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Love's Rhythm

Page 17

by Lexxie Couper

  The Sun Sword

  Tropical Sin

  Suck and Blow

  Triple Dare

  Dare Me

  Savage Australia

  Savage Retribution

  Savage Transformation

  Coming Soon:


  Suspicious Ways

  Dark Embrace

  Let the games begin…

  Suck and Blow

  © 2011 Lexxie Couper

  Talent agent Frankie Winchester is a hellion. Her motto is all a girl needs is a fun time, a fast car and an awesome masseur on speed dial. There’s only one person who could beat her at anything. Alec. Bane of her high-school existence, a kid whose parents were as working class and loving as hers were rich and distant.

  When celebrity landscape architect Alec Harris spots Frankie at an exclusive Sydney house party, everything comes rushing back. The memory of being the “cheap-money” kid, trying and failing to prove himself—and impress his dream girl, Frankie Winchester.

  Unexpectedly partnered in a wildly sexy game, the delicious friction ignites a scorching sexual tension. But there’s more than a playing card trapped between them. Frankie refuses to admit that kiss shook her to the core. Alec wants nothing less than her full surrender.

  Warning: C’mon, the book’s called Suck and Blow. What more warning do you need?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Suck and Blow:

  Someone ran into him. Hard. A firm, warm body slamming into his side as if the person hadn’t been watching where they were going but was in a damn hurry to get where ever it was.

  He stumbled to his left, a chuckle rising to his lips as he turned to face the someone, his hands instinctively reaching out to steady them on their feet, his fingers curling around biceps both smooth and firm.

  And looked straight down into the wide, blue-grey eyes of Francesca The Gun Winchester.

  Oh, boy.

  His mouth went dry. Just like that. His mouth went dry and his breath caught in his throat. The precise moment their eyes met, ten years were wiped from his life and he was the flustered, horny teenager aching to impress the girl every guy at his school and hers wanted to date.

  “Errrr…” He licked his lips, his pulse quickening as he watched her gaze track the path of his tongue.

  Say something, you idiot.

  “I’m not really sure,” he murmured, his voice deeper and huskier than normal, “but I think you kiss better than I do.”

  The words fell from his lips, uninhibited by his befuddled schoolboy’s brain, each one making his heart beat faster. Jesus Christ, Harris, you are an idiot.

  He couldn’t stop looking at her. He couldn’t remove his hands from her arms. He couldn’t let her go. She was right here before him, staring at him with an expression he didn’t have a hope in hell of deciphering on her exquisite face. Her smooth skin was warm against his calloused palms, her soft, sweet perfume threading into his body with every breath he took.

  Christ, Harris. Do something, will you?

  But before he could, Frankie raised one straight eyebrow and lifted her chin. “I don’t think we can be certain based on one kiss, do you?”

  Alec’s heart slammed hard into his throat. “In that case,” he said, lowering his head a fraction closer to her, “you better kiss me again.”

  “Should I now? Maybe you should be the one to kiss me?”

  “And have you say I beat you once again?” He shook his head, enjoying their banter far too much. His balls ached and his dick was so hard it hurt. He wanted to kiss her like hell, but here he was—as usual—loving the sound of her voice.

  Storm-grey eyes studied him from behind half-lowered lids, a small grin playing with her lips. “Should I go find a playing card again? Will that help?”

  “Depends? Do you need a Ten of Hearts to hide behind?”

  One dark, straight eyebrow lifted. “I don’t hide from anything.”

  “And yet, I’m noticing a distinct lack of kissing going on here.”

  “Maybe you’re not as clever with that tongue of yours as you thought?”

  He chuckled. “To quote someone very close to me, ‘I don’t think we can be certain based on one kiss, do you?’.”

  Frankie’s chin tilted. “In that case, you better kiss me again.”

  Alec lowered his head closer still to her upturned face. “If you insist, Fran—”

  She didn’t let him finish. Her lips found his and there was nothing chaste or hesitant about her kiss. She dipped her tongue into his mouth, swirling it around his. Her hands slid up his chest, her fingers resting lightly on his collarbone before, with a low groan, she pressed her body to his. Her breasts crushed against his chest, sending dizzying waves of pleasure through him. Her thighs moved against his legs, their smooth, leather-encased length playing with his senses. Ten years ago those legs had been the stuff of his unbidden fantasies—legs both soft and toned he’d imagined wrapped around his waist. Now, it wasn’t just his waist he wanted them wrapped around. Now, he wanted them wrapped around his head as his tongue explored the sweet, damp slit of her pussy.

  Now, he wanted…

  She rose up onto her tiptoes, stroking the stiffening pole of his cock with the soft mound of her groin, sucking his tongue into her mouth as she did so and it was his turn to groan.

  Jesus, she was driving him wild.

  His hands raked her back. He wanted to touch her. All of her.

  It takes more than a rock star to rock your world. Sometimes you need a friend.

  Tropical Sin

  © 2011 Lexxie Couper

  A Bandicoot Cove Story

  McKenzie Wood has just spied her ticket out of tabloid journalism. A rumor-shrouded rock star who thinks he’s incognito at Bandicoot Cove resort. With a little help from her BFF she’ll be on her way to serious work in no time. Aiden’s perfect for the job—pulse-pounding gorgeous, and probably gay. After all, she’s never seen him date anyone.

  Aiden Rogers admits it’s pretty damned pathetic that he can rush into burning buildings, but not have the guts to tell McKenzie he’s in love with her. No way can he tell his best friend he’d like to do some seriously sinful things to her, especially since she’s never shown one iota of sexual interest.

  Nick Blackthorne looks forward to some “unfamous” down-time in his home country. He’s surprised to find his creative muse stirred—more like brought to rigid attention—by a couple so sexy that all he can think about is the three of them. Together.

  Three bodies move together as one, and the music becomes a smoldering beat that rivals the island’s heat. When the truth inevitably comes out, the heat might be enough to save three souls…or end up just another sinner’s lament.

  Warning: One plus one plus one equals OMG sex, are-you-freaking-kidding-me orgasms and some serious mind-blowing climaxes.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Tropical Sin:

  Aidan didn’t just scramble from the bed; he leapt from it. He stared hard at the rock star leaning in the threshold, his heart thumping fast. “What the fuck are—?” he began, a second before Nick’s gaze slid to him and he realized he was standing in the middle of a hotel room with his tackle—still semi-hard and probably glistening with McKenzie’s juices—on show.

  Jaw clamping shut, glare locked on Nick’s smiling face, he shoved his dick back into his cargos and yanked up his fly. What the hell was Nick Blackthorne doing here? And what the hell did he mean “join in”?

  “Nick?” McKenzie’s startled voice shattered the suffocating silence, and from the corner of Aidan’s eye he saw her step back from the open door, her eyebrows dipping in a stunned frown. “I…we…you…”

  She stammered over the personal pronouns, each one passing her lips in a short, breathless hiccup, her normal poise nowhere to be seen.

  The rock star raised his eyebrows, a grin Aidan would have sworn was cheeky playing with his lips, if not for the hesitation in his eyes. And the uncertainty.

himself, it seemed, didn’t really know why he was here. Or what was going to happen next.

  “How can we help you, Nick?” Aidan held the man’s stare, a heavy beat thumping in his temple, his throat. If what the singer was going to suggest was what Aidan suspected…

  An unbidden image flickered through his head, McKenzie, naked, pressed between them both, her head thrown back as both Nick’s mouth and his own explored the perfection of her throat, her breasts.

  His pulse quickened and his balls—so recently depleted—grew hard. Jesus Christ, what was he thinking?

  “I came to ask…” Nick paused, rubbing at his mouth with a hand before raking it through his hair; hair, Aidan couldn’t help but notice, much more messy than it had been at the bar. “I wanted…” He let out a harsh breath, shaking his head and stepping backward. “Fuck,” he muttered, turning his face away, “where’s the cool fucking rock star when I need him?”

  Aidan’s pulse beat faster. He narrowed his eyes, knowing he should do something, say something. But what? What exactly did he want to say?

  Before he could work that out, however, Nick swung his stare back to them both, looking first at McKenzie and then Aidan, a calm resolution falling over his face. A face hundreds of thousands of women—and likely a few men—fantasized about over and over again. A face, when combined with a voice unlike any the world had heard, that elevated Nick Blackthorne beyond fantasies.

  “I want to have a threesome,” he said, that ambiguous accent almost all Australian now. “So fucking much I’m aching all over.”

  McKenzie’s mouth fell open, but not before Aidan was at her side, his stare locked on Nick. “I think—” he started, but Nick cut him off, his gaze holding Aidan’s with just as much force.

  “I haven’t heard music, lyrics, for a long time. Too long to remember.” He let out a ragged sigh. “I haven’t felt alive for a long time either. I’ve been dead inside for so long I’d forgotten what it was like to feel anything. But the second I heard McKenzie laugh—” he closed his eyes for a moment, an expression of sheer rapture crossing his face, “—the second I saw her in your arms…”

  He opened his eyes and looked at Aidan, and that haunted, hesitant torment was back on his face. “I want to be a part of your intimacy.”

  Something heavy and hot surged through Aidan’s veins, though his body. “What you’re saying,” he said, keeping his voice calm, modulated, “is you want to make love to the one woman you know I’ve wanted forever?”

  McKenzie gasped. Nick’s nostrils flared. “Yes,” he nodded. “While you do as well.”

  “You want to…” McKenzie’s unfinished question, uttered on a shaking breath, should have torn Aidan’s stare from Nick’s. But it didn’t.

  “I want to lose myself in the magic of your desire for each other,” Nick continued, the words low and smooth, and yet at the same time rough and husky. “Just standing here now, looking at you both, looking at the room behind you…the rumpled sheets, the rumpled hair…the scent of your pleasure streaming into my body with each breath I take…” He closed his eyes again for a split second, shaking his head as if moved by something Aidan couldn’t experience.

  Or maybe already had?

  “Arousing,” Nick growled, and it was a growl. Guttural and barely controlled, it was the horniest sound Aidan had ever heard a man make. “So damn arousing.”

  He looked at them again. “I’m assailed by images of you both together. Ever since you left me at the bar, Aidan, ever since I knew you were coming back here to claim the woman of your dreams, I can’t stop seeing you together, moving together… Fuck me, I can’t stop wanting to be a part of that.”

  Aidan’s mouth went dry.

  “I don’t want to intrude on your intimacy.” Nick shook his head again, even as he moved his stare to McKenzie, his eyes beseeching. “I know you need time alone, but damn it, just for once, I want to be a part of something so very few people in the world ever get the chance to experience: true bliss.”

  He returned his stare to Aidan. “McKenzie is so fucking gorgeous.” The sides of his lips twitched a little in a small smile. “And God help me, the thought of you making love to her…”

  He left the rest of the sentence dangling between them, saying instead, “I hear music again. I feel it in my soul, but the song isn’t finished.” He paused again, his Adam’s apple rolling up and down in his throat. “Just one day, that’s all I ask. Just one day, the rest of this day. Please.”

  Love’s Rhythm

  Lexxie Couper

  His music moves the world. Can his love move her heart?

  Nick Blackthorne knows all about words of love. They’re the reason he’s the world’s biggest rock star. The irony? He turned his back on love a long time ago, lured away by the trappings of fame.

  An invitation to a friend’s wedding is a stark reminder of how meaningless his life has become. When he enters that church, there’s only one woman he wants on his arm—the one he walked out on a lifetime ago. But first he has to find her, even if all she accepts from him is an apology.

  Kindergarten teacher Lauren Robbins once had what every woman on the planet desires. Nick. Their passion was explosive, their romance the stuff of songs…and it took fifteen years to get over him. Then out of the blue Nick turns up at her door, and all those years denying her ache for him are shattered with a single, smoldering kiss.

  But molten passion can’t hide the secret she’s kept for all these years. Because it’s not just her heart on the line anymore…and not just her life that’ll be rocked by the revelation.

  Warning: Remember your first crush on a rock star? Now add smoldering sex, a raw and undeniable passion, soul-shattering orgasms. And secrets…

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

  Cincinnati OH 45249

  Love’s Rhythm

  Copyright © 2012 by Lexxie Couper

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-702-3

  Edited by Heidi Moore

  Cover by Kanaxa

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: April 2012

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author

  Look for these titles by Lexxie Couper

  Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Copyright Page

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author

  Look for these titles by Lexxie Couper

  Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Copyright Page

  er, Love's Rhythm




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