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The unEXpected Plan

Page 7

by Harper, Leddy

  With his lips next to my ear, he hummed and asked, “What shampoo do you use?”

  What came out of my mouth next was, without a doubt, the product of his deep timbre reverberating around my ear drum, which sent shock waves directly to the pit of my stomach, and in turn, released a flood of molten lava between my legs—and into my panties.

  “I don’t think you’re smelling my shampoo, Corbin. I ran out of time to take a shower before coming here, so I wiped down the valuables with a washcloth and doused myself with body spray, my hair included.”




  Apparently, the heavens heard my request, because a split second later, Corbin’s lips were on mine again, I felt as if I had floated out of my body. Sparks flew behind my closed lids as I drifted closer to the pearly gates. But before Peter could grant me access, the heat of hell licked its way up my inner thighs and scorched my aforementioned “valuables” when he palmed my breast with one of his impressively large hands.

  I sucked his tongue and moaned in pleasure as his thumb found my hardened nipple. And when his careful touch turned into an unexpectedly harsh pinch, I rolled my hips into him, grinding myself against the rock-hard bulge in his pants, desperately seeking relief. Craving more. I was drugged from his kisses, out of my mind with need. My brain void of thoughts and reason, I only had one goal in mind—to make him touch me.

  I loosened the buckle on his pants just enough to slip my hand between the waistband of his khakis and the warm skin over his abs. He moaned into my mouth when I grazed his hard dick with my knuckles. His grip on me grew rougher, which I took as a green light to keep going—not that I’d been waiting for one. But the instant I felt his heat against my palm, not quite getting my fingers wrapped around the thick shaft—but enough to verify that he did, indeed, have a very thick shaft—an invisible defibrillator shocked my heart and brought me back to life.

  “Corbin! Brooke! Where are you guys?” Nellie’s shrieking broke us apart faster than an infestation of herpes at a brothel. “I found the vanilla ice cream!”

  As if I were a cat with a canary in my mouth, I took off. The last thing I needed was to get caught with my hand down my best friend’s brother’s pants…by said best friend. Nellie could forgive a lot, but I would be willing to bet that would be beyond the scope of her forgiveness.

  “Bridge, wait a minute.” Corbin tried to race after me while securing his pants, but I’d gotten a hefty head start—thanks to the fact that I didn’t have to waste time redressing.

  Thank goodness I knew all the shortcuts and ways to get around this property. I’d left my phone and purse in the car, so I high-tailed it to the gate that ran along the perimeter of the front of the house. I figured I’d just tell her that I’d gone outside to wait on her. That seemed totally plausible…and not at all questionable.

  Hearing Corbin’s steps behind me, I jumped in the passenger seat of Nellie’s car and slammed the door, securing myself inside. The dome light had just switched off, cloaking the interior in darkness, when a body came crashing down across the hood. It scared the bejesus out of me, and I screamed before flinging the door open again.

  "What the hell was that for?” I shouted, then looked around to make sure I hadn’t garnered the attention of anyone I didn’t want to bear witness to this humiliating moment. I could’ve convinced Nellie that I had gone to the car to wait for her, but I doubted I’d be able to come up with a compelling excuse why her brother was sprawled out on the hood, out of breath with his shirt unbuttoned and his belt halfway undone.

  “I was trying to keep you from leaving.” His chest heaved from either the exertion of running after me or having the wind knocked out of him.

  With only one foot on the driveway, the other still on the floorboard of the car, I glanced between the passenger seat I’d just jumped out of and Corbin a few times. Then I deadpanned, “This isn’t my vehicle. I wasn’t even behind the wheel. And the engine’s not on—not to mention, I don’t have the keys. What’d you think I was going to do…Fred Flintstone it out of here?”

  He stepped to the side, moving away from the front of the car but not coming to me, and blinked a few times while staring at the open door, seemingly dumbfounded at the lack of thought he’d put into his grand gesture.

  “I see what you mean. But you didn’t leave, so I’d say it was justified.”

  Laughter bubbled up from my chest, and in an instant, the tension that had suffocated me ever since Nellie had interrupted our thoughtless moment of sexual gratification eased. My shoulders immediately relaxed and the knots that had riddled my stomach were long gone.

  Corbin must’ve noticed my lighter disposition, because he moved closer, stopping when only a few feet and the car door separated us. “Seriously though, why’d you run off like that?”

  “You really have to ask? Was I the only one who heard your sister come outside?”

  He peered over his shoulder at the front of the house, and then faced me again. “Bridge, it was dark, and she wasn’t anywhere near us. There was no way she could’ve seen us, let alone what we were doing. I’m willing to bet she didn’t even know we were back there.”

  All I could do was shake my head. I had no idea what to say other than, “I didn’t want to take the chance of getting caught.”

  While that wasn’t a total lie, it hadn’t been the primary reason for my escape. And for some reason, it felt like he knew that. Thankfully, though, he hadn’t questioned me or pressed for more. Instead, he mindlessly buttoned his shirt, head slightly tilted to the side, and said, “I just need to know one thing. Okay?”

  My heart rate accelerated, but that didn’t stop me from letting him continue.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  However, that was the last thing I had expected him to say. It had caught me so off guard that I couldn’t keep the rolling laughter from escaping, filling the quite night sky with the lilting sound of my amusement.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” His smile filled his words.

  When the humor finally slowed to a soft rumble, I said, “Yes, I did. But you’re my best friend’s brother, and she’ll fucking kill me if she finds out. Or worse, she’ll kill you.”

  Corbin took one more step toward me, larger than the others, and closed the distance between us. The only thing in his way now was the door that he grabbed onto, his hands practically on top of mine. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles and commanded my attention by staring into my eyes.

  “I was actually talking about dinner. But it’s good to know you enjoyed dessert, too.”

  My face flushed with heat so intense I wouldn’t be surprised if he could see it beneath the moonlight. But thankfully, he didn’t wait around for a response—or say anything else. Instead, he patted the top of my hand, told me goodnight, and turned to head back to the house.

  Part of me wanted to stop him, but with as fried as my brain was—thanks to the wine, as well as the unexpected desire he’d filled me with—I decided it would be best to let him go. I’d already humiliated myself enough for one night; there was no need to add to it.

  I fell into the seat and waited for Nellie to find me, wondering if it had all been a dream.

  I never did things like that…ever.

  But there was something about Corbin this evening that had compelled me to take action.

  I had no idea what would happen next, but I was too busy recalling the feel of his lips to care.

  * * *

  Mondays were my fun days. Screw Sundays. Those were the worst, because it was the day before returning to work. Mondays were way better. And I definitely needed today. Every other week, my girls and I met at Donovan’s, which was an old Irish Pub located smack dab in the middle of town, central to all of us. It’d been our tradition for the past four years—since we’d all turned twenty-one—and I hoped it never ended.

  I had arrived first, which wasn’t unusual, but this time, it wasn’t to ensure we had our re
gular table. Today, I’d gotten here early because I didn’t want to sit alone at home, lost in thoughts of the night before. It was bad enough that every second of my time with Corbin in his parents’ back yard had played in my mind on repeat ever since he’d said goodnight before walking away, leaving me in the unfamiliar erotic state between mortification and sheer bliss. I couldn’t risk losing myself in the fantasy of Corbin Fields, only to then have drinks and dinner with Nellie.

  When I spotted Julie coming my way, a devious smile spread across her face, I realized they were all going to ask me about the status of Heather and Chase. And I didn’t have anything to tell them. Hell, I hadn’t even thought of it until now.

  My, how quickly things slip my mind when my thoughts are filled with…other things.

  I grabbed my phone and held it in my lap to discreetly type a message to Corbin. He had texted me this morning to ask how I felt, but I ignored it. I couldn’t figure out how to respond, and I didn’t care to embarrass myself so soon after the last time. Now, I couldn’t tap the letters to form a sentence fast enough.

  Me: Hey. Hope you had a great day.

  That was so lame, but I couldn’t think of anything else. It made me incredibly uncomfortable to text him, so I quickly sent another one.

  Me: I’m meeting the girls for drinks and have nothing to tell them about you and Heather. Can you provide me with any updates? Did you see her today?

  Nellie startled me before taking the seat beside me and giving me a quick hug. Thank God she didn’t notice the phone in my lap. She wouldn’t have let it go until she thoroughly read my texts, and I wasn’t sure how to explain why Corbin had asked me how I was feeling this morning.

  With Julie and Nellie at the table, we were just missing Mady. I prayed he would text back before our fourth musketeer arrived; they wouldn’t let more than five seconds pass before hounding me for an update…an update I couldn’t give without Corbin’s response.

  “Hey yourself, girl.” I grimaced. That wasn’t awkward at all. My secret is totally safe. No it’s not. She totally knows. “Today was super busy at work. We started state testing, and all the kiddos had to partake. It took forever to get them settled down enough to concentrate on that long-ass test.” That had sounded customary. It was something I’d absolutely say on any other day.

  Fuck. I need a drink.

  Thanks to Corbin, I was on the verge of becoming an alcoholic!

  My phone vibrated between my legs, and it made me jump a mile.

  “You okay?” Nellie looked worried, which made my guilt quadruple.

  “Yup. I swear. Busy day.”

  Mady decided to show up in that moment, which momentarily let me off the hook. While they were all preoccupied with greeting each other, I took the opportunity to check my phone.

  Corbin: I see how it is. First you use me for your own sexual gratification last night, and now you’re using me to get info for your friends. Keep this up and I might start making you earn it LOL

  Fuck me sideways! I didn’t know what I’d expected him to say, but it wasn’t that. I thought we’d pretend it didn’t happen. Apparently not. And now, thanks to his teasing, I had to sit next to his sister and pray she wouldn’t notice my flaming cheeks. Or bouncing knee. There was absolutely no way I could explain his text.

  Me: You’re making this hard.

  Corbin: Then I guess we’re even. You made something else hard last night.

  Sweet baby Jesus. I clenched my thighs and tried to think of anything to get my mind elsewhere. How could words, just plain old words, have that kind of effect on me?

  Me: Please, Corbin…just give me something I can tell them to hold them over for now. I’m literally sitting right next to Nellie, so no more talking about last night. Unless you want her to stab me with her butter knife.

  “What’s going on with you?” Nellie eyed me with intense scrutiny, as if she could read my mind by staring at me.

  "Nothing. Why? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Smooth, Brooke.

  “You’re acting weird.” She turned to the others and said, “Guys, isn’t she acting weird?”

  "No I’m not. You are.” Just then, my cell buzzed beneath the table, calling her attention.

  “Give me your phone. You’re being sneaky, like you don’t want me to see something. Are you talking to Chase?” With lightning speed, she grabbed the top of my cell and gave it a yank.

  Panic lit within as I attempted to keep the device clutched firmly in my grasp. She could not see that message from Corbin. My life flashed before my eyes as she got the upper hand. She knew all of my passcodes. I’d never had anything to hide before now.

  “Would you two quit it?” Julie looked at us like we’d each grown two heads. “What are you fighting over?”

  I grunted as I almost regained control of my phone.

  “I know how to solve this.” Mady perched herself high in her chair and leaned across the table to pluck the device from Nellie and me. The color drained from my face as she looked at the screen. Please be on lock mode, was the only thing I could manage. I would’ve never been able to foresee what came next. Mady dropped my cell into the glass of ice water in front of her.

  “What the hell, Mady!” I gawked and then sat with my mouth open for what seemed like forever before grabbing it out of the water and trying to dry it with my napkin.

  “That played out so much better in my head.” She shrugged. “You two wouldn’t let it go, so like the mom I am, I took the toy from the children who can’t get along.”

  “What are you talking about?” Nellie asked. “You’re not a mom!”

  “Yeah. But we’re all girls, so we have that mom gene. You know?”

  I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know if it was the tension I’d been doused in all evening or what, but I began to laugh uncontrollably. Mady had long ago been dubbed the dumb blonde of the group. And it made matters worse because her family had emigrated from Italy, and there wasn’t one blond hair on her head, or anywhere else for that matter.

  “To Chase being a complete asshole!” Julie held up her glass and patiently waited for us to follow suit.

  I had never been happier to discuss my ex. And oddly enough, his name didn’t make me sad. In fact, it didn’t make me feel anything.

  Maybe Corbin was the distraction I needed.

  Chapter 7


  “Emily! Get in here!” I roared through the closed door. I didn’t care if I sounded like a lunatic.

  “What is it?” My assistant stood in the doorway, her arms crossed and eyes lit on fire, but she didn’t come any closer.

  “I need that memo,” I spat out, then I stood and began to pace. Like a madman. I knew my actions were intolerable, and I seemed on the verge of a psychotic break, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “You mean the one you just dictated? How about giving me more than five minutes to type it up for you?” She turned around and firmly shut the door behind her, without even waiting for my response.

  I grunted before sitting back down at my computer. I’d been a total asshole all week. I knew my demands were unreasonable, my mood was insufferable, and my attitude sucked, but I needed a scapegoat to take out my frustration. I hadn’t heard from Bridge since Monday, after I’d sent her those teasing texts. I’d thrown caution to the wind and had gone for it. Stupidly. In my defense, though, I thought she would’ve known I was only giving her a hard time, nothing personal. Apparently, I was wrong.

  Dammit! I’d never felt this undone before, especially over a couple dumb texts. Maybe I was losing it. My assistant was definitely going to have me committed. She was probably dialing the asylum as I sat here twiddling my thumbs.

  This was how I’d been all week. I needed to pull my shit together or I’d end up losing my job. I mean, that wasn’t entirely true. I’d pretty much been able to stay afloat this week, but I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to carry on like a puppy pining away for his mommy. I was a total pussy! E
ven I had to admit it.

  My phone chose that moment to ring, and I welcomed the distraction. But when I ended the call, the distinct chirp of an incoming text jolted me out of my chair. My keyboard and mouse went flying, but all I cared about was my phone.

  Bridge: I finally got my phone back! What a loooong week. Meet me for drinks tonight? I really need to talk to you. Xxx

  I read and then re-read her words five times. Then I wrote a message and erased it, only to re-type it another five times before ultimately pressing send.

  Me: Yes. Same place? Round Up?

  Bridge: Sounds good. See you at 6pm. Or is that too early?

  I looked at my watch; I’d still have to wait all goddamn afternoon.

  Me: Perfect. See you then.

  My heart seemed lighter, and my mood instantly improved. I wanted to get up and dance. Then I became immobile. I’d been an asshole. All week. I needed to fix things. Firstly, with my assistant, who’d been with me through more bad times than good. This was one of the bad.

  I looked up the local flower shop I patronized. Well, Emily usually did on my behalf, but today I was going to have to put on my big-boy pants and do it myself. I added a hefty spring bouquet for Emily to my cart and asked for it to be delivered by two in the afternoon. I wrote, from the asshole behind the closed door, and thought that sounded good enough.

  I didn’t want to dive too deep into my feelings for an actual apology. This would suffice.

  Then I decided to let her leave as soon as her bouquet arrived. Since it was Friday, she could get a head start on the weekend, and I could bang out some work before meeting Brooklyn. Not to mention, it was only a few hours early. Emily deserved it after my emotional week-long tirade.


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