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Ruthless Rose: A High School Bad Boy Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 3)

Page 16

by Leila James

  Scarlett’s brows go up as we lock eyes and laugh. “Are you ready for this, Daphne?”

  Xander whirls the two of them toward us. “Prepare to be taken down, Micah. Sorry, Daphne.”

  I can’t do anything but shake my head and brace myself for whatever insanity is about to transpire.

  And to be perfectly honest, with Micah’s hands on my thighs, I’m having trouble thinking of much of anything. Less than twenty minutes ago, he’d had my body at his mercy, my legs spread wide while his lips, tongue, and fingers had masterfully brought me to orgasm. My knees clamp down on his shoulders with the memory. He probably thinks I’m trying to stay steady. Never mind that I’m actually up here reliving every lick and suck and kiss. My face heats. I’d better concentrate on whatever mayhem is about to go down.

  Focusing on the game of chicken, my feet lock behind Micah’s lower back. Or is that his ass? I can’t quite tell, but he doesn’t seem to care. He laughs as Xander stalks toward us.

  Scarlett reaches out and grabs one of my hands and gives me a squeeze right as someone shouts, “Go!”

  The pool is a scene of mass chaos as we fight it out with eight other pairs. We grapple with one after another, at a distinct advantage with my five-foot-seven frame stacked on top of Micah’s six foot three. Add to that the fact that he makes for a solid base, and we’re golden. Surprisingly, given how athletic both Xander and Scarlett are, we take them down quickly, Scarlett squealing right before she goes underwater.

  Everything is going fine until, of course, there are only two pairs left—us versus Alora and some big dude I recognize from the football team.

  Micah holds his hands up in a classic gesture, beckoning them forward. He pats my legs when they tighten on him. “Don’t worry, we’ve got this.” The other guy inches forward, a sly grin on his face. I’m sure he’s got plenty of tricks up his sleeve. And it’s worrisome that, considering this is just a party game, Alora has a murderous glint in her eye.

  Just as he’s about to lunge, Alora kicks her heel into his side and grabs his hair with her hands, yanking. It makes him hesitate, glancing up at her. “Hang on, Greg. I want to talk to Double D for a minute.”

  I can feel Micah tense up. Obviously disgusted with her antics, he cocks his head to the side. “Come on, Alora. Don’t be a bitch.”

  “Me? I’ve done nothing.” She sneers at him. “Double D is the one who seems to have forgotten her place. Fucking Thorn. She must have some magical pussy with the way she’s got you chasing her.” Her gaze rakes over my body, like she’s revolted by my mere presence.

  All of a sudden, I feel very exposed and begin to shiver. Quietly, I demand, “Micah, let me down.”

  He pats my leg, looking up and back at me. “You’re not going anywhere, Daph. If anyone is leaving Alora is, and she knows it.” He draws in a deep breath, his attention focused on Alora. “Do you really want to do this publicly? In front of this whole crowd?” He waves his hand in a circular motion, gesturing towards everyone around the pool.

  Micah is right. As I look, I realize pretty much the entire party is out here now, gathered to watch the spectacle.

  My eyes track to the side of the pool, following Xander as he wraps Scarlett in a towel. She sits on the edge, concern written all over her face. Max appears and squats down behind her. She whispers in his ear, no doubt relaying what happened before he showed up. My gaze shifts back to Xander, who has grabbed Aria and hauled her over near the patio door where he seems to be arguing with her.

  My body shudders. I can imagine what he’s saying, and judging by the way her eyes keep flicking back and forth between me and Alora, I’m guessing Aria isn’t very happy about it.

  From the side of the pool, Beau groans out, “Can’t we get through one fucking party without any issues? Alora, come on. Get out of the pool, and I’ll fuck some sense into you. How about that?”

  I suck in a breath. No matter how crude that sounded, I know Beau said it for my benefit—a last ditch effort to lure Alora away from what is sure to end in disaster. From the gleam in her eyes, I know she’s about to say something awful.



  And I’m right.

  She aims her vicious gaze at me. “Hey, Double D, did you know your nickname has nothing to do with your name?”

  Anxiety slithers right down my spine as I brace for whatever is coming.

  From the look on her face, I know Micah’s face must be downright menacing. “Fucking hell, Alora. Don’t.”

  Greg, who can also see Micah’s expression, wisely shuffles back a few feet.

  “It’s about your boobs, Daphne. Or should I say, your lack of them. Really, it’s your entire body. You’re built like a skinny, prepubescent boy.”

  Shocked gasps fill the night air, then quiet murmurs flow through the crowd. Shame whips through me until its evidence makes itself clear on my cheeks. They burn hot enough I know they must be flaming red.

  “No wonder she wears fucking Star Wars panties!” some guy hollers.

  I catch Beau slamming his fist into the guy’s jaw as Micah strides to the side of the pool. His hands reach up, grasping my waist as he plucks me from his shoulders. He delivers me into the waiting hands of Max and Xander. Scarlett is right behind them with a towel. She wraps me up in it, puts an arm around me, and we hustle inside.

  The last thing I see when I glance over my shoulder is Micah hauling Alora out of the pool, his face a mask of rage.

  Chapter 34

  Scarlett and Max guide me through the downstairs, finding a quiet room toward the back of the house. It’s a huge TV room, complete with a screen that covers one entire wall. It’s literally a movie theater. In a house. Micah has an actual movie theater in his home. Overwhelmed, I let Scarlett guide me over to the huge L-shaped couch. She grabs a few folded blankets and plops them on the cushions before we sit our wet, towel-wrapped selves down. Max plants himself across from us on a gigantic coffee table that extends the entire length of the couch.

  “I think I need a drink.”

  Max rubs his hands through his hair before getting back up and exiting the room. I cover my face with my hands. Sensing I’m not ready to talk, Scarlett simply sits beside me, one hand resting on my back.

  Before long, Max returns. “Here.”

  I remove my hands from my face, accepting the drink from him. “Thank you.” I take a deep swallow.

  Scarlett gently pats my back. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I swivel my head toward her. “About what? About how embarrassing that was? About how she’s been attacking me for no real reason? Or maybe about how the worst part is every word she said is true?” My eyes squeeze shut as I try to hold the tears at bay.

  “She’s jealous, Daphne.” Max’s voice comes out strong and clear.

  A disbelieving chuckle works its way up from my chest. “Of what?” I glance down at my skinny, boobless body, holding my arms out. “What is she jealous of? Tell me.” Pain rips at my insides as my mind flashes back to the boys who had taunted me and touched my scrawny eleven-year-old body. My hands tremble.

  Max gives me a hard look. “Come on, Daphne. You’re not really falling right into her trap, are you? She’s somehow figured out what will hurt you most and is jabbing at you with a hot poker.”

  Scarlett frowns when I look at her. “Are you really going to let her get to you like that?”

  I tip my cup to my lips, downing the rest before setting it on the table next to Max, who scoots forward so he can grasp my hand. “I will say it again. She’s fucking jealous. You have so much to offer that she doesn’t.”

  I sniff. “Like what?”

  “Seriously?” Max shakes his head. “You’re gorgeous with those green eyes of yours. And obviously Micah has no complaints about your body. Combine that with your smart brain and beautiful heart, and you have him panting after you. Any guy would be lucky to have you. And Micah sees you as a whole person—likes you as a whole person—instead o
f the tits and ass he gets with Alora. She has nothing else to offer except a bitchy, bad attitude.”

  Scarlett shifts on the couch, pulling her knees up and clasping her arms around them. “I swear to you, Daphne. Xander told me Micah has been so different lately. His thing has always been that he doesn’t want a relationship—he’s gone as far as to say he wanted to make it through high school without ever being involved with anyone. But, Daph, as much as he claims to not want one, it sure looks like he’s heading that way with you. You’re the one making him break all of his rules.”

  I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to be in the line of fire anymore.” My eyes well up with tears. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “Daphne.” Micah’s voice cuts through the tension in the room, and all three of us turn our heads toward him.

  Stubbornness setting in, I turn back around, my eyes slamming shut. “I don’t want to talk right now, Micah.” Embarrassment flows through me, thick like molasses, coating every part of me, sticky and unbearable.

  I can hear the heaviness in his expelled breath. “Come on, Daph.”

  I won’t give in. Can’t. “Please just leave me alone, Micah.” With a quick glance up at Max, I murmur, “I want to go home. Will you take me home?”

  We all stand, and Max tugs me close to his side. The three of us skirt around the couch together. When I dare look, Micah’s expression shows a mixture of concern, disappointment, and anger. I’m not really sure how much of each is aimed at me, but I’m not staying to find out.

  Unfortunately, he’s blocking the exit, his hands on his hips, the broad expanse of his chest still wet from the pool. I’m mesmerized by the tiny droplets of water as they travel down over the planes and ridges of his muscles. I have an errant thought that I’d like to lick the droplets from him, but shove it aside. “Let me leave, Micah.”

  His jaw set, he grits out, “I want to talk to you first.”

  A tear slides down my cheek, and I furiously wipe it away. “Look, I don’t want any part of this crap. I don’t want to be the center of attention, and I sure as hell don’t want to be dragged through the mud and kicked around—all for what? Because I’m here with you? I don’t deserve that. Until you can figure out how to make Alora quit treating me like her personal punching bag, I don’t see how this can work.”

  He blows out an unsteady breath, gripping the back of his neck. His eyes bore into mine. The plea is there within them. It’s agonizing. Heart-wrenching.

  “Micah, I can’t. I need some space.” Finally relenting, he steps aside to let us pass. We hurry down the hallway, away from Micah. Away from this mess, this devastation.

  That tiny sliver in my heart that had been opening to Micah stitches itself right back up. If I don’t allow him in, he can’t hurt me.

  The next morning, I wake up with dried tears on my face. At first I’m confused, but then flashes of memories from last night’s party flicker through my head like a movie reel—Micah going down on me, Alora bullying me and destroying my self-confidence, me leaving, heart in tatters. I told Micah I can’t be with him. I must have been crying in my sleep over it.

  An unsteady breath feathers through my lips as I hear my phone vibrate where it’s sitting on the charger. I don’t want to look. Shouldn’t look.

  But I do.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: I’m sorry for what happened at the party. I’m sorry you’re upset.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: I’m sorry for everything.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: I’m trying to figure out what to do about Alora.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: But I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.

  Disappointment washes over me. I know I told him I didn’t want any part of what was going on, but I honestly thought he’d fight harder. I thought he was more interested in me than that. I’m about to turn off my phone when another text comes through.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: That thing I was going to tell you after Chicken?

  Daph’s Dream Dick: I was going to tell you how beautiful you looked in that green swimsuit—how the color accentuated your gorgeous green eyes. I wanted to untie the top, yank it down, and suck on your nipples. I wanted to pull the bottoms to the side and fuck you right there in the pool. Claim you.

  Even though his words are lewd, I feel my body respond. He shouldn’t be able to make me feel this way when I’m upset, but my panties dampen.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: Don’t think that I see you the same way Alora does.

  A lump has formed in my throat that is impossible to swallow. I don’t know what to do with half of what he’s just told me. Not a fucking clue. I want to cry, scream, but more than anything, I want to touch myself and pretend it’s him. My brain may have figured out that something needs to change but my body doesn’t seem to care. It wants Micah.

  Chapter 35

  The homecoming committee is scheduled to meet again this morning.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  I show up ten minutes early, before anyone else gets there. Mrs. Jayson looks surprised when she walks into the room. “Wow. Early bird today, huh?”

  I give her a half-smile. “I was kind of hoping that you could give me my assignment since we’re doing decorations today, and I could get started.”

  “I think we can make that happen, Daphne. No problem.” She picks up a piece of paper. “Looks like Alora has you tying the fishing line onto the stars that will hang from the ceiling. It’s something we can easily do in advance of the dance.” She gets up from her seat, grabs a box that appears to have about a thousand glittery cardboard stars inside it, then adds scissors and a hole punch to it. “Everything you need is in here. Get as many of those stars done as you can. Whatever you don’t finish today will have to be done next Saturday before the dance.”

  “Got it. I’ll see how much I can do.”

  Three hours later, I’m still stringing these damn stars and my fingers are about to go numb from tying knots in the fishing line. This kind of sucks, but I’d been relieved when Alora had shown up and quickly left the room with Danica and Farrah to do who knows what. I look up as Mrs. Jayson comes back into the room. “Hey, we’d like to experiment with how we’re going to hang these from the ceiling. How do you feel about getting up on a ladder?”

  I shrug. I’m not the world’s most coordinated person, but I can handle it. “I guess I could take a look.”

  “Good. Alora is in there. Why don’t you take all that with you and see what she wants to try. We have an extender pole and some sort of doodad that is supposed to stick them up under the edges of the drop ceiling panels.”

  She wants me to get up on a ladder with Alora supervising? Holy crap. No, no, and no. Without saying anything to Mrs. Jayson, I heft the box of stars into my arms and hurry to the lunchroom.

  Much to my relief, Alora is nowhere to be seen when I get there, but there’s a huge ladder in the middle of the room and a couple of the extender poles that Mrs. Jayson had mentioned. I pull one of the stars out of the box, attach the end of the fishing line to the little hook that will attach to the drop ceiling and get it situated on the end of the pole. Taking the pole in one hand, I gingerly climb the ladder … and make the mistake of looking down. I’m probably about eight feet in the air. I squeeze my eyes shut for a second. I probably should have waited for someone else to be here to hold the ladder. I release the breath I was holding and raise the pole toward the ceiling.

  From behind me, I hear a laugh. “Double D, what the fuck are you doing up there? Don’t you know better than to climb a ladder without someone holding the base?”

  I freeze for a few seconds before I look down to see her approaching. Show. No. Fear. “I’m fine, really. I wanted to see how this contraption works, because I’m sure I’ll end up putting a million of these up next Saturday.”

  The ladder wiggles beneath me, and I gasp in surprise.

  “How’s that, Double D? Does that help? Or are you scared?” Alora is down at the bottom giving it an
other shake and trying not to laugh.

  “Stop.” My fingers grasp the sides of the ladder more firmly. I suck in some air and hold my breath. I steal another look down at the ground before I ease myself down a rung.

  She shakes the ladder again, grinning up at me like the sick bitch that she is.

  “Alora, I don’t know what the fuck I ever did to you,” I rasp. “Please stop.” I yelp as the ladder shifts again, and I work myself downward. If I can just get down a few more feet, I’ll feel better.

  She snorts. “You’re really good at begging, aren’t you?”

  What the hell?

  As if it were all happening in slow motion, Alora gives the ladder one last shove. The ladder tips, and I tumble to the ground, landing on my hip and shoulder with a thud as the huge ladder crashes to the ground.

  When I’m finally able to sit up, Alora has disappeared and several people have raced in, having heard the noise. I close my eyes, blocking out their concerned faces.

  No more than a minute later, a gruff voice approaching surprises me.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  My eyes blink back open, and I wonder if I’m seeing things or if I’ve hit my head.

  Micah scrambles over to me, skids to his knees, his hands hovering over me. “Are you hurt?” He’s sweaty, like he’d been interrupted mid-workout.

  For a few seconds, I simply try to breathe. “I think I’m okay.”

  “Didn’t you have someone spotting the ladder?”

  I grimace. “Sort of.”

  He cocks his head to the side. “Don’t fucking tell me it was Alora.”

  My face turns bright red, and I can’t meet his gaze. I carefully move, testing my limbs. Finding them all intact, I start to get my feet.

  Micah grasps my upper arms and helps me up. He doesn’t let go until he’s sure I’m steady, then tips my chin up so he can look directly into my eyes. “I’ll talk to her. I’ll make her stop. I promise, Daph.”


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