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The King's Raven (Immortal Ireland Book 1)

Page 13

by Kristen Cobb

  That turned his thinking to marriage. Was it even an option for him? The first and most prominent issue being the fact that he would not age with her. When his mother first turned him out there had been no way of knowing whether he inherited the much longer life expectancy of her people. Most called them immortals. After being alive for at least a hundred years he still looked no more than thirty. He was truly a man without a home, belonging to neither world completely. He should have already moved on from his current life. People were beginning to notice the fact that he did not seem to age at all. He took a great risk coming back to fight for Rory.

  Many years ago Conri fought for Turlough O’Connor, Rory’s father. Turlough had been a fierce man and a great king. Conri knew Rory as a young boy who would follow his father around, desperate to emulate the man. Turlough paid no attention to young Rory whatsoever. As a warrior and a king Conri had respected Turlough a great deal. His treatment of Rory was a different matter entirely. Conri spent time with Rory whenever possible, teaching the boy all the skills he would need to be a great warrior some day.

  Upon Turlough’s death Rory vanquished any who challenged him for the kingship of Connaught. Conri returned upon hearing the news, claiming to be the son of the man Rory had known as a child. Intelligent enough to put the pieces together Rory undoubtedly knew it to be a lie, although he never openly contradicted the story.

  Eventually the man now occupying his thoughts emerged from the dilapidated cottage all swagger and grin, the degree of Rory’s sexual gluttony almost as ludicrous as his own prolonged sexual abstinence. He’d been somewhere in his fifties the last time he had sex with a woman. After the first decade or so abstinence was not all that difficult. Up until recently he did not even need to indulge in self-induced release. The fault for that could be laid at the door of one green-eyed druidess, thrust on him by the man sauntering over right now. She opened the door and now he could not seem to slam it closed again.

  “What brings you all the way out here when there is a beautiful woman waiting for you back there?” Conri started to get up but Rory motioned for him to sit back down. Rory lowered himself to the ground, sitting back against the trunk of the tree next to him. “I could use a bit of a rest before I get on that horse. She worked me good that time.”

  “We heard.” Conri could not seem to keep himself from smiling as Rory laughed. He watched Riona’s parents go back into their house. Thankfully Riona did not come out. He seriously disliked the scheming wench. Rory’s guards were still standing nearby but well out of range to overhear their conversation.

  “I hope to be hearing the same sounds coming from your chamber soon.” Rory leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

  “That is one of the things I need to talk to you about. I cannot marry her.” There, he said it. Best to call it off now before the situation became any more tangled.

  “Because of your immortality or because you find her unappealing?” Rory’s eyes were still closed, the question asked with enviable nonchalance.

  “She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot of women in my life.” Although basically admitting to his immortality it was not a subject he could expound on, having very little knowledge about it himself. He only knew what he had experienced.

  “How old are you anyway?”

  Conri watched Rory open his eyes, turn his head, and look directly at him. Their eyes met and held. He had never revealed his true age to anyone. It felt right to tell Rory. “I stopped counting after a hundred. Somewhere between one hundred and two hundred.”

  Rory maintained eye contact for a moment then laid his head back against the trunk of the tree. “Why did you come back? You had to know I would figure it out. There are many people who underestimate my intelligence. You my friend are not one of them.”

  “Someone has to protect you. It certainly is not your first priority.” Why had he come back? It was a question he’d never dared analyze too closely.

  “That is complete and utter horse dung. You taught me well, as did my father in a perverse sort of way. Try again.” Only Rory could discuss this topic with complete nonchalance. He appeared to be enjoying the sunny autumn day without a care in the world.

  “I have no idea. Something just drew me back.” It was as honest an answer as he could give.

  “I think you were searching for something whether you realize it or not. Lucky for you I have found it.” Rory stood up and looked down at him. “You have been alone for far too long. She is the perfect mate for you. Chances like this do not come along more than once, even in a life as long as yours. Do not waste it.”

  “And just when did you decide this?” He should have known Rory had an ulterior motive ordering him to personally guard Nessa rather than simply allowing him to assign a rotation of men.

  Rory grinned. “The moment she challenged me in my tent. Beautiful, bold, fierce, your perfect mate.” Rory held out his hand.

  “And you have been plotting ever since.” Conri grasped Rory’s hand.

  Rory pulled him up. “I prefer the phrase hopeful maneuvering.”

  “Our relationship is not real. We are just pretending to try and dissuade Alana from her constant pursuit.” Conri walked along next to Rory as he sauntered toward the horses.

  “I heard you two nearly set the training field on fire earlier today. Are you seriously telling me that was feigned? Do not forget to whom you are speaking.” The knowing look on Rory’s face would have been annoying were it not softened with a slight grin.

  Conri found he had no answer for that. It did however force him to think about Nessa, which reminded him of the original reason he wanted to speak with Rory, more freedom for Conor. He considered abandoning the entire idea. Why did he care that it would make her happy anyway? The answer was immediate and powerful. He wanted her to kiss him again. Nessa would be incredibly grateful when she realized he managed to gain more freedom for Conor. He really should not be encouraging her complete lack of control but all he could think about was hearing that sensual moan of hers again as his tongue plunged into her mouth. Nothing else mattered.

  Is there any way you might consider giving Conor MacMurrough a bit more freedom?” Conri quickly began trying to come up with a logical argument as to why it would be a good idea because Rory was certainly intelligent enough to realize the real reason for this particular request.

  “I will leave it up to your discretion. He is your responsibility. I trust that you will not go so far as to let my hostage escape to impress the girl.” The sarcastic tone of Rory’s voice conveyed his obvious amusement with the topic.

  And just like that the conversation was over. The guards were already mounted, waiting to escort Rory back to the castle. Conri mounted his horse, deciding to ride over to Marta’s rather than walk. It only made sense for efficiency’s sake. The fact that Nessa would be pressed up against him, her arms wrapped around his body, simply an added bonus.

  Seated at one of the wooden trestle tables in the great hall she kept glancing over at the open archway leading into the outer hallways and towers on this side of the castle, waiting for Conri to return. He escorted her down here then immediately disappeared, refusing to tell her where he was going or why. It occurred to her that his absence should be of no consequence. That sense of being set adrift assailed her again. It was slightly disturbing, this need to have him near. Attempting to stop her eyes from watching the entryway Nessa looked around the rest of the large room.

  A table polished to a high sheen with elaborately engraved legs and six high backed chairs upholstered in a plush purple fabric sat on a wooden dais at one end of the hall. The table on the dais stood empty at the moment. She wondered if Rory generally took his meals in here with the rest of his men.

  There were twenty or so tables in the room. Each one could probably seat ten. Men were still arriving. Most were coming in through a set of wooden doors that appeared to lead outside to one of the open courtyard type areas that most castl
es seemed to have. There were generally at least two open-air, but completely enclosed areas in the center of a castle to accommodate soldiers, or even farm animals and people from the surrounding village in an emergency.

  The walls of the great hall were all constructed of large grey slabs of stone, cold and unfeeling compared to the cozy warmth of a wattle and daub cottage with a fire burning in the hearth. There were sconces mounted on the walls within the stonework for candles. Devoid of any window openings for natural light the candles were essential, and numerous. Wooden plates were already set out on the tables along with metal goblets.

  Servants were carrying in platters of food and pitchers of water and ale, the smell of succulent roast pork drifting through the room as they walked by. Some of the servants were likely slaves. It was a bone of contention between the Catholic Church and the people of Ireland. Some were enslaved as punishment for a serious crime, others simply taken by force from nearby countries during raids. It was nearly impossible to tell which of the men and women were free and which were not by looking at them. Slaves in Ireland were not generally chained or seriously mistreated. They were simply not free to leave, forced to work at whatever task given and live where they were told, a far less than desirable fate indeed, although some fared much worse than others.

  Rushes covered the ground beneath their feet. Although the hall did not have a hearth it would eventually warm as more bodies crowded in, each person slowly banishing the cold of the castle. Hearths were rare in a castle, typically reserved for cooking. The cold and damp seemed to seep into your bones after a while. They were built for defense not comfort.

  Sedric leaned over, whispering in her ear. “Watching will not bring him here any faster.”

  Sedric was seated on one side with Allister on her other. Apparently Conri appointed them her personal guards whenever he could not be with her. The pair arrived at Anu’s cottage earlier while she was picking out material for her wedding dress. Actually the choice ended up being a group effort due to the fact that she had absolutely no experience with such things. Even Allister and Sedric voiced their opinion on the topic.

  “Where is your wife? I would like to meet her.” Changing the subject seemed to be the only graceful way out of this particular conversation, her attachment to Conri not a topic she wanted to discuss, or even think about overmuch.

  “My Rhona works in the kitchen.” Sedric’s eyes lit up the moment his wife was mentioned. “I could bring you to meet her later if you like. There is much to be done for them even after the meal is finished.”

  “I would like that very much.” The din in the hall suddenly went silent. Nessa’s eyes quickly darted to the open archway. Conri, Rory, and Conor were walking into the hall together, followed by the king’s personal guards. “No one told me Conor would be here. I assumed he was kept locked in his chamber at all times.”

  “He is.” Sedric appeared as surprised as her to see Conor.

  “Talk about your grand gestures.” Allister sounded far more amused than shocked by the trio strolling toward them.

  He did it for her. A swell of intense emotion flooded her body from head to toe. She could not seem to move or think. All she could do was watch Conri walking ever closer.

  Nessa’s eyes were still locked on Conri’s as he reached her, Rory and Conor standing on either side of him. She longed to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him, the urge proving almost impossible to ignore. She was beginning to think Conri might be the one with special powers.

  “I see you are suitably impressed with his gift.” Rory grinned as he seated himself on the opposite side of the table. A table that stood empty except for Sedric and Allister. No one else wanted to be that close to her.

  “Do you generally sit down here with your men?” Nessa tore her eyes away from Conri long enough to glance at Rory as he grabbed a plate and a goblet from the center of the table.

  “No, but I find myself vastly entertained by the goings on around you.” There had been no food on their table a moment ago. Suddenly servants were scurrying over, covering the table with food and drink.

  “It seems to me you find plenty of entertainment.” Everyone, including Rory, understood the reference. She was actually surprised he stopped having sex long enough to eat.

  Rory laughed, pulling a dagger from the sheath attached to his belt. Stabbing a piece of succulent looking pork he laid it on his plate, immediately following it with another. “One can never have too much entertainment.” Rory winked at her with glittering obsidian eyes before sliding a few glazed carrots off a platter onto his plate.

  She desperately wanted to dislike him. He was the enemy of the man who raised her. Instead she found herself rather taken by Rory’s particular brand of charm.

  “Are you not going to properly thank your future husband? He did convince me to allow Conor a bit more freedom during his stay with us.” Rory began cutting a loaf of bread into slices.

  Allister and Sedric moved to the other side of the table next to Rory, both immediately grabbing a plate and a goblet.

  “Future husband?” Conor’s face conveyed the same degree of shock as his voice. At first he looked to her for confirmation. When she did not deny Rory’s statement his shock quickly turned to anger. Conor’s intense gaze turned on Conri. “Was that the price you extracted from her for allowing me out of that room?” Conor took a step toward Conri.

  Nessa quickly stood, placing herself in front of Conri. “He has done nothing of the sort.” The moment Conor made a threatening move toward Conri her body began drawing in power. She fought back some of the incoming energy but it proved incredibly difficult, taking up mental focus she needed to keep the situation from boiling out of control.

  “Then my father bartered you away in another one of his treaties.” Conor’s stance relaxed a bit although his cerulean eyes still revealed a heightened level of emotion.

  “No one is forcing me to marry Conri.” Lying to Conor made her seriously uncomfortable. Unfortunately she would not be telling him the truth even if they were alone.

  “So you have agreed to marry this man after only knowing him for a matter of days when you continually refuse to marry Will whom you have known and loved since childhood. Is that what you are asking me to believe?” Conor’s tone, while confrontational, no longer sounded close to rage.

  Nessa pushed the energy she collected out of her body now that the threat to Conri passed. “I never loved Will. At least not in that way.”

  “But you do love him?” Conor pointed at Conri, saying the word him in a fairly insulting tone of voice.

  That question put her in a difficult position. If she said no Conor would think they were forcing her to marry Conri. There was really no choice. “Yes. I love him. Could we please sit down and eat now?”

  “Prove it.” Conor crossed his large arms in a show of defiance, quite obviously refusing to believe her.

  “How exactly do you suggest I manage that?” How could he possibly expect her to prove that, right here, right now?

  “Kiss him.” Conor uncrossed his arms, sitting down on the bench, watching her every reaction.

  “How will that prove whether I love him or not. You do not have to be in love with someone to kiss them.” It was an excellent point that Conor would have to concede.

  “I know you better than anyone. I will be able to tell.” Conor stretched out his long legs, crossing them at the ankle, leaning back against the table as if totally relaxed.

  She locked eyes with Conor for a moment. When his mouth curled up in a slight grin she became seriously annoyed. He apparently felt fairly confident he had her backed into a corner she could not escape from. Nessa turned around and found Conri grinning for a completely different reason.

  “Nessa might be a bit reluctant to kiss me here. She has a hard time controlling herself when she…”

  She laid a hand over Conri’s mouth. “Stop talking and kiss me.”

  All of the laughter in Conri’s eyes van
ished as she removed her hand and wrapped her arms around his waist, slipping her hands carefully beneath his sheathed sword. He reached around behind her head pulling the strip of cloth binding her hair loose, throwing the tie into the rushes far from where they stood. Conri knotted his hands in her hair and looked into her eyes for what seemed forever before he kissed her.

  Her eyes closed of their own volition the instant his lips touched hers. The tip of his tongue slowly slipped into her mouth then retreated as she opened, welcoming him in. Nessa pulled Conri closer so their bodies were pressed hard against each other. She heard her own pleading moan escape as the tip of his tongue darted between her lips then withdrew again but this time she was past caring. When his tongue tried to slip in and out again she captured it, drawing it all the way into her mouth. Her lips caressed it as she slowly allowed him to pull it back.

  Now it was Conri’s turn to loose control. She felt a small amount of satisfaction as his hands lowered to her buttocks, lifting her up off the floor, grinding her most private parts against his stiff erection. Nessa lifted her hands into his hair, plunging her tongue into his mouth with a fairly loud, desire filled moan.

  “Ness, stop.” Conor’s voice shocked her back into awareness.

  Conri lowered her to the ground, both breathing heavily as if after a hard run, unable to look anywhere but into the other’s eyes. Conri pulled her close, burying her face against his chest to block out the rest of the world. “Please do not run away this time. And leave your hair down. I like it better that way.” He could feel her smile against his chest as he gave her the ridiculous command.

  “You can let me go now. I promise not to run away.” Her voice came out a bit muffled as she pushed against his chest.

  Conri loosened his grip without completely releasing her. He loved the way she always lost control when they kissed. If he could have one wish right now it would be to carry her upstairs and make love to her all night. Nessa was not the only one losing control. His shaft fairly throbbed, aching to be inside of her.


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