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Beneath the Earth

Page 7

by Laura Greenwood

  “Hey, stop thinking about it so hard,” Jared murmured, tipping back Macey’s face so he could look into her eyes. “We’ll figure it out together.”

  “I don’t know why you want me when I come with so many complications,” she responded, sniffing slightly as the tears threatened to fall.

  “Because I love you,” he replied, leaning down and pressing his lips gently against hers.

  He started slow, increasing the pressure and the tempo as he went. Macey pushed her body into his, feeling the hard planes of him against her own softness. She moaned into the kiss and slipped her hand under the hem of Jared’s shirt. He was quicker than she was and whipped the whole thing over his head, swiftly undressing the rest of them, throwing their clothes to the ground.

  “In a hurry?” she teased after breaking their kiss.

  “No more waiting, little kelpie. It’s been too long since I was alone with you.” There was an edge to his voice which she suspected meant his incubus nature was close to the surface. Anticipation thrummed through her. Sex with Jared was good. Sex with incubus Jared was even better.

  Without saying a word, she dropped to her knees, looking up at Jared through her eyelashes. His eyes filled with hunger as he looked down on her, causing a sense of satisfaction to swiftly flow through her. She was the one making him like this. Her and no one else.

  Leaning forward, her tongue darted out and she lapped at the top of his cock, keeping the pressure light and teasing. She didn’t want this to be over too soon, so going a little slower than she wanted was the right option.

  “Macey,” Jared groaned.

  Grinning, she changed tactics, taking his cock into her mouth and placing her hand at the base to stop him from hitting the back of her throat and causing her gag reflex to kick in. That wouldn’t be a fun way to end their evening. Maybe in time she’d be able to take him further, but she had plans for him that didn’t involve this being over quickly.

  Jared’s hands threaded through her hair, pulling her closer and controlling the movements of her head as she took his cock in and out of her mouth, dragging her lips against him and eliciting a series of moans and groans from him.

  She let out a soft hum, which vibrated through the pair of them.

  “I think that’s enough now,” Jared said through bated breaths.

  He tugged on her hair and she tipped back, his cock leaving her mouth and standing proudly between them.

  “Get on the bed,” he said softly. It was different from the orders he’d given the first time they’d been alone together. There wasn’t anything quite so demanding about it. There was an emotion behind it which hadn’t existed quite so clearly before.

  Macey got to her feet and made the short trip to the bed. Knowing what Jared liked, she began to lie down on her front.

  “Not tonight,” Jared countered. “Lie on your back.”

  She complied, lying across the bed naked and exposed. Jared closed the distance between them and sank down onto the bed next to her, the mattress dipping as he did.

  “I want to be able to look into your eyes this time.”

  Macey’s heart filled to bursting and her eyes glazed over as the affection and lust combined to create a whole new sensation.

  Jared leaned forward and began to trace lines over her stomach. Macey glanced down and noticed he was following the patterns caused by the shining gemstones off the wall. His eyes looked on at her with reverent feeling.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, needing more from him.

  Jared complied almost instantly, placing himself above her and making her wish he was pressing her into the bed. Macey reached up and cupped his face, stroking a thumb over his cheek as they stared into one another’s eyes.

  After a few moments, Jared leaned down and kissed her tenderly. His body lowered closer to hers and sparks engulfed Macey where their naked skin touched. There really was nothing like this. No way of feeling so loved, cherished and needed.

  His lips moved from hers and travelled down her neck, leaving fluttery sensations in their wake as he reached her collarbone.

  “Switch with me,” he murmured against her, the words vibrating against her skin.

  It took her a second to realise what he meant, but obediently moved so he could take her place lying on the bed. Without wasting any more time, she resumed their kiss, very conscious of the hard cock brushing against the inside of her thigh. While she wanted him, she didn’t want to rush him. Or this. They had a little bit of time, and right now, they were creating a memory they could treasure.

  Slowly, she lowered herself down on to him, letting him fill her completely. The two of them set their own rhythm, the movements slow and sensual. Macey lost track of time as they continued their private dance, each of them growing closer to the climax with each single stroke until it became too much.

  Crying out, Macey reached her release and Jared joined her seconds later.

  He hugged her tight as the final shivers of their release ran through them.

  "That was magnificent," Jared muttered, but Macey didn't want to hear how it had been. She wanted more. She wanted to make it even more magnificent than he thought possible.

  His cock still inside her, she began to sway her hips, leaving Jared's embrace so she could sit up and ride him.

  "What are you doing?" he asked, but she didn't reply. It was obvious, and his cock decided the same, springing back to life, growing hard within her.

  She wrapped her legs around his thighs, tightening her hold on him, binding her pelvis to his. Her breasts were whipping up and down as she rode him and his eyes were fixed on her chest, need and desire burning within them. He stretched out his hands and encompassed her breasts, massaging them roughly as she continued to fuck him.

  Yes, there was no other word for it. She was in charge, she was making both of them feel good, just like she'd taken charge earlier when she sucked his cock. Was this a new side to her, caused by the weird 'man devouring' desire, or had it always been slumbering beneath the surface and now came out through Jared's incubus powers?

  "Your scales," Jared suddenly said and his eyes widened. "You have scales."

  She looked down at herself, admiring the faint covering of miniscule scales that had taken over the skin on her legs and arms. They were rapidly spreading, like a rash but much more beautiful, covering her belly and chest. She could feel the skin of her breasts harden beneath Jared's fingers, and that almost drove her over the edge.

  "That happened before with Rónán," she explained, never stopping her rhythmical movements. She was getting close and there was no way she was going to cease without getting her second release. "They disappeared again though after we had... sex."

  She wasn't sure how much information Jared wanted. Sure, he'd felt their sexual energy and knew very well what the selkie and her had been up to, but the whole dynamic of being with four men and all of them being okay with that, was still new to her. Waves, it was new to all of them.

  "You're changing," Jared mused but it came out as a groan as Macey increased her rhythm. "I think I like this new you. You're more intense. Feral."

  "Feral?!" She jerked her pelvis forward abruptly, signalling him that she did not approve of his choice of words.

  "More kelpie while you're human," he explained, taking his hands off her breasts and pushing her pelvis back until she was sitting perfectly on his cock again. "Maybe you're more human while you're kelpie, too."

  Jared suddenly grinned. "Stop," he groaned and Macey complied in confusion. Didn't he want her anymore now that she had scales?

  He lifted her off him as easily as if she weighed nothing, and rolled her onto her back, before spreading her legs and kneeling in between them.

  "I want to see where else you have scales," he said, his voice full of heated desire.

  She smiled, then moaned as his tongue explored her. He expertly licked over the sensitive skin, flicking his tongue against that precise po
int that made her shiver and want to come.

  He ended far too soon and resurfaced, grinning. "Yes, you've got scales there too. Tiny ones, though. Exquisite. They're all shiny now that you're aroused. I think I need to lick them again to make sure they're real."

  She returned his grin. "Yes, I think you should."

  He spread her legs a little further and continued his exploration, his tongue finding ever new spots that made Macey quiver and moan. The scales seemed to make her even more sensitive to his touch, and it wasn't long until she had to beg him to stop.

  "Get inside me," she said hoarsely, need lacing her voice. "I need you inside of me."

  "Are there scales-"


  He grinned but did as she'd asked, driving his cock into her with one fluid motion.

  "I'm not going to last long," she moaned. Her nerves felt like they were full of electricity, making her skin tingle every time Jared touched her. His hands landed on her breasts again, squeezing her nipples.

  "Your eyes are glowing," he whispered, and for some reason, that drove her over the edge. Her hands gripped the bed sheet as the orgasm ripped through her, while Jared continued to press into her, groaning with desire.

  She met his eyes and saw the flecks of gold flashing in them when he came inside of her, his incubus powers feeding on their combined energy. He stayed in the same position for a moment and she savoured the feeling of him, still large and thick in her, not wanting it to end. Was she really this insatiable now that two times weren't enough?

  He bent down to kiss her and she met his lips with hers. A shiver ran over her body, more than just goosebumps. It felt strange and she broke the kiss to look at her arms.

  The scales were gone.

  "You're pretty with scales and without," Jared whispered, claiming her lips again. She smiled and returned the kiss, pouring as much love and adoration into the kiss as she could.

  Macey cringed at the knowing smile Smal gave them when they returned to the living cave. They'd had a quick nap to regain their strength, but now Macey was hungry and they'd decided to rejoin the kabouters.

  "Any news yet?" Jared asked.

  "Jerimiah is talking to his contacts just now," the kabouter woman explained. "He might be another few minutes. I made you some dinner. You need to eat more, dear, you're thin as a stick." That last sentence was aimed at Macey, who was having a hard time not to laugh. She wasn't a stick exactly, unless the stick had curves and boobs.

  Jared sniffed the air and his eyes widened slightly. "Do I smell waffles?"

  Smal laughed. "Of course. How could I not make your favourite dish when you finally come to visit again. First, some soup though, you need some vitamins."

  The incubus sighed. "I could eat some fruit with the waffles to get those."

  The kabouter put her hands on her hips and stared him down. "No, veggies first, then you can have your waffles."

  Macey suppressed a grin. Smal was treating him like a boy despite the fact that he was over a century old. Oh well, if they had to eat soup to get waffles, that was fine by her.

  Smal disappeared into one of the tunnels and returned moments later with a steaming pot. She'd already decked the table in the centre of the cave and Macey sat down, hunger spreading through her stomach.

  "Ella! Come eat!" Smal shouted, and Macey noticed a smaller bowl on the table, together with an intricately carved wooden spoon, half the size of her own. Cute.

  The little kabouter girl came running into the cave, her hair tousled and specks of dirt on her face.

  Smal sighed. "What did you do?"

  Gisella shrugged. "Digging for earthworms. I thought James could do with a companion."

  "James is her worm pet," Jared explained in a whisper. "Don't even ask."

  “I wasn’t going to,” Macey muttered. Of all the things she’d ever imagined asking someone, earthworm relationships had never made the list. Maybe she should expand it to include such things now. That way she wouldn’t end up taken aback like this.

  “I have answers!” Jerimiah called, rushing back into the room.

  Macey perked up. Answers were always good. Hopefully these would be more satisfying than those Malan or any of the others had given her.

  “Go on,” Jared prompted, taking a sip of his soup and slurping a little too much for Macey’s liking. She elbowed him gently and he shot her an apologetic look.

  “Is there any meat in this?” she asked him under her breath. She didn’t want Smal to think she was rude, but she also didn’t feel all that great about potentially breaking her vegetarian diet. Not only did she not like the taste but she wasn’t all that convinced her stomach could deal with it.

  “No,” Jared answered instantly. “The earth kabouters are vegetarian, like you.” He smiled at her, pure affection radiating off him.

  “Great.” She beamed back and took a big spoonful of her soup. It was delicious, the perfect combination of salt, spices and vegetables. It was almost as good as the idea of waffles.

  “What news is there?” Jared prompted after a moment.

  “There’s a rumbling slightly to the east. Earthquakes mostly. I haven’t heard this first hand, but there’s allegedly been some eruptions from dormant volcanoes further south. It’s not from the kabouters though, so I don’t know the truth of it.”

  “And it’s not just global warming?” Jared checked.

  “I doubt it,” Jerimiah answered. “Of course, that’s what the humans are going to put it down to, but from what I’ve seen, that’s their answer for everything going wrong.”

  Macey couldn’t bring herself to disagree. She didn’t think it was always the case, but she also didn’t want to argue with her new quasi father-in-law.

  “What can we do about it?” she asked.

  “There probably isn’t anything we can do,” Smal said sadly, rubbing her daughter’s back as she spoke. The little girl had started humming to herself as she doodled on a piece of paper, apparently ignoring her food. None of the adults seemed to care now, they were more focused on the matter at hand.

  “There will be,” Jared countered. “Macey already defeated Self-Doubt.”

  Her ears began to heat with embarrassment and she glanced away, unable to meet anyone’s gaze. How could she when the two kabouters were looking at her in such awe.

  “That may be right, but I don’t think you’ll find the answers here,” Jerimiah said. “I think it’s time you go and see the kluddes.”

  “Alright, let’s just have the waffles first,” Jared joked. “Then I’ll take her to the Meer.”

  “Good thinking,” Smal said. “There isn’t any need to rush quite yet.” She grinned broadly.

  They were finally going to get waffles. It had been so long, she’d started to doubt she’d ever get them. But it was all about to change.

  They continued to eat their soup in silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Probably those of Belgian pastries, warm and dripping in butter.

  A loud rumble started beneath them and the earth around them began to shake. A stream of dust rained down from the ceiling and scattered itself around the table, even dropping into their soup.

  “On second thoughts, it might be best you go now.” Jerimiah’s voice shook as he spoke.

  Disappointment filled Macey. Mostly because she knew the kabouter was right. Waffles would have to come later. She had a world to sort out first.



  “At least the mists make it feel like home,” she mused as they walked towards the large lake Jerimiah had called the Meer. It loomed grey and mysterious in front of them.

  Macey shuddered. She didn’t know what to expect of the kludde. She hadn’t even heard of them before coming to Belgium.

  “Do you know how to find them?” she asked Jared.

  “I don’t think we find them, I think they find us.”

  “Reassuring.” She sighed as they continued walking.

  “Tell me more about them

  Jared shrugged. “There’s not much more I can really tell, I’ve never seen one myself so I have no idea what they’re really like. All I know is that they like to play tricks on unwary travellers and can shift forms to do so.”

  “Like I can shift? Or…”

  “Not quite like you. As far as I know, they can take any form they want. Within reason.”

  “And what would that reason be?” This was sounding less and less pleasant by the second. How were they even supposed to know if they were faced with one of the kludde if it could look like just about anything else when it stood in front of her.

  “I don’t think they can impersonate specific people.” Jared shrugged again as if it was no big deal.

  “You don’t think?”

  “Hellllllllllllo?” a voice called out through the mists.

  Macey yelped and jumped backwards, surprised out of her skin by the sudden intrusion into their conversation.

  “Hello?” she called back, her voice cracking with nerves. This wasn’t the first impression she wanted to give to anyone, never mind the creatures they might want to ask for answers.

  No response came. Macey took a deep breath and took another step into the mists, hoping whoever it was would make an appearance.

  “Remind me why we’re going to the water kludde and not the earth kludde?”

  “They’re easier to get to,” Jared answered. “And less volatile.”

  “Worrying,” Macey muttered to herself, but Jared’s responding chuckle led her to believe he’d caught it. What damn crazy hearing the man must have.

  “They just like to tease, Macey. Despite their reputation, I’ve never actually heard of a water kludde hurting anyone on purpose.”

  “But by accident?”

  “Have you hurt anyone by accident?” he prompted.

  She thought for a moment, then shivered, remembering the guards back at the Voice’s keep. She had no idea if they’d actually been injured or not, but her intentions had certainly been there. Which was worse than hurting anyone by accident if anyone asked her. She’d actually purposefully tried to cause damage.


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