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Charmed By The Daring Cowboy (Sage Valley Ranch Book 4)

Page 8

by Melanie D. Snitker

  As Mason and Peter left again, Alyssa recognized what Hopscotch was doing in the backyard in the first place. Several of the flowers they’d planted in the garden yesterday had been reduced to nubs barely sticking up above the ground. “Oh no!”

  Annoyed at the brute of an animal, she descended the stairs and marched across the grass to get a better look. At least four of the plants would have to be replaced. That’s what she got for not putting the fence up first, though. She could kick herself. “Don’t worry, Sharon, I’ll run into town and get these replaced before the end of the day.”

  Alyssa hadn’t noticed that Sharon followed her into the yard until the older woman put an arm around her shoulder. “Honey, it wasn’t your fault. Make sure you add those plants to our bill, and bring them next time you come, okay? No sense in running into town now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely.” Sharon gave her a hug. “Now I’d better get inside. I have a batch of scones in the oven for tomorrow. I am sorry about Hopscotch chasing Noah.”

  Alyssa smiled her reassurance. “I think Noah considered it all a big adventure.” She pointed to her son who was gushing to Dare about how he’d rescued Noah and then how he and Mason had roped that big ol’ goat.

  The women looked at each other and laughed. Sharon shook her head with humor. “Tell you what, I’ll bring you all out some lemonade here in a while.”

  “That sounds great, Sharon, thank you.”

  It wasn’t long before Noah was digging in the dirt and playing again as though the goat incident had never happened.

  Alyssa turned to Dare. “Thanks so much for your quick thinking earlier. I’m glad you were able to get to Noah in time.” Without second guessing herself, she stood on tip-toes and gave him what was supposed to be a brief hug. The moment his arms closed around her, however, time slowed and it seemed as though every other sound around them faded away. Her heels lowered to the porch again, but neither of them moved.

  As Alyssa looked into his dark eyes, the sudden desire to be kissed by the handsome cowboy once again stole her breath. In that moment, she knew that if he lowered his mouth to hers, she’d melt, and the hot sun above them would have nothing to do with it.

  It was a good thing Dare had the good sense she lacked in that moment. More disappointment than relief flooded her system as he took a step back, his arms dropping to his sides. “You’re welcome. I’m glad we’re going to get that pen secured. I want to be there the first time Hopscotch tries to get out again.”

  Alyssa chuckled as she and Dare went back to unloading the fence panels. They worked efficiently together the rest of the afternoon, but the way it felt to be held in his arms was never far from her thoughts.


  Dare had just finished fixing a post in the paddock on Saturday morning when a truck drove onto the ranch and parked near the sign for guest services. Only then did he recognize who was driving it. Shocked, he jogged that direction and met his brother, Grey, as he jumped down.

  Grey offered him a big smile and a brotherly hug. “Surprise!”

  “I’ll say. I had no idea you two were coming down here. You could’ve called.”

  Cora walked around the truck and gave her husband a slightly disapproving look. “I told Grey that. But he insisted we surprise you instead.” She hugged Dare. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You, too.” Dare had always gotten along well with Cora. “I do wish you’d called, though. I’m working most of today.” He wanted to regret that, except he looked forward to spending time with Alyssa. Especially considering next week would mean the end of their working together on the ranch. At the same time, he’d only seen his brother and sister-in-law a handful of times in the last six months.

  “We’re staying until Monday,” Grey told him as he put an arm around his wife. “We’ve both been curious about this ranch you’ve been raving about, and figured it was about time for another honeymoon.”

  Dare watched as they kissed. After all the couple had been through, they deserved this happiness.

  “That sounds great. I’ll be around, so holler whenever. I don’t want to interrupt the alone time.” Dare winked at them, which made Cora’s cheeks go pink and Grey chuckle.

  Out of nowhere, Noah’s voice called out, “Dare!” Moments later, the little boy ran across the drive and jumped into Dare’s arms with a grin.

  Dare caught him easily, patted his back, and then looked around. “Did you tell your mom you were coming over here?”

  “Yeah.” The boy pointed, and Dare followed his finger to find Alyssa approaching them.

  She spoke when she got close enough. “I am so sorry. I would’ve told him to wait had I known he’d be interrupting you.”

  “Nothing to worry about.” He moved to introduce them. “Alyssa, this is my brother, Grey, and his wife, Cora. Guys, this is Alyssa and her son, Noah. Alyssa is the landscaper the Buchanans hired to do some work around the ranch.”

  Cora motioned to the nearby flower bed. “Did you put these in? They are gorgeous. I was telling Grey how pretty the combination was when we drove up.”

  Alyssa’s smile widened. “Thank you. I designed it, but Dare and I have been working together on most of it. We’re starting on the big display near the main gate next week and then we’ll be done.” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  Dare set Noah back on his feet as Cora and Alyssa started to talk about flowers. Grey gave him a quizzical look that Dare chose to ignore, but apparently Grey wasn’t going to give up that easily. He crouched down so he was on level with Noah. “It looks like you and Dare get along well.”

  Noah grinned. “He’s the bestest cowboy ever! He’s going to teach me how to carve sticks.”

  “Is he, now?” Grey gave Dare a knowing nod. “Well, he’s sure good at it, isn’t he?”

  “Yep! He made me a snake.” Noah pulled the carved figure from his oversized pocket and presented it.

  Grey admired it properly before handing it back. “That’s pretty neat. You know, Dare once carved a mountain lion for me out of a piece of wood.”

  “Really?” Noah’s eyes widened.

  “Yep. I still have it.”

  “That’s awesome!” Noah stuffed it back into his pocket.

  The ladies apparently had a lull in their conversation because Alyssa moved to stand next to her son. “Let’s get to work, kiddo.”

  Dare clapped his brother on the shoulder. “You guys get settled and let me know if you want to meet up for dinner, okay? I’d better head out. It’s awesome to see you both.”

  Grey and Cora waved and went into the guest services building, leaving Dare, Alyssa, and Noah alone.

  “They both seem great,” she said as they walked back to her truck. “Did they decide to surprise you?”

  When they got to the truck, Dare noticed the bed was full of cedar shavings along with four plants to replace those in the garden that Hopscotch had eaten.

  “I think surprising me was a side benefit.” Dare chuckled. “They wanted to get away for a couple of days and have a second honeymoon.”

  “How long have they been married?”

  That wasn’t an easy question to answer. “About five months. This time.” When she gave him a funny look, he continued, “They got married right out of high school, and it only lasted a few years. We had a family reunion in November, and they discovered they’d never fallen out of love. It took a while for them to see how much they’d both changed. Anyway, they’re back together again where they belong.”

  “That’s great. You don’t often hear about second chances like that. Good for them.” She remained silent as they parked the truck and started to unload the tools they’d need to plant the new flowers in the garden. Once they’d finished with that, they got started on spreading cedar chips in each of the flower boxes as well as the flower beds and garden.

  As he had several times over the last week, Dare noted how easily he and
Alyssa worked together. Next week might be her last week on this job, but as far as he was concerned, it would be the beginning of spending time together. He wanted to see if Alyssa was on the same page but didn’t want to ask now. Not when little ears could hear. That didn’t mean he couldn’t try to prolong the day, though.

  “You and Noah should join us for dinner tonight.”

  “What?” She studied him as though she wasn’t sure he was serious. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt your time with your brother.”

  “You wouldn’t be. Besides, it’s one of my evenings off. It’d be my pleasure to share it with the both of you.” He winked at Noah, who jumped to his feet and clapped excitedly.

  “Oh, can we, Mommy?”

  Alyssa pegged Dare with a look that said she knew exactly what he was doing. Now that Noah was excited, it was going to be a lot harder for her to say no. He gave her an innocent shrug.

  He wanted to spend some time with them when they weren’t working, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

  * * *

  Alyssa was completely torn. On one hand, the idea of staying and spending time with Dare held a great deal of appeal. On the other, she ought to get more done at the hospital this evening. But her own preference to spend more time with Dare, coupled with the look of hope on her son’s face, left her little option. “If you’re sure it won’t put a damper on your visit with your brother.”

  “I promise.” Dare’s smile was almost as dazzling as Noah’s.

  Alyssa could practically feel her resistance oozing out of her toes and into the ground below her. “We shouldn’t stay long. I ought to get back to the hospital job after this.”

  Dare didn’t even try to hide his disapproval. “You’ve been working way too many hours, Alyssa. You’ve got to take a break, as much for yourself as anything. Come on, take the evening off. We’re going to light a fire in the firepit and roast s’mores. It’ll be fun.”

  It was nearly as impossible to tell the cowboy no as it was her son. Especially when Noah was standing there, his hands clasped at his chest, as he waited for her answer.

  “Fine, we’ll stay for a while.” She emphasized the last word with a pointed look at Noah. “After we get all of our work done.”

  “Yay!” Noah ran up to Dare and gave him a high five that had Alyssa shaking her head with a chuckle. What was she going to do with them?

  Noah went back to playing, and Dare gave her a bright smile as he took several steps toward her.

  “Thank you.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. “For what?

  “For the chance to spend some extra time with you.” He reached out and squeezed her arm before getting back to work.

  The contact was short, but it instantly reminded Alyssa of what it was like to hold his hand, or to have his arms around her.

  She gave herself a mental shake and forced herself to focus.

  An hour later, they took a break for lunch. Dare got them all sandwiches, chips, and cans of soda from the mess hall. They ate under the shade of a large oak tree not far from the stables and laughed at the antics of some of the horses.

  Dare and Alyssa finished their food before Noah did. Dare stood and started gathering the papers that kept threatening to blow away in the breeze. “I’ll go throw these away in the trash can in the barn,” he offered.

  Alyssa quickly stood. “I’ll help you.” Noah stood as well, but she pointed to the rock where he had been sitting. “You need to finish eating.” She’d had to remind him multiple times since he kept getting distracted by the horses.

  Noah didn’t seem to mind and returned to his spot on the rock.

  Alyssa followed Dare into the stables where it took several moments for her eyes to adjust to the dimmer light.

  “It’s back here,” Dare said as he led the way to a trash can. They tossed their garbage in, and Alyssa dusted her hands off on her jeans.

  “Thanks for lunch. It was good.”

  “You’re welcome.” Dare hesitated. “I was wondering if I could pick you and Noah up tomorrow and take you to dinner and maybe go see that new Pixar movie.”

  Things were changing between them, and it wasn’t all that subtle. Her fear of the unknown mixed with her instinct to jump at his offer. “I’m not sure.”

  “I would’ve suggested the action movie, but figured it might be a bit much for Noah.” He winked.

  Alyssa laughed. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Dare took another step closer. “I care about you, Alyssa. And Noah, too. There’s something here between us.” When Alyssa dropped her gaze, he cupped her chin in one hand and brought her eyes back to his. “Am I wrong?”

  Her heart raced, and she could hear her own blood pulsing. Her brain told her she should deny it. Walking away from him after this job made more sense. She’d be protecting her son from disappointment. Except that he already looked up to Dare so much, she feared it might be too late for that. The squeeze of her own heart told her it was probably too late for herself as well. “No, you’re not wrong.”

  “Then tell me why it’s not a good idea. I happen to think it’s one of the best ones I’ve had in a while.” One corner of his mouth lifted, but the intensity in his eyes revealed he was waiting; hanging on her every word.

  “What if it doesn’t work out?” Her voice was barely above a whisper. “I’m not sure I can lose someone else.” There it was. The fear she’d kept buried deep down, now exposed for Dare to see.

  Dare’s hand moved up to cup her cheek instead. He ran a thumb over her skin and said softly, “But what if it does work? You and Noah are worth fighting for.”

  His words eased some of her fear, and she could see the truth of them in his eyes. She desperately wanted someone in her life to love, and who would love and protect her in return. Someone to grow old with, to share in life’s adventures.

  All she knew was that if she turned away now, she’d wonder if she made a mistake. Which would be worse? To walk away from something that might be, or to jump in and risk it not working out in the end?

  She lifted a hand and clutched his sleeve. “Dare…”

  He leaned in slowly, his breath fanning across her cheek, and captured her lips with his. In a kiss that was both slow and sweet, his attention slowly melted a hole in the wall she’d kept in place for the last few years. On the other side beat a heart desperate for love.

  Alyssa sighed, her lips parting, and Dare deepened the kiss as he pulled her close. She didn’t know how long they kissed, only that the sound of Noah’s voice from outside and the words, “I’m all done, Mommy,” had broken through their bubble.

  Dare placed a final kiss to the corner of her mouth before releasing her. “I guess we’d better get out there.”

  “Yeah, I guess we should.”

  They stared at each other another moment or two, each of them smiling at the other, before rejoining Noah in front of the stables.

  Noah pointed to the paddock. “Dare, could you tell me their names again?”

  “Sure, sprout.” Dare gave Alyssa a smile before leading her son to the paddock. He helped Noah stand on the bottom rail and then joined him.

  Alyssa could barely hear Dare’s voice as he pointed and told Noah the names of each of the horses. The sight of them standing there, side by side, made her heart swell as the memory of his kiss brought her finger to her lips.

  Seeing the two of them together, it was clear her heart wasn’t the only one Dare had claimed.


  Alyssa took a bite of her meal and groaned. Man, that was good. The ranch’s cook, James, outdid himself with the food tonight. He’d made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn on the cob available in both the dining and mess halls.

  Since Dare’s brother and sister-in-law were guests at the ranch, they chose a large table in the dining hall to eat at. Cora and Grey sat along one side while Dare sat between Alyssa and Noah on the other.

  Alyssa was all too aware of how Dare’s arm w
ould lightly brush against hers when he reached for his drink or the salt shaker. In fact, it was a struggle to focus on what the others were saying.

  “So, what do you think of the ranch?” Dare had asked his brother. “Was it what you expected?”

  Grey shook his head. “This is way better than the other one you worked at. Not only is the land itself impressive, but the establishment is run smoothly.”

  “Everyone is so friendly. There were even chocolates on our pillows.” Cora smiled. She leaned into Grey’s shoulder. “We should stay here in the winter sometime when we can have the fireplace lit in the cabin. That would be a perfect getaway.”

  “Especially with no snow.” Grey winked at her. He, Dare, and Cora laughed.

  Alyssa blinked at them. “I feel like I’m missing something.”

  To her amazement, Dare reached over and took her hand in his. Grey and Cora both seemed surprised, but Dare acted as though it were the most natural thing in the world. “Remember the family reunion of sorts I mentioned?” She nodded. “Well, it was in Colorado and we ended up getting snowed in at a resort for several days with no electricity. I think we’ll all be happy if we don’t see snow for a while.” His words were met with murmurs of agreement from the others.

  It was hard for Alyssa to imagine having enough snow to become snowbound. Then again, she’d lived in this area most of her life, and Sage Valley only got a dusting of it every few years.

  “I want to make a snowman one day.” Noah’s voice held a wistful note. “And sledding. Oh! And have a snowball fight.”

  Dare ruffled his hair. “Maybe one day that will happen, sprout.”

  His nickname for Noah caused Alyssa’s heart to swell. Was it possible to be in love with a man she’d only known for a few weeks? If someone had asked her that question even a few months ago, she would’ve said it absolutely wasn’t. But being around Dare only revealed that he was one of few who she felt like she could relax with. He was amazing with Noah. And he sure did make her feel beautiful and desirable, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. Sitting here with Dare now, her hand in his, it was easy to imagine forever like this.


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