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Broken Promises

Page 11

by I. A. Dice

Unfortunately, Dante didn’t want to let me go, and he refused to bring her over, claiming he couldn’t trust anyone right now. No matter how many times I tried to convince him, his answer was always the same.

  “No, star. It’s not safe.”

  It looked like he forgot I wasn’t the type to be ordered around. He wanted his sassy star back. He wanted me to stop being afraid of him.

  Here you go.

  I paced the living room back and forth for fifteen more minutes before Julij showed up.

  He hugged me, which he refrained from when Dante was around, and collapsed onto the couch, a smile on his face.

  “What do you need, sugar?”

  “How do you know I need something?”

  “You told me to come as soon as possible, you sounded upset, Dante isn’t here, and your hands are shaking,” he counted, bending one finger at every argument. “What happened?”

  “Nothing.” I looked toward the door that led to the garage and motioned for Julij to follow me.

  I wasn’t allowed to leave the house even if it meant stepping out onto the terrace, so I had to settle for the company of Dante’s many cars to avoid prying ears.

  Julij looked at me curiously, and for a moment, I wondered if asking him for help was a good idea. His business partnership with Dante evolved into something close to a friendship, and I wasn’t sure if I could trust him, but there was no one else to turn to, and I was pretty desperate.

  Five days in lockdown and under constant surveillance started to get to me.

  “I want to see Jess, and Dante won’t let me.”

  Julij’s lips curled into a horseshoe. “Oh, poor darling. Do you want me to scold him?” he chuckled. “Dante’s right, sugar. You shouldn’t go; that’s one and two: are you one hundred percent sure you can trust Jess?”

  “Are you saying I shouldn’t?”

  He leaned against a Range Rover and lit a cigarette. “I’m not saying anything.”

  With visible satisfaction, he inhaled, then closed his eyes and let out the smoke, surrounding himself with a gray cloud. The smell of tobacco hit my nose, tempting me for the first time in my life. I shook my head, ignoring the urge to snatch the cigarette out of his hand.

  For a moment, I watched the satisfaction on his face, the longish, blond hair, and blue eyes that looked lighter highlighted by the steel jacket and a snow-white shirt he wore. He looked a lot like his father, but unlike Mr. Capone, Julij had a sense of style – modern elegant, no hats or lengthy coats.

  He raised an eyebrow, and I realized I was silent for a whole minute, openly staring.

  “I don’t know if I can trust her, but I need to see her. I don’t know how long I have left. Dante won’t take care of everyone, even if he was to stand on his head…”

  “He will,” Julij growled. “He’ll fucking walk on water to make sure you’re safe, Layla. And so will I. We’ll bring this to an end.”

  I forced a smile. Although he was honest, approaching the matter realistically, a happy ending was out of the question.

  “Will you help me? I’d like to leave before Dante comes back.”

  Julij frowned, staring at something behind me. Or maybe he just looked into space, busy chasing his own thoughts. I wasn’t sure if he wondered how to sneak me out of the house, or how to let me down gently. He inhaled again, puffed up his cheeks, and then parted his full lips, blowing out the smoke slowly, making a tasty-looking ritual out of it.

  “Dante will freak out,” he said, pushing himself away from the car. “No way I can get you past security unnoticed, so we’ll do it Toretto-style.”


  He rolled his eyes. “The Fast and the Furious. It’s a movie with impressive cars and effective races.” He looked around the cars in the garage until his gaze stopped on a neon green Challenger.

  “Not very clandestine” I frowned, watching him take the key from the hanger by the stairs.

  “True, but there’s nothing faster here. They’ll realize you want to run as soon as we open the garage door, so we need a kick to start with, and this,” he glanced at the car, ghosting his finger over the hood, “this definitely has a kick. You need something from upstairs?”

  I shook my head and slid into the passenger seat. My hands began to sweat, and adrenaline rushed in my veins. The engagement ring seemed heavier on my finger as if to remind me that I was breaking all the rules and promises.

  Sitting by the wheel, Julij talked on the phone in Russian. He disconnected the call and looked at me, excitement dancing in the blue irises. It seemed that he enjoyed the idea of annoying Dante.

  “Fasten your seat belt,” he instructed, doing the same.

  He didn’t start the engine but opened the garage door with a remote. It glided up slowly, and with every inch of clearance, my pulse accelerated. Several pairs of legs appeared on the other side, but the engine was still dead.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed, holding onto the seat.


  I looked at him with big eyes, but before I said anything else, Julij turned the key, and the roar of the V8 tore the silence. Spades and the rest of the security appeared in the half-open door.

  Julij revved the engine, winked at me and pressed the pedal to the floor, forcing people to run sideways as we jumped out of the garage. The sudden change of ground from concrete to gravel threw the back of the car sideways. Julij led the Challenger out of the most likely intentional oversteer, and we gained speed, driving straight at the gate.

  Dimitri stood by the control panel with a grave expression. He nodded at his boss as we sped past, fitting into the hole between a concrete pillar and the still-opening gate.

  In the side mirror, I saw Jackson pointing a gun at us and Spades jumping in front of him. He knocked the pistol out of his hand, then pushed him toward the garage, gesticulating and shouting.

  “They’re going to chase us,” I said.

  I felt nerves in my throat. I’ve always been a rebel, but this time, my rebellion didn’t result from the desire to give Dante a hard time. I didn’t believe I’d live a happily ever after and wanted a chance to see my mother again.

  “Of course they will. Hold on.”

  I didn’t have time to grab anything. The car turned sideways again when we made a sharp right at a far too high speed. I was thrown at the door and knocked my head against the window.

  “Ouch,” I hissed, massaging the sore place.

  “I told you to hold on!”

  I winced, not taking my eyes off the side mirror. A moment later, horns sounded in front of us, and I looked ahead to see other cars move out of our way as Julij sped through the city. I grabbed the handle in the door and dug my legs against the floor. Julij ignored all of the red lights until we reached the city center. A truck forced him to emergency brake. He swore under his breath and tires squealed a few seconds later.

  “And the fun begins.” He pointed to the rearview mirror.

  Two Chargers, a Mustang, and a Camaro sped behind us. A whole artillery. Even the police didn’t organize chases as fast as Spades did.

  “Turn right at the next traffic lights. We’ll go through the estate, and lose them in the maze of short streets.”

  Julij nodded, not daring to glance at me. He focused on the road, and I was glad because the obstacle course ahead required attention. The traffic prevented a spectacular race straight from the movies, but Julij’s ability to maneuver between other cars could be envied by professional stuntmen.

  “You have to guide me, sugar. I don’t know Chicago well.”

  Unlike me, he seemed unaffected by the situation. He sounded calm, and the shadow of a smile on his lips betrayed he had fun. He definitely liked the prospect of pissing off Dante.

  I straightened up, took two deep breaths, and attempted to control my trembling hands, before playing the role of a sat-nav. Neither the Chargers nor the Mustang or the Camaro could be seen in the side mirror – either they went a different way, or they fell

  As to the fact they knew the purpose of this trip, I had no doubts. Spades was present when I asked Dante to let me see Jess, so he must’ve guessed. And even if he didn’t, he must’ve called Dante by now to tell him I ran.

  “I think we lost them,” I said twenty minutes later, directing Julij through the shortcuts to the house I used to call my own.

  “Call Jess. Ask her to open the garage. Just because I took you does not mean I’ll take any risks.”

  “Do you think a sniper will be waiting there and I’ll drop dead the second I get out of the car?” I sneered. “Stop overreacting. Dante’s doing a great job overreacting for all of us put together.”

  The seatbelt kept me from breaking my nose on the dashboard when Julij pressed the brake, stopping the car at the curb.

  “Don’t underestimate what’s going on, Layla,” he said, turning his body my way. “It’s been five days, and there are already more bodies to account for than my father disposed of during his career. You’ve no idea how many amateurs and professionals learned about the price for your beautiful head.”

  “Hold on,” I said, my voice small. “Dante said no one tried to get to me yet.”

  “What did you expect him to do? Inform you every time we kill another hitman?” Julij breathed out, attempting to control the sudden, emotional explosion. “There are people who’d skin their kids for three million dollars. You’re the target of dozens, if not hundreds of people. They’ll kill you the first chance they get.”

  I froze more due to the tone of his voice filled with worry and poorly concealed fear than the meaning of his words.

  Julij extended his hand and raised my chin with his index finger. “I won’t risk it,” he said in a hushed, forceful voice. The piercing gaze of his blue eyes drilled a hole in me. “I’ll take you to Jess, but you’re under my protection now, and I won’t let a hair fall off your gorgeous head.”

  More unspoken words lingered between us, and Julij looked torn between reason and heart.

  I didn’t understand the last of it until his eyes fell to my lips. It was then that I realized the infatuation from Dubai never went away. Instead, it evolved into deeper feelings.

  He was worried about me and wanted to protect me as much as Dante did. He risked their alliance, business partnership, and friendship that bloomed despite their differences, to take me to Jess.

  Julij stared at my lips, his face mirroring the war that undoubtedly raged in his mind. He wanted to give in, to lean over and kiss me, but he knew it was the last thing he should’ve wanted. Pulse throbbed in my ears, and my chest tightened. I felt naked under his lustful gaze.

  He swallowed hard and raised his hand higher, ghosting his thumb across my lower lip. And I watched him, shocked and confused.

  “Call Jess,” he rasped, looking back into my eyes, a hint of frustration in his tone. “Right now, sugar.” He dropped his hand onto the steering wheel.


  “No buts!” he bellowed and squeezed his neck as if to rid the nerves. “Either you call Jess, or I’ll turn around and take you straight to Dante.”

  If I were standing, I’d stamp my foot. The initial shock evaporated, and irritation took its place.

  “But I don’t have a phone!” I snapped. “I left it at home.”

  Julij exhaled, almost amused. He gave me his cell phone and started driving. I told him to turn left into another short side street.

  And it was a mistake.

  A black Charger pulled out from the right, stopping in the middle of the road. Neither Spades, Jackson, nor any one of Dante’s men shot out of it. Dante did.

  Julij glanced from me to Dante, while I trembled all over. The rage surrounding my fiancé like invisible force took away my courage. He was a few steps away from the bonnet when Julij’s hands hit the steering wheel.

  And then “fuck,” and he threw the car in reverse pressing the pedal all the way down.

  “That’ll take some fucking explaining, sugar.”

  I watched Dante, but the subtle change in how Julij said sugar didn’t slip my attention. Something changed. Those few seconds when he was touching me turned our relationship upside down.

  Friendship flew out the window.

  Before we reversed onto the main street, Dante was back behind the wheel. I felt sick. It was a stupid, stupid idea. I should’ve listened to Dante, but no. I had to put my foot down.

  “I’m in so much trouble,” I mumbled.

  I redialed Jess’s number and, explaining nothing, I ordered her to open the damn garage. Ten minutes later, without further surprises, we arrived at our destination. I expected Dante’s men to get there before us, but we were in luck. The driveway was empty.

  Julij parked in the garage and killed the engine, holding my hand so I’d stay seated until the garage door slid shut.

  “Layla.” I heard and looked toward the stairs, which led inside the house.

  Jess stood at the top, wearing an elegant black dress. Her hair was as always immaculate, but tiredness was clearly visible on the pretty face.

  I ignored the growing feeling that I should stay away from her. It was always there whenever I saw her because she was distant, disengaged from our relationship. But the invisible barrier that used to stop us from interacting was no longer there, and I realized the barrier was Frank himself, influencing all aspects of our lives.

  I climbed the stairs to hug her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. “I thought Dante would hide you somewhere.”

  I shook my head. “I’m staying in Chicago.”

  She pushed me away, placing her hands on my shoulders. For a moment, she just stared into my eyes, as if willing me to understand everything she couldn’t put into words. Then she smiled and led us to the living room. We didn’t get a chance to sit down. The front door burst open with a bang, and a clatter of elegant shoes resonated throughout the house.

  Dante entered the living room, followed by Spades and Jackson. The rest either hadn’t arrived yet or stayed outside. He stopped three steps in, his body rigid, jaw working, eyes glaring at Julij.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” he growled, his voice low. “Who said you can take her?”

  “She did,” Julij motioned to me. “She’s not your prisoner.”

  “No,” he agreed but remained far from appeased. “But she is mine. And you don’t get to decide what’s good for her.”

  “Neither do you,” I snapped.

  Again, I should’ve bitten my tongue, especially since Dante was far from acting like a dominating, alpha male toward me. No, he was actually the one to cave in, apologize and drop the argument whenever we disagreed. He was careful, protective, and always put me first. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for me, and my comment was unwarranted, but I couldn’t, for the life of me, keep my big mouth shut.

  Dante’s gaze shifted to me. He was perfectly composed – a clear sign his anger reached the cold-fury level. My muscles tightened, and heart rate sped up. I didn’t want to feel threatened, but the grim possibility of losing him was stronger than reason.

  Dante had no trouble seeing through me, and just like that his attitude changed in an instant, reducing rage to dust. He opened his fists, his jaw relaxed, and shoulders dropped an inch. Then he moved toward me.

  I stumbled back and regretted it when a barely perceptible grimace crossed his face.

  He grabbed my hand, drawing me closer. “What did I say? You shouldn’t be afraid.”

  “Then stop giving me reasons.” I freed myself from his arms. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You tricked Julij into bringing you here even though I said no.”

  “You said? Get a dog.”

  He exhaled, squeezing his neck. “This won’t work if you don’t trust my judgment.”

  “Trust?!” I spat out, resting my hands on my hips, feeling courageous. “Funny you should mention trust. How am I supposed to trust you when you keep things from me!?�

  Julij sent me a warning glare, shaking his head behind Dante’s back, but it was a little too late. Dante raised an eyebrow and studied my face for a moment. I didn’t need to spell it out for him. He knew what I referred to.

  Anger worked its way through his body like a flame running in dry grass. His eyes fluttered closed, nostrils flared, and he fought to stay calm while cracking his neck.

  And just when I thought he was past the outburst stage, he turned on his heel, took two large steps and his fist connected with Julij’s face.

  “You told her?! Was my “don’t mention it to Layla” too fucking subtle for you?”

  “She’s not a helpless little girl!” Julij’s face was red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “She’s stronger than you think. You can’t shield her from everything.”

  Dante stole a glance my way, his eyes full of something much more than love. “Maybe. But nothing will stop me from trying.”

  I could’ve melted under the intense gaze of green eyes; under the weight of his protectiveness.

  “I go wherever you go,” he said forcefully.

  Goosebumps erupted all over my body. I knew he meant more than following me to Jess’s house.

  “Good thing you’ll make sure I don’t go.”



  Ever since Layla entered my life, an era of significant changes began.

  Six months ago, nothing held more importance than power. Respect and money took the rest of the podium. Now, neither were in the top five.

  Layla was it.

  Nothing mattered more. First, her safety, then health and happiness, love, and trust.

  She taught me a lot, brought a different side of my character to life. Peeled my layers to uncover a man capable of feeling more than just synonyms of angry and powerful.

  She changed the way I looked at and treated women. There was no taking her for granted, no bossing her around. Words, like please and sorry, were long extinct in my dictionary until she broke into my heart, and took my mind and soul hostage.

  I was aware of those changes taking place and accepted them consciously. I volunteered to grow as a man for her.


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