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Mastering Love

Page 8

by Morticia Knight

  Ned paused to caress Evan’s abused flesh. When he first laid his hand on the hot skin, Evan groaned in such a way that let Ned know the boy had really felt it. He wondered if Evan had stopped himself from crying mercy so as not to disappoint Ned. Then the rutting between his knees began and Ned’s worries vanished.

  “Remember, your orgasms are mine.”

  Evan instantly stilled. “But you’re so good at that, Sir.”

  His words had been muffled from where his face was pressed against the upholstery, but Ned had picked up on Evan’s not so subtle hint.

  “Behave yourself, naughty boy.”

  He picked up a slow pace of tracing circles with his palm over Evan’s lightly furred ass. It was so pretty—and so red. There was a round plumpness to it that remained pert even laid out across Ned the way he was. Evan’s backside was the perfect accessory to the rest of his lean physique. Ned wanted to sink his teeth into it.

  “Let me help you up.”

  Ned circled an arm under Evan’s chest then assisted him into a standing position. Evan still managed to keep his posture straight and his eyes lowered, but there was a small pout to his lips.

  He wanted more.

  It drove Ned insane. There was so much potential with Evan. In some ways, it was almost as if he hadn’t been mastered at all, since his previous lovers had never fulfilled his true needs. Maybe he should give them a chance.

  No. I need to at least try to follow through with what I’d originally planned for first.

  “Over to the bed so I can fuck that luscious red ass.”

  Ned was rewarded with a soft whimper. He watched as Evan’s hips swayed gently until he came to a halt at the side of the mattress. The thought crossed his mind that they’d discussed whether Ned could bind him for the evening. He decided he’d rather take Evan’s wish to please him to another level. He wanted him to obey without the use of restraints.

  Ned strolled up behind Evan, taking in the long lines of the boy’s body, his want thrumming under his skin at the thought of finally burying his stiff flesh in the gripping heat of Evan’s passage. After removing the smoking jacket, then discarding the rest of his clothing, he laid it all across a small side chair. The entire time, he’d never let his gaze stray from the man standing before him, waiting patiently to do whatever Ned desired.

  “Go to the end of the bed where the footboard is.”

  Evan did as he was told, apparently waiting for his next instruction.

  “Bend over then grasp it tightly. I expect you to hang on to it. Don’t let go.”

  Once Evan had done as he’d requested, Ned drank in the sight before him. He wanted one final view of the rosy patches his hands had left on Evan’s rear before he fucked him senseless. Satisfied, he moved to the cabinet to retrieve some oil. In his peripheral vision, he caught Evan sneaking a peek at him. He’d likely been curious about Ned’s nude body. Ned was surprised at how much he cared whether Evan found him pleasing or not. It was something he’d never overly concerned himself with.

  “Would you like to look at me Evan?”

  The gasp that came from Evan’s mouth indicated that the boy hadn’t realized he’d been caught.

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  “I didn’t ask if you were sorry, boy.”

  “Of course, I… Yes, Sir. I’d like to see you. Very much.”

  Ned turned around completely, giving Evan the opportunity to get the full view. “Stay in position, but you may lift your head.”

  Evan raked his eyes over Ned’s body, and he found himself strangely thrilled. When Evan licked his lips, Ned fought the urge to burst out laughing. The last thing he wanted was to humiliate Evan. It was merely that he hadn’t expected—or even dared to hope—that Evan would so blatantly show his approval over Ned’s physique.

  “Eyes back down.”

  His next dilemma was how incredibly aroused Evan had made him. He wanted Evan to work for his orgasm, to only receive it when he’d reached a state of crushing need. In order to achieve that, Ned would have to stave off his own desires. He kept with the plan of only touching Evan when he absolutely had to. Once they were done, he would give him a reward that would be all the sweeter because of what he’d been denied. Ned had no doubt Evan would warrant such a reward.

  “Don’t arch into me, don’t move your hips. I could tie you down—force you to do my bidding. But I’d rather know that you care more about my pleasure than your own. I want you to prove to me that you’ve submitted yourself to my will.”

  “Yes, oh…” Evan took in a shuddering breath. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good…” Ned allowed himself one soft sweep with his hand across Evan’s pinked backside. “Such a good boy.”

  He opened the vial of oil and poured a generous amount on his palm. He swirled his fingers through it to warm it to his body temperature then smeared the slick from his hand onto his straining shaft. After pulling one of Evan’s cheeks aside, he used an oiled finger to nudge gently at Evan’s hole, testing the resistance. There was the slightest movement of Evan’s hips before he froze.

  “Forgive me, Sir. I didn’t mean to.”

  Evan’s words had hurriedly poured forth, and Ned knew the boy was sincere, that he hadn’t attempted to try one of his tricks.

  “Forgiven. But I’ll stop if you can’t submit—even if I’m already in you.”

  Evan groaned. “Yes, Sir.

  Thomas prodded at Evan’s puckered opening again, noting that the sweet entrance had relaxed after Ned’s initial probe. He pushed his way in, almost sighing at the searing heat of Evan’s passage as it gripped his finger. He moved within Evan’s ass, enjoying his internal softness the same as he had earlier. Ned shoved away the thought that he might already be addicted to the young man.

  He added another finger, using them to explore deeper, seeking the knot within him that he could use to heighten Evan’s pleasure. When he found the fat gland, he pressed down, gently rubbing, building the pressure against it gradually. Small cries fell from Evan’s lips, and Ned observed how white Evan’s knuckles had become from his death grip on the wooden footboard.

  “S-sir, can I still make noises?”

  “As many as you’d like, as loud as you like.” Ned chuckled. “That’s the beauty of a place such as this. No pesky neighbors calling the authorities.”

  “It’s a good thing, Sir.”

  Ned banged against Evan’s prostate with more force.


  Ned pushed on it, massaging, never letting up. Evan’s thighs trembled as unintelligible words combined with moans were wrenched from him. He’d expected Evan to have a difficult time controlling himself while under the assault of Ned’s ministrations. So when Evan squeezed his cheeks, thrusting forward three times before gasping in shock, Ned hadn’t been surprised.

  Ned stilled.

  Evan’s ragged breathing and strangled sob tore at Ned’s heart. He couldn’t imagine where the odd desire to coddle the boy had come from. Fortunately, his thoughts were his own, and he was definitely not sharing them.

  “I won’t ask if you know why I stopped. But I will ask if you’re ready to submit?”

  “I am, Sir. Completely ready.”

  Ned smirked since he knew Evan couldn’t see his expression. The young man still clenched and unclenched around his fingers, whether unconsciously or by intent, Ned wasn’t sure.

  “One part of you seems less ready than the rest.”


  “If my fingers were a small cock, I warrant you could’ve milked it by now.”

  “Oh!” Evan relaxed his opening as he groaned deeply. “I…oh my God, I don’t know if I can do this. I’ve never… How can I not…”

  Evan hung his head between his shoulder blades, his last word ending on a whimper.

  Ned removed his fingers slowly, watching as Evan’s rim closed up behind them.

  “I’ll try! Sir, please…don’t give up on me.”

  The words slammed into Ned’s che
st. He’d never intended to stop entirely—he’d only meant to replace the digits with his throbbing dick. One more minute without experiencing the joy of fucking the mouth-watering Evan and he’d be an utter wreck. But his boy’s self-doubt gave him pause. As much as he literally ached to sink his stiff flesh in the welcoming heat of Evan’s body, he had to reassure him first.

  He gently laid one hand on the small of Evan’s back. “Breathe, boy. Slow it down. I’m not leaving, not giving up on you.”

  “But, you said—”

  “Shh. One thing at a time. All you’re doing right now is breathing. Slowly, in and out.” Ned stroked his back in time with Evan’s breath. “That’s it, that’s my good boy.” Ned removed his hand. “Better?”

  “Yes, Sir. Better.”

  Evan’s voice had lost its brightness, its spunk. Ned had only wanted to guide Evan toward what true submission was and all that could encompass it.

  And I had the audacity to believe I could accomplish all this in one night before I walked away from him for good.

  He shook his head, not sure if he’d ever felt as ashamed of himself as he did in that moment. Ned bent over to place a kiss on the base of Evan’s spine. The slight quiver of Evan’s body beneath his lips, the natural aroma of his sweet skin, called to him, and he couldn’t stop from snaking his tongue out to sample his flesh.

  Evan sucked in a rush of air. “Oh, Sir.” He hissed. “Thank you.” His words trembled, and Ned decided that Evan needed his reward sooner rather than later.

  “You’ve done a marvelous job, boy. No Dominant man should ever expect you to perform to perfection at all times—in particular, when something is new.”

  Ned placed more soft kisses on Evan’s body, nibbling at his ass cheeks after which he trailed his tongue around a palm print. He bit into Evan’s fleshy rear, dragging his teeth before letting go. He was relieved that Evan’s tension had eased, that he’d resumed his pleasure-laced sounds.

  “We both need to fuck, boy. Continue hanging on to the bed. Don’t let go, as I instructed you before. I’ll hold on to your hips to keep you in place while I take your ass—make it mine.”

  A sharp streak of possessiveness ran through him.


  He gritted his teeth, growling at his own careless thoughts. Evan must’ve mistook it as a sound of Ned’s dominance over him, because he nodded frantically.

  “Yes. Yes, Sir. It’s yours to take.”

  Ned straightened. He poured more oil on his fingers, knowing he would fuck Evan very hard. The last thing he would ever do was hurt him.

  There are more ways to hurt than just the physical.

  The whole evening had spun out of control, and Ned was not someone who ever allowed such a thing. It was ridiculous. He’d met a special boy who needed a much stronger hand than he’d been shown, but Ned couldn’t fall into a trap of convincing himself that Evan should be his. It was the heat of the moment. On top of all other considerations, Evan was unbelievably beautiful. It was no wonder he’d been caught in his thrall. An orgasm would cure them both nicely.

  Ned parted Evan’s cheeks again, sliding his shaft along his crease, moistening him thoroughly. He latched his hand on to one hip then used his other to guide himself to Evan’s entrance. He paused, only a few seconds, but enough to imprint the memory of Evan’s wrinkled hole waiting to swallow his cock for the first time. He pressed forward.


  He slid in partway then stopped, his dick throbbing, his balls aching too much. He needed a moment. After inhaling he continued, pushing deeper, seeking the end where he would be fully seated, his body flush to Evan’s. There was still enough extra heat from Evan’s spanking that it was as if his skin branded Ned.

  Ned had both hands wrapped around Evan’s hips, and he needed to move. Evan yelled with Ned’s first harsh thrust, but he’d kept hold of the bed frame the way he’d been told. Ned continued to pound into Evan, holding him in place while he fucked him fast and hard. He grunted every time his body slapped against Evan’s. Moans and cries competed with Ned’s own noises, Evan’s sounds driving Ned closer to what he knew would be a thunderous conclusion.

  His nuts abruptly tightened, the tingle of his release building low in his spine, ready to explode. He wanted Evan there with him, wanted to share that experience at least one time between them. Evan clenched hard around him when Ned grasped Evan’s bobbing erection, and it sent Ned into a freefall.

  “Come with me, boy!”

  Hot seed spilled over Ned’s hand right as Evan’s inner muscles clamped down on his cock, fluttering in waves that broke Ned apart. He pumped his spend into Evan repeatedly, tensing his muscles at the exertion, the sweat that had built during their rutting trailing down his face and neck. They froze, gasping out air, still clinched together.

  Gradually, Ned loosened his grip on Evan. When he moved his hands away, he noted that the white marks left behind where he’d held him so brutally were filling back in with Evan’s normal skin tone. Redness appeared, and Ned was certain that Evan would carry the bruises of their encounter. He fought to contain the surge of joy such a thing brought him.

  Disappointed when his softening erection slid from Evan’s body, he pushed the emotion aside in favor of tending to the boy who’d worked so hard to please him. Despite the fact that Ned was no longer inside Evan and had trailed semen down the back of the boy’s leg, he remained perfectly in position.

  “I’m going to take care of you, boy. Stay there.”

  Ned hurried to the sink then turned on both spigots. When the water had heated, he filled a ceramic pitcher with a mixture of the hot and cold water. He brought that, some towels and the washbasin to the side of the bed where he set them on the nightstand. He retrieved another oil, setting it next to the other items. He planned to take very good care of Evan.

  After pouring some of the water into the basin, he dipped one of the towels into the warm liquid. He squeezed out the excess water then scrubbed away the trail of spend he’d left behind on Evan’s leg. He dabbed at his tender hole, wiped his cock and balls then gently dried the areas he’d cleaned. He dropped the towel. Straightening things up was something that could wait until Evan was comfortable.

  He wrapped an arm around Evan’s chest then gently lifted him until he was upright. As Ned had suspected, Evan groaned from being bent over for so long while being fucked so forcefully. Ned didn’t let him go. Instead, he pulled Evan to him, Evan’s back to his front. He kissed the boys shoulders, allowing his lips to softly move across Evan’s smooth skin. Evan angled his head to one side to allow Ned better access. Ned gave him what he’d silently asked for.


  He kept telling himself that the boy deserved no less than the best of care—that he needed the affection and praise he’d been missing for so long—especially since he’d given so much of himself to Ned for the evening. It was only right that Evan should have all of that.

  But he should have it from someone who’s going to stay.

  Chapter Six

  Evan couldn’t have imagined a more complete state of bliss. When he was coherent once again, he was sure he could likely dream up other moments—but only if they involved Ned. He didn’t want to dwell on what Ned had said about just arriving in town and needing to get settled before he decided on a permanent boy. He was simply being careful. It made perfect sense, and Evan respected him for it.

  But then Ned had called him his boy and had said something about Evan’s ass being his. It was jumbled up in his head. He’d been so mind-numbingly aroused, he’d only been able to catch the gist of it. The most telling thing of all though, was that after Ned had spent inside of him, he hadn’t pushed him away, hadn’t thrown a towel at him to clean up or pushed him out of bed. He’d forgotten what it was like to be more than an object for a man to slake his sexual thirst.

  Thomas hadn’t been that way with him ever. It had only been like that with Gabriel. Two years of living with a Master who only thought of his own
needs had ruined Evan’s memories of the joy he’d received when he’d pleased a man who’d appreciated him in return.

  The oil Ned rubbed into his sore muscles as he lay face down on the big bed had a floral scent that he recognized—jasmine. He remembered loving the aroma in the air when he was growing up. He’d have to ask Sam if it grew around Pasadena too. He would forever associate it with his first night being mastered by Ned.

  “How’s my boy doing?”

  Evan smiled, his heart full.

  He said ‘my’.

  There was a very annoying voice in the back of his head that warned him against giving in to strong feelings too soon, but he wasn’t in the mood to listen to it.

  “Wonderful, Sir. Thank you.” He swallowed, wondering how much he should say. “For everything.”

  The mattress rose higher when Ned stood. Evan stayed perfectly still, anxious for what might happen next. He would remain passive while he waited for Ned’s next move. The bed dipped again and Evan tried not to hold his breath in anticipation. He started when Ned slid a finger between his cheeks then prodded at this hole. Ned pried one cheek aside as he continued to press here and there around his rim.

  “Did I hurt you? Your pucker is a bit red, swollen.”

  “No…I mean… I’m a little sore, but I’m fine. I loved it.”

  He released a sigh at the feel of Ned’s lips on his buttocks, the slight scrape of the moustache hair causing him to shiver.

  “That’s good to hear. But you must promise me that you won’t let anyone else fuck you for at least a few days until it’s all better.”

  “A-anyone else?”

  His voice had come out on a squeak, but that wasn’t the worst part. The burn of tears formed in his eyes, and it felt as if his chest was being crushed from the inside.

  “Promise me, Evan. If another man wants your company, don’t let him penetrate you until you’re no longer sore.”


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