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Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Michael Nowotny

  People were trickling into the waiting room as they were talking and Jimmy began introducing Alec to many of them as Alec Hawkswing. The fact that they were both using the same second name wasn't lost on most as they gave him appraising looks. Alec kept an eye out for the Mortons or anyone else he recognized till a doorman began calling people forward and letting them through the door. Alec realized that the people going in were being announced to the room full of seated people. Before long it was their turn and Alec followed behind Jimmy into the room. Alec stepped up beside him just inside the door and a man’s voice rang out.

  “Master Bard Jim Hawkswing and Bard Apprentice Alexander Hawkswing.”

  There were several gasps and some clapping as a page led them to their seats. Alec tried to spot Christi and her family in the crowd of seated people as they were led to their seats.

  Taking his place next to Jimmy he put his hand over the top of his glass when a server was about to pour wine into it. He told the younger girl that he'd just have some fruit juice and received a confused look from Jimmy. He leaned over and asked Alec why he wouldn't have any wine. Alec quietly told him about his reaction to alcohol and received a nod of understanding.

  King Bernard Manister was announced to the room along with the Queen. Everyone stood politely to show their respect. King Manister took his place and thanked everyone in a short speech. He thanked the gods for the harvest and continued good health. Alec was barely able to suppress a snort of laughter thinking of the fact that the gods wanted him dead. Jimmy looked his way and he was sure he'd have to explain it to him later.

  The main courses were laid out across the tables when Alec finally spotted Christi and her family in the third row of tables back. He gave her a smile as their eyes met and she gave a smile in return that he knew meant he would owe her an explanation if not an apology as well. Alec enjoyed the meal, having some of each course and seconds of others. After desert he noticed several people getting up and moving around to the other tables. Alec told Jimmy he was going to go speak with the Mortons. Jimmy said it was fine so long as he was back before the king made his announcement.

  Alec made his way down from the raised table and over to the Morton’s. He pulled out a chair by Christi and sat. Allan told everyone that Alec seemed to have bounced back once again and landed higher still. Christi asked him what was with the apprentice thing and he told them of the offer Jimmy had made and what it meant. Bill told them that if he got his powers back some day he would be a singing spell casting warrior. Alec was the first to laugh and Christi joined him realizing he was over feeling sorry for himself. Alec heard someone say the king was going to make an announcement shortly so he excused himself and made his way back to his seat. The steward asked for everyone to take their seats just as he sat. Several people moved around and the King waited patiently. With the room quieting down the King stood.

  “My good people and loyal subjects, thank you for coming to enjoy this harvest with us tonight. I'm afraid I have some news that will spoil some of our festive spirit. As of a few days ago the Sundarian king issued a declaration of war against us.”

  The partygoers were silent with disbelief as their king continued on.

  “I don't believe the gods will intervene again as they have in the past. With this formal declaration we have until next spring or mid-summer at most to make our preparations.”

  Alec was as stunned as was everyone else. The chance that he would have to fight for his country just as his father had was not lost on him. The king assured everyone that they should have a good time and that there was plenty of time to prepare for Sundaria.

  A small stage was being erected off to one side and servants moved tables out of the way as people got up to make room for the dancing later on. Jimmy told him to go mingle and that he would find him later so that he could sing.

  Alec found Christi talking with a pretty blonde a few years younger than them. She introduced him as her fiancé and him to the girl. He was surprised to find out she was the youngest crowned princess, Missy. A short while into the conversation Missy offered to give them a tour of the palace.

  She led them down halls and through courtyards telling the history of each. All the while a guard followed at a respectful distance. Alec found the palace very interesting, he could feel things that pressed on his mind as they passed different rooms. When they passed a room that felt like it was trying to pull him in he questioned Princess Missy. She told him that the room had belonged to the court Mage several hundred years ago but that it no longer existed.

  Seeing the confused look on their faces she invited them to enter the room, if they could. Alec and Christi looked into the now open door. It was a neat small room with several things lying on the workbench that looked very interesting. Alec tried to enter and was blocked by a field. When Christi tried to dispel the field she told them that it didn't feel like it was even there.

  The princess had an amused look on her face as she told them numerous sorcerers and wizards had tried to take down the force field for many years. Most of the magic users said the same thing, the field wasn't there to grasp.

  The guard suggested that they head back to the party since they'd been gone for quite a while.

  As they reentered, the party people were starting to form up around the dance floor. Jimmy was up on the small stage tuning his guitar and motioned to Alec as soon as he saw him. He headed over with Christi and Missy in tow. He was told by Jimmy that he would do his normal entry songs and a few others before calling him to the stage. Alec agreed to sing his favorite song and went off to get a drink to wet his throat.

  The partiers gave Jimmy his round of applause after his introductory songs and the dancing began in earnest. Alec danced a slower song with Christi before he was called up. Jimmy introduced him and he received a polite applause.

  Alec began his song and people danced close together on the floor. He poured himself into the song so much so that he saw many of the ladies wiping their eyes, including the queen. With his song done, he bowed to the audience and left the stage. As Alec rejoined Christi a man came up and told him the queen would like a word with him.

  Christi was practically beside herself as she accompanied him up to the table the royals were seated. Alec gave a low bow as he stood before them and Christi a deep curtsy. The queen complimented him on his song and the king agreed, saying he doubted a full bard could match him with the song.

  When asked, Alec introduced Christi as his intended fiancé and received congratulations from the royals. He was told to inform them when the engagement was formalized. Christi assured them she would.

  The two of them made their way back to the dance floor and over to where Jessica was sitting with George. Christi told her mother of their conversation with the royals and asked if she thought the queen was serious about wanting to know when their engagement became formal. Jessica told them that they would send an invitation for the engagement party and let the queen decide if it was something she could attend or not.

  Christi and Alec danced into the evening to the sound of Jimmy’s voice and guitar. Alec only danced with one other person, Princess Missy. Christi meanwhile danced with several of her old friends and he fought down a twinge of jealousy as he watched. He was starting to get upset when one guy in particular kept moving closer than necessary during one of the dances. Before he could act Christi turned away from the guy and walk over to him.

  “I can’t believe Barry would act like that! We dated a few times and he acted so nice back then. Even when I told him I was practically engaged he wouldn’t back off!” She told him.

  She was clearly upset and Alec put an arm around her to show her some comfort.

  “Maybe he had too much to drink or realized what he would be missing,” he told her.

  They called it a night and Alec bid his farewell to Jimmy between songs. Jimmy told him to get settled in at the school for the next couple days then he would be out to help get him started in with the bar

  Alec had just finished packing for the morning ride when Christi snuck into his room through the closet. She told him that she’d had so much fun at the party and meeting the king and queen were an added bonus to it all. She gave him a kiss good night before heading back to her room.

  Chapter 8

  General Malcom stood at attention before his king.

  “Yes my lord. I have received reports that the pass is clear and our spies say that Maldore hasn’t even begun amassing their army.” He and some of the other advisors had been encouraging the king to take the pass before winter set in.

  “Good, send half the army to take the pass and fort. We will winter them there and amass troops through the winter.” King Sallin told him.

  The next morning Alec dressed and carried his things down to the stable. He had his things stored next to Fleetfoot and carried his staff back inside with him. After eating a light breakfast with the family, they saddled their horses and rode off for the school. An hour into the ride Alec realized he would have to give his horse back to its rightful owner, Erik. He asked Allan what a reasonable price would be for a horse and if he thought Erik would be willing to sell it to him.

  “You’re probably going to have to ask his father, seeing as it’s really his horse.” Allan said.

  Alec asked if Erik’s father worked at the school or lived nearby and got a raised eyebrow. He was then informed that Tom Stalle was Erik’s father. Alec shook his head. Now that he thought about it, he should have realized they were related with the resemblance between the two.

  Allan told him the horse would most likely cost around seventy gold pieces if he was lucky. Alec knew he didn’t have nearly that much. It was too bad since he’d grown fond of the horse over the past two weeks. They rode into the school and stabled the horses.

  Peter met them at the gate and walked with Alec and Christi to the tower. Alec climbed the steps to his old room and unlocked it. It didn’t take long for him to gather the last of his few personal items. He left the tower saying goodbye to Peter and giving him thanks for all the help. He was reminded that Peter planned on coming with him to Jake’s wedding in another couple of weeks.

  Alec walked across the campus to Master Stalle’s building. He found the man outside waiting for him. Alec set his bags down and gave the master a salute. Tom eyed him and the staff. Motioning him inside Tom told him to stow his bags on the second bunk in a room that looked empty of any other occupant. After putting his things away Alec found Tom still in the doorway. He was told to follow him to the back and to bring his staff. Alec had a good idea what was about to happen.

  Tom drew a sword and took the far place inside a ring assuming the ready position. Alec stepped into the other spot and made ready.

  “Allan told me you managed to beat him using a regular stave against his sword. I need to know what you are capable of before I can teach you anything else. We will do three rounds.” Tom told him.

  Others had gathered in a circle around them with the chance to see their master at work.

  Tom came high with a yell that Alec quickly blocked and pushed off to the side. He spun the staff in his hands blocking the strikes and reversing the spin as necessary. As the blows became faster and with more power behind them Alec too sped up.

  Tom had pulled a knife from his waist and Alec began spinning the staff faster and faster. It was like an extra hand or arm, he knew where it was and where it needed to be and it went there.

  He spun the staff so fast it seemed to blur before his eyes even as Tom slowed. Suddenly the staff was flying from his hands with Tom’s sword going the other way. The world snapped back into focus and Tom picked up his staff giving it a spin.

  It still felt like it was a part of him and he knew on some level that he couldn’t be hurt by it. Tom rushed toward him intent on giving him a good bruise with his own staff. It stopped just shy of him no matter how hard Tom swung it. As Tom took a step back to reassess the situation Alec held out his hand and the staff leapt from Tom’s grasp to his. He gave it a spin and slammed the butt down on the hard packed dirt.

  They went at it again and again till they were both sweat covered and ready to call the last one a draw. Tom shook his head as they headed inside to clean up and told him he obviously didn’t need much more training with the staff and that it would be fun teaching him the sword if he picked it up just as fast. Alec showered in the communal bath and made his way back to the courtyard. Tom was already there looking as fresh as when he’d seen him earlier. Alec walked over to stand with him as he watched a pair of swordsmen go at it.

  After the shorter stockier man won the match, Tom led Alec across the road and into a building. He could hear a blacksmith pounding on a piece of metal somewhere nearby. Tom pulled out a ring of keys as they approached a large wooden door. He unlocked it and Alec followed him into the room. He looked around, swords and other bladed weapons lined the walls.

  “With your build I think we’ll try a rapier or a bastard blade,” Tom said.

  Alec followed Tom as he went along the wall pulling various swords. He had Alec hold each one strait out or give it a test swing. He was told he would know the right blade when he had it in his hand. Alec was handed one that felt close and said as much. Tom moved over to a thinner blade and handed it to him. It felt right if a little long. Alec told Tom he liked it but that it felt too long for him. They moved down the wall and Alec was handed another one. It felt right and without the extra length. He was handed the scabbard and told to buckle it on.

  Alec was led back to the courtyard where he was turned over to Allan, whose job it was to train him in the art of swordplay. He was shown three of the basic forms of block and thrust. After working at the forms for an hour they headed to lunch. Alec left his staff in his room but was told to keep his sword with him at all times.

  Coming out from between buildings he saw Christi hurrying toward them with Beth. Eating lunch with the girls in the soldier’s mess hall was a nice change for Alec, he didn’t have to watch out for feet trying to trip him or hear the snide remarks.

  He followed Allan back to the courtyard and donned the padding Allan pointed him to. Alec faced off with Allan dressed very similarly to him. It went as one would suspect with Alec spending more time chasing his blade than swinging it. Allan showed him how he was holding the sword too tightly and Alec was able to hang onto it most of the time afterwards. Alec was given a stone and cloth with a small bottle of oil. Allan showed him how to care for the blade and how to keep it sharp. He hadn’t had the same connection with the blade but he suspected it was only a matter of time.

  His next few days were spent the same way. Drilling with the forms over and over till he did them in his sleep and sparring in the afternoon. He resumed his place in the rotation for guard duty often pulling the early morning shift. He didn’t mind it really as it gave him time to wake up and think about things.

  Midway through the week Jimmy showed up late in the afternoon and watched as he was basically chased around the ring running backward as he tried to fend off Allan’s strikes. Erik had joked with him over supper the other day that if they were at the front and needed to pull back he’d have the retreat down pat.

  Alec met Jimmy after showering for the second time that day and walked with him over to the bard school.

  Comfortable large rooms with plush chairs and sofas looked to be the idea for a bard. As they sat waiting for a Master Pelling, Alec thought he could get use to the idea of being a bard, especially if this was how they lived.

  They were shown into an office and Alec was introduced to Master Pelling. The master was female to his surprise and he realized that he shouldn’t have been, many women had wonderful voices and it stood to reason that many would take up with the bards. Master Pelling had him sign several papers formalizing his apprenticeship under Jimmy and gave him a list of classes he would need to take for the semester.

  History and instrument lessons were the big ones followed by dip
lomacy. Jimmy showed him where the classes were and he met the teachers that taught them. He would be attending the evening classes and realized he had some very full days ahead.

  When they entered the music hall he was assaulted by the noise that came from an instrument in a young boy’s hands. The teacher, Master Halverson quickly stopped the lesson and ushered the boy out the door. The man shook Jimmy’s hand while pulling wads of cotton from his ears. Alec was shown to a room that held numerous instruments. He could only name a handful of them.

  Being shown the sounds that a few could make Jimmy suggested a small round looking guitar he called a banjo. Alec was handed the instrument and it fit nicely in his grip, it was also a lot lighter than Jimmy’s guitar. He experimentally ran his thumb down the strings much like he’d seen Jimmy do. Master Halverson cringed at the sound it made. Alec was told he could borrow the one he had in his hands till he bought his own. He asked how much such an instrument cost and was told a decent one would run easily run thirty to forty gold. He doubted he had that much even with his school account added to it.

  Jimmy told him not to worry about it and that he could buy his old one off of him, seeing as he rarely used it. Jimmy led him over to another building and into a tidy room. Alec guessed that it was Jimmy’s room for when he stayed at the school because he walked over to the bed and started pulling things out from under it. A few hard leather cases later he pulled out one that was a polished pine box. He opened the case and pulled out the banjo. One of the five strings had snapped but the leather stretched over the main portion of it was still in good shape.

  Alec was told he could have it for ten gold pieces but that he would have to replace the strings, to which he agreed. They went down to the main school store that was a lot larger than the one for the sorcerers where Jimmy told the man the names of several strings. The cost of them was taken out of Alec’s account at one full silver a piece.


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