UNDRESSED: Soul Catchers MC
Page 62
I had found their office and pulled out my phone to take pictures of the documents across the desk. They had all kinds of information on who was selling what and where things were going. They knew every move that everyone else in town was making. Cole was right to want to take these guys down. They had their sights set on becoming number one, and with the information I found in their desk, it wouldn’t have taken them long to do it.
Unfortunately for them, their security guards were just a couple of meatheads. They tore off my ski mask and took my backpack, which had nothing in it this time. But they didn’t grab my phone. My GPS locator was on, letting Cole know where I was. When I’d heard them coming, I texted him an emergency code to make an alert come up on his phone so he knew I was in trouble.
The meatheads stood guard on either side of the sliding metal door in the wall at the front of the room. The light from the bulb overhead barely made it to them. They weren’t more than large, broad silhouettes standing against the wall. I could see the guns strapped over their shoulders standing out in the shadows. They had no idea what was coming their way.
“You boys waiting on your boss?” I asked, trying to get in their heads and distract myself from the pain in my wrists.
They didn’t say anything. They just stood with their arms crossed in front of them, staring at some point on the back wall.
“I hope he’s coming,” I continued. “I sure would like to meet him. You know, I’ve been in a lot of hideouts, and I’ve got to say this place is pretty nice. It’s all unassuming from outside. I thought I had the wrong place at first. Usually there’s a light on or some kind of sign to let people like us know that we’re on someone’s turf. Not you guys, man. You guys are operating in secrecy.”
My thought was that if I kept talking long enough and made it annoying enough, they would eventually crack and say something. If I could get them to start talking, there was no telling how much information I would be able to get out of them before Cole arrived. Then, I would relay that information to Cole as we left the building. It was a pretty good plan, and being overly talkative usually worked, but these guys were good.
I was starting to think they were statues.
“You boys don’t talk much, do you?” I teased. “Hey, what if I need to go to the bathroom? Will one of you untie me and accompany me so I can go with some sort of dignity? Or do I have to piss right here in the chair?”
They didn’t move or say anything, which, of course, put a horrible image in my head of pissing myself in the chair to get their attention, but I wasn’t about to do that. I wouldn’t go that far, especially with help on the way.
“Don’t all answer at once,” I told them, laughing obnoxiously. “I wasn’t trying to get you to move or anything. It’s not like I have to go now.” Thank God I really didn’t need to go. I’d used the bathroom in their office before they found me.
These guys were really making me earn my keep tonight. They weren’t budging on anything I said.
“Hey, look, seriously, it’s that time of the month.” That was every man’s weakness. Either they were sympathetic and that line would tug at their heart strings, or it would completely disgust them and they would do whatever it took to shut me up.
They still weren’t giving me anything. If they didn’t move soon, or if Cole didn’t show his ass up soon, I was going to resort to my shitty standup comedy routine.
“But for real, guys, I need to change my pad,” I told them. Oh yes, it was time to get gross. “I think things are getting a little carried away over here.”
They didn’t budge. They seriously just stood there against the wall, staring off in the distance with guns strapped to their shoulders, guarding me until their boss or whoever handled prisoners arrived.
“Jesus Christ, guys! What’s it going to take to make you talk? Do I have to pull some Houdini shit and get out of this chair to get your attention?”
I heard a hand clasp one of their guns. That was the ticket out.
“I mean, I can do it, but you guys look like you wouldn’t mind hurting a woman, so I don’t guess I will.”
I started really working my wrists, and one of them budged. He fucking budged! Finally.
“Hold on, let me get warmed up,” I told him.
He took a couple of steps toward me. I had him. Just a moment longer, and he would be eating out of my hand. If I really tried, I probably could have made that happen literally. I did it with Cole. I did it with a lot of them, but apparently my skills were better against bosses than against guards.
Just then, right as I was about to get him close enough to really start talking to him and getting him to open up to me, I heard gunshots from behind the door. Both men grabbed their guns and move them to the ready position.
The man standing over me reached up with his thick bare hand and unscrewed the lightbulb over my head. The room plunged into darkness, and the door slid open, letting light pour in from outside. It wasn’t much, just the light that spilled into the building from the street lights out front, but it was enough to see that the guards might as well have been twins.
The door closed again, plunging me into complete darkness, alone.
“That’s okay, guys, I’ll just sit here and keep myself company, then,” I said to the empty room.
I tried whistling, but I was never all that great at it.
More gunshots rang out on the other side of the door.
“Wouldn’t it be something if another boss was here, not Cole, trying to shoot the place up and stop whoever this fucker is?” I asked myself aloud.
I waited, listening to more and more gunshots while they kept getting closer and closer.
“Dammit, Cole, all this talk about having to go to the bathroom is coming back to bite me in the ass, man. Hurry up,” I called out. I had to pee. It came to me pretty suddenly, too.
I squirmed in the chair while I waited for what felt like an eternity for Cole to come through that damn door. Where the hell was he? It wasn’t like we hadn’t done this shit a million times already. He knew the damn drill.
The door opened, and light spilled in again.
“Don’t close the door,” I called out.
“Sasha?” It was Cole, finally.
“Yeah, it’s me. Who the hell did you expect? Now come on, come over here and untie me. I have to piss like a racehorse,” I told him.
He let go of the door and it started to slide closed.
“Hang on, let me get someone or something to hold the door.” He pushed it back open and whistled.
Another member of the MC came and propped the door open while Cole ran over to my chair.
“Careful,” I said, “it’s slippery.”
“Yeah, I see that,” he said as he slipped a couple of times trying to get to me.
I looked up. “They turned the light off by unscrewing it, but be careful again because it’s probably hot. He just unscrewed it before leaving the room.”
Cole reached up and screwed the bulb in quickly with his bare hand, letting go of it a couple of times because it was still too hot.
The light came back on and flooded the room again. He smiled when he saw me, and those emerald green eyes of his smiled at me, too. It was always so nice to see his face when he saw me again for the first time after we were apart for any amount of time.
“It’s good to see you,” he said. It was always the same. It was like we hadn’t seen each other in ages, but I figured it probably went back to that night when we’d almost lost each other to my last boss. We knew what could go wrong.
“You, too, baby,” I said. “Now untie me. I’ve got to pee,” I said.
“You talked to them about the bathroom again, didn’t you?” he asked.
“Yeah, the pisser usually works, Cole. Don’t knock it.”
“Alright, alright.” He pulled out a knife and quickly cut the ropes from my wrists and ankles, setting me free.
I jumped up from the chair and wrapped my arms around him. I gave h
im a big kiss on his lips and pulled back quickly.
“Okay, I’ve got to go.” I fished out my phone as I tried to make my way through the room without falling and busting my ass. I tapped the screen until I pulled up my pictures.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Oh, you definitely want to see what it is,” I told him, handing him the phone. “This is from the office upstairs. They have all kinds of files.” I flipped through a couple of pictures for him.
“Files?” he asked. “On what?”
“Take a look. Here.” I handed him my phone as I ducked off to the side to head to the bathroom.
“Hey, we’re going upstairs,” Cole called after me.
I figured he would be. When I got out of the bathroom, I met them in the office. Cole and Dante were looking a few sheets of paper while two other guys were pouring gasoline all over everything in the room.
“This ought to teach their boss a lesson,” Cole said as he lit a match and tossed it into the room. The gasoline quickly ignited and everything in the office started to catch on fire.
“Come on,” I told him, “let’s go.” I ran a hand along his chest and pulled him away from the room.
“We took everything out of the file cabinets, everything out of the desks, and we put all of it on the floor,” he told me as we left.
“You’d be surprised what they had on everybody,” Dante chimed in. “They even had information on you.”
“But it was old.” Cole laughed. “They still had photos of when you were working for Fang. They had pictures from when you were at his hideout.”
“Wow. That means that they’ve been collecting information for a long time, Cole. This isn’t a new operation,” I told him, glancing at Dante to back me up on it.
“No, it’s not new at all, but it’s done now. When they show up tomorrow, they’ll find four dead guards and an office that’s been torched completely,” Cole said.
“But what about a cleaner? Don’t you need someone to come in and make sure law enforcement doesn’t find anything first?” I asked.
“No way. If law enforcement finds anything, they won’t find any signs that it was us,” Dante replied.
When we made it outside, the boys all embraced each other. I got the feeling that everyone was heading their separate ways for the evening. The two younger guys hopped on their bikes and sped off into the night. Cole and Dante watched smoke pour out of the vacant office building for a moment.
“Looks like the law might get called after all,” Dante said.
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Cole told him, patting him on the back.
Dante hopped on his bike and gunned the engine. Then he was gone, too.
“Would you like a ride home, my beautiful damsel in distress?” Cole offered with a smile.
“Definitely, my knight in worn leather.” I climbed on the back of the bike, and she roared to life underneath us. The night air rushed past us as we pulled out of the old abandoned parking lot and headed home to our apartment overlooking the city.
These days, my bookshelves lined the walls in the living room, giving the apartment a much more studious feel. I had let all of my furniture go when I moved in, including my TV, my coffee table, everything. I just kept my books. I preferred the nice, new, comfortable furniture that Cole had at his place.
“Here’s to another job well done,” Cole said as he opened a bottle of red wine and poured it into our glasses.
“Yes, indeed, another job well done,” I agreed as we toasted and clinked our glasses.
Over the last several months I had been putting my skills back to use by stealing from other bosses to help Cole and Hell’s Overlords get back on top of everything. After Fang had been removed from the picture, Cole had immediately started working on taking over Fang’s businesses.
That was when I realized just how far out of the loop he had kept me for all those years. Sure, I had worked for him, and I had raided many, many bosses’ hideouts for weapons, drugs, information, and whatever else Fang had needed me to get from them for him. But, in the end, when it came time to contact people who handled certain different businesses he ran—like his prostitution ring, his call girls, his gambling rings—I had no idea of who to reach out to. I didn’t know who did what.
That was where Cole’s men came in. In a few short weeks, we were able to start piecing things together. Then, of course, it was on me to meet with these other former employees of Fang’s to start working on making connections for Cole.
Luckily, Cole and Hell’s Overlords had a reputation that got me in a lot of doors. A lot of people didn’t want to talk to me when I told them I used to work for Fang. They had all distanced themselves from each other, and that made sense. No one wanted to be associated with a ship that sank so violently. They didn’t want whoever had taken Fang down to come after them due to their association with him.
Once I told them I had moved on to work with another successful boss—Cole—and his successful organization, they were quick to talk to me and let me into their good graces. It also seemed like they were eager to get lined up with another successful boss who had a reputation for making businesses like theirs grow and expand.
Once I got in the door, it didn’t take long to start getting people on board. Cole’s business grew exponentially, almost overnight. Of course, with that kind of growth, we had both grown bolder with my assignments. More success meant more money, which meant a better life ahead for both of us and all of the members of the MC.
Which meant more wine instead of just whiskey all the time. I liked whiskey just fine, but if I was going to be living with him, we had to have wine, and Cole knew what I liked after a successful job. He would always greet me with a glass of wine when we got home.
“You know,” he said, putting an arm around me and walking me to the balcony, “we make a pretty good team.”
“What’s this we stuff?” I asked him, taking a small sip of wine, enough that he wouldn’t ask why I wasn’t drinking it. He hadn’t seemed to notice over the last couple of jobs that I hadn’t been drinking my wine. I would take a sip or two and pour it out when he wasn’t looking. I hated pouring it out. I hating wasting it and making it look like I drank it really fast.
“You know, I’m the reason you’re back on top, baby,” I told him.
“Yes, you are,” he said. “And speaking of which.” He turned around to face me and started kissing me, taking the wine glass out of my hand and putting it on the kitchen counter.
“We haven’t even made it outside,” I teased him, smiling against his kissing lips.
“Maybe we’re not going outside,” he said, picking me up.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and could feel his erection pressing against me already. I rocked my hips against him while he held me. I was already hot and wet for him, aching to feel him inside of me again.
He carried me toward the bedroom. I had my arms around his neck, and both of his arms were around my waist. We kissed as we walked, a slow, deep kiss full of passion and longing. The feelings grew stronger every time I finished a job for him. The more successful we were, the more excited we were afterwards.
Tonight, we had just successfully shut down a new boss who had been threatening Cole’s business for a couple of weeks, so we were ready to celebrate.
He set me down gently on the bed and pushed my sweater up over my head, pulling my bra off with it. I kept my legs wrapped around his waist while he grabbed and squeezed my full breasts. They were so tender! It hurt but it felt so good when he squeezed me and rolled my hardening nipples between his fingers.
I wondered if he had noticed that they were getting any larger lately. I hadn’t noticed, myself, but I kept checking every day. I was excited to give him my news, but first, I wanted to take him deep inside of me.
I arched my back and pushed my hips up so he could grip my jeans and open them. He pulled back and stripped my jeans off of me. He pulled my panties down and started opening his pan
ts as well.
I pulled his shirt over his head and ran my hands over the firm contours of his chest and abs. I saw his cock appear from his jeans and boxers, and he was inside me almost as soon I as saw him.
“Oh fuck,” I called out as he slid into me immediately and without warning, filling me completely with his rigid shaft. He pumped himself into me and grabbed my breasts again.
I arched my back again as intense pleasure rippled through my body. I pushed myself against him, driving him deep into me, greedily taking all of him inside me at once.