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Page 3

by Savannah Rylan

  Marco pulled his cock out of me with force, and I crashed forward on to the couch with an exhausted sigh.

  He tumbled down over me, and our bodies were pressed together, our skin covered with films of sweat. Marco was on top of me, my cheek was pressed against the seat of the couch, and we were both exhausted.

  It didn’t even feel like a one night stand, as I laughed. He was turning me around to face him, and he leaned forward and kissed my lips.

  “You can stay here if you want to, you don’t have to leave,” Marco said, as his eyes roamed over my face.

  What was I doing? I had just had sex with a stranger I met at my father’s bar, and now I was accepting his offer to fall asleep in his arms on his couch.



  When I woke up the next morning, I saw Quinn getting dressed. I wanted to tell her how amazing the previous night had been. I hadn’t felt like this about a woman in a very long time, but she had her back turned to me and seemed to be in a hurry to get out of there.

  I straightened up on the couch, and she heard and turned to look at me. She was back in her dress and boots and jackets, and looking at her again reminded me of the rush of attraction I had felt towards her the previous night. When I’d seen her sitting beside me at the bar, I hadn’t expected to wake up with her the next morning.

  “Sorry, Marco, I have to go,” she said, and her eyes drifted down to my cock. I had woken up with a hard-on for her, and I watched as she licked her lips and then looked away quickly.

  “I won’t keep you, but I was just about to make breakfast,” I said.

  Even though I barely knew her, and this had technically been a one night stand; I didn’t want her to leave.

  “I wish I could stay, but I have to go. I have some errands to run,” Quinn said, and she tipped her head to the side. I smiled at her and nodded. I didn’t want to push too hard. I didn’t want to ask her if I could see her again.

  Her eyes darted around the room then, and she rushed towards my cell phone on the floor. My brows were crossed as she picked it up and started typing something into it.

  “My number’s in there. Call me sometime,” she said with a grin and then looked down at the screen again. “Someone called Hunter is calling you,” she added and then threw the phone over to me. I caught it in my hands and then she had turned around and was gone from my apartment.

  When I answered Hunter’s call, I could barely find my voice to speak. It was like I still had my head in the clouds.

  “Yeah,” I said groggily.

  “Where did you disappear to last night, man?” Hunter sounded excited and wide awake.

  “Yeah, I had this thing…” I started to say, trying to come up with excuses. I didn’t want him getting too excited about some girl I’d met at the Rusty Pelican.

  “Yeah, okay, anyway, some of the guys and I were talking last night. We think we want to introduce the idea to Axel,” I heard Hunter say.

  “What idea?” I asked, sitting up straighter on the couch.

  “The idea of you joining the MC. Becoming a prospect. Meet us at church today, at the Rusty Pelican. It’s at noon,” Hunter said, and I gulped.

  This was happening too fast. I had just met this woman who had blown my mind, and now Hunter was seriously talking about me joining the MC and becoming a prospect.

  Fast was good. I was done with taking things slow.



  It was mom who opened the door, and the moment I stepped into the house, I could smell the bacon cooking in the kitchen.

  “Quinn! Honey, look who’s here!” mom was squealing with glee as she hugged me tightly in her arms. She led me into the kitchen, where my dad was standing over the stove, frying bacon with an apron at his waist.

  This sight never failed to amuse me. My dad was a big scruffy biker, shirtless, with an apron at his waist and cooking breakfast.

  “Quinn! When did you get here?” dad came rushing towards me, with the frying tongs in his hand and he threw his arms around me.

  “Just now. I took a cab from the airport,” I said and hugged my parents tightly.

  “Sit down, honey, have some coffee,” mom was fretting over me, and I pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. It was good to be home, especially when home offered specimens like Marco. I could still feel his cock ramming into me, and I pressed my legs together tightly to stop the throbbing in my pussy.

  Dad whipped up a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast and presented it to me at the table. They were full of questions about college and the new job prospects and how long I was planning to stay.

  “You should come around and meet the guys at the bar, honeybun,” dad said as my parents sat down with me at the table. I laughed slightly at the nickname. I avoided his eyes as I pierced some eggs with my fork. I had already lied to him about when I’d arrived, and I decided against telling him that I had already been at the bar.

  “But I’m sure I don’t know most of the people anymore,” I said and concentrated on the food.

  “Some of the old guys are still there, and I’d like to introduce you to the new fellas. They’ve heard so much about you,” dad said and pinched my chin like he used to when I was a kid.

  They were all smiles and happy as they laughed and talked. I wanted to stay away from the bar because I didn’t want to alarm Marco. I wasn’t entirely sure if he was going to be there again, but chances were that he might be.

  “Will you come around today? Say two? We have a little meeting at noon, and after that, I can introduce you to everyone?” dad insisted again. Mom was nodding her head encouragingly as well, and I gulped. My throat had already gone dry with nervousness.

  “Sure dad, whatever you want, I’ll see you at the bar later,” I said, and he reached over and gave me another hug.

  My only hope now was that Marco wouldn’t be there.



  I knew what I was feeling was excitement, but it felt more like shock. I was at the Rusty Pelican, with Hunter and the rest of the gang and we were in the middle of church.

  I had been anxious when I walked into the bar earlier. I’d met Axel, the president of the MC, on several occasions in the past few weeks but I had never spoken to him about serious matters before. More importantly, I had no idea how to make my case about joining the club.

  When church began, I discovered that the other guys had made a case for me already. I didn’t have to do much talking. They had already spoken to and convinced Axel that I would make a valuable member of The Bad Disciples.

  He was looking at me now, and behind him, Hunter, Glock, Tank, and Gunner were smiling wide. Axel had just told me that he had made a decision and he was going to patch me in as a prospect of the MC today, right there.

  “You seem confused,” Axel said, and some of the other men sniggered.

  “I’m shocked. I didn’t think you would accept me in so easily,” I said, and Axel shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’ve seen you around for the past few months. I’ve heard your story. I know Hunter is your best friend and I trust him. If he thinks that you’re going to be invaluable to us, I believe him,” Axel said.

  I looked down at my leg nervously. This could potentially be the best thing that had happened to me, but was I up for it?

  “Don’t worry about your leg. I am not,” Axel said and I snapped my head up to look at him again. Until this moment, until he had said the words to me, I was riddled with self-doubt, but I wasn’t anymore. These men believed in me, and my abilities and I had to do everything to prove them right. I had already made that decision.

  “You’ll be fine,” he said and then walked over to me and stuck his hand out.

  We shook hands, and a cheer rang out in the bar. It was done. I had accepted the offer, and I still couldn’t believe it was actually happening.

  “We’re going to give you your patch now,” Axel announced, and one of the men from the group came over to me an
d handed me a leather jacket which I had seen the other men wearing. It had the the words prospect on it.

  Hunter came up to help me put it on and then thumped my back.

  “In a few months, we are going to initiate you with your nickname. Till then, we’re all going to call you Marco,” Axel added, and I nodded my head. “After that, being a prospect lasts about a year or two. Once we feel like you are one of us, then we will vote you in a full member of the club.”

  “I won’t let you down, Axel,” I said seriously.

  “I’m sure you won’t,” he said. “The boys will show you around and bring you up to speed on the kind of work we do here,” Axel said with a nod of his head. I looked over at Gunner and Hunter, and they smiled at me.

  I was a part of a brotherhood now. I could feel a sense of belonging creeping into me again.

  “Congratulations, man, you are one of us now,” Gunner said, and we shook hands.

  Some of the men had already started passing beers around. Church was over, and it was time to celebrate. Hunter and I hugged before I went around shaking everyone else’s hand. I knew the guys already, but they were my brothers now.

  I hadn’t woken up in the morning expecting to be patched as a prospect of The Bad Disciples today. This day was turning out to be more than I thought. First with Quinn, then her leaving me her number and now this! I felt an irresistible urge to take out my phone and call her, but what would I even say? I didn’t know her and I wouldn’t expect her to understand. As far as I was concerned, it was technically just a one night stand.

  We were cheering and drinking and in the middle of getting drunk. I was grateful to Axel and more so to the guys for thinking me worthy of joining the MC.

  I couldn’t decide yet what had made me happier today. Waking up to Quinn in my apartment or being patched into The Bad Disciples. My life was finally turning around, even Hunter seemed like he was fretting over me less.

  I had a bottle of beer to my lips when the bar doors opened, and all eyes turned to it. We were technically still in the middle of church, which meant that the Rusty Pelican was closed to the general public.

  I saw Quinn walk in. She had changed into a pair of tight jeans that accentuated her curves, and she was wearing a thin sleeveless t-shirt through which I could see the fluorescent color of her bra.

  I straightened up when I saw her. I wanted to rush to her and tell her that she shouldn’t be here. Now was not the time to come looking for me! As happy as I was to see her.

  However, before I could do or say anything, I noticed that she wasn’t making her way towards me, but instead, walking straight in the direction of Axel.

  I turned to look at him, and on his face, I saw a look of recognition. Axel and Quinn knew each other!

  I banged the beer down on the table, as I gawked at them. Axel had thrown his arms open to greet her and Quinn walked directly into them.

  “Who the fuck is this?” I heard Hunter murmur beside me.

  “You don’t know her?” I asked him, and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “Never seen her before,” he replied in a hoarse whisper. We were all staring in silence as we watched Axel and Quinn hug.

  I was confused and nervous about what was going on. This seemed like a nightmare coming true. Axel turned toward us and cleared his throat.

  “Gentlemen, this is Quinn. I would like to introduce you all to my daughter. She has just returned from graduate school to live with us for a short while,” Axel said, and I was glad that I had put my bottle of beer down because it would have definitely dropped from my hand and crashed to the floor.



  I was hugging my dad tightly, and I could sense that he was proud of me. He was proud to introduce his fancy graduate school daughter to his friends. I looked around, scanning the bar and my eyes fell on Marco. He was standing in the middle of a huddle of other guys I had seen at the bar the previous night.

  He had his hands thrust into the pockets of his jeans, and I could see he was wearing a leather jacket, which was identical to the one that my dad and the other guys were wearing. Whatever kind of club these guys belonged to, Marco was definitely a part of it.

  I gulped and looked away from him, dad was already introducing me to the men. Marco had kept his gaze firmly away from me.

  “Quinn! Look at how grown up you are now!” one of the older guys came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, recognizing him vaguely from when I was a kid.

  “Your dad has told us all about the amazing work you’ve been doing at school. We are all very proud!” he said and lightly thumped my back. I smiled at him and caught Marco’s eyes again.

  Now he was glaring at me, and I could see that he was not happy with the revelation.

  I knew my dad, I knew what he was like. He would not have approved of any of his friends, anyone belonging to his club—dating me. Let alone having a one night stand. I was pleading him with my eyes to not say anything, although if Marco knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t. He would not risk letting my dad or any of the older guys know that we had spent the night together.

  It could potentially get him beaten up or worse.

  Dad was in the process of showing me off. He was pulling me around the bar, introducing me to people who I had never met before and re-introducing me to the older guys. I hugged and shook hands and smiled, trying to be as light-hearted as possible. From the corner of my eyes, I kept an eye on Marco who I could see was watching me closely.

  I was looking for the first opportunity I might get to go and talk to him, and that opportunity arrived when one of my dad’s friend’s dragged him away for a talk. He had left me in the company of some of the other men, but I slipped away from them when they started talking amongst themselves.

  When Marco saw me approaching, he started walking in the direction of the bathroom. The very bathroom where I had his cock in my mouth the previous night.

  I looked over my shoulder when I followed him in. As far as I could tell, nobody had seen or noticed us slip away together.

  In the bathroom, I shut the door and locked it, just like the previous night.

  “What the actual fuck!” Marco growled, raising his hands up in the air.

  “Hush!” I hissed and stepped towards him, but he backed away from me. It was like the moment he found out who I was, I had become untouchable to him.

  “Don’t hush me, Quinn! You’re Axel’s daughter!” he growled, and I was afraid that people outside might hear us.

  “Yes, I am, and I know the position this puts you in,” I said and watched as he ran his hands over his face violently. His hands were large, and his fingers were thick. He was still wearing his assortment of thick tribal rings.

  “Okay, first of all, you have no idea the position this puts me in. I just got patched into the MC as a prospect. You know what that means? It means that your dad is now my boss, he’s the president!” he raged at me and my brows furrowed. He was right, I didn’t know what he was talking about. What was my dad the president of? What MC?

  “A motorcycle club?” I asked Marco, and my eyes widened. I watched as the realization struck him. I had no idea what my dad really did for a living. All these years I’d imagined that he ran a harmless biker bar.

  “Fuck!” Marco cursed and rammed his fist into the wall behind him. I could see his bruised knuckles now, but he hadn’t even flinched. It reminded me of how strong he was, and I gulped.

  “Just great. Now I’ve just told you something your dad was probably trying to keep a secret from his baby girl,” Marco growled, and I stepped closer to him.

  “It doesn’t matter, I don’t care what my dad does or what you do. Can we just forget about it and move on?” I pleaded. Last night had been great, and I wanted to explore that. I enjoyed sleeping in his arms, and no man had made me feel that way before. I just wanted this day to end!

  Marco was glaring at me like I was crazy.

  “Move on to what?
You are Axel’s kid, I am a new prospect for the club, I’m nothing. He’s going to have me beaten if he finds out that I touched his daughter. It’s the most disrespectful thing I could do to the MC!” he barked, and he pushed past me, brushing my shoulder. Without waiting to listen to what I had to say, he went up to the door and walked out.

  I shook my head and pressed my eyes closed. I didn’t expect things to get this complicated. I didn’t consider the position that I was putting Marco in when I kept my identity hidden from him.

  I ran after him because I didn’t want to lose him yet either.



  For the first time since Iraq, I had woken up this morning feeling like a whole human being, and it had all been because of Axel’s daughter. She was the only woman since I lost my leg, who had made me feel less broken. The sex was great, her body was a wonderland, but it was more than that. I had enjoyed sleeping with her in my arms, and nothing would have been more amazing if Quinn was just that—a stranger in a bar. Instead, she was my president’s daughter.

  Not only had I fucked her, but I had also told her a secret about her dad that she didn’t know. How many rules of the MC had I broken in the span of twenty-four hours?

  I was cursing under my breath. I wanted to put as much distance between Quinn and myself as I could. Why did I still fucking want her? Didn’t I want to be a part of the MC more? This was the kind of opportunity that I had been waiting for my whole life, and now that I had it, why did I want to throw it all away for a woman? I needed to get away from the bar and from Quinn so that I could think.


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