Book Read Free

Rising Star

Page 2

by Donald Nicklas

  The Slones and the Gardners had their children aboard and went to the childcare area of the ship. Deep in every Romani dreadnought was an area where children were watched and educated. Under the Romani system, families stayed together and ran the same risks in battle. Romani fought harder when their families were at stake. In time of battle, the children’s area was sealed off with the teachers for protection. The area could survive with its own life support, even if the rest of the ship disintegrated around it. As soon as the Slones and the Gardners walked into the child area, four-year-old Alan Gardner and three-year-old Olivia Slone ran to their respective parents. The Slones and Gardners were looking forward to some quality time on planet, with their children, after the official ceremonies were complete. New Wales was a jungle planet and there were vast oceans filled with uninhabited islands that were waiting to be explored. The parents took their children back to the officer’s deck for some family time as they waited for the transit to end. They would return to the bridge an hour before arrival and oversee insertion into orbit.

  An hour after the 10th legion left the slipstream, a second large cluster of ships came into the system from the same stream. This was the Praetorian legion. It consisted of the usual 10 dreadnoughts but had no support ships. Instead the dreadnoughts were the support for two large vessels that were more luxurious and carried the full Senate of Nova Romae. They would all be present for the induction ceremony of the Republic of New Wales into the Republic of Nova Romae. A similar ceremony had been held a year before on the serpent home world as it was inducted into the Republic. As the Praetorian legion moved towards the planet, three more dreadnoughts without screening ships exited the slipstream as a rear guard. These were fully manned by serpent crews with serpent cohorts. These represented the first ships assigned to a serpent rapid deployment force that would be available for combat use. For this mission, they carried civilian serpents who had been invited to live on some of the jungle landmasses of New Wales. The people of New Wales embraced the chance to know the only alien race so far discovered in the galaxy. New Wales was also the first former corporate territory to join with the Romani. This meant they are now on the Romani frontier and having serpents live among them in case of attack, would be an advantage.

  The combined fleet reached New Wales in good order and went into orbit, with the destroyer squadrons fanning out across the system as pickets. They would be rotated for shore leave by having cruisers take their place. No one expected any trouble this far from the nearest corporate border and there were auxiliary fleet units at the borders for early warning. However, this was one of those rare times when the entire governing body of Nova Romae was off world and all in one place. Better safe than sorry. As the naval personnel made sure their ships were spruced up for the inevitable civilian tours, the protocol officers went down to the planet to plan the ceremonies and festivities. New Wales had already declared a week long holiday when the fleet was in system. There would be much festivity and mingling with the citizens as the week progressed.

  The first day after fleet arrival, the Senate and Consuls went down to the planet with full pomp and circumstance. As the Senatorial shuttles landed, the Consuls exited first, behind their Lictors. As in the old Roman Republic, Nova Romae signified the political rank of their magistrates by assigning them Lictors as rank signifiers. Each Consul had 12 Lictors, men and women who march in front of them carrying bundles of rods known as fasces. Since this was a diplomatic mission, the rods did not have axes affixed to them as they would in a combat zone. The Consuls wore their civilian clothes. Strabo was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a purple sash across the left shoulder. Juan Lorenzo wore his usual colorful clothing with a large, broad brimmed hat on his head with a long feather from genetically resurrected ostriches. He had an infectious smile that shown through his mustache and goatee. The Consuls were followed by all 387 Senators. Since the Senators all came from individual systems, they were dressed in colorful traditional clothes for the societies that developed over the many centuries of living outside corporate space. Added to this was the new senator from the serpent world, the first alien senator. She was a member of the old ruling clan. They were a colorful sight, but each had a purple sash over their left shoulders, not quite as wide as those worn by the Consuls. Following the Senators were the military orders. First were the standard-bearers of the Praetorian and the Tenth legions, carrying the eagle standards. These were followed by soldiers carrying long, curved horns wrapped around their bodies with the bell of the horn resting on the left shoulder. As they moved forward, the horn bearers, or Cornicen blew their horns to announce the legions. Finally, there were the commanders of each legion, Legatus Victoria Edmonton of the 10th legion and Legatus Kimiko Aritani, the brilliant and hard-nosed commander of the Praetorian legion. Legatus Edmonton was a stately woman in her 50s who towered above the diminutive Praetorian commander, who was of Earth Japanese extraction. She was also in her 50s. However, all knew that the Praetorian commander was not to be trifled with. She was entrusted with the protection of no less than the entire Nova Romae government. When all had exited the shuttles, they paraded up to the government house of the Republic of New Wales. Covering the side of the house were the banners of Nova Romae, Red with a golden eagle with outstretched wings holding a wreath in its talons and head facing to its right. Under the eagle were the letters, S.P.Q.N.R., which stood for The Senate and People of Nova Romae. To the left of this banner was the one representing the Republic of New Wales. This was dark blue with an image of the jungle planet above which was a phoenix rising from the North Pole. This represented the rise of the Republic from the ashes of the old Balin Corporation. Along the rest of the buildings of the public square were all of the banners of the other member systems. The plaza was filled with seats for the dignitaries, the senators and the spectators. Among the dignitaries were those who were instrumental in the liberation of New Wales five years before. There was also a solemn moment of remembrance to those who fell in that war and to whom the plaza was dedicated. In the area reserved for dignitaries sat the Slones and Tavia, with Hatch at her side. The ceremony was broadcast across the planet and it would be sent with a news capsule to all of the systems in Nova Romae. All messages and news throughout human space was carried by message capsules. There was no way to directly communicate, so capsules were used. They were small and could travel five times faster than the fastest human ship through the slipstreams.

  Christopher Slone turned to his wife and whispered, “I would rather fight a Petrovian fleet than sit here in the sun in my dress uniform. Politics must be the most boring of all professions.”

  Alaya looked at her husband and just smiled. When she lived as a member of the governing family of Sinclair Corporation, she had to sit through endless such ceremonies and began to realize, they were not for those who participate as much as they were for the common citizen who needed to see their government in action. She also knew her husband would enjoy the week long partying much more. The actual ceremony was surprisingly brief with short speeches and the traditional welcoming of the new system into the sphere of Nova Romae. At the end of the ceremony, Senator Ian MacDougal of the Republic of New Wales handed Consul Strabo the red wooden baton indicating provisional status and was handed back a gold baton with the purple covering of full membership.

  “Welcome to full membership in the Republic of Nova Romae,” Consul Strabo announced as he handed over the gold baton. Then in a lower voice, he remarked to Senator MacDougal, “The weight of the gold baton represents the increased weight of your duties now as a full member.”

  Consul Strabo then turned to the assembled onlookers and said, “The Republic of New Wales is now a full member of the Senate of Nova Romae with all rights and privileges that are accorded to that rank.”

  The onlookers then all stood up and there was thunderous applause. Now that the official duties were over, the partying began. While the week long festivities were taking place, the fleet rotated shore le
ave and the ships were in orbit with skeleton crews who all got their chance for time planetside. Even the serpent crews came down and mingled with the inhabitants, helping them adapt to the fact that humans were not alone in the galaxy. Civilians could also apply to take tours of the fleet. The 10th legion had been the one to liberate New Wales. Therefore, many citizens, especially those who were in the resistance wanted to see the ships. They were also able to renew friendships they had made in the 10 months the fleet was there after the liberation. Many stories of valor were told along with remembrance of friends lost.

  Tavia was excited to see her home world again. It had been five years since she first met the Romani in Penllyn Mall, she was anxious to show Hatch, and Centurion Marshal the place where it all began for her. She considered her contact with the Romani to be the beginning of a new life she could have never imagined when growing up in the impoverished Balin Corporation. Since the liberation and the expulsion of the corporation, New Wales has prospered and trade with the Romani was flourishing. They also maintained trade with Tudor industries, a small corporation just coreward of New Wales. The Slones spent most of the week invited to grand balls and parties were politics were the subject of most conversation. On the third day of the celebrations, the Slones were attending a banquet in honor of the fallen resistance fighters who helped push Petrov Corporation off the planet. They were sitting with an old friend who was once an enemy. Igor Perminov was once an admiral for the Petrov Corporation. He was the commander of the first fleet defeated by the Romani during the liberation of New Wales. Due to the way things developed during that war, he relocated to New Wales and became a trusted member of the New Wales government. Now he was the New Wales ambassador to Nova Romae. He was reminiscing with the Slones, Consul Lorenzo and Captain Oskar Rand, the destroyer captain who was responsible for his fleet’s defeat. Now that was all just a war story. After the meal was over, Igor asked if he could talk with the Slones and the Consul privately. They asked him to come with them to the Longinus where there was less chance they would be interrupted. After they were settled in the conference room on the bridge deck, vodka was served. Igor Perminov drained his glass, as was the habit of Russians.

  “Juan, as always, you serve excellent vodka.”

  “As always, Igor, we snatch it off Petrov freighters that stray too close to our borders.”

  The room filled with laughter. The Romani had kept their civilization secret under the cover of being unorganized pirates. More and more the Corporations were starting to realize that there was a powerful civilization in the Matsua rim and not pirates.

  Lorenzo continued, “So tell me, my friend, what is so important it could not wait until our festivities were concluded?”

  “As you know, I have maintained contact with many of my old comrades in what used to be the Petrov Corporation.” Perminov began. “Do you all recall Brigadier General Alisa Golov?”

  “Of course,” Lorenzo replied. “I was not certain the general survived the takeover by Sinclair Corp.”

  “She did and has been organizing the resistance, which has been difficult. She sent me a message capsule through New Wales, since she has no idea where Nova Romae is located. She reports that the corporations are aligning for a major war. Brandenburger Corporation attacked Highline Corporation by destroying one of their military bases. Tung Corporation is aligned with Brandenburger and Shin Nippon Corporation has joined Highline.”

  Christopher looked at Perminov and said, “I had no idea things had gotten to that point with the corporations, but the ones you are mentioning are all on the coreward side of Earth, a half year trip from here. How does that affect us?”

  “Yes but the smaller corporations are concerned the balance of power is shifting. There is suspicion that Sinclair Corp will use the distraction to crush all resistance in Petrov space and attack some of the smaller corporations. General Golov heard rumors they had an eye on Tudor Industries.”

  “Now that would be a bit close to home,” Lorenzo said.

  “General Golov wanted me to make sure you were warned.”

  “If you have the chance, thank her for us.”

  There was some further socializing and then all returned to their ships and Perminov to the planet. The next day, Lorenzo discussed the matter with his fellow Consul, Strabo, and they contacted the senate. It was determined that for now they would increase the patrols along the shared border with the old Petrov Corp and with Tudor Industries. Reports had been coming in concerning some ship disappearances along the border with Petrov, but none of them belonged to the Romani. The celebrations continued and the day before departure back to Nova Romae a message capsule entered the New Wales system from the inbound slipstream coming from the Petrov area. The capsule was addressed to the New Wales military and opened by their headquarters. As soon as the message was deciphered, it was transmitted to planetary defense and from there to Senator MacDougal and the Romani Consuls. Within an hour, there was a meeting aboard the Longinus. Present were both Consuls, as well as the ship and ground commanders. The fleet had been put on alert.

  Consul Strabo looked around the table in the conference room. Since there was a combined fleet present, it was standing room only. There were also the captains of the serpent ships with their ground commanders. It was a very tight fit. “About an hour and a half ago, a message capsule arrived from the border between New Wales and Petrov space. It was sent by one of the auxiliary picket destroyers that was sent out to relieve the destroyer, which had been there for the past month. Upon arrival, there was no destroyer to be found. Investigation determined the presence of a message capsule in the system sending out an open code. The message was audio only and a copy was sent to us.” Strabo told a communications tech sitting at the table to activate the message.

  “Attention any vessel. This is the Starliner ‘Rising Star’. We have engine damage and life support is dwindling. There are 3200 souls aboard and we are becoming desperate. We are in the P-332 system and request assistance from all ships.” The message ended suddenly.

  “That is all we have. It is assumed the patrol destroyer went to lend assistance. The P-332 system is just over the border in Petrov space. They would have investigated since they were only three systems away. It would have taken them two days to reach the system.”

  Captain Rand was the first to speak up, “Consul, perhaps that is where the destroyer is. They may be en route there.”

  “That is what the relief destroyer also thought, but the date on the message is three weeks ago, which means the destroyer was only on duty for one week before they received it. However, nothing has been heard from the destroyer in that time and there has been ample time for many message capsules to be sent. We suspect there is some foul play here. Captain Slone, take the Invicta along with her screening ships and Captain Artok’s ship, the NR Avenging Talon and investigate the disappearance of our auxiliary vessel. You have Senate approval to take any action necessary to resolve this mystery.”

  “We will leave immediately, Consul.”

  Captain Artok also acknowledged the order and the meeting broke up. Within six hours, the Invicta, two destroyers, a cruiser and the Avenging Talon broke orbit and headed to the outbound slipstream for the border with Petrov space. For them the festivities were over.

  Chapter 2 – A Mystery

  The reconnaissance fleet exited the last slipstream to the border system. The bridge crew was at their stations and Roger Umgabe reported the system consisted of a single, main sequence yellow star, spectral class G. Had any of them ever been to Earth, they would have recognized it as a twin of the sun. There were only two planets in the system and a small asteroid belt. Both planets were ringed gas giants. There was nowhere to mine and nowhere to live. From a human point of view, this was a worthless system. Near the outer of the two planets, a destroyer was stationed on picket duty. It was a small system and transit time to the outbound slipstream was only seven hours. In half that time, they would pass the destroyer.r />
  “Incoming challenge from the picket ship,” Tom Gardner reported.

  “Put it through,” Captain Slone ordered.

  “This is the destroyer NW William Tell requesting identification.”

  “This is Captain Christopher Slone of the dreadnought NR Invicta commanding the reconnaissance fleet sent here to investigate the disappearance of the previous picket ship. Any further information on your part would be greatly appreciated. We will rendezvous with you so your captain can report directly.”

  After a delay of close to an hour due to distance for the signal round trip, Captain Stark of the William Tell responded, “Welcome to the system, Captain Slone. I will shuttle over as soon as your fleet is closer.”

  Slone turned to Tom Gardner and said, “Send my compliments and acknowledgement.”

  When the reconnaissance fleet came up to the William Tell, a shuttle left the picket destroyer and flew over to the hangar deck of the Invicta. Captain Stark exited the shuttle and he was met on the Hangar deck by Captain Slone. Slone could see the surprise on the captain’s face when he saw the serpent centuries training with the human cohort. As a citizen of New Wales, Captain Stark knew about the serpents, but had never seen them and their appearance was always a shock to humans when first encountered.

  “Welcome aboard, captain,” Slone extended his hand to his counterpart.

  “Thank you Captain Slone,” Stark replied. “Sorry for staring, but I have never seen serpents in the flesh before.”

  “I fully understand, their appearance is an acquired taste, but believe me when I say, they are a valued member of the Republic.” Slone then directed the Captain up to his conference room. He also had the captains of his escorts come over and the primary centurions of the Eighth Cohort and the First Serpent Cohort from Captain Artok’s ship, along with Captain Artok. Alaya Slone was also there in her capacity as chief scout of the tenth legion. When all were settled and refreshments were served, Slone stood up. “I will keep this brief since time may be of the essence. Captain Stark, have you had any word from the missing destroyer?”


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