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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

Page 7

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  “Don’t tell me what you think, Lawrence; I’m gonna kick your ass!” Phillip slurred. “You embarrassed me tonight in front of Elsie; don’t think I forgot about that! You guys knew I couldn’t drink, so you lured me into that contest!” Phillip swung his sword in the air. “Get him, boys!”

  Before Lawrence had a chance to react, from out of the darkness two solid fists jammed into his kidneys and chest. He collapsed to the ground gasping for air. It was as if a demon had just sucked all the life out of him, and all he could do was watch slowly as Phillip approached him. The other two mysterious beings proceeded to kick Lawrence repeatedly in the midsection while he was on the ground. Lawrence moaned as he curled up to try and protect himself. The pain was excruciating. Lawrence thought he heard a rib crack. Lawrence knew he was outnumbered, and that fighting back could endanger his life even more. He just wanted this to be over with. He hoped that there would be no severe damage.

  “Get his vest off, boys!” Phillip walked around behind Lawrence. The two shadows grabbed at Lawrence’s vest and ripped it off of him, and then proceeded to pin him to the ground.

  Lawrence could hear the steel blade of Phillip Arcel Galexia approaching him from behind as Phillip purposely dragged it against the ground to signal his intentions.

  Clang! Clang! Clang!

  “This, Lawrence…this is what happens to little boys who stick their nose into a man’s business!” Phillip sneered as he swung his sword, gashing it into Lawrence’s bare back. Flesh parted like the ocean as the steel melted his skin like butter. Blood gushed out of the wound. Phillip swung at him again and again slicing and cutting Lawrence’s back repeatedly.

  Lawrence was helpless and couldn’t do anything but lie there and take it. He was so scared; he had never experienced a pain this intense. Lawrence thought he was going to die, if not from the immense pain then surely from blood loss.

  “Come on, Phillip, you don’t want to kill him. You’ll hang for killing a Knight Guard trainee,” cautioned one of Phillip’s henchmen.

  Phillip, whether it was the drinking or the true hatred in his soul, very much wanted to kill Lawrence right there at his feet. But, Phillip knew his associate’s words were true. He reluctantly sheathed his sword and said spitefully, “Stay out of my lands, Lawrence, or next time you won’t be so lucky.”

  Lawrence lay on the ground, defeated and helpless, in a pool of his own blood. Phillip and his henchmen scampered off into the darkness and disappeared. Lawrence could feel an icy grip come across him as his body went cold and began to convulse. He was losing a lot of blood, and at this rate he wouldn’t survive long. As he began to fade in and out of consciousness, he could feel something wet and viscous begin to caress his hands. It took him a moment to realize he had lost so much blood that he was lying in a crimson sea. He tried to stand, but was too badly beaten to move faster than a light crawl. His chest felt like it was on fire, and his back felt like there was an imp standing on it twisting a thousand blades into the deepest recesses of his body. Lawrence could feel his life’s essence slipping away.

  Chapter 8:

  “I feel like a cheap street peddler. I have never demeaned myself like this in my entire life, but I’m desperate, and so is our city. And so is the Knight Guard.”

  - Mayor Flint, Words to Arcel Adaman Galexia

  Elsie could hear the muffled roar of the crowd behind her as she hurried away from the Silver Shield. How could he? She raced toward the castle with one goal in mind; confronting her father about the outlandish allegations she had heard from both Lawrence and Phillip. She didn’t want to believe that her father would lower himself to such a level that he would be willing to accept a bribe to the city’s coffers in exchange for her hand in marriage, but she had to know for certain. Elsie became more upset with each passing moment, and tears poured from her blue eyes, causing her vision to blur as she rushed toward the castle’s gates. She could feel her heart pounding as she made her way down the long, wide street that led from the market to the castle.

  She approached one of the heavy metal barricades and shouted up to the guard, “Finneas, open the gate, now!”

  There was a short pause and then the towering iron structure began to rise. Before it had even opened half way she ducked underneath and continued her frantic dash toward the castle. The two guards on duty both addressed her as she approached.

  Elsie did not return their greeting. “Open the door, now!” she shouted.

  The guards did as commanded and Elsie entered the expansive rotunda of the castle where stone pillars adorned with golden candelabras lit her path. She knew where her father would be. It was where he spent most of his time when he wasn’t attending to business, in his study. She found a familiar set of stone stairs and skipped multiple steps as she hurried down into a candlelit corridor that would take her to her destination. She approached a massive oak door with an iron handle that felt cold when she grabbed it. The icy cold of the door handle reminded her of Phillip’s hands, and was in contrast to the warmth she felt when she held hands with Lawrence earlier that day. She knew the answer to her doubts was behind that door, but she hesitated to open it, the thought of her father’s potential transgressions weighing heavily on her mind. She willed herself to confront her unpleasant demons and pulled on the handle to the door. Her father, startled from his work by the creek of the large oak door, looked up to greet his guest. He stared incredulously at his daughter after seeing her red face streaked with tears.

  He shook his head, unable to understand his daughter’s disappointment. “Elsie dear, what has you so worked up at this hour?”

  “Is it true?” Elsie responded through sniffles.

  “Is what true? Elsie sweetie, what is the matter?”

  “Is it true?! Did you really accept a bribe from Phillip’s father three years ago in exchange for my hand in marriage?” The question was direct. Only a yes or no answer would satisfy Elsie.

  “Elsie, you need to calm down dear, clearly something has happened. Did Phillip upset you again?”

  “Did you or did you not, Father? Do not dodge the question. I want to know the truth!”

  “Elsie, honey, you have to understand. Three years ago the Knight Guard was underfunded and in dire need of monetary support. I turned to the only person that I knew who actually had money, Arcel Adaman Galexia. He said he would provide funds for the Knight Guard as long as we needed them, if I simply arranged for you to marry his son. So yes, I did.”

  Flint’s response hung in the air for a moment as Elsie processed that what she had feared was indeed fact. Lawrence and Phillip had told her the truth and she felt ashamed for defending her father and her family’s name to Lawrence earlier. There was another question burning inside of her.

  “Why did he leave, Father?”

  “Elsie, who are you talking about?” Flint responded, knowing deep down exactly who Elsie was talking about.

  “Why did Jerreth Sanctus leave the Knight Guard of Haile three years ago?”

  Flint knew he was in a corner; there was no doubt in his mind that Jerreth had left Haile because of the bribe he had accepted from Arcel. Flint took a deep breath and realized that he needed to be truthful with his daughter. Their eyes met. “Elsie, Jerreth Sanctus left Haile because he found out that I had accepted assistance from Arcel. When he confronted me, I told him to mind his own business. Jerreth said his business was the best interest of the people of Haile. I explained that I thought that was to ensure the Knight Guard’s funding, but he was so adamant that I was doing it underhandedly; I couldn’t persuade him to see things from my point of view. So, he attempted to expose me. But, there was no proof that I had done any wrong. Jerreth was disgraced, and he left Haile never to return.”

  Elsie stepped away from her father. “Do you have any idea what you have done?!” she screamed. “Not just to me and my life, but to others in this town as well!” If Elsie had had a clear head at that moment, maybe deep down she could have understood her father’s
motivations for making the deal with Arcel. But emotions overtake sensibilities, and more than anything, she felt betrayed; betrayed by her own father and used as a bargaining chip in a game of politics and favors. “Have you ever been to the Sanctus household? Have you seen the conditions that Elizabeth lives in, and the stress your actions have caused her? How dare you!”

  Before Flint could say anything else, Elsie turned around and ran out of the room. She was running as fast as she could and before she knew it she had returned to the streets of Haile once again. Elsie had to apologize to Lawrence, he was right and she had wronged him earlier. Even at this late hour, she craved the chance to make amends with Lawrence. It angered her greatly that she had been dealt like nothing more than common livestock, traded for a few cryn to support her father’s agenda.

  She had no idea where she was going, but while she ran through the faintly lit streets she yelled, “Lawrence! Lawrence, where are you?!”

  Her voice echoed throughout the empty streets as she passed from one torch to the next, the flames following her as the force of her dash pulled them with her momentarily. Suddenly, as if a hand from the depths reached up and grabbed her, she fell to the ground and exhaled a loud “Ugh!” as her body connected with the hard stone street. She struggled to sit up and looked around her where she saw a shadowy bulge lying unmoving in the middle of the street. She had tripped over whatever this was, and as she approached it she made out the figure of a man lying there, motionless. As she approached the shadowy being, she felt something squish underneath her feet. It was as if the ground gave way slightly under her weight. She looked down and could make out a dark puddle oozing around her shoes.

  Just then she heard a voice gargle out through the silence, “El…sie…”

  Elsie immediately realized that someone was hurt, and she quickly knelt down closer to the figure.

  “Lawrence!” she screamed. She rolled his near lifeless body over and took him in her delicate and gentle arms. “Lawrence, what happened?!” Her body began to tremble from the emotional onslaught of seeing a brave Knight trainee lying helplessly on the ground. As Elsie’s eyes adjusted to the starlight, she could clearly make out the fact that they were lying in a pool of blood.

  “Phillip, he and his goons jumped me…” It took all of Lawrence’s strength to muster those few words.

  “Lawrence, what do I do? Tell me what to do, I can help you!” Elsie pleaded, her voice shaking frantically; she was hysterical from all the blood that was now soaking into her white blouse.

  “I…need to get…home…my…mother…has…bandages…” Lawrence stammered, struggling for consciousness. He could feel Elsie’s warm and tender arms wrapped around him. They comforted him against the searing pain coursing through his back.

  “Lawrence, I need you to help me,” Elsie pleaded, “I need you to muster all of your remaining strength and get to your feet. I can’t lift you alone.”

  Elsie began to pull Lawrence to his feet and as she did, she felt all of the blood that was still atop his back ooze off, covering her in a crimson gown. She could feel her blouse starting to stick to her as the blood was beginning to coagulate. She put his blood soaked arm around her neck and struggled as he slipped and skidded around on her body. Her arms were wrapped around him now, and she could feel the fissures in his back where he had been cut deeply.

  She slowly made her way with him down the street until Lawrence choked out, “There…” He pointed to the house next to them. They limped to the door. The smell of ash was very strong, and Elsie could feel heat radiating from the other side of the door.

  She pounded on the door and yelled, “Help! Someone help! Mrs. Sanctus, please open the door!”

  It took a moment for the door to open, as Elizabeth struggled to move quickly. Elizabeth, looking startled and confused, saw the bloody couple standing before her in the pale starlight. A look of ghastly horror slowly took hold of her face as she realized she was staring at her beaten and blood-spattered son.

  “In Sora’s name, what happened?!” she asked, terrified.

  Elsie started to help Lawrence into the house. “Some thugs jumped him, we have to do something fast.”

  “Mom…” Lawrence struggled to say. He looked up at her worried face. “Help me please…”

  Elizabeth immediately went to work loading the fireplace with extra logs and within moments had a roaring fire to help keep the home heated. She took Lawrence’s sword that he had stowed in the corner earlier that night and placed its blade in the fire. “Get him over here!” she commanded Elsie, a sudden burst of energy and vigor surging through her body at the sight of her wounded son. Elizabeth immediately grabbed the full pitcher of water off the nearby table and turned to Elsie. “You need to put him on his stomach so I can clean the wounds.”

  “Alright, Lawrence,” Elsie whispered. She laid him facedown. “We are going to take care of you. Everything is going to be fine.” Her voice was rattling and frantic as she had no idea what was going to happen.

  Elizabeth and Elsie both grimaced at the sight of Lawrence’s shredded back. It was bleeding more slowly now as Elizabeth began to pour small amounts of water over the wounds.

  “Gyahh!” Lawrence cringed as the cool water made contact with his skin for the first time.

  “Oh shush, you are just like your father, always dramatizing everything,” his mother said calmly, trying to keep Lawrence still and Elsie focused while keeping her own emotions under control. The sight of Lawrence’s bloodied back scared her so much that she had forgotten momentarily how weak she was. After washing his back with the remainder of the water, Elizabeth pointed to a large sheet covering the bed and said to Elsie, “That sheet over there, get it for me!”

  Elsie rushed to her feet, almost tripping over herself, and grabbed the sheet off of the bed. She brought it to Elizabeth who began to dry Lawrence’s wounds. Elizabeth looked over at the fireplace and saw the blade of Lawrence’s longsword glowing orange. She summoned her deepest resolve, knowing what she needed to do.

  Lawrence’s back was completely dry now save for a bit of blood still trickling out of his wounds, which Elsie quickly wiped away. “Hold him down,” Elizabeth instructed. “No matter what, do not let him move. Take that blanket and put it in his mouth.”

  Elsie immediately obeyed her even though she was beginning to cry. She reached to Lawrence and said, “Here, put this in your mouth. We are going to try to stop the bleeding. You have to be strong, Lawrence!” Her hands were shaking as she placed them on his shoulders and proceeded to hold him down.

  Elizabeth pulled the longsword out of the fireplace, the glowing blade promising a dichotomy of pain and salvation. “Lawrence,” she said, trembling as she looked down at him, “be strong.” She brought the blade in contact with his first gash. The blade connected with his skin, hissing with elation as it cauterized his first wound.

  “Hrrrrrnnn!” Lawrence moaned and screamed into the blanket as the blade burned his skin shut and brought an excruciating deliverance. The lingering pain from Phillip’s attack paled in comparison to the torture he was enduring now.

  Elizabeth watched as the remaining blood bubbled and brewed as the blade’s glow began to fade. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she knew what she must do. She stuck Lawrence’s sword back into its infernal home.

  Elsie’s face was covered in tears. She put her lips to Lawrence’s ears and sobbed, “Lawrence, I’m so sorry. Please be strong. Please Lawrence, you need to survive!”

  He reached for her hand with his and squeezed gently as if to silently say, “I’m fine, just get this over with.” Lawrence could feel a tear drop roll down Elsie’s nose and drop onto his exposed skin. She continued to cry on his shoulder while Elizabeth waited for the blade to heat back up.

  Elizabeth pulled the blade back out of the fire and cauterized yet another wound shut, causing Lawrence to scream out in pain once again. No training in the Knight Guard, no workout, no mission could have ever prepared Lawrence for th
e anguish he experienced now. Elsie couldn’t hold her emotions back any longer; she was crying profusely at Lawrence’s deteriorating condition. His mother knew that Lawrence could slip unconscious from the pain at any moment, and she raced to finish sealing his wounds. She seared another long, jagged gash on her son’s back. Lawrence’s back would be scarred forever, but at least he wasn’t bleeding as much anymore. Her son was a strong boy, he had overcome his share of injuries throughout his life, and Elizabeth hoped that he would recover fully from this brutal attack.

  “Lawrence, this is the last one,” Elsie whispered into his ear.

  His only reaction was to lightly squeeze her hand again. He was barely coherent at this point but managed to mumble, “Elsie…”

  Elsie watched as Elizabeth came toward them holding the glowing blade once more. Elsie cringed, knowing that Lawrence would need to endure tremendous pain one more time. Elsie closed her eyes as the sword came in contact with Lawrence’s back again.


  The sound and smell of sizzling skin filled the room. Lawrence barely had the strength to moan out one final “Ungh” before passing out from the pain. Elizabeth dropped the blade and walked toward Elsie.

  “Mrs. Sanctus, is Lawrence going to survive?” Elsie asked, looking over his battered and beaten body that was red with dry blood and burns.

  “Not if he doesn’t get rest and have a chance to gather his strength, he isn’t,” Elizabeth replied. She reached for another sheet and began to gently and cautiously wrap Lawrence’s body in it. “Hold his arms up, dear,” Elizabeth instructed Elsie. She continued to cover Lawrence’s wounds by binding his chest with the sheet. The two started to lift Lawrence to his limp legs and dragged him over to one of the two beds. They carefully placed him facedown on the bed and covered him gently with the one remaining sheet.

  Elizabeth turned to Elsie and asked, “How did you get yourself mixed up with my son, Elsie Pyre?”


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