  She was disappointed when she found out Brody had missed his newborn and first month’s shots. That would never do. How could she get him his shots without having a paper trail? Would Lucy do it? Yeah, that was a good option.

  The computer chimed, signaling the arrival of an email. The message displayed in a tiny phantom box at the bottom of the screen clear enough for her to see.

  Deposited 10 million.

  Blackness crowded her vision, and she actually swayed. No. it can’t be. She frantically clicked on the message, and it opened full screen.

  Bring Mari and my child to the compound and you’ll get the rest of your money

  Cat’s heart seized in her chest. She blinked and gulped in a much-needed breath. No. This couldn’t be happening. Why was it happening? It was signed J.A. Jose Alvarez. She scrolled down and found that Rio had contacted Alvarez right after breakfast offering her and Brody for twenty mil. She covered her mouth with her hand to keep from crying out in agony. The way they made love to her, helped her with Brody… She was such a fool.

  She closed the email and tried to think. She needed to escape, but there was no way to get past the gate from hell. Her best option was to get to town and then…call for a cab, beg for a ride, steal a car.

  Her lower lip quivered. I will not cry. I will not crumble.

  She had to stay strong for her child. His life depended on her. After racking her brain, she decided a haircut might give her the chance to
flee, and that could only happen in town. God knew she didn’t need any diapers or wipes. Brody would probably be in the larger size before he ran out. Maybe she could convince them to go out to eat. That would give her an excuse to slip away to the bathroom and out the back door. A trip to the drugstore was in order too. She’d tell them that she needed some personal items.

  The hard part would be getting Brody away from them. She couldn’t fail.

  Cat walked through the house and found Brody on a pallet in the den. Rio and Creed were sprawled beside him. They were telling him that they couldn’t wait for him to get old enough to play football. Her heart broke again when little Brody smiled. What had gone wrong? How could she have trusted so blindly?

  “Hey,” she said. “I was wondering if we could take a trip into town.”

  “Sure,” said Rio. “What do you need?”

  An escape plan. “A haircut.” She lifted a piece of her hair and examined the ends. “I need to have the dead ends cut. It’s been a while.” Telling the truth was essential if this strategy were to work. Cat was a horrible liar. “And some—personal things from the drugstore and then maybe we can all go out to eat.”

  Rio looked at his brother and grinned. “Sounds like Brody’s going to town.”

  Rio’s jovial comment was like a knife in her heart. “I’ll go pack his diaper bag.” Cat hurried upstairs and packed Brody’s things. She couldn’t risk packing any of her stuff. She’d just do without. Her gaze landed on the newest sexy thing they had given her, telling her to wear it tonight. Ten minutes ago, she’d wanted to slip it on.

  Cat changed out of Creed’s shirt and into her old sweats. She had no bra because she didn’t own any. She hoped she didn’t spring a leak.

  Glancing around Rio’s bedroom, her gaze drawn to the bed where she’d nestled between the two strong brothers. Cat thought they meant to protect her, not cash in. Where did she go wrong? She swallowed the bitterness mingled with loss and headed downstairs.

  Ten minutes later, they were in the Hummer heading for the hell-gate. She watched, hoping to find out how to open it and was sorely disappointed when Rio punched something into his iPhone, and the beast opened. Okay, so plan B would be to steal this monster of a truck and the iPhone and then fiddle around with it until she figured it out. Not a grand plan.

  The rocking of the vehicle put Brody to sleep. Cat wanted to sleep too, but needed to stay awake to check out the town, figure out escape routes and whatever else popped into her head. Desperation fought a battle with disbelief inside her. Before the email, peace had settled in her heart along with passion and love. Yes, she loved the brothers, both of them. Her protectors, her lovers, her providers—her traitors.

  Cat forced her head out of her heart and back into her latest escape ordeal. Town was near because more and more houses dotted the road. Hell, she didn’t even know the name of the town, not that it made any difference.

  “There are several salons, but I have no idea if one is better than the other,” said Creed.

  “It doesn’t matter.” That was an understatement. “Surely they can’t do too much damage with just a trim.”

  Rio glanced over his shoulder at her. “Just make sure they trim and not cut. We love your hair.”

  What was she supposed to think about that statement? Love it twenty million dollars’ worth?

  “Yeah,” Creed chimed in. “I’d hate to have to kill somebody today.”

  Kill? The only thing killed today was her heart and soul.

  Finally, the SUV pulled into a vacant parking space in front of The Hair Salon. It looked like a swanky, upscale place. “I’ll go in and get the trim. You can bring Brody in when he wakes.”

  “Why can’t we just stay in the car?” Creed asked.

  “Well, I guess you can. I just thought that he may need a diaper change when he wakes up.” Lord, please let him wake and need a change.

  “We can change him in the back of the SUV,” said Rio.

  How could she rebuke that? They had changed as many diapers as she had. “Okay. Em, can I have some money?” Blood rushed her face at the absurdness of the question.

  “Sure,” replied Rio. He pulled two bills from his wallet and handed it to her.

  Cat slipped from the vehicle and tried not to run into the establishment. Two crisp one hundred dollar bills gave her hope. Now, she had to get Brody away from them.

  A lady with ‘Janice’ on her nametag was free, and she ushered Cat into the chair. After instructing that she only wanted a trim, she took a deep breath and tried to figure out how to get Brody away from his—uncles. Janice chatted about mundane stuff, and she managed to nod and grunt appropriately. The “Wow, who are those two?” pulled her gaze to the door. Rio, Creed, and little Brody commanded the entire salon’s attention.

  “They’re…” Mine. Well that was true last night. “With me.”

  “Your baby?” asked Janice.

  Cat nodded. “Brody’s his name.”

  Janice, along with every female in the place, migrated toward the door. Cat had to wonder who the oohs and ahhs were for. The women jostled for position to see Brody or get up close and personal to the brothers. Some still had foil in their hair, but a few were young and dressed in real clothes, not floppy sweats. Jealousy, vicious and ugly, wasn’t something she could afford.

  Janice came back when she’d had her fill. “Which one is your husband?”

  “Neither one.”

  “Oh. Are you married to a different brother then?”

  What in the hell was Janice talking about? “No.”

  “Well, he looks like them.”

  Janice was correct of course. “Yes, all three have the same dark hair and skin.”

  “And don’t forget those cute little dimples in all three chins.”

  A shock rocketed through her system. Why hadn’t she noticed it before and what were the odds of that? Apparently, fate was a bitch. Now every time she looked at sweet Brody’s face, she’d see Rio and Creed.

  Before Janice had snipped the last hair, Cat had her first plan. She thanked Janice and handed her a hundred, knowing she should tip, but she was on a budget. After getting her change, she plowed her way through the ladies encircling her three—no her baby. She leaned into Rio and told him that she needed to nurse or there was going to be an accident. Call her crazy but she thought his gaze heated.

  After locating the restroom, she entered and counted to ten. Brody wasn’t hungry—yet. If she were lucky, she could nurse him in the back of a cab now that she actually had the money to pay for it instead of hijacking it. Taking a calming breath, she peeked out the door. Not seeing anyone, she headed to the backdoor she’d seen before she entered the restroom.

  The smell of cigarette smoke hit her the second she stepped outside. Glancing around, she took the shortest route to the street and prayed for a yellow car with a bulb on the top that said taxi. Luck was with her. A cab was parked at the corner. It was green, but she couldn’t be picky about color. She slid into the back seat. The cabbie flipped his smoke out the window and glanced over his shoulder at her.

  “How far to the next town?”

  “Forty miles,” said the young man.

  “How much?”

  After he had told her, she agreed. Putting distance away from this place was the first hurdle.

  Creed glanced at his watch. Brody must be starving. His wolf continued a low growl at the women who sat beside him, brushed against him, and tried to draw him into a conversation. Rio’s growl matched his own. Creed stood. “I’ll check on Cat.”

  Rio popped up beside him. “I’ll come with you.”

  When they reached the back, Rio said, “I think I’ve been slimed.”

  “I know what you mean. Were women that annoying before?”

  “No, because we were the ones on the prowl, not the other way around.’

  Creed grinned. “Feels good to be mated.”

  “Yep, can’t wait to get her home tonight.”

bsp; Creed stopped at the restroom door and paused to listen. No sucking. No soft breaths that belonged to Cat or Brody. He turned the knob and eased the door open.


  Rio pushed him aside. “Where the fuck are they?”

  Creed’s wolf inhaled deep and compelled him through the back and out the door. Fear gripped his soul as he followed his nose down the alley towards the street.

  Rio got there first and stopped on the curb. “Their scent ends here.”

  They both knew she was in a vehicle. Her scent was sorrow tinged with a hint of fear. “She left us,” said Rio.

  Creed ran his hand through his hair. “Ila was right. We couldn’t prevent her from leaving.”

  “But we didn’t betray her,” Rio said as he started running for the truck.

  That was true, but something triggered her to leave. Was it because they didn’t tell her that they loved her, tell her that she was theirs?

  Creed climbed in, cranked the SUV, shoved the vehicle in reverse, and spun out of the space almost crashing into a car. His only plan was to drive around and hope to spot them. If he were running with the money that Rio had given her, he would try to put as much road between them as possible. There were many towns in all directions. Did she hail a cab or plead to someone to give her a lift?

  “Wait,” said Rio. “Didn’t Ila say Cat would end up back in the hands of that bastard?”

  Creed cringed. Ila was never wrong. Why in the hell hadn’t they heeded her prediction.

  “If that’s true. The only way to save them is to rescue them after Alvarez has them.”

  “But what hasn’t Ila told us? For all we know, Alvarez finds out Brody ain’t his and kills them both before we get there.”

  “Don’t say that,” Rio ground out. “I will not let Alvarez take our mate and our child. I’m going to call in some favors and have people look for her. What I think you and I need to do is get our asses back to Mexico. Who knows, maybe we can beat her there and intercept.”


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