Loving You Through Our Differences

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Loving You Through Our Differences Page 8

by Tucora Monique

El was in defensive mode automatically. “Don’t play with me, Richard. Remember the last time you tried that funny shit. Just direct me to the seat with the best sun and strongest margarita.”

  “I can do that, Eleven, but it would be rude of me not to properly introduce myself to a new face.”

  Now in front of me, his eyes scanned my body with no shame.

  “How are you gorgeous? I’m Richard, but everyone calls me Richie,” he said, bringing my hand to his lips and leaving a kiss.

  He decided to keep laying it on thick. “I don’t know where you’ve been hiding, but I’m happy you came out to play. You’re gorgeous.”

  “Don’t listen, Billie Grace. Nothing but game last time—”

  “Is that an open bar I see?” Jupiter shouted, halting her sister’s rant.

  “Where?” El asked excitedly. Smiling, Ju pointed at the station for drinks. That was all it took for Eleven to forget she was talking me out of being bonded and strutted off leaving me to the wolves.

  “May I have your name?”


  “Yes?” I answered.

  That wasn’t my damn name, but upon hearing it, I answered as if I’d been called that my entire life.

  “Hey, Leilanddd,” Jupiter sang, looking over my shoulder then directly to me. Her hardly discreet warning was sweet but unnecessary. There was only one person who called me by that name.

  Giving them my back, I turned away to face him.

  Before he could get on me about my absence, a life-sized Barbie doll walked up beside him and took both of our voices away.

  “Leiland, I see you brought Cindy with you. Happy to see you guys giving it another go,” Richard added, making the tension thicker. I wasn’t surprised by his antagonizing. You know what the nickname for Richard is right?

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see Leiland and I were familiar with one another. The bitch with him was the stranger. It could be concluded that they came together, but the lack of connection blurred the nature of their relationship.

  Back straight, chest out, Leiland boasted with annoyance.

  “Don’t play yourself, Richie. You and I both know you don’t want to go there with me. Remember the last time you got drunk and started running your mouth. You ended up on your ass.”

  “Why are you so concerned, Leiland? We all know she isn’t your type.”

  “Man, don’t worry about what I’m into. Leave her the hell alone.”

  “I could say the same thing about you.”

  “She’s mine. So no, you can’t say the same damn thing about me. Situations are completely different.”

  Stepping in the middle to defuse the escalating argument, Latif pushed them apart.

  “Come on, fellas, it’s not that deep. Let’s get a drink, some food, and turn the fuck up.”

  “As long as I can turn up with Sparx, I’m good,” Richard said with a menacing grin.

  Scowling, I let him know, “That’s not my fucking name.”

  “Nah, tell him the truth, Sparx. That is your fucking name, but only I can call you that. Be honest.”

  “Trust me, I’m hardly worried about what you’re calling me. Jupiter, drinks?”

  “Yes, love. Bye, baby.” Jupiter kissed Latif before gripping my hand and leading us to where Eleven had wandered off to.

  “I know I shouldn’t care, but damn, he has a girlfriend? Lying ass said he was single. Now, I’m happy I’ve been dodging him.” I frowned.

  “Now, don’t get me wrong, I have seen the chick before, but that’s not his girlfriend.” Stopping mid-sentence, Jupiter ordered two Hennessey sidecars and one with whiskey.

  “Thank you,” she told the bartender who’d handed her three drink tickets.

  “As I was saying, Leiland doesn’t have a girlfriend. I’ve seen her before, but I know they aren’t together. It’s not serious. And besides, you don’t want him so, why does it matter anyway?”

  “Are you trying to be funny, bitch?”

  Nodding her head, she beamed. Her sandy-brown curls bounced with the innocence of a child.

  “Yeah, a little. We both know you aren’t ready for a man like Leiland. Your ass doesn’t even want to date. Don’t ruin that man for the next woman.”

  “Wow, are you insinuating that Leiland is too good for me?”

  “Never. And if that’s what it sounds like, then I apologize.” Collecting her words, Jupiter reached for my hand. “I’m saying, you aren’t ready to love him the way he may deserve. I think that’s fair to say.”

  “Number twenty-four?”

  Going over to the area, I dramatically snatched my drink.

  “I resent you for that statement. You speak of me like I’m some type of monster.”

  “And he’ll resent you for breaking his heart. He’s already looking at you sideways for skipping out the morning after my party.”

  “What was I supposed to do? Wake up look into his eyes and say, yes to kids, marriage, and the whole fairy-tale. No. If there was ever a chance that we could be more than sex, he’s going to have to be patient. Isn’t that what you romantics do? Compromise, tolerate, and communicate. Aww shit, that rhymed,” I said, moving my shoulders to the tempo in my head.

  “See? You think it’s a joke and wonder why no one will take you serious.”

  Spotting Eleven sprawled across a colorful beach chair, we joined her. Settling in seats that she’d kept reserved for us, I saw her eyes were closed shut.

  “Wake up! This isn’t a damn spa day,” I shouted, smacking her on the booty.

  “After everything I told you about these fools, why would you think smacking my ass was a good idea. I was about to jab you!”

  “Well, your theory hasn’t been proven yet. We’ve been here close to an hour, and the energy is nice.”

  “So any plans about what to do with Leiland and Ivanka Trump?”

  “Ugh, bad comparison.” I frowned.

  “Very bad. We have to give her more credit than that.”

  “We don’t have to give her shit.” El sassed. I nodded before I knew what was happening. Eleven’s side smirk alerted me of my expression. I was definitely in my feelings about the blonde.

  Gazing at Becky, Ju tilted her head to the side. Examining the chick from afar she stated, “She’s more of a Heidi Klum.”

  “Hell no! Jessica Simpson!”

  “Bingo,” I said smiling.

  “Ha! You better stop talking about Leiland’s girl like that before he taps that ass,” Eleven said, looking past me.

  “Girl, I’m not about worried Leiland and his broad.”

  “Yeah, OK. Remember the last time you started spitting that rowdy shit, he damn near sat you on your pocket. You so bad, tell him how you feel.”

  Jupiter jumped in this time. “Or at least how you think you feel.”

  “I’ll think about it. When the time is right.”

  “Too late for all that. Here he comes, and his penis is waving in his trunks, so be polite and wave back.”

  Jupiter dramatically spit her drink in the air. I, on the other hand, turned in his direction at her announcement. As I said before, Dick had nothing on my buddy Mr. Greyson in any area. It took everything in me not to literally wave because as she’d warned, I was for damn sure being greeted.


  From the time she and I had interacted, I knew Sparx was a change from the women I’d dated in the past. Blunt and challenging weren’t usually my type. I’m a chill guy, and I usually liked my ladies the same, but Sparx had my interest piqued. Knowing she would be in attendance made me regret allowing Pres to tag along. It would be hard to watch both of them, and I wanted to focus on Sparx more.

  I didn’t have any exceptions for her. That usually birthed disappointment, and I didn’t know her well enough to put her on a pedestal. Last thing I would do is force her to pursue something she didn’t have a desire to be a part of, but see, that’s the thing, I knew she was curious, and sooner or later, she’d be back. />
  Even with her lack of words, it was easy to recognize that Sparx had read too much into seeing Cindy and I together. It fueled whatever sideways thoughts she had already made up in her head about me.

  Groaning, I relaxed as my muscles absorbed in the cushion beneath me. I hadn’t taken a moment to chill since leaving work earlier. I didn’t care for Richard much, but his parties were a good time, and I didn’t want to be cooped up in the house the rest of the weekend.

  Finding relief in my red cup half filled with dark liquor, I pulled my straw hat down to where my eyes were no longer visible.

  “May as well get it over with,” Latif said, cracking open a cold beer. “I warned you she would be here, so why you bring Cindy’s crazy ass?”

  “Man, you know I don’t like the drama. There’s no way in hell I brought her with me. When I pulled up on my bike, she was standing outside of her car waiting for me. Hell, I thought about just starting the engine back up and leaving but…”

  I refused to leave when I hadn’t had the chance to see her. Truthfully, that was the reason I came in the first place.

  Resting my head on the back of the cushioned couch, I spoke loud enough for my best friend to hear me over the music.

  “I would bet money Richard’s stupid ass told her about the party. She’s told me before he sent her direct messages often. I keep asking her how she knew, but she won’t say.”

  “Richie’s jealous, you know that.” Latif shrugged.

  Standing, he looked down at me, “Ol’ girl is in the restroom, so come on. I’ll walk over there with you. Need to check on Jupiter anyway, and this will give you the opportunity to talk to your girl.”

  Using the chance to my advantage, I joined him quickly. Even faster when I saw Cindy coming back to our seats.

  Now don’t get me wrong, Cindy had never been all the way right in the head. The overly-needy act wasn’t anything she hadn’t done before, but the stalker angle was fresh.

  She and I dated about a year ago, but things didn’t work out due to that exactly. She needed a man who could be there at her beck and call, and my life didn’t allow for that. Being honest, I didn’t allow that. It would warrant endurance I didn’t feel she deserved. Nowadays, we only spent time together in the bedroom, and even that hadn’t happened in months. There was no telling what she had been secretly planning.

  “Poke your chest out a little. She’ll eat you alive if she thinks you’re scared,” Latif muttered with a laugh as we walked over to the girls.

  “Sometimes, I really think you forget who the hell I am,” I said arrogantly.

  “I don’t forget, I just enjoyed the calmer storm.”

  I sat on the edge of Sparx’s beach chair and before she could move away, I gripped her ankle. The small, gold anklet she wore glistened against her mocha skin nicely.

  “What is this you’re drinking?” I asked to break the ice. Her stubbornness was taking over the space between us.

  “Whiskey,” she responded smiling. I was surprised. Most women didn’t like whiskey, let alone those under thirty.

  “Why, you want some?”

  I could feel the wrinkles in my forehead, “No, thanks. Don’t know where your lips have been.”

  Laughing, she side-eyed me. “If you’re asking if I’ve had dick in my mouth, the answer is no. So again, do you want some?”

  “No, thank you, Billie.”

  “Then why are you asking? Just want to be in my mix, huh.” She sassed sarcastically.

  “You’ve been hiding from me, Sparx?”

  “That your girlfriend?” She pointed in Cindy’s direction as if she hadn’t been raised to know that it was rude to do so. It was catty, and I knew she was only doing it so Cindy knew we were discussing her. I really didn’t care either way.

  “I told you before, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t have a reason to lie. Now, answer my question.”

  “Yeah. That’s what you told me. But I see differently.”

  “You see what you want. Stop trying to deflect and rate bad behavior. Why have you been ignoring me? Afraid you can’t trust yourself around me?”

  “Please. We only fear things we feel threatened by. I’m more afraid of that damn ticket book you tote around than I am of you,” she said, looking past me.

  “Still playing the role, huh?” I acknowledged.

  “Is there a real reason you came over here. It’s rude to leave your guest waiting. I would’ve spit in your drink if I were her.”

  “But you’re not her. That’s the difference and the real root of your problem.” It came out so fast and naturally, I’m sure it sounded like an insult. I didn’t want to offend Sparx but her smart comment asked for a mirrored response. I didn’t care about Cindy or her feelings. She’d put herself in the position to be called out. Her coming here was a dumb move.

  Still, I decided not to do the back and forth, and excused myself instead.

  “I’ll see you around, Sparx.”

  Walking off and going back to the stalker, I was sure I had made feel uncomfortable, I thought about leaving. Her red face dimmed, and her fake attempt at keeping it together was exposed. Her fingers twisting in her blonde hair was a dead giveaway. I knew Sparx was under her skin. I actually appreciated it. Maybe then she’d stand down and move on. I was even willing to keep her out of my bed for the message to digest.

  Before I made it to my seat, I heard Sparx behind me. “I bet you will see me around since you can’t stop looking.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I grinned but didn’t deny it. I couldn’t without being a liar.

  Deciding to further prove her theory and fuck with my head even more, she stripped down to her two-piece, high-waisted bathing suit and walked close to where I was sitting.

  For a slight second it appeared that she was coming directly to me, but she cut a sharp left and stood on the edge of the pool. Gathering her braids, she twisted them in a tight bun on the top of her head.

  All eyes were on her, including mine.

  There was no way she was blocking out the cat calls, even if her disposition for the most part said otherwise. She tried to play coy, but I saw her toes ruffle a bit as if she was a nervous swimmer preparing to dive. Her ass hung out from the bottom of the briefs, which was satisfying and upsetting both at the same time. The black, lace bottoms hugging her body made her hips look wide and waist smaller.

  “Ok, Billie! Show ‘em what you’re working with! You know they think our kind can’t swim!” Eleven could be heard tossing cheers from the sideline, but Billie didn’t look at her either.

  With her view free of hair and glasses, she peeked over her shoulder to find my attention.

  Relaxed, I draped my arm over the back of couch and lifted my glass in her direction as a gesture of approval; I got the sense that’s what she was after.

  Turning away, I saw her shoulders rise before she disappeared in the deep end. Gliding around the empty water, she reminded me of a mermaid.

  Rotating onto her back, and she floated with her eyes open. Without notice, she slowly turned to me and showed teeth. This was definitely all for me.

  She was beautiful.

  She was mine, and the sooner she accepted the inevitable, the better off we’d both be.


  Driving to the address Leiland had texted me earlier in the day, I spotted the valet and turned in. Taking a deep breath, I could feel a small coat of sweat curse my edges. The parking attendant knocked on my window softly pulling my attention back to the present. Raising my index finger, I gestured for him to give me a minute. I knew I was establishing a small afro along my hairline, but on the flip, I was thankful I’d chosen a sundress. I didn’t have to worry about my armpits leaving huge puddles on my dress. Shaking my head, I spoke aloud, “I can’t do this.” But as the declaration absorbed me, my phone went off.

  “Don’t punk out, Sparx. I know you’re here already. I can smell that flower I know you have in your hair.” I blushed at Leiland’s m
essage and fingered the sunflower that occupied its rightful place.

  “You’re so damn corny.”

  “And you’re so damn scary. Get it together, lady.”

  After smoothing down the waves in my dress and grabbing my yellow, flower-shaped clutch from the passenger seat, I slid on my sunglasses. Handing my keys over to the attendant, I noticed his eyes kept surveying my legs and breasts while I checked my reflection in my car’s tinted windows. I knew the Forever21 joint was a good choice. Finally feeling as good as I looked, I jaywalked across the small intersection.

  Leiland let me know beforehand the restaurant looked like a homey, county house but not to judge. The Attic was one of the most popular restaurants in Downtown Long Beach. Although they used interesting ingredients, their food looked delicious, so I was down for the newness.

  “Good afternoon, ma’am. Welcome to The Attic. Do you have a reservation to dine with us this afternoon?” Came from the chipper host that stood in the entrance dressed in black from head to toe.

  “Hi. I, ummm…” I paused for a second before excusing myself to check with Leiland.

  A strong hand ran its length from one end of my back then settled on the opposite. My whole body turned to putty, my legs like Jell-O, and I think my knees actually buckled.

  Would it be unfair to say the hair on the back of my neck only stood like a porcupine because we were fairly close to the beach and not due to Leiland having a genuine effect on my body and not just my pussy? Nah, that wouldn’t be fair.

  His voice brought strength to my lower half as he guided me back to where I initially stood.

  “Yes, we do. Reservation for two under Greyson.”

  Even with sunglasses covering his beautiful havens, I could feel his eyes stuck to me like Velcro. That’s how his staring made me feel, like I was trapped in a whirlpool. Exhaling oxygen I didn’t even realize I was depriving myself of. Leiland leaned down to me and whispered into my ear, “You look good as hell, Sparx.” The affection tickled my ear, and when his bottom lip bushed against my earlobe, goodness!

  Chills while standing under the sun would be the best way to describe it.


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