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Mad Mad Love ~ The Remembrance Trilogy: Complete Box Set Holiday Edition

Page 79

by Kahlen Aymes

  “That works for me, baby,” she breathed against my mouth before we lost ourselves in the ecstasy of our love for each other.

  Chapter 11


  “Hey, man. Can we talk?” I found Aaron in the reference section of the library. At nine o’clock in the evening, the lights were muted and it was very quiet. I generally liked to spend this time here because there were fewer students. After the conversation with Julia, I needed to tell Aaron. We’d both been so busy; I hadn’t talked to him in awhile. After what Julia said about Jen’s intentions to leave if he didn’t propose, I needed to find out his thinking.

  Bent over a book, furiously making notes on a legal pad, Aaron looked up quickly and shoved back from the table. “Um, just give me a minute, we can go outside.” I waited patiently while he finished what he was doing and packed his things in his backpack.

  “Pharmacy final,” he explained and I nodded. I’d taken it three semesters ago as a prerequisite for the anesthesia courses I needed for trauma.

  “Dude, why didn’t you just ask for my notes on that shit?” I smirked as his mouth settled into a thin line.

  “Because I’m a huge-ass moron, I guess,” he huffed. “So what’s up? Haven’t seen you much these past weeks but I chalked it up to finals and that you and Julia were finally getting busy…so I guess no more blue balls, eh, brother?” His dark eyes danced with laughter.

  I ran a hand through my hair, returning his grin unabashedly. “Um, for sure. Things have been…amazing.”

  “Ryan, I have to ask…are you guys using protection? It’s none of my business but you don’t want to risk that now. Right?”

  We were already at the car. I threw my books in the back and motioned for Aaron to do the same. “Yeah. I asked Dr. Brighton about it…before um, Julia and I ever got intimate after the accident. I thought it would remind her, but he just wrote a prescription and she didn’t mention it.” I told him over the top of the car as we both opened the doors. “The last time was an accident. Julia was taking antibiotics and we just weren’t thinking.”

  We drove in silence for a few minutes. I was excited, yet calmness settled over me after Julia had agreed to marry me. More memories were surfacing and I found myself accepting of the things that she didn’t remember yet. I knew, without a doubt, that she loved me deeply and it was enough. I pulled in a deep breath, filling my lungs to capacity.

  “Ryan, you said you wanted to talk to me, so why aren’t you talking?” Aaron finally broke into my thoughts.

  “Julia and I are going to go ahead and get married.” Aaron’s face split into a grin and his hand came down on my shoulder twice.

  “That’s great! Did you set a date?”

  “Um…yeah. The weekend of graduation.”

  He seemed somewhat stunned. “Wow. So soon? No big wedding?”

  “As much as we’ve been through, that isn’t important anymore. Our parents will be in town, so will Ellie and Harris. It just makes sense to do it then.”

  “Congratulations, bro’. Ex…cel…lent. So I guess this seals the deal about the residency in New York.”

  “Julia actually brought it up. I was so relieved.” Okay, so here I go. Just throw it out there, Ryan. “What about you and Jenna? Are you ever planning on marrying her?”

  “Yeah. I asked her that night.”

  “What night?” I asked in surprise.

  “The night the girls took off without us.”

  “So…what’s the story?”

  “We started looking at rings, but no date yet.” He shrugged and looked out the passenger window. Aaron never was one to spill his guts without prodding, which I found frustrating as hell.

  I frowned and shook my head. I hadn’t been able to wait until I could get a ring on Julia’s finger and I’d been planning the day I could propose since the first time I made love to her. . Aaron was so blasé.

  “Will you be my Best Man?”

  He looked back at me and flashed a huge grin. “Dude. I’d beat your ass if you didn’t ask me. I thought I may have lost that honor to that dickhead, Moore!”

  I chuckled softly. Leave it to Aaron to make a joke out of a serious situation. “Should I smack you now or later?”

  “Is Julia still seeing him?”

  “Nope!” I popped the ‘p’ on the word in satisfaction. “He’s history. The night she almost went back to New York she said he was supportive and I was doing the best thing for her…maybe he’s not so bad.” Aaron quirked an eyebrow at me mockingly and I had to smile. Who in the hell was I kidding? Moore definitely had the hots for Julia. “Anyway, that turned out for the best. If Julia hadn’t threatened me with leaving, I might still have my head up my ass.”

  “Yes. You owe me two hundred and fifty bucks for the hotel you banished us to, by the way,” Aaron laughed.

  “What the hell?” I exclaimed. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Hey, I just got engaged, dude. I didn’t have a ring yet, so you know I put on the dog.”

  He was stroking his chin with his tongue in cheek, and we both burst out laughing. “Was the dog’s dick dipped in gold?” I asked. Aaron threw me a sardonic glance. “I’m just sayin’…”

  “Shut up,” Aaron admonished. I laughed even harder. “No honeymoon?”

  I shook my head. “That’s the only thing that I regret, but Julia’s already missed so much work and I have to be at St. Vincent’s a week later. We really don’t have time. After we get settled, I’ll plan something big.”

  “Shit. With Jules gone, it’ll be back to frozen pizza and McDonald’s,” he groaned in protest. He was teasing, but there was a shred of truth to it.

  “You’ll survive,” I laughed softly, secretly thankful that Julia was going with me.

  “Easy for you to say, dickhead. You’ll eat like a king.”

  “She’ll be busy with work. I don’t expect her to slave away in the kitchen.”

  “Oh, only the bedroom?” he asked. I felt the corners of my mouth twitch, but kept my mouth shut. I wouldn’t share that with anyone. When I didn’t answer, he continued. “Anyway…Julia spoils you rotten. You won’t have to expect anything.”

  “Hmmph,” I expelled my breath. “She takes care of me pretty well, that’s for sure.”


  The smells emanating from the kitchen were divine; fresh garlic sautéed in the pan with butter for the beginning of Alfredo sauce. A protesting Jenna grated a chunk of parmesan cheese while I chopped parsley and pulled the fresh fettuccini from the refrigerator.

  “Fuck!” Jenna exclaimed as she accidentally scraped her knuckles on the grater. “No wonder I don’t cook!”

  I rushed to get a wet paper towel and examined the broken skin. Three of her fingers were bleeding slightly, but it wasn’t too bad. “Are you okay?” I asked, glancing up at her face.

  “Ugh, yes. I wish I could cook like you.” She scowled. “Aaron likes to eat and I can’t even grate some cheese!”

  I smirked at her. “Anyone can cook, Jen. Can you read a cookbook?”

  “Yeah. Sure.” she moaned and plopped down on one of the stools. “I never see you reading the damn things.”

  I couldn’t help chuckling. “Not anymore. I’ve been cooking since I was ten years old.” I resumed with the cheese after I’d cleaned the grater. “What time did Aaron say he was coming home?”

  Ryan mentioned he was picking up his brother but didn’t think they’d be home before nine. It was almost that now but I couldn’t finish the sauce until they arrived or it would scald.

  “I’ll send a text.” She walked to the table and opened her purse. “Julia, after last night, I mean…is everything okay? What happened?”

  I nodded and took a sip from my glass. I studied the wine as I swirled it around the sides. “Well, Ryan realizes that I might not ever remember everything, and I convinced him I love him as much as I ever did. I don’t think he’ll be pulling back anymore, but it still hurts him that I can’t remember.”

sp; I poured some wine and took it over to where she was sitting before refilling my own. Jenna’s beautiful face broke into a big grin and her pale skin flushed pink on her cheeks. “Good. Because the night we went out, Aaron was so worked up, he proposed!”

  I rushed to put my arms around her. “Oh, Jen. I’m so happy for you! Finally!” Her arms closed tightly around my shoulders and she sighed loudly. Now I could tell her about Ryan’s and my wedding plans.


  I moved back and picked up my wine. “So? What went down?” I prodded. The pleasure on her features filled me up with happiness.

  “He was so pissed!” She lowered her voice and tried to imitate Aaron’s low growl, “What the fuck are you doing out here, shaking your ass in front of these assholes, Jen? You’re practically my wife!”

  I laughed so hard I almost spewed my wine across the room. I could picture it. However, at the time, I was occupied with being hauled off the dance floor. I gasped for breath. “Oh, my God! That’s not exactly a storybook proposal, but it is so Aaron! I love it! What did you say?”

  “I crossed my arms and stared at him for a minute then said, ‘To quote Beyonce’, ‘if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it!’”

  “No you didn’t! Jen! I wish I would have seen the look on his face!”

  We fell into a fit of giggles when the door opened and the men walked in. They looked tired, but in good spirits.

  Ryan’s lips lifted in a crooked grin and my heart thumped in my chest. I couldn’t tear my eyes away as he dropped his book bag on the living room chair before sitting on the couch to remove his shoes. “Something smells good, Julia. What are you making?”

  “We are making fettuccini Alfredo, Caesar salad and garlic bread. Would you like some wine?” I moved to the back of the couch and placed my hands on his shoulders, then bent to kiss the skin on the side of his neck. “Mmm…Yummy,” I whispered near his ear and his hand moved up to cover one of mine.

  “Missed you today,” he murmured with a promise in those deep blue eyes. “I want to kiss you,” he said softly. I nodded as his eyes fell to my mouth. It was agony not to fall into his arms right then.

  I looked at him regretfully when Aaron’s voice intruded as he embraced Jenna in a tight bear hug.

  “What’s for dessert?”

  “Dessert?” I teased. “What makes you think I made you dessert?” Reluctantly, I moved away from Ryan who held onto my fingers; he had no choice but to drop them.

  “Please. You’re you.”

  “Zabaglione and fresh berries. I’ve heard the doctors here prescribe a light finish.” A bottle of Marsala waited on the counter until I would cook it with egg yolks and sugar, shortly after dinner.

  I took the cream from the refrigerator and added it to the pot with the garlic and butter and then turned the heat on beneath the pasta pot.

  Two strong arms circled my waist from behind and pulled me close as Ryan’s head bent into the curve of my neck. His open mouth traced a series of kisses along my skin, sending shivers running through my entire body.

  “Mmmm, God, you feel so good,” he murmured softly. I turned my head so that he could capture my mouth with his. He tasted like mint and Ryan. I moaned as his lips moved in unison with mine. Always so perfect. He pressed into my backside and I could feel his arousal against me. “See, all I have to do is touch you and I’m wrecked.”

  I smiled. “Baby, I wish I could, but I have to watch dinner. You know this sauce is delicate, and we’re trying to take care of our boys.”

  Ryan smiled and moved to the cupboard, pulling down a wine glass and filling it. Aaron and Jenna were in the other room, so they wouldn’t hear our conversation. “Aaron proposed.” He leaned back against the counter, close enough to feel the heat radiating off of him.

  I flashed a smile. “I know. Jenna was just telling me. I didn’t get a chance to tell her about us.” He ran his index finger down my arm, left bare by the white, v-neck t-shirt I was wearing.

  “I can’t wait, Julia. Literally. I can. Not. Wait.”

  I reached up to cup his cheek, rough with a full day’s growth of scruffy beard. His eyes burned into mine, unflinching, but his cheek pressed into my hand. “You make me very happy, Ryan. I love you, so much.”

  His eyes smiled and his hand grasped mine before he turned his face to place a wet, open-mouthed kiss on my palm. “Show me later.”

  “Ryan! Get your ass in here and play Guitar Hero!” Aaron called from the other room and I laughed.

  “Go ahead. I’ll finish this.”

  “I don’t want to.” His lips moved against my temple as he spoke.

  “Ryan. Go.” His arms tightened in protest as he kissed my cheek and lower toward my mouth. I couldn’t let him continue if I wanted to keep my wits about me. I turned my head away so his lips landed on my cheek again. He groaned aloud. “If you don’t want scorched cheese sauce, you’ll go.”

  “God forbid. Okay, I’m going. But, it’s under duress.”

  My heart swelled as I watched him leave the kitchen. I was overflowing with love for him. It was in his eyes and every touch of his hand. He loved me, too. Could things be any more perfect?


  It was dark. I glanced toward the nightstand where the clock shone bright red in the darkness. 3:17 am. I was lying across Julia, my head resting on her now fully-healed chest, right arm around her hips. I closed my eyes and breathed in her scent, feeling her steady breathing beneath me, her warmth all around me. I was as content as I’d ever been.

  At dinner we talked with Aaron and Jen about our plans for the wedding. I enjoyed the pleasure that blushed Julia’s cheeks and the smile dancing on her mouth as Jenna went on and on about dresses, and flowers. Julia’s eyes would meet mine on occasion as she bit that luscious lower lip. Maybe I was wrong to deny her a big wedding. She deserved all the things girls dream about and there was no denying that I wanted to see her dressed as a bride. My bride.

  I ran some butterfly kisses along the concave planes below her navel. Her skin was like velvet beneath my mouth. She was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, always so warm and giving. The strength of my love for her never ceased to amaze me and, over time, only seemed to intensify. The fact that she loved me in return was the greatest gift of my life.

  Her hand started to massage my scalp and tug softly on the strands between her fingers. I lifted my head slightly and nuzzled underneath her right breast and then placed a gentle kiss on the soft swell.

  “Can’t sleep? I thought I wore you out before.” Her voice was whisper soft, but wrapped me up tight.

  “Mmmm…Never.” I moved up so I could pull the nipple of her breast into my mouth and suckle gently. She sighed heavily and arched her back slightly, bringing her flesh even deeper into my mouth. I increased the pressure and she moaned. “Do you know how much I love you, Julia? Every day it’s more,” I sighed against her, letting my breath rush over the nipple still wet from my play. “You’re probably sick of hearing it.”

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing it. I love your words, your mouth…”

  My hand closed around her thigh and pulled it over my hip as I moved so I could look for her reaction. I pressed my now raging erection into her. She smiled. “Your hands, and mmmm…” Her hips surged against mine in delicious want. We moved slowly, my hands exploring her curves, her hands kneaded the muscles of my back and ass as she pulled me closer. My mouth and body were hungry, but I wanted to talk to her about the wedding.

  “I want to talk for a minute. If we start making love, there will be no more words.” Her eyes opened, yet hooded with desire. God, she is stunning.

  I brushed her hair back as her full lips parted. She wanted me as much as I wanted her, a gift of immense passion and overwhelming love. My heart actually ached with it.

  “What about?” Her hand came up to grasp my jaw as her mouth asked for mine. Her lips moved and she licked my upper lip with the tip of her tongue and then sucked my lower lip in
between hers and nipped at it with her teeth. I tried to resist, but gave in with a groan and rolled on top of her as my mouth took hers hungrily, my tongue plunging deep into her mouth as she opened and kissed me back deeply. Oh God…I pressed my hips forward seeking her heat. She was as ready for me as I was for her and I slid inside her without even trying. She moaned into my mouth and she drew her knees up so I would sink even deeper into her body. Soon, we were lost in the passionate dance, frantically clutching and kissing, we couldn’t get close enough as we rolled around on the bed. Minutes ticked by, the rhythm tangible, passion palpable.

  “Julia, I could make love to you forever. I never want this to end.” Her hands clutched in my hair at both sides, her liquid eyes filled with a mixture of love and desire. I nuzzled her nose with mine, our breath mingling, as I pushed into her again and again.

  “Uhnnngg…Ryan, never stop,” she whispered breathlessly and I could feel her insides quivering and clasping around me. I slid my hands beneath her to grasp onto her shoulders so I could increase the pressure of my pelvic bone on hers as I felt my own climax build. I turned my forehead into the side of her face as we worshiped each other.

  “Oh yes, Julia…I want to feel you baby, come on.” My hand moved between us and I softly massaged her swollen nub and felt her involuntarily squeeze around my cock. Damn, she was hot.

  I felt every touch of her hand and every tremor of her body around mine. Every breath, every little mewling sound she made deep in her throat drove me insane with desire. Her breathing was labored, and she panted in time with my thrusts. It was so fantastically sexy and sent me over the edge after three more strokes. I stilled as I came hard, spilling deep into her body. Her legs wrapped around me and her heels dug into my ass, pressing me deeper as her hands twined in my hair and we kissed again as our bodies tensed and twitched.

  “I’ll never comprehend how incredible this is.” My body still embedded within hers, I lifted my head and my fingers traced the line of her face.


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