The Fifth: Darkness series

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The Fifth: Darkness series Page 27

by K. D Rawlingson

  “Just put the clothes on Sadie, we’ve not got time to argue about this.”

  “It’s ok I’m fine” but, even as I said the words I was taking them out the bag to put them on. There wasn’t loads, a pair of joggers, a baggy jumper and a pair of boots. The boots were the first thing I put on and within seconds my feet felt a thousand times warmer. They were the pair I had left next to the bin back at Susanne’s and would hold up well in this weather. I didn’t bother with the joggers. The pair of jeans I wore were ripped from the lashes I’d taken and had stuck in places to the wounds that were now healing. I knew taking them off would hurt like a mother fucker so, with the thought that the joggers would only get wet anyway I decided to leave the pair of jeans I had on and give the joggers to Will. They were lazy joggers I loved to wear when I was doing nothing and I didn’t even realise I had a pair at Susanne so god knows where he had found them from. They would be tight on Will but it would be better than what he had on now which was pretty much nothing.

  While I had been getting dressed, Will had been working wonders on Kayla. Her colour was slowly returning to her face and cheeks, her lips weren’t as ice blue. But by no means were we out of trouble, we definitely still needed to get her inside and warmed up.

  I handed him the trousers and repeated his words he’d said to me moments before

  “Just put the trousers on Will, we don’t have time to argue”

  He looked at the trousers and then back at me and then chuckled to himself.

  I took Kayla out of his arms so he could put them on, which he did while still giggling to himself and I couldn’t help smiling too. The trousers looked more like legging then joggers, still Will didn’t complain or argue.

  “Sadie, we need to get Kayla to the car, it isn’t too far away about three miles that way.”

  Will pointed in the direction they had come from.

  “Sarah will go to go check the barn out you told her about and see if she can get Sol.”

  I was about to argue that I wanted to go with her when Will stopped me.

  “Before you say you’re going with Sarah she will be quicker and less likely to be spotted on her own and that means more chance of freeing Sol. Sarah is trained for this, if Sols in that barn then she will get him out, I promise you.”

  As much as I wanted to argue and demand I go with Sarah I knew he was right and reluctantly agreed to go with him to the car.

  Will went over to Sarah and told her what the plan was and then came back to us. He lifted Kayla into his arms and started walking towards where the car was. I caught Sarah’s eye before she turned to leave in the opposite direction and she gave me a swift nod of the head, letting me know that she was going to try everything in her power to get Sol back. I returned the gesture back at her, silently giving my gratitude and turned to follow Will.

  Thankfully the rain started to finally settle down to a drizzle and the wind was losing some of its intensity. Kayla was looking much warmer in Wills' arms and I began to really think that she might be ok.

  As we trudged on through the fields towards the warmth of the car waiting for us. I wondered how Sarah was getting on? I doubted she would be at the barn yet and knew Will had been right about Sarah being quicker and better suited but I couldn't help but brood that I wasn't with her. I wanted to be there when she freed Sol if she even could? What if she needed help? What if she got captured too? The worry for them both swirled around in my brain, picturing scenario's each worse than the last. I tried to turn my thoughts off and stop the rotating images my mind was throwing at me of how many ways Sarah and Sol could get killed.

  Now was my time to ask Will a few questions. I wasn’t short on them, that was for sure like; how had Will found me in the middle of nowhere? It was a question that had been bugging me, when I’d asked earlier all he’d said was your magic. What did that mean? And could anyone could find me? Anyone like The Master or his brothers? I remembered Sarah saying something about a Nico's, who was he? But before I could get some answers about magic and people after us I had a far pressing matter, I needed to find out how Bert was. I had left him at home with Will when Sol and I had gone to my secret grove and that had been the last time I'd seen him.

  “Is Bert ok?”

  “He’s fine Sadie. He’s back at the house, with plenty of food and water left out for him as we didn’t know how long we would be. He’s a lovely dog, been pinning away for you. Don’t worry you will see him soon.”

  It was like a huge weight I didn’t even know I was carrying fell off me and my steps towards the car became a little lighter and a little bit quicker knowing he was safe and well.

  We had reached the end of another rapeseed field and had to cross into an alternative field by jumping a farmer’s fence. I crossed first thinking Will would hand Kayla over to me so, he could get over. It wasn’t particularly difficult but was high enough you need to climb the fence to get over it. Once I was on the other side I reached out to take Kayla from Will but he was right behind me and already nearly over. I couldn’t help but admire his strength, he made it look as if Kayla weighed nothing and he was just out for his morning stroll. His feet sloshed through the mud as the new field we were in was one that had been recently ploughed. I had walked through one similar to this earlier and it had been hell. The ground sloshed around your feet sticking each step, you could feel every stone or lump and was hard bloody going. Now I had a pair of boots on it was much easier. How Will was making it simple I didn’t know.

  “Will, how did you find me with my magic? And who’s Nicos?” I asked when we were nearing the end of the muddy field.

  Will looked at me showing no signs of strain that he must be feeling carrying Kayla.

  “let’s get both of you out this rain and into the car and I will explain everything to you, it’s not far now just past those trees.” He nodded in the direction of the trees just starting to appear on the horizon and my pace quickened with the knowledge that the car was not far away.

  Chapter 20:

  When we finally reached the car, it was nestled in a bush off the side of the road, well hidden from passers-by. It was a fairly new 4x4 style car, not like the one back at Susanne’s used for off-roading, this was much more stylish painted in black with its tinted windows. I had no idea where Will had got the car from and didn’t really care because, as soon as we got in and he started the engine, warm air blasted out from the vents. It was then I realised how cold I’d actually been, how tired and sore my body actually was. Will retrieved a blanket from the boot of the car and placed it over both Kayla and I. I leant into her to share the warmth, I had no idea how she was as she hadn’t woken since we’d left the rapeseed field but the colour had come back in her cheeks and lips a little and her breathing was now calm and regular. She seemed as if she was now sleeping, something I found myself fighting against. I knew my body needed to rest and sleep, but I was too worried about Sol and fought against the growing need and heaviness of my eyes.

  Watching Will while he made sure there wasn’t anybody about I caught a glimpse of myself in the window. I looked shocking, I had deep red gash marks all across my face and neck. The skin had indeed started to knit back together in most parts but I still looked pretty beat up with blood and mud smeared all over my face. I turned away unable to look anymore and snuggled back into the sleeping Kayla and waited for Will to return.

  I woke up with Bert licking my hand and recognized I was back at Susanne and Eric’s on the sofa. I had obviously lost the battle with sleep and passed out. I jumped up looking for Will and Kayla. Where was Sarah? Had she found Sol? Was he here?

  The fire was alight so, we had to have been back here awhile. Kayla strolled into the front room carrying a pan of water with a worried look on her face when she saw that I was up it changed to a big smile. She placed the pan on the table and came rushing over wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re ok you had me worried.”

stepped back and looked me over, something I would have done in the past if Thomas fell over and hurt himself. The thought of Thomas made my insides scream in pain and tears welled in the corner of my eyes. I tried to blink them away and focus on Kayla. She looked well, her long blond hair was tied up in a ponytail, her face looked fresh and not so gaunt looking. She had changed and now wore a pair of blue skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. She must have noticed me starring.

  “Sorry I hope you don’t mind me borrowing some clothes.”

  "Of course not,” I said reassuring her that she could use anything she needed and that as long as she was here to treat it as her home.

  “Where’s Will? Has Sarah been back yet? Has she found Sol? How long have I been out?

  I bombarded poor Kayla with question after question not giving her time to answer the last. When I realised what I was doing I apologised and waited for her to answer.

  She shrugged off my apology and thankfully didn’t beat around the bush and just told me what she knew.

  “Will’s with the horses but should be back at any minute, you’ve been asleep since yesterday.” I couldn’t help but gasp at that but didn’t say anything and let Kayla carry on.

  "I don't know what's happening with Sarah or Sol apart from she's still out there and hasn't come back here, sorry, I've asked Will but he said it's fine it's what she does and not to worry."

  I was about to leave and tell Kayla I was going to find Will and ask him what was going on when the front door slammed shut. A few moments later he strolled through, greeting us with an apology for slamming the door telling us that the wind had caught it.

  "How are you feeling? Will asked turning his attention to me.

  I didn't know how to answer that question so just shrugged. Physically I felt fine on the outside. The lashes I'd taken from The Master had healed pretty much completely from what I could see and didn't hurt anymore. But inside both mentally and emotionally I was a wreck. I had, had my husband and son stolen away from me, been made to kill, I had been taken prisoner, chained and beaten. I have magical abilities and the last of my family, my best friend, my brother was missing quite possibly in the hands of a crazy guy that liked causing a great deal of pain.

  “Where’s Sarah? Has she found Sol yet?”

  “It’s ok, Sarah’s looking for him, he wasn’t in the barn when she got there but she did pick up traces of him and is on his trail. I will know more when she checks in later. Try not to worry yourself too much she will find him.”

  I wanted to argue with him and tell him I was going back out there to look for Sol but even I knew that it was pointless. If he was gone from the barn I had no way of finding him. So, for the moment had to settle for the knowledge Sarah was out there following his trail.

  “I want to be there when you hear from her ok?”

  Will agreed and sat in the chair that had been moved from the corner of the room to next to the fire. Kayla went to get some mugs so we could have some coffee while I went to get changed, I was still in the same clothes. My jean where ripped and torn. I had mud and blood stuck in my hair and smeared across my clothing and just generally smelt bad.

  I wanted to have a proper shower but as that was not a possibility I settled for a freezing cold strip wash out of the sink. I thought taking my jeans off was going to be more trouble than it was. I had seen how parts of the material had stuck together with lumps of torn flesh but I had healed now and the tricky part was separating the jeans from the dried blood and dirt. Once I figured out to add some water to help unstick them from my legs they slid right off. I examined myself in the mirror stunned that less than 48 hours ago my body looked like it had been through a food processor and now here I was without a scratch on me. I wanted to know what exactly was happening with me and knew where to find at least some of my answers. I hoped Will was comfortable because I was about to grill him for everything he knew. With that thought, I quickly popped on some clean clothes and made my way downstairs.

  Will was still sat in the chair next to the fire while Kayla had made some pasta with what looked like tomato sauce mixed in. I hadn’t eaten properly in days and the moment I smelt it my belly grumbled letting everybody know just how hungry I was. Kayla passed me a bowl and after thanking her I sat in front of the fire on a cushion.

  The weather outside looked dark and gloomy as if it would rain at any moment and so the fire was welcome. The pasta Kayla had made was delicious and hit every spot. I had intended to walk in and ask Will what was going on straight away but had been sidetracked with the yummy warm food when I had finished and was scrapping the sides trying to get every last morsel Kayla asked if I would like some more. I greedily accepted taking my time with the second helping. With my belly now feeling much better I turned my attention to Will, he had finished his bowl of pasta and was staring into the flames of the fire.

  I thought about all the questions running through my mind and wondered where to start? Before I could ask any of them Will spoke.

  “I told you I would tell you what was going on with you but before you can understand I need to start at the beginning.

  Everything in our lives is based on balance. It doesn’t matter what subject you pick each will have two sides. Day and night, life and death, men and women, black and white yin and yang, good and bad. To name a few.


  Do you believe in God Sadie?”

  I replied with a shrug unsure of my answer and where this was going. Will left the question hanging in the air.

  “The history you thought you knew is a lie, changed and warped over the years. What I will tell you now is our true history.”

  In a time, long ago the world was filled with magic.

  It is said that light of the universe created The Mother, just as the dark side created The Father and together they made the world. They loved each other very much and so each gave a little of themselves over to the other so they would always be equal and understand each other.

  “You see, Balance.”

  He made her wonderous plants and trees. Creating jungles and forests, filled with the colours of a thousand rainbows. She made him beaches and vast deserts. Expressing her love with each carefully constructed grain of sand. Things so beautiful they hurt your eyes to look upon or could even believe truly existed were created and gifted to each other. Oceans and Mountains. Great and mighty animals, as well as small and tiny creatures. Together they ran wild and free, turning the world into a monovalent and beautiful place.

  They lived in peace and harmony.

  Their one rule was the constant need for balance.

  Watching as the world around them grew and thrived. The Mother of this world asked The Father for a child of their own. One created from both of their making so, they could share the wonders they had made. The father had loving agreed thinking it a fabulous idea and so, together they created many children who had many children. Thus, the world of man was born.

  But, the children of the world needed help and guidance in the world they found themselves in. So, in their need, The Mother created The Sister Hood, a coven, a group of women each imbued with a piece of pure energy straight from her heart, a power like no other. Magic! This power was to be passed on to the sister's children and so on. The price she asked for giving them such power was to use it to help guild her children, help defend the weaker and less able to rehabilitate the guilty for she could not be everywhere, always. As it had come from her heart the energy given meant that each sister had both light and dark magic inside each of them and that they must make their own choices just like everybody else.

  The mother believed everyone was intertwined with both light and dark, neither was wholly one. It was a balance, it had after all been The Mother of light and The Father of darkness that created the world of man, and so both were needed to understand and help guild them.

  For a long-time, all worshiped the Mother and Father for the wonderful life they had given them, peace reigned and the world flourishe
d. The Mother loved what they had created, she saw beauty and balance in everything. She loved her children most of all and couldn’t help spending time walking amongst them, watching how they had evolved into such a wonderful species.

  However, over time things began to change. The world of men grew and with this growth, something shifted in The Father, he started growing distant from the Mother and the world of men, his children. After eons of only them, together, feelings of jealousy and resentment began surfacing. He no longer wanted to hear the problems of others. His dislike for the sisterhood and the powers she had given them grew, he was convinced that the more power the sisterhood gained the more powerful The Mother was becoming and they would no longer be equal.

  He began hating her for the differences she had rather than embracing them like he`d always done before. He spent less and less time with The Mother and the world of men and more time alone lock away brooding about power and how the balance needed to be restored.

  Slowly the light the mother had given him began to fade away and was replaced with nothing but darkness, and after so long with light in his heart, the loss of it twisted this new darkness into something evil and unnatural.

  Embracing this new dark self, helped fuel his hatred, twisted his anger until nothing was left but an evil shell of himself.

  Warped, twisted and mad he thought that the balance had shifted, that the Mother was secretly building an army so she could have the world to herself and with these thoughts came a need to play her at her own game. The Father tried to make a brotherhood for himself, thinking the worship of them would give him the greater power. His first attempts were messy each of them a part of his dark self but never quite how he envisioned them so, the more he created.


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