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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

Page 15

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  “Lawrence, look at this!” She began to bend down to get closer to the fish. “They are so pretty! I have never seen so many in one place before. Lawrence, isn’t this amazing?”

  Lawrence knelt down beside her. “Yes it is, Elsie. Would you like to feed them?”

  “But Lawrence, we don’t have any-”

  He cut her off before she could say anything else. He pulled out some dried bread from the morning’s breakfast from his pocket that he had been saving for later. “Here, use this. It’s my leftover breakfast that I didn’t finish this morning.”

  He extended his hand and gave her the bread; she accepted it ecstatically and began tossing some into the water. The trout came to the surface and picked at the bread as they splashed and flicked about. More and more fish were beginning to gather, and the rippling water was becoming brighter and brighter, almost as though the entire river was glowing. Lawrence was focused on the fish, and it took his mind off of how nervous he had been just moments earlier. He sat on a nearby rock next to her, and watched in silence as she fed the fish.

  Elsie tossed more and more chunks into the water as fish continued to gather and frolic about. “Lawrence, do you have dreams for the future?” Elsie asked, not looking away from the stream.

  Lawrence was perplexed by the sudden question, and he quickly tried to fumble some words together for a coherent answer. “Well…I do…but…I mean…I guess I want to be a great Knight, one who is capable of protecting my city and the ones I love.”

  “A great Knight… That’s so honorable, Lawrence; I really hope you achieve that goal.”

  There was another silence between the two for a while until Lawrence finally said, “What about you, Elsie? What are your dreams?”

  “My dreams?” Elsie mused to herself for a moment, smiling. “I want to be a mother someday.”

  The words caused Lawrence’s heart to flutter. Why the hell would she tell me something like that!? I’m just a Knight trainee; I don’t know anything about that!

  “Oh, I see…” was all Lawrence could muster; he had no idea how to respond to her sudden proclamation.

  “I mean what I really want is a family, Lawrence, just like my family. I want to be a loyal mother someday who has a loving husband and a happy family. I was so scared when my father introduced me to Phillip because I knew that with him that could never happen. He was so callous and abusive that it almost completely scared me away from the thought of courtship all together. I hated being around him, always prancing around me saying how he was going to marry me and make me his wife. I couldn’t stand the way he treated me, just like a possession, like I had no say in the matter…I was so miserable. But, then I met you, Lawrence. You showed me that not every guy is a possessive monster. I think that was the moment that I realized it, Lawrence…” She trailed off without finishing her sentence.

  “What did you realize, Elsie?” Lawrence asked.

  Elsie dropped the rest of the bread into the water. This prompted a huge trout to come up and swirl about while grabbing a bite to eat. The cold water from the splash hit Elsie, and as it did she jolted backwards into Lawrence’s arms. She shivered a bit from the ice cold water.

  “Elsie, are you alright?” Lawrence asked with genuine concern.

  Elsie lay in his arms until finally she looked up at him with innocent eyes. She threw her arms around the back of his neck and pulled him close. She whispered, “I’m in love with you, Lawrence.” She pressed her lips against his and the two shared their first kiss.

  It was different than Lawrence had imagined; her lips were pressed too tightly together. Lawrence wondered if this was her first time kissing anyone on the lips. He could feel every little ripple in her lips as she held the kiss for a long time. They felt so warm. He couldn’t believe what was happening, Lawrence could feel her move her lips to continue the kiss. She shifted their position only slightly, not wanting to ruin the soft and gentle moment. Lawrence felt his lips respond to hers and since he had no experience of his own to draw off of, he figured it best to let her lead. She pulled him closer, not giving him room to escape as she kissed him harder and deeper now. Elsie’s lips were so soft that Lawrence could feel a tingle flow from his lips throughout his entire body. He wanted this moment to continue forever.

  Elsie pulled him toward her more as they repositioned themselves. Elsie now lay on the soft grass with Lawrence leaning over her, kissing her over and over again. He loved it, this feeling of ecstasy blossoming throughout his entire body. He could feel her hands begin to run through his hair, gripping it tightly momentarily and then tracing along the ridges of his ears and neck. She pulled away from his lips and then continued kissing him on the cheek. She could feel his short stubble of facial hair resist her kiss at first, but eventually she grew used to it. Lawrence followed suit, doing the same as she had done, kissing her softly on her pale cheek that he swore had never seen a scratch. It was so soft, smooth as silk, perfect. Just like this moment.


  A slight pain shot through Lawrence’s ear as he felt her bite him playfully, teasing him as she continued to kiss him. Lawrence could feel their breathing intensify in tandem as they continued to exchange more and more kisses. Lawrence slowly moved from her lips to her neck, his breath tickling her as he approached the nape of her neck. He gave her a soft, sensual kiss, and as he did Elsie whispered, “Lawrence, don’t stop!” Her voice held tones of both exasperation and excitement as her grip around his head tightened. Lawrence could feel Elsie pull her legs together in anticipation for what may be to come. Her body cried for more, but Elsie herself didn’t know if she was ready for anything else.

  Suddenly, Lawrence stopped kissing her and whispered, “I don’t really know what to do next, Elsie.” This was the first time he had kissed a girl after all, and even though he had seen it done many times, he had no idea what he was doing. He had no way of knowing the serious implications that his actions on this night would hold. The two lay in silence for a moment. Their kissing had ceased.

  All of a sudden, Elsie burst out in laughter. Her laughing continued and Lawrence was dumbfounded. Just then she pushed him off of her. He lay flat on his back. She started to climb on top of him, straddling him. She came down to him and whispered into his ear, her tongue whisking against its outer edges, “Well, I guess I’ll have to teach you.” Her voice held tones of seduction and a hint of relief. The two stayed like this for a while, kissing more and more, deep into the night.

  In the back of his mind, though, Lawrence knew that tomorrow morning would come early. After one last, passionate kiss he pulled away. “I really should get back. I don’t want to worry the others.”

  Elsie didn’t look happy with these words, and she scoffed at him jokingly. Elsie pulled him back in. This time she bit at his lip. “Just a little while longer, Lawrence, please.”

  Her tone was irresistible, and Lawrence couldn’t do anything to keep from obliging her. “Alright, but only a little bit more, I really do have to get up early tomorrow you kn…”

  Before Lawrence even had a chance to finish his sentence, Elsie was kissing him again, and this time her tongue entered his mouth. It felt so strange to Lawrence; he didn’t even know what to compare it to. He felt the tip of her tongue touch his, and a chill traveled up and down his spine as he could feel her breathing quicken. She traced the under part of his tongue with the tip of hers and grabbed for his hands. Upon finding them she gripped his hands tightly, stretching them high above his head. As she continued to kiss him, Lawrence could feel myriad other sensations flowing through his body. He could feel her squeezing his left hand with her right hand, and in his other hand she was using her index finger to trace designs on his palm.

  She stopped kissing him and put her head on his chest. “Lawrence, promise me something,” she whispered as she listened to Lawrence’s heartbeat.

  “What’s that, Elsie?” Lawrence asked. He reached an arm around her, holding her close, not wanting to let her go.
r />   Elsie let go of his other hand and slowly moved off of Lawrence. She sat up, and after he moved up to join her, she said, “I love Haile very much. I have my entire life. I want you to promise me that when you are a great Knight you will protect our city.”

  Lawrence was silent for a long moment. Finally, after running his hands through her hair a couple of times he said, “Elsie, I really struggled. I didn’t know if I would be able to continue my training, or even see you again for that matter. But something kept me going; there was one thing that constantly reminded me of the importance of my training. Elsie, without you and the hopes of seeing you again, I don’t know if I would have come this far. It’s because of you that I have been able to recover my strength.” He took her hand gently in his. “Thank you, Elsie, for always believing in me.”

  “Oh Lawrence, I’m so happy to see you strong and healthy again.” She rested her head back on his shoulder.

  After a brief silence Lawrence said, “Elsie, no matter what happens, no matter what evils may come, I will always protect Haile. Even if this world should come to an end and evil would sit atop a dark throne of domination, there will always be one Knight that stands between it and total dominion. Elsie, the road ahead will be a long one, and there will no doubt be times where I may have to leave you, but rest assured, I will protect you.”

  Elsie gripped his hand tighter and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Can I see you again, Lawrence?”

  Lawrence looked confused for a moment, his right eyebrow furrowing. “I was just going to ask you the same thing.”

  Silence lingered between the two for a moment, the new lovers unsure of their next step. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but a silence they both relished since they were relieved that the other had similar feelings. “Tomorrow night, then,” Elsie proclaimed suddenly. She stood up and extended a hand to Lawrence who took it and pulled himself up.

  “Whoa, let’s not rush things!” He winked at her playfully.

  Elsie pulled Lawrence in for one last kiss. The two walked out from under the bridge together and headed back to Haile.

  The walk was longer than Lawrence remembered, and all the while Elsie had a firm grip on his hand. He could feel her hands sweating slightly, almost as though she were nervous that someone might see them. They were walking down the middle of the streets of Alacrecia, after all. As they walked, one thing still lingered in the back of Lawrence’s mind; did he really have the right to call Elsie “his girl?” He stopped walking momentarily and Elsie turned to look at him.

  “Elsie, what will everyone think about this?” He was worried that she would try to cover it up, or play it off as just a one-night thing.

  “I will tell them that we are seeing each other. What else would I say?”

  Seeing each other?!

  Her response startled him. The words reverberated in Lawrence’s mind as he felt a warming sensation throughout his body. It felt good; the aphrodisiac effects of their earlier kissing still embraced his entire body. Lawrence had only barely realized it, but he had a girlfriend, and it was the mayor’s daughter on top of that. Lawrence had never even been close to a girl before, yet alone been able to say he was seeing one. What kind of responsibilities will this bring? Will I be able to keep her happy? Will I need to buy her expensive gifts? What if I’m not good enough for her family? These and many more questions whirled through his mind as he stood there, still in shock at her statement.

  “Seeing each other?” Lawrence asked, a bit confused at the connotations.

  Whilst lost in his worries Elsie’s voice broke him of his personal quandary. “Yes, ‘seeing each other,’ Lawrence. You know, I like you, you like me, that sort of thing. Instead of being told of the next suitor, I will simply say I am taken. I’m really happy, Lawrence; I’ve dreamt of this ever since I first saw you. I watched you enlist in the Knight Guard from the balcony that day before we ever met, and I kind of hoped we would run into each other. When I asked you for a tour of the barracks, it wasn’t because I had never been there, but simply my way to try to spend more time with you and get to know you better. That night at the Silver Shield for Benni’s birthday was the first time in a long time that I really can say I had fun. It’s all because of you, Lawrence, that my life has been changed forever…for the better.” She leaned in and kissed him softly, in the middle of the road, not caring if anyone was watching.

  Their only audience was a large, red-eared owl in a nearby tree. “Whoo whoo!” the noisy creature called out. Its eyes were locked on the two of them, watching over them, approving of their decision to join hands as they continued to walk through Alacrecia.

  The moon was high in the sky, and they could see a mother raccoon with a litter of young as they walked along the creek behind the houses. They were guided by the beautiful illumination of the pale moonlight. Large moths and other nighttime insects fluttered about. Bats darted through the sky and feasted on some of the smaller insects. They continued their slow stroll back to the city of Haile; it was a walk that Lawrence wished would never end. Elsie had similar feelings; her previously clammy hands were now dry with the comfort of knowing they were together. In her mind, all was right with the world.

  As they approached a breaking off point, near the city market, Elsie stopped. “Lawrence, I know you will be training hard until the Knight ceremony, just don’t forget about me. Every few days let’s try to see each other, alright?”

  Lawrence smiled softly, his hands applying a light pressure to hers so as to reassure her of his intentions. “I could never forget about you, Elsie.”

  Elsie pulled him close, passionately kissing him again. Her tongue found its way into his mouth, and this time she let the kiss linger a little bit, making Lawrence crave her more. As he pulled her in for another, Elsie teased, “No more right now, how else can I make you come back to see me?” She headed back to the castle, happy, satisfied, and content.

  Lawrence stood there in place for a few minutes, never moving, not even shuffling his feet. So much had happened this night, and Lawrence wondered what would happen now. He finally started to shuffle his way back to his refuge at the Wakewood house. It must have been sometime past the earliest hours of the morning, and Lawrence knew tomorrow morning would be difficult. But Lawrence felt that he could take on any challenge and come out on top because he now knew that Elsie shared the same feelings he did.

  Over the next several months, Lawrence and Elsie would see each other every chance they had, and their relationship continued to blossom. It went from budding dandelion to blossoming rose as their feelings grew stronger and stronger, and they both yearned for that next meeting, that next chance to say, I love you. Elsie wondered how much longer she could hold herself back, knowing that the next step would be to take their relationship even further. She didn’t fear the notion, nor did it repulse her, she just wasn’t sure of when the right moment was. Months passed, and eventually their time together saw the approach of the Advent of Knighthood ceremony, where Lawrence would hopefully be christened a Knight of Haile.

  Chapter 17:

  They set out on a dreary day,

  “We’ll cross those peaks,” they did say.

  Ne’er made it to the fabled top,

  Souls stuck where their bodies dropped.

  - Hailian explorer’s rhyme

  The freezing cold of the Frozen Mountains did not deter Arcel Galexia from attempting to regain his fame. The wind howled down the mountains, swirling a blizzard into the faces of the expedition team. Arcel Galexia had taken this excursion as a last ditch effort to restore his fortune and his name. If he could become the first man to cross these frigid mountains and discover the lands beyond, his place would forever be secured in the annals of history. Plus, Mayor Flint had promised him very handsome rewards. In a cruel twist of fate, the man Arcel had subsidized years ago was now funding his expedition. With Arcel’s financial support the Knight Guard prospered, and became widely regarded as one of the best forces i
n all of Veronicia. The Guard had procured ample cryn for the city of Haile from the treasures they found, the bandit money they recovered, and the general payments for their protection services from other cities that they received. Flint wanted to explore the uncharted territory over the Frozen Mountains, and he had promised a hefty sum to Arcel Galexia, the one and only man who he could find that seemed eager, and willing, to undertake the journey.

  The weather conditions had gone from bad to worse, and the men in Arcel’s expedition had reached the limits of their endurance. Arcel and his expedition team huddled around a small campfire that produced barely enough heat for one man, let alone ten more. Arcel fidgeted nervously as he sat at the center of the group, his short black hair riddled with flakes of snow and pine boughs. He turned his brown eyes to the dark skies over the mountains and shouted, “We must continue on, men. Don’t let a little wind and snow scare you!”

  He looked around at each of the burly, middle-aged men that accompanied him. A rugged looking, stout man spoke up from the crowd in a booming voice, “This is a suicide mission!”

  “I agree!” another echoed.

  “Let’s turn back before it’s too late!” a third man decreed.

  “No men, think of the glory, the fortune. We will go down in history!” Arcel responded, trying to convince the men that the journey would be worth the gamble.

  The men grumbled about, unsure if Arcel was thinking clearly. “I suppose you are right,” an old, bearded man came to Arcel’s defense. “We’ve already come this far. It’s only a few more days. Just think of what we could buy with fifty thousand cryn.”

  The clear reminder of the lofty reward quickly changed the opinions of the others on the excursion. The rest of the group slowly followed the man’s lead, and finally they all raised their cold, nearly frostbitten hands in camaraderie and shouted in unison, “Huzzah!”


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