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Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel

Page 31

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Not yet,” I blurted. “I’ve been avoiding him since I’ve returned from Philadelphia. I’ll talk to him, soon. And no, he isn’t the friend I leave Dylan with.”

  “You’d better get rid of him, and soon. I don’t need some backward prick coming between my son and me or screwing my wife. You’re still mine, Melissa. I own you.”

  I wanted to scream that Jensen was the best thing to ever happen to Dylan and me, that Derrick was not only backward, he was utterly irrelevant to us, and I’d rather die than submit to him again. Instead, I held my tongue, clenching my fist so hard that my nails dug into my palm; the burning pain a sure sign of breaking the skin. “Let’s just be nice about this, Derrick. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

  “Smart girl. I’ll call Dylan tonight. Make sure he’s ready to talk to me.”

  Desolation set in again. Dylan would freak out if he knew in advance of the call and I wasn’t about to ambush him. “Derrick, please let me speak to him a little more. He hasn’t seen you in years, and he needs to get used to the idea. He’s just a little boy. I promise…” I begged. “Just let me have a little time. It’s only Wednesday.”

  There was a long pause on the line before he answered. “Okay, but nothing will stop me from seeing him on Saturday, Melissa, do you hear me? I’ll call him on Friday night. Make sure you prepare him by then unless you want Romeo to have an accident.”

  My phone went dead in my hand. Derrick had hung up without waiting for my reply. I stood there, frozen for I don’t know how long, struggling with how to deal with Derrick, how to tell my son, and how to convince Jensen we couldn’t see each other anymore. I slammed it on my desk, lifted it and hit it against it again. I was breathing heavy, frustrated, angry and scared. What the hell was I going to do? I put a hand to my head.

  Somehow, I had to convince Derrick that Jensen and I had stopped dating. I had to buy some time. I knew Jensen would fight me on it, but even if he agreed, Dylan was only six, and little kids weren’t good at keeping their thoughts to themselves. Derrick would find out eventually. I must have forgotten to breathe because my body automatically sucked in a deep breath that startled me, and my hand came up to my throat.

  I wouldn’t put it past Derrick to have me followed. He’d know where and when I picked up Dylan. Worse, maybe he had someone watching my son. Trepidation caused me to shudder. My first instinct was to call Jensen, and that was just what I was going to do.


  “Come on, kids!” I ushered Remi and Dylan in front of me and into the parking lot on the south side of the elementary school. I usually picked them up in front, but the situation called for a change of routine.

  When I was a kid, kindergarten only went half-days, but I was thankful that their school had classes all day. It allowed me to duck out a little early from work in an emergency, without cutting a full day. This definitely qualified as an emergency.

  Missy’s frantic call not long after I left her office only intensified the urgency I felt. I wasn’t sure how, but her bastard ex-husband needed to be dealt with; and fast.

  When I picked them up, Remi and Dylan were excited, chatting on and on about some birthday party that was happening on Saturday. I glanced around, checking out the parking lot and the cars parked across the street on the residential side. Nothing looked suspicious—no signs of any Ellington Construction vehicles or anything untoward.

  “Hop up, you two.” I lifted first Remi, then Dylan into the backseat and buckled them both in. I’d already purchased a second booster seat for the backseat of my vehicle.

  After I had Remi settled, I moved around to the driver’s side and opened the back door to check Dylan’s seatbelt to make sure it was secure. He’d insisted on doing it himself, but it was better safe than sorry. “You got it, bud?” I winked at him and tugged on the belt, satisfied it was secure.

  “Yup!” he exclaimed proudly.

  I slid into the front seat, pulling my own belt across my lap and clicking it in. I glanced in the rearview mirror. “What’s this I hear about a birthday party?”

  “My friend Jessica is having a party on Saturday at PlayDaze,” Remi explained.

  “Yeah, and it’s gonna be a blast! They got all sorts of games and stuff!” Dylan added. “Billy told me about it, cuz he goes there every weekend with his dad.”

  I put the car in reverse and backed out, then pulled out of the parking lot. “Hmmm,” I said. “Did both of your moms okay it?” I knew Teagan probably had done, but I didn’t think Missy would, considering everything that was going on.

  “Yeah,” they said in unison.

  My brow shot up. She’d been so scared when I spoke to her last, and I was surprised at Dylan’s response.

  “Jensey, can we get ice cream?” Remi asked.

  “I want chocolate!” Dylan piped up.

  “Okay, I guess we can if it’s a small one. I don’t want to get in trouble for spoiling your dinner. Dylan, did your mom say you could go? For sure?”

  “Uh huh.”

  My eyes hidden behind my RayBans narrowed and my brow creased in a frown. Why would Missy agree when the situation was so precarious? Surely, she’d considered that Ellington might be lurking. I decided to talk to her about it later in the evening after the kids had gone to sleep and we were alone.

  When we arrived at Chase and Teagan’s estate, I entered the combination to the gate and pulled in and up to the house. The larger garage door was open, and Chase was saying goodbye to Teagan inside. He had a big game coming up and was spending the rest of this week and the weekend in Kansas City for practice. My friend was holding his wife, and they were kissing goodbye. They broke apart when they heard my SUV approach and Chase raised his hand to wave, then it settled on Teagan’s swollen belly as he placed another kiss to her temple.

  I parked behind Teagan’s car so that Chase could back out around me, and then shut off the engine. Chase was already walking up to open the back, passenger door.

  “Hey, kiddos!” he greeted happily. “I’m glad I got to see you before I left for Kansas City!!”

  “Hi, Daddy!” Remi replied brightly. Chase reached in and freed Remi from her booster seat and then enfolded her in his arms.

  “You be a good girl for Mommy and Jensey,” he said, hugging her little body tight and kissing her cheek.

  “I will!” Remi hugged him back and then pushed back to look into his face. “Dylan and I are going to Jessica’s party on Saturday! It’s gonna be a blast!”

  Chase threw me a concerned glance over the top of the car. I had unbuckled Dylan and helped him out of the car. “You do, huh?”

  “Yep! And Jessica’s brother is a soccer player! I’m gonna ask him to play with me.”

  “Hmm. That’s the first I’ve heard of this, but I’m not sure PlayDaze has a soccer field, buddy. You might ask him over to play when Chase is back from his trip,” I amended, meeting my friend’s gaze. I knew what he was thinking. He wondered why the kids were even being allowed to attend.

  “Okay,” Dylan sounded a bit disappointed.

  “Hi, Mommy!” Chase had released Remi, and she had scampered into the garage to wrap her little arms as far around her mother as she could, pressing her ear to Teagan’s stomach. “Please, be a girl, baby!”

  Teagan’s hand curved around Remi’s silky head as she gazed down at her child and she smiled big in our direction. Chase was standing next to me, having walked around the car to talk to Dylan. He was grinning from ear-to-ear, as well. Obviously, he’d be happy with another little girl if his expression was anything to go on.

  “Hey, D,” Chase crouched down to get on Dylan’s level and wrapped a hand around the little boy’s upper arm. “We’ll get a game together here with all of your friends in a couple of weeks or so, deal?” He ruffled his hair. “Run on in with Remi. I want to talk to Jensen. Love you guys!”

  Dylan followed after Remi and Teagan, and after Teagan and Remi returned Chase’s declaration of love, they disappeared into the h

  “What’s this about a party?” he asked, his hands settling on his hips. He had put his duffel and his jacket in the back of his car but didn’t seem to notice the briskness of the fall night air.

  “Yeah, it took me by surprise, too. I’ll talk to Teagan and Missy about it tonight. Dylan and Remi have become friends, and it’s hard for Missy to tell him no when it’s an event Remi is attending.” I ran a hand through my hair. “It’s great they’re getting along, but it would be easier if they weren’t such close friends.”

  Chase shook his head and sighed. “Well, that’s not the case. I have two security guards on the perimeter of the house and grounds, already, and it looks like we need to get a couple more. Are you planning on staying here tonight?”

  “If it’s okay with you, yes.”

  “For sure. I’ve given your number to security in case there’s anything suspicious going on outside. I don’t want to scare the kids or the women, so I’ve told them to keep outside the gates.”

  “I think that’s wise,” I replied.

  “I gotta fly but let me know what comes of the conversation about the party, and we can decide what to do from there.”

  “That dickhead is demanding that Missy stop seeing me and that he be allowed to spend some time with Dylan.”

  “What does Missy think?”

  “She wants to do it!” I said shaking my head in consternation.

  “That’s crazy,” Chase agreed.

  “She thinks it’s the best way to deal with Ellington, but I think there’s something she isn’t telling me.”

  Chase paused on his walk back to his car. “I hope you’re wrong but find out what you can. I can have him investigated if you think it’s needed.”

  I was grateful for Chase’s gregarious nature, but I hated to see more money spent on Missy’s asshole ex unless it was absolutely necessary. Twenty-four-seven security was going to be thousands a week, and it was anyone’s guess how long we had to keep it up.

  “I’d rather just beat the shit out of him, and be done with it,” I said. My statement was made tongue in cheek, but inside I was dead serious. I hated the mother fucker. “But yeah, thanks.”

  “Okay,” Chase chuckled. “Talk to you later.”

  “Have a good flight,” I said, landing a hand firmly on my best friend’s shoulder. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t sweat it.” He looked me straight in the eye as he opened the door to his Audi A5. “It’s all in the family. You get to tell the girls they’ll have security following them around until further notice.”

  I huffed out a laugh. “Great, thanks. You take off and leave me with the dirty work.”

  He only laughed and got into the car and started it up.

  After Chase left, I went into the house. Teagan looked tired, so I told her to take a break, and I’d handle dinner and taking care of the kids. She protested, but only for a couple of minutes. She was getting to the end of her pregnancy, and though she tried to hide it, I could tell she was exhausted.

  I was tense waiting for Missy to arrive, wondering if she’d been followed. I peered out the window of the kitchen and then out the one in the front room to see if I could find the security detail Chase had enlisted, but nothing was visible. The street was too far away and hidden by the brick and wrought iron fence, but I trusted Chase. If he said they were there, they were there.

  “Hey, Jensey,” Dylan asked coming into the room and looking up at me. “Do you wanna play a game with us?”

  My face softened as I looked down into his sweet face. Thank God, he looked like his mother and not that bastard. He’d become so important to me over the past few weeks. The little boy was so hungry for male influence, and I wanted to be that man. “Sure, I’d love to, but I have to figure out dinner and talk to your mom for a little bit. I will later, okay?”

  “Aww!” he protested. “That’s a long time from now.”

  Time must move slower for kids. I remember my mom leaving me at a friend’s house, and his mom was mean to us. It felt like forever to me until she came back to get me, but in reality, it was only a couple of hours. I felt sick inside that Missy would subject this little angelic boy to Derrick Ellington for even one minute. Dylan’s reaction to seeing him the other night was enough evidence for me to see that his father shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near him. Bile rose up in my throat thinking of Derrick Ellington as Dylan’s father… as Missy’s husband. God… it made me ill.

  “Well, we can find something for you to watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime. How about that?”

  “As long as it’s not some stupid girl movie,” he lamented.

  I smiled. “We have to find something Remi likes, too. Where is she?”

  “Talking to her mom, I think. She likes to feel that baby in Teagan’s stomach kick. She said it even did a somersault yesterday.”

  “It did, huh? It won’t be long until it’s born.” I turned on the TV and flipped through the children and family choices, finally settling on Shark Tale. “How about this one? It’s a cartoon about the ocean.”

  “As long as it has sharks!”

  I grinned at him and turned it on. “It has a few of them! I’m going to find Remi. I’ll be right back.”

  I headed up the stairs to the second level of the house and peered into Remi’s room, but there was no sign of her. Chase and Teagan’s bedroom was a couple of doors away, and I knocked softly. The door was ajar, and it slowly swung partway open. Remi and Teagan were sleeping in the middle of the king-sized bed, both lying on their sides, spooning with Remi wrapped in Teagan’s arms. It was only a year ago that we thought we’d lose Remi, and the sight filled my heart with tenderness and joy. I decided to let them be and go down to start dinner hoping I could convince Missy, then Teagan, that the birthday party was a bad idea.

  I popped my head around the archway that led into the great room. Dylan was lying on his stomach in front of the big HDTV laughing at something one of the fish in the movie was saying, so I went back into the kitchen and started digging around in the freezer and cupboards trying to figure out what to cook for our evening meal.

  I decided on burgers and box macaroni and cheese. It wasn’t fancy, but I knew the kids would like it. I popped the frozen hamburger into the microwave on defrost and then looked for a pan to make the mac and cheese and rummaged through the pantry until I found a can of green beans.

  My phone pinged as a text came in. It was from Missy asking me to open the front gate to the property so she could drive inside. I went to the house security panel by the backdoor to the garage and punched in the security code necessary. I then opened the side of the garage that Chase had just vacated and walked out motioning her to drive her car inside. There would be no visible trace that she and Dylan were on the property, and it would be safer for all of us, provided she wasn’t followed.

  I waited the minute or so it took her to pull in and then closed the door behind her.

  “Is this okay?” she asked, getting out of the car. “Where’s Chase’s car?”

  “He’s on his way to KC,” I explained. “He’ll leave it at the airport.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” She looked as tired as Teagan. “Thank you,” she said wearily.

  I put my arm around her when she reached me, turning her to go into the house, and kissed her on the mouth. The kiss was firm, and desperate, tinged with a hint of the passion we’d experienced earlier that morning. “Are you okay?” She let herself lean on me, and I rubbed my hand up and down her arm as we walked into the house.

  She didn’t answer right away, and when we were further inside, I took her purse from her shoulder and helped her remove her coat.

  “I’m okay. Stressed out, I guess.”

  All kinds of vile thoughts ran through my mind. “Did he do something? Threaten you?”

  “Not since the call. I haven’t heard from him again.” She wrapped her arms around herself and then sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen island. Her blue eyes met mine
, and she looked scared. “Where’s Dylan?”

  “Watching Shark Tale in the living room,” I said dismissively. “He’s fine.” I wouldn’t let her skirt the issue. “Did Ellington follow you?”

  I could see her chest rise and fall as she inhaled deeply. “I don’t think so, but I’m not sure. That’s why I— I didn’t go home to get a bag. I don’t know how I can go to work tomorrow in the same suit.” Her hand rubbed her temple.

  “I’m sure Teagan has something you can borrow. You’re scared, Missy. It’s going to be okay.”

  The microwave beeped, and I took the package of now thawed meat out of it, setting it on a cutting board and bending to retrieve a skillet from one of the lower cupboards intent on forming the meat into patties and slapping them in the pan. “Do you want a drink?” I asked before I started cooking.

  She nodded. “That would be nice.”

  I removed a bottle of white wine from the big stainless refrigerator and poured us both a glass.

  She reached for it gratefully and took a sip. I went back to preparing the meal.

  “What happens after Teagan has her baby, Jensen?”

  Her question made me pause. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you see Remi because you helped raise her. When you pick up Remi, will it be weird for Remi to leave her new brother or sister behind?”

  I shrugged, my back still to her as I concentrated on what I was doing. I laid one patty and then another into the now smoking hot skillet. The air filled with the sounds of sizzling and a delicious aroma of garlic and other seasonings I’d mixed in. “I never thought about it, but I assume… I’ll take them both. I can’t picture that I’d think any differently of the new baby. Sure, Remi is special, but I’ll be around this baby from birth, just like I was her.”

  “Do you think that’s what Teagan and Chase want, too?”

  I turned then and looked at her. She was leaning on her bent elbow with her hand holding her cheek. She was interested in my answer, but I couldn’t help wondering if she was just trying to steer the conversation away from Derrick Ellington. “Sure,” I shook my head. “I mean, they want what’s best for their kids. I’m a big part of Remi’s life, and Chase and Teagan are my dearest friends. I can’t imagine we’d raise this baby any different than we have Remi. We’re sort of a team, I guess.”


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