The Fifth: Darkness series

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The Fifth: Darkness series Page 28

by K. D Rawlingson

  Until the Four, these four would be known as many things throughout time but most would identify or associate them with the tails of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, they were unlike any of his other dark children and perfect in every way, all were handsome, evil and cruel, filled with darkness and a need to destroy the light.

  Over the years the mother repeatedly tried to turn the father away from his dark creations and back to their life together but he was too gone, engrossing himself solely in his dark children.

  Then, one day in a rage that the mother was gaining too much power, paranoid and spurred on by The Four that she was plotting against him he confronted her. The mother swore on her soul that he was mistaken, that she loved him unconditionally and would never do anything to hurt him. The Father could not see past his madness and rage, called forth his dark energy and killed her with it.

  He denounced his name he would be nobody's father. He would be known as a God. The God of Darkness.

  Every sister of light felt the death of their Mother as it ripped through every fibre of their being and even though they had hoped as she had, that their father would come back to them they knew that the death of their mother could have only come from him. It meant that the True Darkness had won its fight with The Father and war was upon them. The fate of the light, of the people and of the world was at stake.

  The now God of Darkness decreed to the world he alone would be the only one anyone would worship and pray to. He would make everybody, not only his dark children and The Four bow down to him. Anyone found to have light inside them would have it ripped from their hearts. They would embrace the darkness or they would die a painful death. Either way, he won.

  He called forth his creations and released them into the world while he sat back to watch death spread into every home. To watch, as his dark children lead by The Four battled against the light for sole dominance over this world.

  Only Death, War, Conquest, and Pain, held a place now in the God of Darkness's heart. He would make it so it would be in every man, woman, and child alive also.

  The sisterhood fought back with everything they had and after hundreds of years of war and death the light finally won, most of the darkness had been pushed back, been banished to the deepest parts of the earth and the land was finally at peace but it had come at a price as all things do, the light had to sacrifice most of themselves and use nearly all of their power to do what they had. Only 4 sisters of the light court remained to help guild the world of man and as a result, magic was leaving.

  Sarsha one of the last and the most powerful of the light didn’t know where it was going or if it was to ever return. She gathered the last of her sisters and told them of her plight, how she had failed them. They had tried everything to stop the darkness taking over completely, had sacrificed most of their sisters but he was too powerful, banishment had been all they could do. And now she knew even that wouldn't hold him forever.

  Kyra the eldest and wisest of the four knew of only one thing left to do but it was a gamble and told them so. The price who be heavy. They would have to leave the realm of men for good, leave them to guild themselves. It would require them to sacrifice the last of the sisterhood, the four of them and their magic, to a fifth, to a future hope. And hope was all it could bring for there were no guarantees, that even after they had sacrificed everything they could still fail, but at least it offered hope.

  Sarsha, Kyra, Ada and Terra hoped to the mother herself that the fifth was strong enough and could cope with the tests set before her and defeat the darkness. The spell they had used to keep the God of Darkness and his evil creations banished had enough power to last long enough to rebuild and man to forget but, not an eternity. In time it would slowly fade, evil would leak back into the world of man, the God of Darkness had found a way to stave of death, he would wait, he would break free.

  The time of magic had ended in the hopes that it would return when it was most needed.

  Until then man would have to learn to cope on their own.

  Imprisoned deep below the earth The God of Darkness watched everything, he may have been banished and unable to interfere with the world but, as time ticked by he knew his powers would grow.

  In the meantime, that didn’t mean he didn't know what was happening far above him, he could see what the sisters had planned to do and although unable to stop them or the fifth. (Which according to the spell used would bring forth a fifth sister to fight against him.)

  When the time came and him and his dark creations were finally freed she was all they had sent. She was no match for him. He knew his time would come, that his imprisonment would fail. It could not keep him forever and once freed he would strip the fifth of all ties to this world. he would make her suffer unbearable pain. He would make her swim in darkness, would snuff out every last inch of light inside her.

  Until then he would wait and watch, he would build an army of darkness in the depths of the earth. He would create a place where his children could grow strong by letting them feed on the soles above.

  He named it Hell!

  "Do you see now Sadie the tails of heaven and hell, the myths, and legends about god and the devil, of good and bad, light and dark are real. The true story has been mixed and changed over thousands of years to suit each persons' needs or desires of course. Only a few still remain that know the truth and this is the truth.

  The earthquake in Japan was the final holds of the prison breaking. Magic is starting to flow back into this world and with it, gives power to both sides.

  His demons have been released and are already ripping through this world causing death and pain wherever they are, you have seen it. The Master that captured you is one of those demons, one of the four horsemen. That was War you escaped from.

  Soon the God of Darkness, The Devil himself will follow. You are the Fifth Sadie, I’ve seen the power you hold inside you. I know you are the one that will free us from his grips but in order to do that you must train, you must learn what you are capable of and fast because now they know who you are.”

  To be continued…

  Book Title Copyright © 2017 by K.D Rawlingson. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  KD Rawlingson

  For more info on upcoming books please find me on

  Facebook @DaknessseriesKDRawlingson

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: February 2018

  Independently published

  ISBN: 9781980232254

  Table of Contents



























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