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Z-Boat (Book 3): Z-End

Page 14

by Robb, Suzanne

  The beaten man tried to lift his hand but the chains kept him restrained.

  "Undo these," Jerry said.

  Daniel moved like a wounded animal, hunched over and cowering. Ally stretched, the pain invigorating her, adrenaline at what she was about to do coursing through her veins. All the guards were in the room, five in total. Ally backed up a bit then put one of them in a chokehold while pulling his pistol out of his pocket. Ally fired at the knee of the woman next to her before she noticed what was happening.

  Daniel shoved a vicious kick into Jerry's stomach and whipped his chains around the man's neck. Ally had put bullets in the three remaining guards, torn as they were between which threat to handle.

  "Okay, now what?" Daniel dragged Jerry, who sputtered at his treatment. Daniel picked up a rifle and smashed the complaining man's nose.

  "We need to look the part. Get into their gear."

  Jerry's men wore a more advanced version of the protective gear Ally had been given when she went on supply runs. This new outfit had additional pockets, was made of more durable but lighter material, and had mechanical joints at the ankle, knee, and hips to ensure you kept moving even if that part of you was hurt.

  "Not bad." Daniel wore two belts with four pistols holstered. Two Grozas slung over his shoulder.

  Ally dressed the same, Micro Galil at the ready. "I remember how to get to Sean and Kevin. We need to get there, pick them up and head to the entry hall."

  "Right. Not to be a downer, but what the hell do we do with him?" Daniel shook Jerry to emphasize his point.

  "Chain him up. Let him enjoy some of his own hospitality."

  Jerry struggled as Daniel brought him to the center of the room. "You're going to regret this…you have no idea what you've set into motion."

  A swift elbow shut the man up.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The two walked through the corridors with their heads down. The bruises and swollen eyes would give them away. They ran into a few guards, but had no trouble. Ally glanced at the watch she'd snagged: it was the middle of the night. Jerry might be crazy, but he wasn't stupid. His men would be on a round-the-clock schedule, so they had to stay alert.

  They turned down a hallway and walked for a lengthy stretch until they hit a staircase. Daniel bumped into a guard, and mumbled apologies. Ally guided them up the steps and then exited to the right. A few doors down she spotted more guards.

  "Does this seem too easy, or is it just me?" Daniel whispered.

  Ally hesitated before answering. "I'd like to say it's just you, but the rational part of me knows something else is going on."

  "Thanks for the morale booster," he said.

  "There," she said and bent her head.

  The guards paid them no attention until it was too late. Ally and Daniel worked fast, each one knocking a man out with the butts of their rifles. Ally found the right key on one of the guards' belts, and released Sean and Kevin. They dragged the bodies of the guards inside the small room, then stripped them of weapons and secured them with restraints. Her head shot up when she heard explosions and screams echoing all over the place.

  "They know we're gone, this is the first place they'll look," Ally said.

  She maneuvered them halfway to their destination when a klaxon went off. The bright lights above flickered off, and red emergency lights flashed every fifty feet.

  "What the hell is this? This isn't for us," Daniel said.

  Ally remained silent and hoped Jerry had been freed and put some security measure in place. The alternative reason for the alarms, a zombie invasion they couldn’t hope to survive, was far too terrifying to give thought.

  She forced herself to take a step forward, and then another and another until she was walking at a steady clip. Men in dark suits ignored them, running past in each direction, screaming as they to fled.

  If her memory served, they were ten minutes away from freedom. A shadow shot across the corridor to her left and she quickened her pace. She knew Daniel saw it too, because his face drained of color.

  Goddamn it, why does this always happen?

  Engines roared to life somewhere nearby and several metallic gates in front of small areas blocked off with cement blocks were pulled down by blood-covered men. A zombie stepped in front of them and Ally swore the thing smiled. They fired, and the bullets missed their mark, the thing moving too fast. Daniel moved to the left to try and flank it, but was blocked.

  "You won't outthink it. They've had months to plan this."

  He fired off a dozen rounds before looking at her. "Come on! I know they can adapt and shit, but an organized assault?"

  Ally fired, chipping one of the super-zombie's teeth and it roared its displeasure.

  Great, they get mad now.

  "Why not? Who knows what the hell Jerry mixed together." She grabbed her pistol as Kevin reloaded the weapons, Sean huddled in-between the two of them.

  "Damn," Daniel said, and then the ghoul landed on him. Blood seeped from the sleeve of his jacket and cuts re-opened on his face. The zombie leaned in close and sniffed. Ally ran toward it, pulling the trigger. Several shots found their mark, one popping a purple-tinted eye before embedding itself in the brain.

  She kicked the body over and offered her hand to Daniel. He pulled himself to his feet and grinned. "I think I was safer in the torture room.

  "You're free to go back."

  "Nah, can't let you have all the fun."

  The trucks were close, two hundred yards away. Every ache and pain was forgotten at the sight of freedom. She glanced back to Sean and her stomach heaved. Five zombies were closing in fast.


  Kevin peered over his shoulder and froze. Sean took off toward Ally, who motioned him to Daniel. "Kevin, come on."

  He stood like a statue, then pulled something from his pocket. He bent down and slid it forward. In his hand he held a small device and Ally knew what came next. She dove forward, tackling Sean to the ground as the grenade exploded. Above them the ceiling disappeared, wires and rebar sticking out, creating a twisted landscape. The rumble continued and flames leapt onto everything.

  A hand pulled on her arm and she cleared the dust from her eyes to see Kevin above her. He pointed at his ears, which were probably ringing like hers. On her feet, she made her way through the debris and found Daniel.

  "Let's get out of here," she said, not caring if they heard her or not, needing them to move.

  She'd have to ask Kevin where he got the grenade. Daniel pointed to Trudy, his truck, and Ally nodded. She hoped Jerry didn't have time to steal all their supplies, but as long as they got the hell out of there it didn't really matter.

  Over two dozen guards lay on the ground, zombies feasting on them. Ally halted, her insides turning to ice. She waited for them to realize she was there and come after her. Daniel looked over her shoulder and stopped breathing. She placed her foot six inches in front of her and waited. Nothing, so she did it again. They had to weave through a buffet of dead people while super-zombies munched on them to reach the truck.

  Forty feet of hell.

  A lump formed in her throat. Decision time. The next few minutes would likely be their last. Did she want Sean to die like this? If she turned now and found a place for them to hide, how long would that last? Her choices were a slow death or a quick one…not really a choice as she took another step forward.

  At the halfway point, her body trembled with fear, adrenaline, and desperation. A strip of flesh landed to her right and two zombies raised their heads. She froze and waited for them to maul her. Eyes almost dry from staring so long, she blinked and relaxed when they returned to their meals.

  A garbled voice echoed toward the group from the other end of the entryway and Jerry marched into sight, flanked by several guards. Each was armed with some sort of heavy-duty weapon, from flame throwers to grenade launchers.

  Halted again, she wanted to yell, scream, rant and rave in frustration. Jerry signaled one of his men and
a small black tube floated over their heads.

  Turning, she said, "Get down." She raised her hands to cover her face as another explosion rocked an already unsteady area. The walkway overhead collapsed, blocking their exit. A dust cloud billowed out followed by bits of cement and metal. Ally felt small shards pelt her hands.

  They choked on the thick smoke in the room. The zombies closest to the blast had stopped eating and stared at the man who'd fired the weapon. With precise movements, they rose and stalked their new prey. Ally noticed with morbid fascination that the ghouls measured up their attackers and formulated a plan within seconds. A decayed arm brushed her shoulder and she forced herself to stay still.

  Slowly, she pulled her Micro Galil from her shoulder, ready to go down fighting. The super-zombies who'd stood moved then, rocketing toward Jerry's men at a deadly sprint. The others continued to eat, but their eyes were not on their food.

  Bullets skipped off the ground and dug up chunks of concrete, spitting them all over. Sean yelped and she spared a quick glance to make sure he was okay, at least as okay as this situation allowed.

  Jerry's men backed up a few steps, hefted portable fuel tank over their shoulder and a wall of fire erupted. Ally and the others had no choice but to dive to their left and hide behind one of the delivery transports. Daniel pushed Sean in front of him. Kevin grabbed her hand and pulled. They pushed, shoved, and otherwise did what was necessary to reach cover. Ally wedged herself in, then her heart almost stopped when she stared at over a dozen zombies who were taking refuge with them as well.

  Not a member of her group took a breath. The ghouls stayed where they were; bits of flesh dangled from their mouths, blood soaked their clothes, and their eyes roamed over them. Ally wondered if they were debating a quick meal, deciding if they were a threat, or something else. In unison their heads cocked to the left.

  While the fire dissipated, Ally waited for a dead fist to grab her, those across from her to launch an attack, but nothing happened. Sweat dripped off her brow and down her back, but she didn't dare lift a hand. She moved her head in increments and saw the carnage left behind. The dead from the floor were on fire, the smell of burning flesh jump-starting her gag reflex.

  High pitched screams echoed across the room. The first wave of zombies were pillars of fire, holding their victims close as they burned alive. Ally saw movement out of the corner of her eye. The group of undead who'd taken shelter across from her were on the move. From the determined movements they made, Jerry's men didn't stand a chance.

  Gunfire filled the room and Ally pushed Kevin forward. She met up with Daniel and Sean by the front of the vehicle.

  "They seem to be going after what they determine to be a threat, for now. This is our only chance to get to the truck and get the hell out of here."

  The small group moved, and within seconds were at the door to the front compartment of the truck. Ally lifted her foot to climb in after Kevin when a hand clasped her shoulder and yanked. She felt like someone kicked her injured ribs and punched her bruised body. The smell of burned flesh permeated the air.

  "Ally," Kevin said when she kicked the door shut before being dragged beneath the truck.

  The thing flipped her so she was on her back. The face that looked down at her was covered in charred, brittle skin. Its eyes were burned-out holes. What passed for a nose sniffed the air and yellow teeth snapped at her, ooze dripping from cracked lips when they pulled taut.

  She grabbed her knife and stabbed the zombie in the neck. The blade sunk in, and she worked it back and forth, hoping it wasn't one of the super-zombies. She braced her forearm underneath its head to prevent it from biting her, and her arms started to ache and shake. Something snaked around her ankle and she was pulled back, the zombie still on top of her. Daniel wrapped frayed wires around its neck and yanked. The thing flew up in the air on a pulley.

  "Move it, there's nothing to weigh it down." Daniel shoved her into the open part of the truck.

  He shut the door and three more burnt critters clawed at it. The gunshots had slowed to sporadic bursts. Yells pierced the air, and screams of the dying sent chills down her spine. The engine roared to life and Ally had half of a second to brace herself as Daniel revved the truck and ripped through the gate. Outside, the number of zombies was impossible to determine. One of them leapt onto the hood of the truck and punched the windshield, starring it. Daniel kept his hands steady on the steering wheel.

  "Sean, get in the back and stay down," Ally said.

  She pulled out a pistol and made sure Kevin was ready, as well. The driver's side window shattered, sending bits of safety glass everywhere. A gnarled hand reached in and grabbed Daniel by the neck. The truck veered to the right, almost flipping over. Ally reached over and corrected it, firing several shots into the face of the super-zombie.

  "Kevin, some help," she said.

  He grabbed the wheel and she pried the fingers from Daniel's neck, the man's face red, eyes bulging. He slumped to the side, unconscious, but the ghoul held firm to the frame of the window. The bullets left tiny gouges but did no real damage. Pulling her Micro Galil from behind her, she shoved it in the thing's face and pulled the trigger. Kevin turned the wheel hard and one of the zombie's hands lost its grip. Ally grabbed her knife and slashed at the fingers still holding on. Daniel came to, wrapped a hand around the thing's neck and shoved. The thing didn't budge and now both of its hands were back in position around Daniel's neck.

  All together, Ally, Daniel, and Kevin held up their weapons and fired into the ghoul's face. A small crack started in the forehead and none of them hesitated to exploit it. Deafening gunfire followed, and smoke filled the cab of the truck when they were finished, the super-zombie in the road behind them.

  In the side mirrors, Ally saw others hanging off the truck, but the further they travelled the quicker they dropped off and returned home.

  "I think we're in the clear," Daniel said.

  Ally stared at him. "You know you're not supposed to say that right? You've just jinxed us."

  Kevin laughed. "Christ, if we're jinxed now, what the hell were we before?"

  Daniel groaned and grabbed his side. Ally took the wheel once more, and without a word Daniel eased into the back. Ally winced and Kevin gave her a look. She let him slide over and take the wheel. Ally moved closer to the passenger side and stared out the window. More than ever, she needed to put her plan into effect, but with their numbers so depleted she wondered if it could still work.

  "Ally, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, Daniel got the brunt of it."

  "Doesn't look that way to me."

  "Thanks," she said in a wry tone.

  "No, that's not what I mean. You're beautiful, you know that."

  She rested her head on the back of the seat. "Relax, Kevin, I know what you meant. Did anything happen to you and Sean while I was gone?"

  "No, they brought us a meal, if you can call it that. One of the guards told Sean they were feeding you to the zombies."


  "Don't worry. I told him it wasn't true and that you'd be back for us in no time, which you were."

  Ally didn't say anything. She had nothing left when it came to keeping up other peoples' morale. The longer she survived, the more she wished she'd died with Marcus and her friends on the Betty Loo. She shook her head, regretted the motion, and told herself that mindset was going to get her killed. If she died, who the hell was going to protect Sean?

  "Um, I know you need some rest but where should I be heading?"


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ally eyed the expanse in front of them and nodded to Daniel. They'd been driving for twelve hours and made it to a small town north of Santa Barbara. The ten-lane freeways of Greater Los Angeles had slowed them down so much they'd risked a detour through a barren landscape, made that way by bomb testing before the war.

  A stretch of zombie-free beach lay in both directions. The movement of gravel under her f
eet and then the sturdy feel of asphalt eased some of Ally's tension. Waves rippled against the barriers sixty feet away. This section wasn't as bad as others. Most coastlines were a nightmare of toxic waste, garbage, and on occasion, bodies.

  "You know, I once heard that sand used to run up and down most of the coast here. Not sure what changed it," Kevin said.

  Sean ran twenty feet ahead, then stopped and turned to wave them forward.

  "Erosion did its fair share of damage, but I think it was from some reactor that busted and sent billions of gallons of irradiated water into the ocean. It took years for the problems to start, but when they did, there was a domino effect and nothing was ever the same again."

  Kevin picked up a broken bit of cement and tossed it toward the water. "You learn about all that from when you worked on the submarine?"

  Ally chose a thin flat stone and tossed it. "Yeah, my old captain loved to tell stories about what the oceans used to be like."

  "I guess we'll never know the truth. Not that it matters now."

  "Okay, Lane, we're here at the nasty pier. Please tell me you have a plan," Daniel said.

  "I do, but first we need to check the back of the truck and see if there's anything left."

  Daniel looked at her like she was crazy. "You're serious? Jerry's people would have picked it clean."

  Ally shook her head as she walked to the back. "I don't think so. His weapons were military grade, probably from the old air force base south of his location. He had fresh food, even meat, though I can't be sure he was totally honest about where it came from." She hit the button and jumped back when the sounds of several bullets chambering echoed in the bed of the truck.

  "We don't want trouble," a teenage boy said.

  Daniel had two pistols out and Kevin raised his A-19. Ally sized up the squatters as her eyes adjusted and light penetrated the back. Five people in total were hiding, three males and two females. Their ages ranged from teens to mid-forties. She reached forward, grabbed the arm of the boy nearest her and took his weapon.


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