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The unEXpected Plan

Page 17

by Harper, Leddy

  In an instant, my lips were on hers, her tongue moving with mine between our mouths. I had one hand twisted in her hair while she explored my body with hers. At first, she delicately stroked my chest with her fingertips, but once the kiss grew more fervent, so did her touches. She raked her nails down my sides, and then swallowed the groans that came from the sensation of each scratch. But as soon as she made it to my waist, she abandoned the path she was on and moved one hand toward my lower abdomen, right where my raging erection throbbed for attention.

  Attention that she gave it without pause.

  She wrapped her fingers around my length and began to carefully caress it as if this were her first time handling a dick. It felt so amazing that I had to break our kiss, but I didn’t pull away. I pressed my forehead to hers, our lips so close they continued to touch with each frantic breath we took, and held myself above her while she stroked my cock.

  Her thumb swirled around the crown, and it almost made me come, which was ridiculous. I never lost my cool that soon. But there was just something about the way she touched me—or maybe it was because she was the one touching me—that threatened my stamina. Either way, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy what she was doing to me, all while praying I’d at least make it until I was inside her.

  Luckily, I didn’t have to worry about that, because she lifted her hips and lined up the head of my dick with her entrance. My eyes shot open at the initial feel of her heat, and I realized I hadn’t done anything to prepare her for this. I hadn’t thought about it until now, and even though it likely didn’t matter considering how wet she felt against me, it still made me feel like a virgin fumbling through my first time. And just as I went to move my hand between us to ensure she was ready, she dug her heels into my ass cheeks and pulled me closer until I was inside her.

  Taking the lead, I rolled my hips, completely filling her. I was so deep that my balls rested along her ass, yet that didn’t stop me from continuing to grind into her as if my entire cock wasn’t already buried inside her heat. I just needed a moment, not only to acclimate to her tightness—as I’m sure she needed to adjust to my size as well—but also to burn this moment into the back of my mind, never wanting to forget a second of it.

  “Corbin…” Like before, my name was filled with a hearty moan, except this time, there was no question about the meaning behind it. She wanted more. Needed more.

  So that’s exactly what I gave her.

  I slowly dragged my length almost all the way out, stopping with only the head of my dick inside, and then just as slowly pushed back in, stopping at the last inch. I needed to see her reaction, so I leaned my head back enough to watch her expression and then slammed the last inch in.

  Her reaction definitely didn’t disappoint.

  Her eyes were closed, but her brows rose. She dug the back of her head into the pillow and arched her spine, her mouth wide open as a sharp gasp filled the room. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever witnessed, and it made me want to see it again.

  And again. And again.

  Each time I hit her with that last inch, she grew tighter and tighter, and I knew she was close to coming. Hell, I was close, so I needed her to be as well. The last thing I wanted was to finish before she did, and that’s when I realized something—this wasn’t about my pleasure; it was all about hers. For the first time in my life, having sex wasn’t just about sex. It wasn’t just about getting off and finding release but about Brooklyn’s needs being met.

  As strange as that was to realize, it filled me with a sense of purpose and excitement.

  I pushed up with my arms until I was seated on my knees, clenched my teeth, and thrust into her again, watching as my entire length disappeared into the most beautiful pussy I’d ever had the pleasure of seeing. With this new angle, my pelvic bone met her clit and caused her to whimper. It also caused me to do it again.

  Between her heat, how tightly she gripped my shaft as I moved in and out of her, the sounds that escaped her lips, and the sight of my cock filling her, I couldn’t hold back any longer. And it seemed neither could she. With one final thrust, she cried out at the same time I let go of my control, pumping every last drop of cum into her.

  I must’ve blacked out for a moment, because one minute, I had a death grip on her hips, slamming wildly into her, and the next, I was hunched over her body, desperately fighting to catch my breath. I wanted to kiss her, but until we both calmed down, it would likely end up feeling more like CPR than kissing. So instead, I pulled away and pressed my lips to her forehead before collapsing next to her on the bed. She turned her body toward mine, her leg still curled over my hip, and lazily traced invisible lines on my chest with her fingertip.

  “I’ll go get a washcloth and glass of water in a sec, once I can breathe properly.” I sounded like I’d just finished running five miles in the middle of the hottest day of the year.

  “That’s okay,” she panted, intently studying whatever she was drawing on my chest. “I need to go to the bathroom anyway. Once I calm down; I doubt my legs will carry me that far at the moment. But I can do that while you get us something to drink.”

  “Deal.” Except I didn’t want to leave the bed. I didn’t want to leave the comfort of her body, even though I knew I’d eventually have to. But rather than dwell on what I couldn’t change, I decided to focus on what I could do instead.

  And that was to keep her here long enough for round two.

  After another couple of minutes, she untangled herself from me and rolled to the side to get out of bed. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she began to search the floor for what I assumed were clothes. I admired her backside while I could, but I knew if I had any hope of keeping her here longer, I had to make sure she didn’t get dressed, so I jumped up and grabbed my T-shirt from the pile of discarded clothes and tossed it to her.

  “Here, put that on,” I said while stepping into my boxers.

  I then waited until she slipped it over her head and disappeared into the bathroom before I located her panties and discreetly shoved them under the bed. I hadn’t done so to keep them like some wonton pervert who enjoyed sniffing underwear. I’d only hidden them for the time being, until she was ready to leave—well, until I was ready to let her leave.

  While she busied herself in the bathroom, I headed toward the kitchen. At first, I only meant to fill two glasses with water and take them to the bedroom, but once I got there and stood in front of the fridge, I realized how much of an appetite I’d worked up. I only hoped she felt the same.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked when she rounded the corner, still wearing only my T-shirt. It looked way better on her. Especially the way it barely grazed the tops of her thighs. It was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen.

  “Starving!” she exclaimed with her hand over her stomach.

  I chuckled and lifted her to sit on the island. “How does an omelet sound?”

  “It sounds amazing.”

  “If you continue to moan like that, I’ll ditch the eggs and eat something else instead.” I eyed her and then turned around to pull the ingredients out of the fridge before I did just that. While I had all intentions of enjoying round two, I was a man, which meant I needed a moment to recoup before I could satisfy her all over again.

  But when I turned back around, my arms full of eggs, milk, cheese, and diced ham, I caught her toying with the hem of the shirt across her thighs and nibbling away at her bottom lip. Either she really was starving, or she had something on her mind and didn’t know how to get it out.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, hoping to prod it out of her.

  She glanced up, eyes wide as if she’d been caught, and then shook her head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking how weird this is. You know?”

  My heart lodged itself into my throat, cutting off my air supply. Instead of giving away the panic that filled me, I swallowed hard, went about getting a frying pan, and as casually as possibly, asked, “What’s so weird about eating after s

  She giggled, which was a good sign. “No, not that. Us…what we just did.”

  I glanced between the door to my bedroom and her a few times, feigning dramatic confusion. “You think that was weird? Damn, girl…what kind of sex have you been having if you think missionary is weird?”

  She rolled her eyes yet continued with the conversation. Thank God. “I guess I don’t know what all this means, and I have a tendency to overthink things. I don’t want to do that with this—with you I mean. And while I know the last thing you probably want to do is talk this to death, I worry that if we don’t discuss it, we could potentially fuck everything up.” Her raw honesty did nothing but make her even more beautiful to me.

  Laughter bubbled up in my chest, but I held it in—other than the smile that burned my cheeks. “Bridge…I’ve been trying to get you to talk for a week. Trust me, I don’t have a problem whatsoever talking to you about anything you want to discuss.”

  She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and lifted one shoulder the tiniest bit, as if to say you’ve got a point. “I can’t help but feel like I’m betraying my best friend, and it’s not a feeling I’m used to or comfortable with. But I’m also not content with ignoring you. I did that all last week, and it made me miserable. And I guess considering what we just did, I’d say it was a wasted effort.”

  I set the pan on the stove and went back to the fridge for the butter. “I get it.”

  And I did. I truly did understand the war that waged inside of her, because there was a part of me that had fought that same war. Except, I wasn’t worried about Nellie’s feelings; my concern was that if she found out, Brooke would be the one who’d lose.

  “So, what do you want to do? What options do we have?” I went about making us something to eat while avoiding eye contact, not because I didn’t want to look at her, but because I didn’t want to make a bigger deal of this than there had to be. Nonchalant was my approach.

  “Well, it’s not like we can rewind time and change what’s happened.”

  I cut off a couple squares of butter and put them in the pan, and while I waited for the burner to heat up, I gave her my attention, needing to see her face when I asked, “Do you wish you could?”

  “What? Go back and change what’s happened? No. Not at all.”

  I all but sighed, my shoulders dropping with relief.

  “I just think we should really know what we’re getting into before actually getting into it.” She giggled and shook her head. “I mean, more so than we already have.”

  “Um, I hate to sound like a moron here, Bridge…but I thought we already discussed what we’re getting ourselves into. I thought we’re trying to see what this thing is between us. Maybe I’m confused about what you’re trying to say.”

  With her legs crossed at her ankles, she swung them slightly while keeping her attention on the floor. “Well, since I have no idea what’s going on with you and your ex, I guess I need to know if this is a temporary thing, or if you’re trying to see if you can move on from her. I also have no idea what this will do to the plan with Chase and his new girlfriend. If I’m going to sneak around behind Nellie’s back, I need to know it’s for a good reason. That way, if she finds out, I’ll have a valid excuse that she can’t argue with.”

  That made sense.

  I cracked the eggs and began to whisk them in a bowl, along with the other ingredients, while keeping my eye on her. “Things between Lindsey and me are over. If we both had taken a step back years ago, we would’ve known this was coming. Neither of us have been willing to put the other first, and it doesn’t take an expert to know that’s not conducive to a healthy relationship.”

  “When did you come to that conclusion, because a few weeks ago, you were saying that you two will get back together, that you always do.” She had a valid argument.

  “I guess you can say I’ve been slowly coming to that realization, but it really hit me last weekend when I accidentally sent her flowers. She just started seeing someone else, and apparently, he was upset about the bouquet. Which I totally understand; I’d probably feel the same way if Chase sent flowers to you.”

  She was quiet for a moment, her lips twisting to the side in thought. “Then what does that mean for us? Are we seeing each other? As in seeing where things go? Or do we go into this with a plan in place? To be honest with you, Corbin…the thought of just winging it with you leaves me unsettled.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” I poured the egg mixture into the pan and then moved to stand in front of her, situating my body between her legs. “I don’t know how I feel about setting a time limit on it, but I definitely think that we need to go into this with as much communication as possible. If either of us get to the point where we don’t see it going anywhere, we need to trust that something will be said.”

  My chest constricted at the thought of her calling me up one day to tell me she wasn’t into me. But that was a chance I’d have to take if I wanted the opportunity to have the opposite happen. Honestly, I couldn’t foresee the future, but I knew enough to know that there was something special about her, and I wouldn’t be able to figure it out if we kept each other at arm’s length.

  “And if we realize that there is something between us worth holding on to…then we need to figure out a way to tell your sister. Because I don’t want to sneak around longer than necessary.”

  I smiled as I kissed her lips, and then groaned when she pulled away to say something else.

  “Oh, and she said she’s worried about losing me.” Brooke amazed me at how well she could stay focused on what she was discussing while my lips and tongue teased her neck and shoulder. “So you can’t get upset with me if I choose to spend time with her instead of you, or if I have to bail on plans to be there for her.”

  I pulled away and held her stare while my hands roamed along her thighs. “Until we make things official and we tell her what’s going on, I will keep my hurt feelings to myself if you drop plans with me to hang out with her. But once we go public, she’ll have to figure out how to share you with me.” With a hearty grip on her thighs, I pulled her legs further apart. “Now…enough talking about my sister.”

  The omelet sizzled in the pan as I lowered myself and leaned forward, getting my face closer to her pussy. I’d been too sidetracked to do this earlier, and I’d be damned if we got through the night without her coming on my tongue.

  “What are you doing?” she squealed while laughing. “I’m going to fall!”

  “I won’t let that happen,” I growled and then pulled her bottom closer to the edge of the granite.

  She conceded and leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows. Just before I dropped my head to take the first lick, her head fell back, and she hooked her knees over my shoulders. I swear, the heavens parted and angels sang at the first swipe of my tongue through her folds, and I began to suck in search of more. My tongue darted around her sensitive nub, and she bucked her hips, desperate for more.

  I moved my mouth down so I could thrust my tongue in and out of her opening, coating my tongue with her juices. She began to cry out and arch her body so high I worried she’d catapult herself off the counter. This wasn’t the most comfortable position to be in, but I didn’t care. I’d walk around hunched over all week if it meant making her come on my tongue.

  And that’s exactly what I did.

  Less than a minute after getting my first taste of her, she came undone, writhing against my mouth while she held herself up on the kitchen island. All the while, the eggs crackled and sizzled on the stove a few feet away, their aroma filling the air yet not doing a damn thing to mask the scent of Brooke’s arousal.

  Nothing smelled better than that.

  I sucked her lower lips one more time before standing up and taking her face between my hands. Never in my life had I wanted a woman to taste herself on me this badly. Then again, I’d never done so with someone as eager to suck her own scent from my lips as Brooke was.

  Any man
who’d let her go was a fucking fool.

  The sizzling turned into popping, catching both of our attentions. She gave me one last kiss and then pulled away to look at the pan on the other counter. Pointing to it, she said, “You might want to do something about that before you burn this whole building down.”

  After finishing the omelet, I split it in half and put each piece on a plate. She grabbed the two cups of water I’d originally gone into the kitchen to get and then followed me into the living room, taking the spot next to me on the couch.

  “So…about the plan,” she mentioned between bites. “It’s still on, right?”

  I nearly choked, but thankfully, I was able to play it off that the food was still too hot. The last thing I wanted to do was lie to her, but considering I already had, I was more or less between a rock and a hard place, so I decided to follow up her question with one of my own. “Do you still want me to go along with it? Even though we’re trying to see if there’s anything between us?”

  She bobbed her head side to side as if contemplating how to answer. “Well, it’s not like we’re serious yet or anything. And I’m not asking you to actually do anything with the woman.” She shrugged and added, “So I guess I don’t see anything wrong with keeping it going for now. It shouldn’t take you too long to succeed, right?”

  “You don’t see anything wrong with following through on a revenge plot against your ex while trying to date someone else? Not just someone else, but the same guy who’s playing the lead role in said plot?”

  She remained quiet while finishing the food on her plate and staring across the room, deep in thought. Finally, she set her plate down and turned to face me. “How about we keep it going for now. Like I said, if you’re planning to get her out for drinks this week, then it shouldn’t take long to see it through. For all we know, this thing between us is nothing more than pent up sexual energy, and once we get it out, we go our separate ways. So if we put a stop to the plan now, I’m basically ensuring that he’ll never know what it’s like to have his heart broken the way he broke mine.”


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