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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

Page 9

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  “Razzius, you look like you stayed out too late last night. Too much fun?” Bryce inquired.

  “Well, sire, we went out for Benni’s birthday, and things can get pretty rowdy at the Silver Shield sometimes,” Razzius replied, hoping to avoid further interrogation.

  “Well, don’t expect me to take it easy on you. Here, let’s practice spelling and writing your name.”

  Bryce grabbed a quill and scrawled R A Z Z I U S G R I M M in clear, large letters on a long sheet of parchment. “Now, practice forming those letters and writing your name over and over.”

  Razzius stared in amazement at his name, the letters giving it a tangible, meaningful feeling that he had never before associated with it. Pride swelled inside of him. The printed words allowed him to finally identify as an individual person, separate from his father. Wurn almost never called him by his name and often Razzius hesitated in responding when others asked him for it. But he knew it now, he had seen it. Razzius smiled as he read the name to himself over and over.

  He painstakingly wrote each letter numerous times, practicing his handwriting. Writing his name gave him an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment. Bryce’s deep, stern voice prodded him on, encouraging him just enough to get him to write it a few more times. He scrawled his name on the parchment until he ran out of ink.

  “Very good, Razzius. I think that is enough writing for one day. Let’s do something physical now.”

  Razzius took a deep breath and readied himself. He prayed it wouldn’t be power lifting or boulder tosses.

  “Razzius, today we are going to practice with javelins,” Bryce stated, walking toward a wooden rack loaded with weapons.

  Razzius exhaled deeply, happy to try something new, and something that didn’t seem too physically draining.

  “Remember, Razzius, you will not always be able to strike with a sword. A javelin can be hurled a far distance. Its point can strike down an enemy as they flee.” Bryce launched a javelin, striking the heart of a bullseye in a target downrange from the weapons rack. “Here, give it a try.”

  Razzius gripped a javelin and felt it balance in his hand. He instantly liked this new weapon. But he was unseasoned with it. He tossed it overhand, putting all his weight into it. The javelin sailed over the target, sticking into the wooden fence beyond.

  “I like to see that strength, Razzius, but you must work on your accuracy. Anyone can hurl javelins like an untrained bandit, but I want you to be able to stick a silver crow at fifty paces.”

  “Yes, sire. I will keep practicing!” Razzius shouted.

  And practice he did. Razzius threw every javelin on the rack, but only managed to strike the outsides of the target a few times. Javelins lie strewn about everywhere in the courtyard.

  “Come on, Razzius, you can do better than that,” Bryce bellowed.

  Those words fueled Razzius. Yes, I can do better. Razzius raced to retrieve the javelins and started launching them again. He hit the target more consistently now, even skimming the outside of the second ring. Progress. I can do better than that.

  Suddenly, Benni and Mayor Flint burst into the target area, a scared and confused look on their faces. “Excuse me, Captain Maxwell, we are terribly sorry to interrupt, but have either of you seen Lawrence Sanctus or Elsie today?” Mayor Flint questioned, exasperated.

  Bryce shook his head. He could tell that Mayor Flint was terribly worried.

  “Razzius, what about you? Have you seen Lawrence today? I usually meet him on the way to the castle, and we spend time sparring together. But I didn’t see him today. It’s not like him to not show up without explanation,” Benni added.

  “No, Benni, I haven’t seen him. I’ve been here all morning,” Razzius responded.

  “It’s strange. We’ve asked other trainees too, and no one has seen either of them. Elsie and I had a bit of an argument last night, but I thought she would have returned by now,” Flint reasoned.

  “They both were with us last night, but I saw Elsie leave before the rest of us. Then I left to go home, and Lawrence walked you home, Benni,” Razzius stated, trying to recount what transpired the night before.

  “Yes,” Benni replied, nodding his head, “but I haven’t seen him since he left my house last night.”

  Bryce perked up. “Benni, Razzius, the both of you go to Lawrence’s house. Maybe his mother knows where he is. See if he needs help, or if something has happened to one of them. Razzius, you can finish training later. Let Mayor Flint and I know the situation.”

  “Yes, sire, we’ll get to the bottom of this!” Benni shouted. He and Razzius began the trek to Lawrence’s house.

  Chapter 10:

  I wonder who that boy was who I saw in the courtyard today. I saw him glance at me. He was pretty handsome. I wonder if he is signing up to be a Knight. I would like to meet him someday. My current relationship is less than enchanting.

  - Journal of Elsie Pyre, March 20th, 20 P.W.

  Elsie awoke suddenly the next day, unsure of where she was, only to be quickly reminded of the events that transpired the night before. She looked around the room, but Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. She saw Lawrence with his eyes still shut, resting peacefully. She was relieved to feel him still breathing, and as she began to move he opened his eyes.

  He immediately cringed in pain as he pulled an arm against his chest. Upon realizing Elsie’s presence he managed to force out the words, “Am I dead?”

  “No, no, Lawrence, you are just fine. Why would you ask that?” Elsie probed.

  “Because it isn’t every day that I wake up with a beautiful girl by my bedside. When I was alone bleeding in the street last night, I kept thinking to myself, ‘What if someone doesn’t come? What if I die here?’ I prayed that someone would come and help me,” Lawrence said softly, smiling at her, communicating his deep appreciation for what she had done.

  “Lawrence, I was really worried about you last night. If it wasn’t for me, this probably wouldn’t have happened. When I was helping your mother stop the bleeding last night, I was so scared that you weren’t going to make it that I didn’t know what to do. I froze up, while your mother seemed to become a different person all together. I guess that’s what they call maternal instinct.”

  “Yes, she’s always been like that. My mother has always been there for me, even when she took ill. There is just no stopping her.”

  “Well she did have to look after you and Jerreth; I can’t image her life being a very simple one, always worrying about Jerreth’s safety in the Knight Guard.”

  “You’re absolutely right. My father would always come home with a new cut, or a new wound that she would have to help him bandage. My father gave his body over and over for the people of Haile. I remember seeing my mother taking care of him, and just grimacing at the sight of the scars across his back. She has always been such a strong woman, and I honestly don’t know if my father could have devoted himself to the Knight Guard without her constant support. It’s one of the biggest reasons his desertion still haunts me to this day. I am young and strong, I will be fine. But my mother…” Lawrence trailed off momentarily. “For all the times my mother stood by my father’s side, to see him just leave and abandon us, regardless of his reasons, is something I may never be able to forgive.”

  “Oh, Lawrence. I can’t imagine the pain that must cause you. I am so lucky to have both of my parents alive and well.”

  Lawrence was silent for a moment, wishing he could feel the wholeness of his family once more. He couldn’t continue to dwell on the past, though, as his present situation carried its own burdens. “I want to thank you, Elsie, for being there for me. If you hadn’t helped me last night, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be dead right now.”

  “I’m so happy that you are alive, Lawrence,” Elsie said, relieved.

  Their eyes met again. She squeezed his hand a little tighter now as Lawrence began to motion that he was going to sit up. As he did, he felt a sharp pain in his side; it was hi
s ribs. If they weren’t broken, they were certainly cracked. Lawrence wondered to himself how long this would deter him from his training. Would he even complete his training in time to be sworn in at eighteen years old? This and other questions infiltrated his mind as he tried repeatedly to sit up, each time being thwarted by pain’s menacing grip on his body. He collapsed back to the bed, and Elsie tried to comfort him by rubbing her hands up and down on his arm. “Come on, Lawrence, you can do it. I know you can.”

  She continued to encourage him as he tried again and again to sit up, failing miserably each time. He stopped and a look of total despair came across his face. Lawrence hated the fact that he was so weak. How will I be able to care for my mother in this condition?

  “Do you think you could help me just a little bit?” Lawrence asked.

  Elsie was surprised by his question. She didn’t take him as being one to ask for help, but at the same time, she knew he was really hurt and needed her assistance. “Just tell me what to do, Lawrence, and I will do my best.”

  “Put one hand on each of my shoulders, and as I start to sit up just pull toward the other end of my bed gently, okay?”

  “Alright, Lawrence, I can do that.”

  Elsie reached across Lawrence with her left hand taking care not to put any extra pressure anywhere it wasn’t needed. She grabbed his right shoulder across the bed. She was in a rather awkward position leaning across him, and the two were in closer proximity than ever before. She took her right hand and placed it gently on his left shoulder as Lawrence began to slowly sit up. Elsie could feel his muscles spasm in pain as he began to slowly sit erect.

  Lawrence’s body shook as he strained to completely finish bringing himself to an upright position. He looked at Elsie and said, “Please, Elsie, pull me the rest of the way.”

  “What if I hurt you Lawrence?”

  “Elsie, just do it.”

  She began to slowly bring him further forward. “Gyah!” he cried out, reaching up with one of his hands to grab her arm. He cringed from the surging pain. Finally, Elsie had brought Lawrence to a sitting position.

  He let out a huge breath of air. “Thank you.”

  The two sat in silence, Lawrence on the bed and Elsie now leaning halfway on the bed holding him. Elsie noticed Lawrence’s broad shoulders, shoulders that signified a strong man, even though Lawrence was anything but strong at the moment. She gently held him in her arms as he began to rest his head on her left arm. Lawrence tried to focus on Elsie’s silky smooth skin. Her arms were toned, but not muscular, and were a welcome distraction from the pain he felt throughout his body.

  Elsie felt it too. She had spent enough time with Lawrence to know he was different than Phillip. Lawrence was appreciative, kind, caring. The way he rested his head on her arms was the way a baby would rest on its mother’s bosom, enjoying the sense of safety and security it provided. Elsie was glad she could offer that to Lawrence in this moment of anguish. She would sit there for days if it meant he would get better. Elsie knew her sentiments for him were real, not forced, and certainly not bought or traded for.

  Elsie could feel her breathing deepen as Lawrence began to nuzzle his forehead against her arm, silently nudging Elsie to hold him closer. Elsie didn’t know how to react, and for the longest time just sat there with his head on her arm. After a few minutes she took her right hand off of his shoulder and gently placed it across the back of his head. She started to run her hands gently back and forth through his hair as he sat in silence. Every time she moved her hand from one side of his head to the other, she could feel her stomach churn. She still wasn’t sure if he shared the same feelings for her, and was terrified that at any moment he would break the silence with something like, ‘What are you doing?’ or even worse ‘You don’t need to do that.’ But he never said a word, and Elsie didn’t mind. The two sat on the bed together; holding each other for a silent eternity.

  Elsie closed her eyes. She was exhausted from keeping a watchful eye on Lawrence for the last eight hours. She held Lawrence as she began to slip into unconsciousness. Just as she was about to sleep she was jolted by a loud sound at the door.

  Knock, Knock, Knock!!

  “Lawrence, Mrs. Sanctus, are you in there? It’s Benni and Razzius. Is everything alright? We are wondering why Lawrence wasn’t at training today. Can you open the door, please?”

  Elsie was glad to hear the voices of others who could help her. She couldn’t get up without causing Lawrence significant pain, so she shouted at the door, “The door is unlocked, gentlemen, please hurry inside.”

  Benni and Razzius weren’t expecting to hear a young woman’s voice on the other side of the door to the Sanctus home. They both looked at each other with a slight grin, as they wondered if Lawrence had had too much fun the night before. Upon opening the door, their smiles were turned to looks of horror as they witnessed the grisly scene. Lawrence’s blood-stained clothes were strewn about the living area and his sword lie on the floor. Elsie sat in bed, holding Lawrence’s body, which was caked in dried blood.

  Elsie looked at the boys with pleading eyes. “Benni, Razzius, I need your help. Phillip and his goons jumped Lawrence and left him for dead. Please, he needs a healer as soon as possible.”

  The two recruits rushed across the room and knelt down at Lawrence’s bedside with looks of concern on their faces. They noticed the charred skin enveloping Lawrence’s back. They were shocked to see their good friend in a state of injury such as this.

  Razzius put a hand on Lawrence’s knee. “Lawrence, in Sora’s name, what happened?”

  Lawrence slowly lifted up his head. “Last night after I finished carrying Benni back to his house, I was brutally attacked by Phillip and two henchmen. There was nothing I could do, first he taunted me and then he had his associates beat me up. That wouldn’t have been so bad except he had them tear my vest off and then he slashed at my back with his sword. I have never been in such pain in my entire life. I was bleeding so badly I passed out. I thought I was going to die.” Lawrence looked over at Elsie and said, “If it hadn’t been for her, I would probably be dead.”

  “That dirty, underhanded, no good son of a bitch!” Benni shouted out upon hearing the story of the last night’s events. “That spoiled brat just doesn’t know when to quit, does he?”

  Lawrence held up his right hand to ask for silence. “Loud noises won’t help this headache, Benni. Besides, I can tell you this, we will need more than accusations to get Phillip convicted of anything. He has major pull with Mayor Flint.”

  “We can’t just let him get away with this, Lawrence, there has to be something we can do!” Razzius exclaimed, looking worriedly at Elsie.

  “We have to find a way to prove to your father that Phillip is responsible for this attack,” Benni said, cupping his head in his hands and shrugging his shoulders.

  The four of them sat in silence for a moment until Elsie finally said, “I could always have my father come here and see for himself. There is no way he could deny Phillip’s brutal ways if he saw the evidence of this heinous act for himself.”

  Lawrence looked back at Elsie. “That might be just what we need, Elsie.” He looked over at Benni and Razzius. “Razzius, go with Elsie to get the mayor. Benni you stay here with me, I need you to help me get these bloody blankets off of me. Also, I think my mother might need some help. See to it that she gets whatever she needs.” He clenched his side in pain again.

  “Whatever it takes, I will do it for you, Lawrence,” Benni stated proudly.

  Razzius stood up and offered a hand to Elsie. “Let’s get moving, Elsie, we need to get to the castle as soon as possible!”

  Elsie took his hand and before standing turned to Lawrence. “I’m going to make things right, Lawrence; we will be back soon.”

  The two made haste leaving the Sanctus home and journeyed to the castle without stopping. Haile was easy to navigate, as almost all roads throughout the city led to the marketplace where a wide street led up to the cas
tle’s gates. Elsie and Razzius took every shortcut possible, cutting through side alleys and courtyards, and even through the back of the Silver Shield Pub, but still they felt like they were running in quicksand.

  Meanwhile, back in the Sanctus home, Benni started to help Lawrence remove the blood soaked sheets that were wrapped around his body. As each layer was unwrapped Benni noticed the thick smell of rust, an indicator of dried blood. As he got to deeper layers he could feel the blankets beginning to stick to Lawrence’s body. They ripped and tore at his exposed wounds. Lawrence began to writhe in pain as Benni pulled more and more layers off of him. Benni had to look away for a moment after removing the last layer of garments. It was too much for him to see his close friend in agony like this.

  “We have to keep these exposed until Mayor Flint gets here, Lawrence; we have to reveal to him the truth behind these attacks,” Benni said, looking at Lawrence’s wounds. There were three cuts that looked like huge fissures cut into Lawrence’s back. The cuts were deep and still oozing a bit of blood. Benni watched as a couple of drops of blood fell to the floor, spattering as they hit. Benni tried to wipe the blood up, but it was no use. The dried wood of the floor absorbed it almost immediately.

  “Benni, are you nervous?” Lawrence asked abruptly.

  “Nervous for what, Lawrence?”

  “To be a Knight.”

  “To be honest, I haven’t really thought about it. I mean, I guess I’m not too nervous. This is all I’ve been training to do my entire life. I’m excited actually. I dream of being Captain of the Knight Guard someday. I want to prove myself.”

  “I see,” Lawrence whispered, trying to hold a conversation with his friend and yet not expend too much energy in doing so. “I ask because after this attack I’ve become aware of how we will be in danger all the time. I mean, we are a target for evil, we are the defense for the lands of Veronicia.”


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