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Mastering Love

Page 5

by Morticia Knight

  “You may answer me, Evan.”

  “Yes, Sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Sir.”

  Thomas shuffled on his feet a bit as if wondering whether he should add anything else. As the silence stretched on, he finally spoke up.

  “Well, anyway. I’ll leave you both to it.” He turned to Evan and indicated to a thick, cloth-wrapped cord hanging near the door of the room, a large red tassel attached to the end. “If you need to, you can pull this at any time and Javier or one of the other staff will come fetch you like we discussed.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  As soon as Thomas had taken his leave, a shiver of need coursed through Ned.

  “I don’t want our chat to be a formal interaction, and I request that you give me your completely honest thoughts on everything I ask you. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then please take a seat and let me see your eyes.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Evan did exactly as instructed, and Ned was intrigued to note that he’d chosen the love seat, as opposed to a wing chair where Ned wouldn’t be able to sit near him. To test his theory, Ned descended onto the small sofa, but kept enough distance between them so they didn’t touch. Then Evan lifted his gaze.

  Ned controlled his own reactions the best he could. Evan’s bright hazel eyes were expressive, alive. It would be easy to read his every emotion. Yet, Ned didn’t detect any weakness in them. To have the opportunity to push the boundaries of that strength, to discover how much Evan was willing to give to his Master, would be a thrill.

  It’s too bad.

  If only he could find a young man just like Evan who hadn’t already had a Master. As it was, Evan had been with two Masters and, from what he’d already heard, the last one hadn’t been any good. Regardless, he wondered if Evan would be averse to an evening or two of play. His cock lengthened in his loose slacks as he pondered whether or not Evan might welcome being penetrated.

  Ned smiled at him in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “I don’t expect to hear about your intimate moments with Thomas. What I’m interested in is what transpired when you left him. I’m sure Thomas explained my concerns.”

  “Yes, Sir. He did. Shall I go ahead?”

  Ned was almost completely hard. He uncrossed his legs, but kept his long suit coat discreetly covering his groin. “Please. Tell me anything you like. I promise to keep it between you and me.”

  “All right. I…it was my fault.”

  Ned arched his eyebrows. Evan’s words were not at all what he’d expected. “Oh?” So many highlights in his hair. The way the soft strands lay across his forehead, skimming his brows. “How so?”

  Evan twisted his hands together in his lap but maintained eye contact. It struck Ned that Evan came across as a very brave, honest boy. He was also incredibly distracting, wearing only a pair of red silk boxer shorts and nothing else.

  “I was wrong to go against Thomas the way I did.” Before he spoke again, he sucked in a deep breath through his nose, his lips pressed together. “He was very good to me. He always treated me well—was loving, kind.”

  Ned shifted on the sofa. “I see. That’s comforting to hear in regards to Thomas, but it still doesn’t address the issue as to why you decided he was abusive.”

  “I think…” He lowered his eyes for a second then seemed to catch himself. He raised them again. “I was very young, and he was my first…my first in everything.” Red stained his cheeks. “Now that I’ve had a chance to look back, been with a different Master, I know my own heart and mind better. I loved Thomas. But maybe he wasn’t the type of Master I needed, and I let those men sway me. It was wrong for me to do, but I think that’s what happened.”

  When Ned shifted again, it was because Evan’s words had unsettled him. They had brought to mind a completely different angle on whether taking a virgin to claim forever was the wisest course. Yet, he’d known of matches where that had been the case and they’d worked out beautifully.

  Everyone’s different. In any case, I’ve already decided about that.

  “So the piercing wasn’t an issue for you? Being permanently marked by your Master would be acceptable?”

  The words had flown from his mouth before he’d had the chance to stop them. What difference would it make to him how Evan felt about such a thing?

  “Quite acceptable. It’s something I’ve always dreamed about. I’d been so happy that he was going to claim me that way until… Well, anyway. I hope that someday someone might find me worthwhile enough to want to do that again.”

  A heaviness weighed on Ned’s heart. The boy before him appeared more than worthwhile—even if he wasn’t what Ned wished for. His restlessness returned. What he needed was to release some of his tension. Evan had answered his most pressing concern as to whether he would seek permanent membership to Hampton Road. It was time to sign the rules and get on with it.

  “Thank you for speaking with me, Evan.”

  He appraised the young man before him once again. As a slight flush rose up Evan’s body, Ned also noted a light acceleration in his breathing.

  Yes. He’ll come with me to a room.

  “Do you wish to spend the evening alone with me, Evan?”

  The rosy color continued up to his face. “Yes, Sir. Very much.”

  “Good. Just a few more things before we retire to a room. As you heard, I need to sign the rules first. But I’d like to find out what you’re willing to engage in with me this evening.”

  “Of course, Sir.”

  “Do you call mercy when you wish to stop?”

  “Yes, Sir. I do.”

  “All right then, I will stop whatever I’m doing the moment you say that. For the purposes of this evening only, I ask that you address me properly, be kneeling and in proper submissive position when I enter the room. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “May I bind you this evening?”

  “Yes, Sir.

  “Use a small flogger?”

  “May I see it first?”


  “Then yes, Sir.”

  He had to admit, Evan’s quick and willing responses to his inquiries were delightful.

  “Penetrate you?”

  “With your manhood or fingers, Sir?”

  Ned inhaled, endeavoring to keep his breath steady. “Both my cock and fingers.”

  Evan didn’t visibly react to Ned’s choice of verbiage.

  “Would I be allowed to come?”

  He’s negotiating.

  The corners of Ned’s mouth quirked into a smile before he could stop it. “We’d have to see how well you behave for me, now wouldn’t we?”

  Evan’s eyes brightened, his pupils dilating.

  Oh yes. He wants to behave for me. Wants to be a good boy.

  “Yes, Sir. We would.”

  “Very good then. Let me ring Javier so I can sign what I need to and you can be led to our room for the night. I don’t suppose it’s necessary for me to remind you to be completely naked?”

  Evan kept his gaze firmly locked with his. “No, Sir. It’s not necessary.”

  Ned allowed himself to smile. “Excellent. Shall we?”

  Chapter Four

  Even though Evan knew that it would likely take some time for Ned to sign the membership contract before seeking him out, he wanted to make extra sure he was in perfect position for the Dominant’s arrival. He was thankful that Thomas had insisted he come to the club. It wouldn’t do him any good to get all worked up over the stunning Ned Wilkinson when he knew nothing about him, but he wanted to make a good impression—just in case.

  The first thing he’d noticed about Ned was his eyes. They were deep-set, a warm green and lively. Thomas had called Evan ‘feisty’ once in a while. That was the word that had come to mind when he’d first held Ned’s gaze. He also had meticulously styled, caramel-colored waves and sported the latest thin moustache above a pair of decadent lips. Ned was motion-pictu
re-star handsome and Evan was completely smitten.

  The snick of the door opening alerted Evan to Ned’s arrival. Evan’s dick was full, completely erect and leaking. He wouldn’t have been able to prevent a stiffy if his life had depended on it. Perched on his knees in the center of a large, sapphire blue carpet, he maintained stillness, kept his stance straight. His body thrummed with what he imagined electricity must feel like. He started, almost imperceptibly, when Ned rested his fingertips on the crown of his head. Ned would’ve noticed.


  Ned trailed his fingers slowly down the side of Evan’s face until they framed his cheek, Ned’s thumb cradling his chin. He stroked it back and forth a few times—the light scrape against Evan’s stubble bringing his nerves alive. The touch of Ned’s hand was whisper soft, warm. Evan’s heartbeat picked up a rapid pace. Ned tilted his head back.

  “Look at me, Evan.”

  He lifted his eyes. His gaze locked with Ned’s and he parted his lips. They hadn’t discussed kissing, but Evan wanted it. The mirth that crossed Ned’s face told him that he understood Evan’s unspoken request. But Dominant men liked to be in charge—something that Evan knew all too well.

  “We’ll see, boy. Now keep your eyes lowered unless I request otherwise.”

  Ned had let him know that he realized what Evan was up to and that it was Ned who would decide what Evan could or could not have. His preliminary emissions increased. He needed to make sure he was a very good boy.

  He no longer felt the touch of Ned’s hand and he ached to have it back. He wanted that touch all over his skin, through his hair, around his cock. The sound of a cabinet door creaking led him to believe that Ned was likely searching for the flogger he’d mentioned. Sam had explained to him that the club was well-equipped with an abundant assortment of items for the masters to use on the boys. Members were welcome to bring personal items to utilize, but it wasn’t necessary.

  He’d gotten into position to wait for Ned so early that his knees began to protest. Ned hadn’t asked him to hit the floor as soon as he’d entered the room and it had become clear as to why. It had only been a couple of weeks since he’d last submitted, but it already seemed like years away. His mind screamed for Ned to take command of his body quickly. Evan had been trained in the art of submission for years, yet his inability to settle into a calm space had him completely frustrated. The more frustrated he became, the less in control of his behavior he was.

  He fidgeted. First, his breathing lost its rhythm. Then he wiggled his behind—not much—just enough to take a bit of the pressure off his knees. Ned stilled. Evan couldn’t tell what he was doing. He was perhaps five feet to the left of him.

  Did he see?

  Without thinking, he bit the corner of his lip.

  “We didn’t discuss spanking. Should we?”

  Evan took a deep breath. He had to get a hold of himself before he ruined everything. “Whatever you desire, Sir.”

  Ned chuckled. “Oh no. You’re not going to get out of that so easily.”

  Evan was confused. His Dominant was supposed to decide what punishment he needed. By giving him his submission, he had granted him permission to do that unless he cried mercy. Of course, he loved getting spanked, but it wasn’t as if Ned knew that. He had no idea what Ned was talking about.

  “May I speak, Sir?”

  “Certainly. I’d be very interested to hear what you have to say for yourself, boy.”

  That brought Evan’s original thoughts to a halt. He couldn’t figure Ned out. Once he’d become used to Thomas, he’d been able to read him, anticipate his next move. With Gabriel, it had happened even quicker. Even though Ned was a stranger, Evan couldn’t latch on to any signals the Dominant man might be sending as to what he wanted out of him.

  “Uh…” His breath had hitched, and he mentally cursed himself for his lack of composure. “I only wish to submit to whatever punishment you deem is appropriate for me. That’s all I meant.”

  “Punishment? Hmm. You think you deserve to be punished already? I’ve barely walked into the room.”

  “I-I…don’t know. You’re the Master.” In his bewilderment, he almost forgot. “Sir.”

  “That’s correct. And Masters want complete truth from their boys.”

  It hadn’t been a question, so Evan wasn’t certain if he should respond or not. At last, Ned spoke again.

  “You want me to touch you, is that true?”

  Good. We’re back on track. Tell me what I need to do for your touch, then we can move on.

  “Yes, Sir.” His tone had been confident, respectful. Perfect.

  “Do you want my kiss?”

  He barely controlled the groan that wanted to escape. “Yes, Sir.”

  “All right then. I believe my original question to you was whether we should discuss spanking. Should we?”

  “I…” Why couldn’t he answer a simple query? “Yes. Yes, we should.” He swallowed then remembered. “Sir.”

  “Well, I think you need to be spanked very hard. I also think you ache for me to do it, that you don’t want to be punished at all. You’d rather be rewarded by it. You want to feel the sting of my bare hand on your naked ass heating your flesh. Does that sound about right?”

  “Y-yes.” He swallowed again. “Yes, Sir.”

  His composure was slipping. Tiny beads of sweat had gathered on his upper lip and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep his posture straight.

  “Then I think the best thing for me to do is to leave the flogger for another time and use my hand on you instead.”

  Evan audibly sighed, his relief all encompassing.

  “But not yet.”

  The whimper came out before he could stop it.

  “You’re a beautiful, enticing boy, Evan. And oh, so clever. But you have to earn my touch, no matter what form it might take. So before I consider whether you’ll receive a spanking or not this evening, I want you to submit to my will. Completely, without question. Can you do that?”

  Whether I’ll receive it?

  “Yes, Sir. I can.” He hoped his voice had sounded sincere. He really meant it.

  “Excellent. On your feet.”

  Evan faltered briefly, his joints protesting at the position he’d held for so long.

  “Take a moment to work out the kinks, rub your shoulders, knees—whatever you need to do before you get into your next position.”

  He’d begun to mull over why Ned wasn’t taking care of his needs when he remembered that Ned had told him he’d have to earn being touched. It apparently extended to any and all touching. His mind latched on to that and he found that all he could think of was Ned’s hands on him, anywhere, for any reason. He was incredibly irritated by the whole thing. Hadn’t Ned asked if he could penetrate him? How did Ned imagine he’d accomplish such a thing without touching him?

  Evan rolled his shoulders, his head, then shook out his arms. He rubbed his kneecaps then stood, settling into a perfect standing posture. He lowered his gaze and tried to ignore the anger building in him, the resentment over whatever game it was that Ned was playing. It wasn’t fair to tease him with vague promises of a spanking and fucking then take them away.

  You have to earn my touch.

  What did that even mean? They’d barely begun anything and already this Dominant man, this stranger, dared to criticize him by his manner. Since Evan wasn’t a shy, retiring virgin—which Ned most certainly knew—then he should also know that Evan would willingly do whatever he asked, that it wasn’t necessary to go through all of this hullabaloo.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes. Sir.”

  He winced at his clipped words. That was not at all how he’d meant for it to come out.

  “Are we done for tonight then?”

  His gut twisted, his body numbing. Had he spoiled everything?

  “S-sir, please…” He stuttered a breath in, tears welling up fast, already about to spill. “I’m so very sorry. Please… I…” One drop
let of water fell and he swiped at it.

  “You don’t need to beg, Evan. Unless of course, I ask you to.”

  Evan scrunched his brow, breathing through his nose and pressing his lips together to keep from crying more. Even if Ned was about to push him out of the door, he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing him cry like a baby.

  “Why are you so angry, Evan?”

  The temptation to just blurt out the unfairness of it all had been right there, ready to escape, but he’d managed to rein it back in. He took a few calming breaths, focused on the question. However, his nerves were so frayed from their brief interaction that he couldn’t focus.

  “Have a seat while I get you some cool water.”

  “Please, Sir, we don’t have to stop.” His voice had more of a whine to it than he’d ever remembered using before.

  “We haven’t stopped. That’s why I think it would be best if you do as I asked.”


  “Yes, Sir.”

  Fighting the urge to breathe a sigh of relief, he did as he’d been told, perching on the end of the blue velvet chaise longue. The only other place to sit in the room was the large canopied bed, and the impression he’d gotten so far from Ned was that doing that would be a wrong move. Ned was different. He was strict, yet Evan could sense there would be great rewards if Ned were to touch him. A coursing desire to please Ned suddenly flowed through him.

  That’s it. That’s all I need to do. Nothing else.

  His breathing slowed and he was astonished at how much better he felt. Ned lowered himself next to Evan, but was careful the way he’d been in the library not to brush against him. Evan had purposely sat on the sofa to see what Ned would do.

  He was on to me then as well.

  The frustration teased at the edges of his being, but he worked at not giving in to it again. Submit. Please. Give. They were all words that he’d heard so many times over the years—he’d repeated them to himself over and over to get in the right frame of mind. His submission had been easy with Thomas, perhaps too easy as he’d only recently discovered. Gabriel had been a more difficult Master. He’d used more pain than Thomas, some bondage, but he’d primarily been focused on sexual demands and not talking back rather than anything else. He also hadn’t been very bright, and Evan had figured out how to get what he wanted most of the time.


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