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Fighting Envy

Page 18

by Jennifer Miller

  My mouth falls open and I immediately look at the guys around me to see if they heard the same thing I did. By their body language they sure as hell did. Dylan’s fists are clenched and Zane’s jaw ticks in anger. We watch them until they disappear not saying a word, but the silence is heavy.

  “Zane, why does Cole let Jerry coach him? I just don’t see how he’s benefitting from the arrangement.”

  “I don’t know, doll. We’ve all tried talking to him about it and we don’t get any answers from him. We’ve all kind of given up on him because he’s an adult and makes his own decisions.”

  Shaking my head in confusion, I do my best to push it aside because I’m excited and nervous again about Jax’s fight. “Is it time yet?”

  “Time for what?” Dylan asks me.

  “For Jax’s fight.”

  Dylan looks at Zane in silent communication before looking back at me. I turn to Zane waiting for him to answer. “What did Jax tell you about the fight tonight?”

  “What do you mean? He didn’t say much other than how he wants me to stay with you guys because he worries about my safety which seems silly, but I agreed to stay put.”

  Before he can continue, Levi joins our group with a wide smile. We all congratulate him on his win and laugh at his antics. He’s crazy excited, but feels bad for Cole’s loss which he caught before making his way to us. When I see that Ryder is up next I can’t help but sigh in disappointment. “So, I guess that answers that,” I say.

  “Answers what?” Levi says.

  “Oh nothing, I was just wondering if Jax was up next, but I guess not.”

  “Of course he’s not. He’s headlining, so he fights last,” Levi says.

  Zane and Dylan give him a dirty look, but I ignore them. “Headlining? What does that mean?”

  Zane shakes his head at Levi but answers, “It means that he’s the main event of the night?”

  “The main event?” I ask shocked. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “Jax isn’t really a bragging kind of guy. Plus, he probably didn’t want you to freak out when you realized that all of these people are basically here to watch him fight,” Dylan tells me proudly.

  “Holy hell,” I reply. My mind is swirling with this information. I mean, the place is freaking packed. I can’t believe that they are all here to watch Jax. A feeling of complete pride fills my chest and heart. He should have told me.

  “Didn’t you know, girl? Your boyfriend is the shit!” Levi laughs.

  My heart flutters and I don’t know if it’s from the realization that Jax is much better at this than he let on, or the fact that Levi used the word ‘boyfriend’. I think it’s a toss up. I look around the room, but this time, I really look. There are people wearing t-shirts with Jax’s name on them, and there’s even some that are holding up signs for him even though he hasn’t made an appearance yet.

  “Zane. Where the hell do they get those t-shirts? I want one. Why the hell didn’t he give me one?”

  With a big smile, Zane whispers something in Levi’s ear and Levi smiles and disappears. Before Zane can answer me, Ryder is announced and starts making his way to the cage, shadow boxing the whole way. Not surprisingly he plays up to all the ladies on his way. He smiles and winks at them over and over while they scream his name. I’m pretty sure I even saw one woman lift up her shirt to flash him when he walked by. Of course Zane and Dylan are laughing their asses off and they are making me giggle too. Truth is, I’m really getting into this and I start cheering really loudly for Ryder. He was too busy flirting to pay us attention when he walked by, but he looks over at us from the cage and winks before he gets the signal that the fight is starting.

  Ryder’s fight is great. They go all three rounds and right when the bell would have rung and required a judge’s decision, Ryder gets his opponent in a hold that he can’t escape from and he taps out making him the winner. We all cheer and scream in excitement.

  “Hey, Rowan, here you go.” I look over and see Levi standing next to me holding out a t-shirt. I smile, unfold it, and check out the front. It’s black and cut to fall slightly off the shoulder. It says, ‘Never Dethrone Stone’ in large lettering and the back has all his sponsors listed.

  “Levi, thank you! This is awesome. I’ll pay you back.” I turn to grab my bag but they all stop me.

  “No big, Row,” Levi says. “They didn’t charge me.” I grin and put the t-shirt on over my tank and model it for the boys.

  “Well…what do you think?” They all whistle and catcall making me giggle.

  “Jax is going to love it,” Zane promises.

  When the lights flash and music starts to play we know it’s time for the fight to start. My stomach rolls with nerves and excitement and I bounce on my toes. First out is Jax’s opponent, Lance ‘The Hammer’ Henderson. He makes his way to the octagon from the opposite end of the arena and it’s all kinds of pomp and circumstance. He even has chicks in bikinis walking with him, which I don’t even understand. When he gets in the cage and starts disrobing, I check him out trying to see how he will measure up against Jax and I feel a little nervous by all his rippling muscles. Taking a deep breath and pushing the worry away, I shift my focus to Jax when music starts playing again announcing his arrival. I get chills when ACDC’s Thunderstruck starts playing. Necks are craning to try and get a look at Jax coming out the door and I can’t see a thing. Zane moves me to stand in front of him so I have a clear look up the aisle. As soon as ACDC belts the first “Thunder” Jax starts making his way down the aisle nice and slow, punching his arms the whole time.

  The way he makes me feel in this moment is difficult to describe. The whole room is screaming for him, clapping and yelling his name, but I suddenly feel as if I’m in a tunnel and become aware of every move Jax makes. There’s a complete adrenaline rush and I get caught up in the excitement. A burst of pride fills my chest, which isn’t all that surprising, but what I don’t expect is the desire stirring deep in my belly and between my legs. I’m almost embarrassed to feel that I am turned the hell on. My nipples are hard under my shirt and wetness pools between my thighs.

  Gasping when unexpectedly Jax stands before me, I stare up into his shining eyes. Levi, Dylan, Zane and Cole, who has now joined us, smack him on the back and wish him luck. He nods acknowledging their words but doesn’t remove his eyes from mine. “Jax, what are you doing?”

  He smirks and when he does it’s as if my lady town is completely connected to that look. It clenches so hard in response to it that I’m surprised I don’t explode in pleasure right then and there. “Nice shirt, babe.”

  I smile widely, “You like it?” I smooth my hands down my sides and give him a little wiggle, completely flirting with my man.

  He winks, “I’ll show you how much I like it later.” The guys hoot and holler and before I can respond with the sassy comment on my lips, he pulls me to him and plants his mouth on mine. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth and kisses me so thoroughly I almost feel like we’re naked in front of the whole crowd. When he pulls away he looks at me, “For luck.” He smiles and then walks away entering the octagon.

  Standing there completely kissed stupid, women behind me start screaming their displeasure.

  “What the hell does she have that I don’t?”

  “Oh my god, the things that I would do to have his mouth on mine.”

  “Look over here Jax so I can show you my tits.”

  Wow. Classy. Without a thought I turn around and grin, “Eat your heart out ladies.”

  I don’t even know how or if they respond because all the guys start laughing so hard it drowns out their noise. They all surround me, and my attention returns to Jax, who’s standing just outside the cage, in time to watch him remove his shirt, shorts and shoes. He hands them all to one of his entourage and starts shaking out his arms while he shuffles from foot to foot. Someone starts rubbing stuff all over his face and an official starts patting him down. “I meant to ask when I saw this earlier, but what
are they putting on his face and what are they looking for when they pat the fighter’s down?”

  “They’re putting petroleum jelly on his face. It’s to help reduce and prevent cutting,” Levi replies.

  “And they pat the fighters down on their arms and legs, and even look behind their ears, to see if a fighter is greased. Using a slippery moisturizer, oil or something like that on the body is illegal. It’s easier to slip out of submissions,” Cole adds.

  “Okay, got it,” I reply.

  After they’re done, Coach Gil holds Jax’s mouth guard to his face. After he puts it in he walks to the cage and into his respective corner. He’s not too far from where I’m standing and I’m startled when he turns to face me completely and smiles wide, showing me the guard. “What’s that say?” I hear Dylan ask next to me.

  Zane laughs, “That’s awesome. You see that Row?”

  I’m already laughing at the gesture and in response blow Jax a kiss. He’s written ROW on the front of his mouth guard and the possessive gesture is a turn on. Is there anything this man does that doesn’t turn me on? Hell, I’m on fire. He points at me and acts as if he’s caught my kiss before he turns his attention back to the front of him. I’m so happy and excited that I feel like I can fly. What has this man done to me in such a short time? I can’t believe he basically just staked his claim in front of thousands of people and I love it.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for the main event! Fighting out of the red corner, weighing it at one hundred and eighty-four pounds, and standing at five feet eleven inches tall, out of Stockton, California we have Lance ‘The Hammer’ Henderson.” Some of the crowd cheers and claps, but I don’t. “Fighting out of the blue corner, weighing in at one hundred and eighty-five pounds standing at six feet two inches tall, from Tempe, Arizona Jackson ‘Hands of’ Stone!” The guys and I scream our heads off with the majority of the crowd.

  “Alright,” Zane rubs his hands together, “here we go!”

  When the bell rings signaling round one, both guys immediately come out aggressive. There’s no feeling each other out or dancing around the other. They simply come out throwing shots. Jax gets in some good combinations, landing some decent blows. Lance, his opponent, manages to do the same. Each blow that connects with Jax’s face and body makes me cringe. It amazes me how they are able to take a hit and keep on going. Jax takes shots to the side of his head, face, eye and cheek. Part of me wants to cover my eyes so I don’t see him getting hurt and the other half couldn’t look away even if someone tried to force me.

  They keep trading blows, one after the other. Jax’s cheek is already starting to swell making it hard for me to swallow. “Please tell me this round is almost over.”

  “He’s doing good, Row. Hang in there,” Cole reassures me.

  Jax and Lance each look like they’re starting to get a little winded. Jax is pressed against Lance, the cage at Lance’s back, trying to put weight on him. They almost look like they’ve taken a break and decided to hug it out instead. I almost giggle at the thought. I breathe a sigh of relief when the bell rings signaling the end of round one.

  They each return to their corner. Gil is in Jax’s ear coaching him while another guy wipes him clean, dries him off and gives him water. We are close enough that I can hear Jax and Gil talking. Jax says, “I’m hitting him with everything I’ve got, and he keeps coming. I don’t think I’ve hurt him at all.”

  “Oh yes you have,” Gil replies, “You just keep your head in the fight and keep going after him. You’re doing great.”

  Jax looks at Gil with frustration, “What fight are you watching?”

  Gil just pats Jax on the back, and holds out his mouthpiece for him once again.

  When the bell signals for round two, it seems like they hardly had a break. I brace myself for the next round.

  When round two begins, Jax and Lance meet in the center of the ring. They circle each other for a few beats until Jax comes out with a left right combination, followed by a kick to Lance’s leg. The impact makes Lance take a couple steps back, at which point Jax gets closer to Lance, and dives at his knees for a take down. We all start screaming our heads off when Jax gets Lance to the ground.

  “Fuck yeah, end it Jax. End it now!” Zane is screaming.

  “It’s over! It’s all over! He doesn’t have a chance, Jax. Bring it home!” Dylan yells.

  Jax and Lance roll around on the ground, grappling for position. It looks like Jax is trying to get into a good position in order to make Lance submit. Lance keeps evading him, but Jax manages to move behind Lance anyway. Jax keeps taking blows to his head and arms as Lance does his best to defend himself. A cut on Jax’s cheek causes blood to run down his face, creating splashes of crimson against the white canvas floor of the cage. A particularly hard jab to his head makes me gasp.

  “He’s okay,” Zane tells me with a rub on my back.

  Jax uses one arm to punch at Lance from underneath him and Lance blocks his punches trying to stay in a safeguard position where Jax can’t reach him. This continues until suddenly Jax slips to his rear side and looks like he’s choking Lance.

  “He’s choking him,” I say with a twinge of uncertainty.

  “It’s called a rear naked choke hold. He’s applying pressure, making Lance uncomfortable and unable to move so he submits.”

  No sooner does Zane explain that to me when Jax locks in the hold and the pressure becomes too much for Lance. The crowd starts going nuts and is screaming louder knowing a submission is likely coming. We all hold our breath and watch Jax wide eyed as he continues to squeeze and not give up, his muscles trembling. Lance holds out until he can’t any longer and has no choice but to tap out.

  “Oh my god! He won! He won!” I start screaming. I can’t help it. It’s exciting! I’m clapping and screaming and the boys are next to me doing the same.

  “Yeah baby! You’re the shit!” Levi screams making me laugh harder.

  Jax shakes Lance’s hand then turns to us and points with a huge smile on his face. I keep jumping up and down in excitement. The announcer goes to his arm, pulls it up and puts the microphone to his mouth, “Jackson Stone wins due to a rear naked choke hold submission in the second round! Ladies and gentleman, let’s hear it for Jackson ‘Hands of” Stooooooooone.”

  We all scream and clap, then hug each other in celebration while Jax gets taken away for an interview. We hang out and watch as he eventually makes his way back up the aisle to return to the dressing room to be checked out, but I can’t get to him as he’s surrounded by people. I stay with the guys like he asked me to and we hang out until the crowd thins out a little.

  “So, what did you think of your first fight, Rowan?” Zane asks.

  “I loved it! I mean, it’s kind of scary and I hate watching Jax get hit, but the winning part is awesome.”

  “I agree with that, definitely. Losing sucks ass,” Cole mutters.

  “I’m sorry, Cole. I didn’t mean anything-“

  “No,” he holds up a hand stopping my words, “I know you didn’t. No worries.”

  I give him a tentative smile still feeling bad that I spoke without thinking. “So, how soon will he fight again?”

  “Anxious for the next one, already? You have to let the man heal first,” Dylan teases.

  Levi replies, “He probably won’t have a big fight like this one for another six months or so, but we will have a fight night through the gym before that.”

  I nod my head, “Got it. Can we go back now?”

  “Anxious to see your man?” Ryder asks as he walks up to our group.

  “Hey, Ryder!” We all greet.

  “Congrats, man!” Dylan says.

  “Great fight, Ryder,” Zane adds.

  The other guys nod and clap him on the back or fist bump and all that guy stuff. I just watch them with a smile on my face until Zane remembers I’m anxious to see Jax. “Come on, Rowan. Let’s go back and see him.”

  I excitedly follow Zane down the ai
sle and to a back area that’s designated for people with VIP passes. Zane takes my arm, as we work our way through the crowd. He looks all around likely making sure we don’t accidentally pass Jax on our way, but then stops when he gets to a door and knocks.

  Gil throws open the door and smiles, “He’s just finished with the doctor, come on in.”

  As soon as I pass the threshold, I see Jax standing from a couch to greet me. Without thinking I run into his arms and throw my hands around his neck, “Congratulations! That was so awesome.” His grunt makes me back up and curse under my breath, “Oh god, Jax. I’m so sorry. Are you okay? How sore are you? What did the doctor say?”

  He leans down and pecks me on the mouth likely to shut me up. The other guys surround us and I can hear them chuckling and Levi muttering something about “crazy girlfriends’ but I ignore them. “I’m fine. Just your typical bruises and cuts – nothing serious. I’m a little sore, but nothing I haven’t dealt with before, I’m fine.”

  All the guys start congratulating him and they all talk about various moves and other fight talk that I barely listen to. Running my eyes over Jax, I can’t take my eyes off of him. He does look okay like he said. The swelling on his cheek around his cut has gone down, but there’s already some slight bruising showing there. He’s got some various red marks on his torso and another bruise showing on his side, but none of it seems to bother him as he shakes hands, gets hugs, and moves around. I breathe a sigh of relief. “Row?”

  Focusing on Jax I realize he must have said my name more than once, “Yeah?”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, fine. Just checking you out, making sure you’re really okay.”

  “I promise, I’m fine. I’m going to go jump in the shower really quick. I’ll be right back.”


  Taking a seat on the couch, I listen to the guys chat around me. They discuss Cole’s fight in detail and what they think he did well, and what they think went wrong. Cole seems to take it all in stride which I admit surprises me considering how his coach was acting before.

  “Too bad for you, Cole. Sorry you totally ate it. I, however, am a champion. You all can bow down and kiss my feet now.” Levi brags about his win again. Boys are weird. He doesn’t even consider the fact that his words may bother Cole. Girls in comparison overthink everything and would never dream of saying something like that in front of the person that just lost a fight in case it hurt their feelings. Well at least the girls that aren’t complete bitches.


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