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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

Page 25

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  “Lawrence, I need to talk to you.” Elsie didn’t look happy, and Lawrence could see that something was on her mind.

  “What’s the matter, Elsie?” Lawrence asked. She had become his priority outside of the Knight Guard, and he would do anything to keep her safe.

  “Would you take a walk with me, Lawrence? To our place? I don’t really feel comfortable discussing this with you in public, or anywhere near here for that matter. It’s really private, Lawrence.”

  “Sure, Elsie,” Lawrence responded. He tried his best to keep her happy. Ever since they had started seeing each other two years ago, Lawrence constantly struggled internally to convince himself that Elsie was content. Even though she often reassured him that he made her happier than anyone else ever could, Lawrence still had his doubts.

  The two walked through the mostly vacant streets of Haile. They strolled out through the gate and traveled the dirt road to Alacrecia. They walked silently for a while as Elsie fussed and fidgeted with her hands. She wanted to walk arm in arm with Lawrence, but his attention seemed elsewhere.

  What do I do? Do I just grab his arm? Up until now we have just been casually seeing each other, but I want more. I want Lawrence and I to be more than just friends…I want…I want…

  Elsie’s body was overtaken by a warming sensation as Lawrence’s voice interrupted her musings. “How have you been, Elsie? I haven’t been able to see you these last couple of days because I’ve been leading search parties to look for Razzius. Everyone has been on edge and we’ve been working nonstop guard duty. Tonight is the first calm night that I’ve had in a few days. Tomorrow, Benni and I will continue searching for Razzius; it is sure to be an ordeal. I don’t know when we’ll return.”

  The two entered the empty streets of Alacrecia. This was a walk they had made many times in the past two years. Lawrence wondered why Elsie was so nervous and rattled; she was acting so strange and preoccupied. Lawrence thought back to two years ago, to the first night that the two had realized their feelings for each other. Thoughts crossed his mind that made him cringe.

  What if she’s dragging me out here just to tell me she doesn’t want us to see each other anymore? What is this? Why wouldn’t she just tell me at the castle? She doesn’t have to drag me all the way out here! If she breaks it off with me…what will that mean for my future? Is that really what she’s going to do? I wish she would just tell me what she wants!

  The two walked closer and closer to the old bridge, both of their hearts’ paces quickening with every step. Elsie could actually feel her hands starting to shake with the anticipation of what she wanted to tell Lawrence.

  What do I say? How do I tell Lawrence that I don’t want to be just friends anymore? What if he doesn’t understand? What if he doesn’t feel the same way? What do I do if he doesn’t want the same things I want? Lawrence, I wish I knew how you felt about all of this!

  The two were alone now on the dirt path that led to their destination. Elsie’s white gown blew in the light breeze as she walked, and it caught Lawrence’s eye as he glanced over at her quickly. No matter the time of day, she radiated a brilliant beauty. He knew he was lucky to be able to call her his lady, but he wondered for how much longer.

  Elsie had her eyes on his muscular arms and Knight Guard armor. The chainmail undershirt and mahogany vest that wrapped over the top of it aroused her, and she loved it. She always thought Lawrence looked so handsome when he was dressed in his Knight Guard attire.

  The two arrived at their destination and sat down under the bridge in near total darkness, and complete silence. Lawrence could barely see ten feet in front of him; the night was unusually dark. He heard Elsie rustling around behind him as he looked out into the stream. The ripples spread across the water as he watched it flow by him. He stood up, and before he had the chance to turn around, Elsie reached around his chest from behind with her arms.

  “Lawrence, I need to tell you something,” she said, her voice quivering.

  “What is it, Elsie?” Lawrence inquired, hoping this would not be the last time he would feel her touch. He loved it, craved it, and was addicted to it.

  “Lawrence, I…I…I,” she paused as she rested her head against his back. She smiled as she could feel his heartbeat all the way through his clothing and armor.

  Lawrence felt her grip tighten a little bit. She appeared to be steadying herself for something, something that made her unusually nervous. “What is it, Elsie? Have I done something wrong? If it was something I said, or something I did, I apologize?”

  “No, Lawrence, it isn’t that, it’s just…”

  “If you don’t want us to see each other anymore, Elsie, I understand. I know it must be difficult for you. I really don’t want to be a burden on you.”

  “No, Lawrence, that isn’t it! I want… I want… I want to marry!”

  Lawrence’s chest tightened as his worst fears were realized, she was ready to marry someone. He knew that their casual relationship would have to end sooner or later; he just didn’t know how to handle it. “Oh, I see, Elsie. I understand. I suppose we should probably stop seeing each other then. I hope things turn out well for you, Elsie.” Lawrence’s heart was breaking, slowly, roughly, painfully.

  “What in Sora’s name are you talking about, Lawrence?!” Elsie exclaimed suddenly as she let go of him. “Lawrence, I said I want to marry, but not somebody else! You!”

  The sudden shock of her words caused Lawrence to whirl around. “Elsie, what do you mean?! Why would someone as perfect as you want to marry me?”

  Some time passed as the two stood there in total silence. The stream gurgled behind them.

  “ Us…get married…?” Lawrence continued to look at her as he whispered those words softly.

  His words aroused Elsie. A long moment passed. “Lawrence, I love you. If you love me too, then tell me…please,” she pleaded.

  “Elsie, I do love you. I have loved you since I first saw you,” he said softly.

  His words reassured her. With a racing heart, she took a step closer. She took another and then said, “Lawrence, we aren’t children anymore. I don’t want us to be just casual friends any longer.” She took another step closer to him and reached out, taking his hands in hers. She pulled him closer to her, to where she could touch his chest. His vest was strong, padded leather that felt solid and secure to her touch as she rubbed it.

  “Please, for Sora’s grace, tell me what you want, Elsie.” Lawrence was finally able to choke the words out as he rested his hands on her bare shoulders. He had rarely felt skin so soft, and he wondered what the rest of her body felt like. Would all of her be this soft, this inviting, this receptive to my touch?

  Silence overtook the two again as Elsie struggled with her own feelings of lust and those of love; she wasn’t sure which one she was responding to. Elsie’s mother had always told her to follow her heart, and right now, it was telling her that Lawrence was the only man she ever wanted to be with.

  “I want us to be lovers, Lawrence,” Elsie whispered into his ear, her body pressing up against him as she leaned in to speak. She placed a kiss on his cheek and returned to resting her head against his chest once more. She rubbed her hands up and down on his arms.

  Then, her hands traced his arms up to his shoulders where his vest was draped over him. Her fingers slowly burrowed their way underneath its edges, and she began to remove it. Slowly, Lawrence was relieved of his vest, which fell to the ground, out of his reach. She reached at his waist, finding the edge of his chainmail shirt, which she gripped firmly. As she raised it up, his hands left hers and he lifted them above his head.


  The chainmail hit the ground hard, the sound startling them both for a moment. Elsie chuckled playfully as Lawrence’s hands now moved to her hips. Her hands and arms wrapped around his body, and he could feel her body press against him. Lawrence had never been in such an erotic situation before, and his body was reacting in ways he had rarely experienced u
ntil now. Lawrence and Elsie could both feel the other’s heart pounding. The looks of excitement and love on the other’s face made both of them very happy.

  “I love you, Lawrence Sanctus,” Elsie said. She placed a gentle kiss on his chest, tracing his muscular body with her hot breaths.

  “I love you too, Elsie,” Lawrence said, his hands moving to the middle of her back.

  Elsie stopped what she was doing and moved her hands up behind Lawrence’s head pulling him down to her, kissing him softly on the lips. She gave him another kiss, and then another, and another. Elsie could hear her own heartbeat in her head; she had never been so scared in all of her life. She had no idea what to do; she was such a novice. Outside of kissing, the two had never really done anything else, and that was something that Elsie was beginning to regret. Neither of them knew what the next step was. They were at a road block, a dead end.

  Elsie could feel her body quiver with embarrassment as she stopped kissing him. Suddenly, she turned and took a few steps away. “Lawrence, I don’t know what to do now,” she said softly.

  He couldn’t think of anything else other than holding her, so that’s just what he proceeded to do. As he approached her, she turned around and grabbed him and pulled him to the ground. That night would mark the first time the two would lay as lovers instead of friends, one they would remember for the rest of their lives.

  Lawrence knew tomorrow morning would come early, but he relished the chance to spend a serene evening alone with his love. He never wanted it to end. So much had happened in just a few short days that he had no idea when, or if, he would have this opportunity again.

  Chapter 32:

  I don’t know how much longer these men will last. At least we made it to the precipice. I don’t really have time to be sitting here resting, I want to continue on. My legacy is at stake. But it’s getting dark, and the men grow weary. I hope this rest restores their spirits and brings some cheer around the campfire.

  - Journal of Arcel Adaman Galexia, June 17th, 22 P.W.

  The weather shifted as Razzius and Phillip headed north, changing from the warm winds to a crisper, colder air. The temperature drop was noticeable. The green, fertile grounds gave way to rugged scrubland. Small shrubs and moss grass dotted the landscape. The ground, which was impressed with their steeds’ tracks earlier, now stood hard against the imprints. The horses breathed heavily, the warmth from their mouths forming a dense fog in the frigid air. The ride had taken them nearly ten hours on horseback, and the early dawn was beginning to break over the horizon.

  To the eassst, Razzzziusss. There isss a ssssmall cave there. Follow it. It leadsss to the Black Ssssswamp, the slithering voice echoed its instructions into Razzius’ mind.

  Phillip followed Razzius, doing all he could to protect himself from the harsh temperatures and fierce winds. Even the deerskin gloves that Phillip wore couldn’t protect his fingers from feeling the sting of the biting cold. Phillip hoped that they wouldn’t need to cross the mountains, as he wasn’t sure he could survive for much longer in this inhospitable cold.

  Razzius and Phillip headed east along the mountains’ base. They searched inch by inch for the cave that Razzius was convinced was there. After a grueling search, headlong into the strong gale winds, they spotted a tiny opening between two jutting rocks that was almost completely covered with snow. Razzius tested the opening; it was hardly large enough for one man to squeeze through at a time.

  Phillip covered the horses, and grabbed only the necessities: water, some salted beef, and torches. Razzius batted away the snow that clung to the jagged rocks. He lit a torch and inched his way through the crevice, into the dark circular tunnel beyond. Phillip followed closely behind, feeling nauseous from the close surroundings. The stagnant, moldy air suffocated their repeated gasps for breath. They wheezed violently. The flames of their torches swirled, lighting only a few feet of the small channel of rock. Phillip glanced behind him. The light from the small opening faded away gradually as he kept inching forward. The pace was painstakingly slow. They squatted between the low ceiling and stone floor, and inched their way forward. Phillip had always hated tight spaces, and the end of their journey could not come quickly enough.

  Razzius, however, was undeterred. The thoughts of the army that lay ahead swirled in his mind. Razzius pointed his torch to the walls and crevices of the tunnel where ravenous bats and poisonous snakes waited for inattentive prey. Razzius had no fear. His new master had assured him of safe passage, and Razzius had long ago put his faith in his new leader.

  Phillip followed cautiously behind and could feel a sense of danger moving with them, almost as though it were following them, reaching for them, but never quite catching them. He wondered as to the true nature of Razzius’ ‘master,’ and couldn’t help feeling left out. Was this new master keeping them safe, and if so, who or what was it? Phillip shined the light from his torch on the ground where they walked, and revealed a path littered with bones and decaying debris. It was as though they were following a tunnel to the very depths of hell. Beads of sweat formed on Phillip’s forehead. As they traveled, Phillip could hear faint whispers echo throughout the near dark cavern. “Turn back…Run…Stay away…” Each whisper caused their torches to flicker momentarily, shortening the length of the flames and teasing a total blackout in the tunnel.

  Do not fear them, no one elssse isss meant to ever come here. My army awaitsss you, jussst ahead! They have sssslumbered for agessss, and they lusssst for the blood of man.

  Razzius’ nerves were calmed, and his master’s reassurance gave him the willpower to push onward. Finally, a light whisper of wind hit Razzius in the face. It was his first clue that he was close to the passageway’s end. He squinted past the torch’s glow and could see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. He moved faster now, excited that his torturous travel was almost over. He arrived at the small opening with Phillip close behind. The two men pushed through some overgrown brush and climbed through the crevice, pulling themselves up onto the icy barren on the other side of the Frozen Mountains.

  Both men breathed a sigh of relief. They were happy to taste the fresh, crisp air again, rather than the pungent, dead air that had ensnared them in the cavern. Razzius pushed toward the horizon, driven onward by a sense that his true destiny lay just past the crests of the tundra. He came to the cliff’s edge and eagerly overlooked the Black Swamp that spread out below him. He smiled to himself, knowing that this was it; this was the place he was supposed to find.

  Yessss, Razziussss, that isss the Black Sssswamp. Go to it; pull my sssservantssss from itssss depthsss.

  Razzius wasted little time, and hurriedly slid down the grassy outcropping. Phillip was more cautious, edging his way down, scared of the unknown horrors that the black liquid could hold. Razzius’ excitement overtook any fear that still resided in him, and he approached the black ooze without trepidation. He stuck his arm into the muck, and swirled it about violently for a few moments. The thick liquid churned around his arm. He reached his arm in even further, up to his elbow, then his shoulder. All he felt was resistance from the thick ooze.

  Razzius pulled his arm out of the muck and shook it in front of him, flinging the black liquid all over the ground. He shook his head disgustedly. “Master, please, where is this great army you speak of? I have done everything you have asked of me. You promised me you wouldn’t fail me.”

  You musssst give yourssself totally to them. If you are worthy of their ssservicessss, they will resssspond.

  Razzius pondered this new knowledge. He stood up and turned around, his back now facing the swamp. He smiled at Phillip who was finally making his way over to him. He raised both of his arms in the air and leaped backwards into the black muck.

  “Razzius, nooooo!” Phillip yelled in terror. He couldn’t believe that the man he had pledged to follow, who had had such a brilliant plan, had just dove into the unknown abyss.

  The viscous fluid splashed under Razzius’ weight as he buoyed ba
ck to the surface. Suddenly, he was being transported, by some unknown current, to the middle of the swamp. The liquid began to lap over his waist, over his neck and legs. Phillip continued hollering at him from the shoreline, but the muck deafened Razzius’ ears to his partner’s horrified screams. Razzius lay in the middle of the swamp, his senses all but blocked by the ooze. Then he felt it. He felt himself being lifted out of the muck by some mysterious force. He glided over the swamp, the cloudy sky moving past overhead, as he was transported back to the shoreline.

  Phillip’s mouth hung open in astonishment at what he saw. Razzius was being carried back to shore by ten unnatural, inhuman creatures. They carried him on his back, their hands acting to support the weight of his body. They glided effortlessly through the swamp, stepped onto the bank, and set Razzius upright. The black ooze dripped off of their smooth bodies. They encircled Razzius, got down on their knees and bowed their heads. “Maaassstttterrrrr,” they growled in unison.

  “Black Sa, Sa, Sangres…?” Phillip pointed in fear at the creatures that had pledged their allegiance to Razzius.

  “Yes, but where are the rest of them,” Razzius grumbled. “I was assured an army of immense proportions. This is but a handful!”

  The Sangres seemed to understand Razzius’ disappointment. Their red eyes flicked about. They reached into the ooze with both arms, each one of them pulling two more Sangres from the muck. The army grew exponentially in size as this process repeated itself numerous times. Soon the Sangres covered the entire bank and the surrounding area of the swamp. Many bobbed in the muck itself. They filled the horizon all growling “Maaaasssterrr” as they pulled more and more of their brethren from the black abyss.


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