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The Sheik's Gentle Triumph (The Diamond Club Book 4)

Page 11

by Elizabeth Lennox

“I’m on birth control now,” she admitted, and he chuckled as the blush stole up her cheeks. But then her words hit him and he reverently kissed her, his hands moving over her body in the best way he knew that he could give her pleasure. Normally, he wouldn’t trust a woman regarding birth control. But he trusted Danielle. She was the most honest woman he’d ever met and he reveled in that honesty as he gently pressed into her heat, groaning at the contact. It was more intense this way, more real. He could feel every pulse of her body and had to close his eyes against the delicious friction.

  Because they’d been separated for so long, and because they both knew how to help each other to that peak, it took almost no time before she was screaming out his name, her body throbbing around his shaft, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He surged into her one more time, spilling himself into her heat and glorying in the woman that he loved.

  For a long time afterwards, he held her in his arms, just listening to the sound of their breathing as it slowly came back to normal. Mika was shocked by what had just happened. For the first time in his life, he hadn’t used protection. That action only confirmed the idea that had occurred to him over the past several days without her. He wanted Danielle in his life forever. Hence the ring in his pocket.

  He needed to find the right time to propose to her though. And he needed to figure out what was holding her back. She hadn’t said anything to him, but he sensed that there was something wrong. It wasn’t their sex life, that was for sure. And it wasn’t that she didn’t have feelings for him either. He knew that she loved him. It would be wonderful to hear her say that to him, but he could be patient. Maybe.

  But there was something holding her back.

  He’d figure it out. Rolling to the side, he looked down into her sleepy eyes. “Come to Paris with me this weekend.”

  That woke her up! He chuckled at the surprise and kissed her when those full, luscious lips fell open slightly.


  “Yes. You have a passport, correct?”

  Danielle blinked, not sure what he was saying. Paris? “You’re asking me if I want to fly across an ocean to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world for the weekend?”

  He kissed her neck, moving to her shoulder and ears. “Yes. Don’t you want to see Paris?”

  “Yes, but…” she gasped when his hands moved up higher. “But, I’d need to plan something like that.”

  “What do you need to plan?”

  “Well, I’d need to pack.”

  “No. No packing. Let me take you shopping once we get to Paris.”

  His suggestion was so outrageous she couldn’t hold back her laughter. When she continued to watch him, her laughter died. “You’re serious?”

  He kissed the tip of her breast, then looked back up at her. “Completely serious. My pilot can fly us to Paris in a few hours. We can sleep on the plane tonight and tour the city tomorrow morning.”

  She still didn’t believe him. “Okay, you’re crazy. Right? You’re a crazy man?

  He laughed softly. “Danielle, flying to Paris for the weekend isn’t a crazy idea. Not in my world. People I know do it all the time.”

  She shifted, trying to sit up because lying with him like this distracted her. She loved how he continued to caress her breasts, but the action made it hard for her to concentrate. Shifting, Danielle turned so that she could look at him.

  “You’re serious? You really want to just…take off and go to Paris for the weekend?”

  “Why not? What were your plans this weekend?” he asked her, propping his head up on his hand.

  “Clean my house. Do laundry. Take my suits to the drycleaners,” she reeled off. “You know, regular things that regular people do.”

  “I’ll have someone do that for you. Come with me to Paris and let me spoil you,” he urged, as he lifted a hand to touch the diamond earrings she still wore.

  She smiled, thinking that he was wonderful. Biting her lip, she considered her options. She could stay here and…do chores and errands. Or she could fly off to Paris with Mika. “Fine!” she announced before she thought too much about it. “Let’s go to Paris. I’d love to see the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triumph. I’ve seen pictures of them so many times, I’d love to experience them in person.”

  “Excellent,” he announced and stood up. A moment later, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. “I’ll dress you in all of the designer clothes you want.”

  She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck. “I don’t want clothes,” she told him. “I have plenty.”

  Literally an hour later, they were in his private plane, which wasn’t just a small, four or five person jet. It was a massive jet liner, similar to the one the US President flies in. As soon as they boarded and strapped themselves in, the plane took off and she clasped his hand, excited at the idea of flying to Paris.

  When the pilot announced it was safe to move around, Mika pulled her out of her seat and led her to the back of the plane where he pulled her into a luxurious bedroom. He made love to her until she screamed with pleasure, then fell asleep in his arms, her head nestled against his shoulder.

  Chapter 17

  Paris was even more beautiful than she imagined. Danielle breathed in the chilly air off of the balcony of their hotel suite. Mika definitely traveled in style, she thought, then smiled as he came up behind her. “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, gazing up at him. “I was thinking that you’re an incredible man,” she replied honestly.

  “I’m relieved that you appreciate my finer qualities.”

  “Such as your wealth and the way you spoil me,” she teased.

  He laughed. She’d rejected going to the fashion boutiques, refusing to let him buy her crazy-expensive clothing. She’d begged him to take her to all of the classic sites of Paris though. Today, they’d visited the Arc de Triumph, Montmartre, Notre Dame, and several of the museums, but they’d saved the Louvre for tomorrow.

  “I’d like to spoil you even more, if you would allow me,” he said, his warm mouth against her neck.

  She smiled and leaned into his caress. “I don’t need any more spoiling.”

  “You do. You’re a beautiful woman.”

  “I’m glad that you think so, but that isn’t a reason to be spoiled,” she laughed.

  He lifted his head, serious all of a sudden. “Marry me.”

  She blinked at him, not sure she’d heard him correctly. “I’m sorry…what did you just say?”

  He pulled a ring out of his pocket and showed it to her. “I love you, Danielle. You make my life better, just with your smile. I want to spend the rest of my life spoiling you and making you happy. Will you marry me?”

  Danielle stared at the ring, then at the man. Then at the ring. It was huge! The diamond was enormous. Literally, it was the largest diamond ring she’d ever seen. It wasn’t as big as the cheap, plastic toy he’d sent to her last week, but it was close!

  “Mika, that…” she didn’t have words. The diamond sparkled, even in the dim light from the city lights.

  “Say yes, Danielle. I know that you love me, even though you haven’t said the words.” When she looked up at him, his fingers caressed her cheek. “You love me and I love you. The next step in this relationship is marriage.”

  Danielle knew that marriage was the next normal step. And he was right. She was absolutely, completely in love with him. But…she couldn’t marry him. He lived in a different country, in a different world. She couldn’t leave her mother! As sad as it was to visit her every week, she couldn’t abandon her mother.

  Instead of telling him no, she lifted up on her toes and kissed him. She kissed him with all of the love in her heart, wanting him to understand just how much she truly loved him. Danielle’s fingers fumbled slightly with the buttons on his dress shirt, but with each one she opened, she kissed the tanned skin revealed, loving the way he groaned with her caresses. Ev
entually, she pushed the material out of the way, then began fumbling with the belt of his slacks. They were dressed to go out for dinner, but with his proposal, she didn’t want to go out. She wanted to stay right here and make love to him. She couldn’t marry him, but she could give him this. She could give him this moment.

  “Danielle!” he groaned, but instead of pulling her away, his fingers dove into her hair. With increasing excitement, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, moving her hand up and down before she bent and took him into her mouth. She enjoyed hearing the hiss as she stroked him with her tongue, feeling his erection increase slightly as she moved up and down.

  He only allowed her a few moments before he lifted her up and carried her into the room, laying her down on the bed. “You’re mine,” he growled as he quickly stripped off her clothes and his own.

  Before he even teased her legs apart, Danielle laughed and pretended to scoot away. But he was stronger and more determined. The moment his mouth covered her, she screamed, but she held his head in place, her hips moving to show him how to touch her. And his expertise never failed to deliver. Within moments, she was screaming her climax.

  “That’s how it is done, my dear,” he told her before pressing into her heat.

  Danielle gasped, shifting her hips a bit, then looked up at him. “You didn’t let me finish. I could have taken you all the way.”

  He laughed and pulled her hips closer to the edge of the bed. “I know that. But I prefer this way.” He bent over and kissed her as he thrust in and out of her heat. “I like being buried deep inside of you when I climax.”

  His words were so hot, that they pushed her over the edge. Clinging to him, she held on as waves of heat and pleasure hit her hard and fast. Tightening her body, she struggled to help him over the edge as well, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he gave to her. When she felt his body stiffen, she let her fingers stroke down his chest and arms, showing him without words that she loved him!

  Chapter 18

  Danielle woke up the following morning and could barely lift her hand. Blinking in the bright sunshine, she looked down and realized that the diamond ring was on her finger. With a gasp, she sat up and stared!

  “Good grief, that’s huge!”

  Mika chuckled as he walked into the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand as he rubbed his dark hair. “It looks good right there.” He bent down and kissed her gently. “We need to leave if we’re going to get you back home in time to get some sleep tonight.”

  Danielle smiled weakly, then looked down at her hand again. Part of her wanted to slip the ring off, but another part wanted to let it stay there long enough to fantasize about how wonderful it would be to actually leave the ring there permanently.

  Okay, so not this ring. It really was too big. The ring was more like one of those cocktail rings that older women wore to the fancy parties. The thing would get caught on everything! She couldn’t even wear gloves and those were pretty essential accessories during the cold winters in Louisville.

  “I told my pilot we would be leaving in an hour, but if you need more time,” he turned and winked at her, “if you’re willing to allow me to buy you a new wardrobe, I’ll tell him to hold off for a while longer.”

  Danielle slipped out of the bed. “Nope. I can be ready to leave in an hour,” she told him, grabbing the robe that had been draped across the back of a chair. She slipped her arms through the sleeves, relieved that she wasn’t completely self-conscious of her naked state around Mika now. She still couldn’t walk around naked as he did, but she wasn’t hiding behind pillows any longer.

  Hurrying, she showered, trying to think of how she’d explain to Mika that she couldn’t marry him. Just the thought made her body ache with sadness. He was going to be furious, but she couldn’t, wouldn’t, leave her mother. And her mother couldn’t cope with a drastic change in her routine that moving to a new facility would create. It was so bad for her mentally, that Danielle just…she couldn’t do it.

  There was no way that Mika could live with her either. Silently, she struggled to think. There had to be a way around this situation. But for the life of her, she didn’t know what it was. She could do what she wanted, which was to marry Mika, or she could do what she knew was the right thing, and that was to stay with her mother and maintain her routines, be with her for as long as possible.

  Danielle’s mother had always been there for her. No matter what had happened in school or life or work, Danielle’s mother had been Danielle’s biggest cheerleader. She’d always had a word of encouragement or a shoulder to cry on.

  The answer was clear, even if Danielle didn’t want to accept it.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Mika murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “I know. I think I’m still in shock,” she lied. Okay, so it wasn’t a lie. She was in shock. Complete shock.

  “I hope that’s a good thing,” he teased. But before she could answer, his phone rang. Danielle hurried through the rest of her packing, pulling on jeans and a warm sweater for the flight. The bellhops arrived to take their luggage, another convenience that Danielle wasn’t used to but she enjoyed the luxury.

  Mika was on the phone the whole drive to the airport and the conversation sounded urgent. Halfway through their flight, he apologized to her. “Something is going on back in Stilan and I need to take care of this. I’m sorry, love. I don’t mean to be rude, but I must deal with this issue.”

  Danielle smiled at him. “Go deal with whatever is going on, Mika. I’m perfectly fine.” Danielle watched him move off to what she suspected was an office located towards the back of the massive plane, admiring his broad shoulders and the confident way he moved. Secretly, she was relieved to have a little more time to figure out how to explain why she couldn’t marry him.

  The plane touched down more quickly than she expected and they were back in yet another limousine. Mika had worked through the issue that had consumed him for the past several hours and turned to face her. “When will you put in your notice? Do you need me to talk to Oz for you?”

  Danielle looked into his dark eyes, eyes that seemed to know and see everything.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his hands tightening around her fingers.

  “I need to introduce you to my mother,” she finally told him.

  The surprise in his eyes almost made her laugh. “Your mother? You’ve never mentioned either of your parents. I assumed that they were no longer alive or in the picture.”

  “My father died a while ago. Cancer,” she told him, turning to look out the window. “But my mother is still here.” She flipped through her phone and came up with the address. “Can you tell your driver to go to this address?”

  He lowered the partition and told the driver the new destination, then sat back, looking at her curiously. “Tell me about your mother.”

  She smiled sadly, thinking back to when her mother remembered things. “Oh, she was great! I learned to cook from her. We’d spend the holidays baking and my father would come home and eat four or five cookies, then he wouldn’t be hungry for dinner. Which wasn’t a problem since my mother and I had been nibbling all day so we weren’t hungry either.”

  “Sounds nice,” he replied.

  She nodded and looked out the window. “It was.”

  “You miss your father?”

  Danielle nodded, fighting the tears that sprang to her eyes. “All the time,” she whispered to him.

  The limousine pulled up outside of the memory care center. If one didn’t know what the building specialized in, a visitor wouldn’t be warned. “This is where my mother lives now.”

  She stepped out and looked up at the building, taking a deep breath to give herself strength. She felt Mika step out beside her, taking her hand in his. “Don’t worry, Danielle. I’m a likeable fellow.”

  She forced her lips into a smile. “I’m not worried about her liking you,” she told him honestly. Danielle led him through
the entryway.

  “Hi Danielle!” the receptionist greeted her as she stepped into the lobby. “Your mother’s making biscuits today.”

  Danielle smiled again as she signed into the visitor’s log. “That sounds delicious.”

  She didn’t look up at Mika, but she sensed his confusion. Instead of explaining, she handed him a visitor’s badge. “You need to wear this at all times.”

  He pinned it to his lapel and followed her to the elevator. On the fourth floor, she led him down a hallway, then pressed a code into a keypad that unlocked the next door. They stepped into yet another area where a staff member in pink and blue smiled at them.

  Danielle smiled back, still tense but knowing that this introduction had to happen for Mika to understand. “Hi Debbie. Is my mom around?” Danielle asked.

  Debbie smiled. “She’s over there,” she said, pointing towards the furthest set of tables.

  Mika looked around the big room. There was a small kitchen surrounded by several tables and chairs. This must be the dining room, but it was also part of a community area. Several elderly people were gathered round, some of them just walking down the hallway while a group of them worked at tables.

  Danielle walked over to a lovely woman who seemed to be much younger than the others. Lightly, Danielle touched the woman’s arm, gaining her attention. The woman beamed at Danielle and Mika’s stomach muscles tightened with dread. Suddenly, it all became clear. With increasing trepidation, he figured out what would happen next. Sure enough, the woman smiled at Danielle, but there was no recognition in her eyes.

  Alzheimer’s, he thought with helpless anger. It was one of those debilitating diseases with no known cure. The two women spoke softly for several moments, Danielle’s mother nodding cheerfully. Eventually, Danielle gently led the woman over to Mika and introduced them. “Mika, this is my mother, Joanne. Mom, this is my…fiancé, Mika.” He heard the slight hesitation and wondered about it. But instead of asking, he took the older woman’s hand and bowed.


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