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Kenney, Laina - Overwhelmed [DIG Security 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Laina Kenney

  “It’s too—ah—too much,” Carolyn panted. Her features were strained, her body tense. “It—ah—it burns.”

  “Time to stop, baby?” Grange asked. “If you want to stop, say the word and it stops here.”

  Grange groaned inwardly. It would damn near kill them to stop at this point, but they would do it for her.

  Waiting for the verdict, Isaac was frozen behind her, teeth bared, muscles twitching.

  Carolyn gasped, her head dropping to rest against Grange’s chest.

  “No—ah—don’t stop. It’s too much, too good. Just—I need a minute. Give me a minute.” She was quivering between them.

  It was a moment that felt like eternity, but eventually, Carolyn wriggled, then pushed back against Isaac.

  “Okay,” she said. “Okay, Isaac, just move a little.”

  Isaac drew out only to push back in with excruciating slowness. He partially withdrew again and repeated his almost delicate entry. Beads of sweat rolled down his temples.

  “Ah, yes,” she gasped. “Yes.”

  Grange was sure that he would explode any second. The intensity of the pleasure, the fact that it was Carolyn’s sweet cunt clasped around him, clutching him, was defeating his control.

  “Isaac, damn it,” he grated, sliding his thumbs down to cover Carolyn’s clit. She jerked in response, strong inner muscles gripping harshly on his dick as she gasped wildly.

  “Go,” Isaac said, as if that was the very sign he had been waiting for, and picked up his rhythm.

  Grange began to circle his hips at Isaac’s outstroke, working the big head of his cock against the mouth of Carolyn’s womb. He could feel the tiny feminine protrusion and deliberately rubbed his swollen glans against it with each brief circle. The control it took to perform that subtle, wild maneuver was almost beyond him at this point.

  Her voice rose high in a feral wail, and the men reacted, redoubling their speed, and when Isaac’s hands pinched her stiff nipples from behind, Carolyn shrieked and clenched around them so hard that Grange swore he saw stars.

  Her fierce orgasm caused them to follow, and they writhed, grinding together on the huge bed in an agony of extreme pleasure until, what felt like an eternity later, they all collapsed in a panting, tangled heap.

  “Don’t fall asleep, Isaac,” Grange huffed after a moment. “We’re not done yet.”

  His outrageous statement was met by heartfelt groans from both his companions.

  Chapter 8

  Carolyn woke suddenly in darkness with a male hand on her breast and another male’s stubbly face resting against the top of her thigh. The digital clock read 5:02 a.m., and she knew she would have to get out of here fast if she was going to preserve any shred of dignity.

  Although, after the acts she had both performed and allowed—and enjoyed—last night, she wasn’t sure that she had any dignity left.

  She carefully extricated herself from the two sleeping men, taking pains to keep her breathing soft and even and her first step onto the floor silent. Her body felt pleasantly heavy, and certain, unfamiliar muscle groups were sore, probably due to their recent uncommon and lengthy exercise. Her nipples ached from being sucked, and between her thighs, she could feel the subtle aftereffects of her darkest fantasy made reality, and the feeling was delicious.

  She could feel her face heating and tried to turn her thoughts away from the delicious excesses Grange and Isaac had introduced to her over the course of their long night together. She knew in her own heart that she wasn’t entirely successful.

  She made her way quietly out of the bedroom and down the long hallway. Just as she entered the kitchen, one bare foot encountered silk, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t want to wear last night’s golden dress, but it was better than commandeering Isaac’s truck and driving home wearing nothing but a man’s coat. Isaac’s truck, of course, because he always left the keys in the ignition when he was at home on the ranch.

  Shimmying into the silk, she squealed in sudden terror as the bright overhead lamp came on.

  “Just where in hell are you headed at five a.m.? And whose truck were you planning to steal to get there?”

  Grange’s voice was cool, but his eyes were hot.

  Carolyn shrugged uncomfortably, relieved that she wasn’t the one standing there naked if there was going to be a confrontation. Grange didn’t seem to be bothered by his own nakedness.

  “Well, I was—”

  He crossed the room in two strides and pulled her in for a deep, violently passionate kiss. By the time he finally let her up for air and stepped back a little, she had felt his long, hard penis pressing aggressively against her belly and wasn’t sure she wanted to be released.

  “Isaac’s truck,” she said hurriedly, “because-“

  “Because he always leaves the keys in the goddamn ignition,” Grange finished for her, raking one hand through his sin-black hair. “Jesus, Cara, at least have some breakfast, say good-bye if it has to be said, but don’t just sneak out in the dark like you can’t get away from us fast enough.”

  Was it her imagination, or did he sound almost…hurt?

  “I…thought you would prefer that,” she said, feeling her way carefully through this morning-after minefield.

  “What? You thought I’d prefer that you leave without a word? What does that mean?”

  He was visibly surprised—stark naked, impressively aroused, which should have been impossible after the exhausting night they had just shared, and surprised.

  Carolyn pulled her wandering libido back under control.

  “I don’t know how this is done,” she tried again. “I’m trying not to—to cling, or to make things awkward—”

  “Nothing would make me happier than for you to cling,” Grange said quietly. “Nothing. God, I want you so bad, Carolyn, in my bed, yes. Fuck, yes. But in my house. In my life.”

  He moved in close to her, gripped her upper arms. “Carolyn, I love you. I want you forever.”

  Carolyn shook her head wonderingly, having a hard time digesting his words. “But, Grange, you and Isaac only offered me one perfect night.”

  “Yes, one perfect night,” Isaac said from the doorway, his mouth twisted wryly. “Followed by another perfect night and another until you wake up between us one gorgeous morning when you’re eighty and realize that your whole life has been filled with perfectly hot nights.”

  Carolyn noticed with a distant part of her brain that Isaac at least had taken the time to pull on his tux pants. They were wrinkled from a night on the floor, but they weren’t buttoned, and they weren’t equal to the task of concealing his obvious erection.

  “My whole life. W—with both of you?” Her mind was whirling.

  “A life with both of us,” Grange confirmed in a deep, vibrant voice. His mouth curved up in a slow smile that turned her knees to jelly.

  “Live with us,” Isaac said. “The ranch is very private, and your friend Sara lives just across the meadow with Dash. You can see their place from here.”

  She thought that perhaps she was still in her own bed and dreaming a new ending to her favorite fantasy, except that her imagination just wasn’t this amazing.

  “Marry us both.” Grange didn’t move. “Marry us.”

  “Marry us,” Isaac echoed.

  Carolyn raised a hand protectively when Isaac made a move toward her.

  “Some days you don’t even like me,” she said to Isaac, her tone daring him to answer. “You glare at me all the time, and sometimes you turn away when I’m talking to you. I know there’s chemistry, I can’t deny it, but sex isn’t everything. It isn’t even the most important thing. How could you say, ‘Marry us,’ if you don’t even like me?”

  He groaned and Grange swore.

  Isaac took a deep breath. “I’m an ass, baby,” he said clearly, “and I’m in love with you. I’ve always wanted you, since we met that summer as teenagers. You make me feel things. I feel.”

  He looked at her hopefully, as if thi
s disjointed statement somehow made sense of everything that had gone before.

  Carolyn shook her head in confusion and Grange sighed.

  “What he means, Cara, is that he’s in love with you, has been for years, and doesn’t know what to do about it, so he tried to hide it.”

  If that was truly the case, he had certainly hidden it well!

  “Yeah, that’s what I mean,” Isaac agreed. “And it scares the shit out of me some days how much you mean to me. To us. Marry us.”

  “But,” Carolyn didn’t know what she wanted to say. It was too shocking, too unusual, too—“That’s illegal.”

  Both men laughed and then quickly sobered when she glared at them.

  “Not to make light of it, but half the stuff we did for the Army Rangers would be illegal for civilians. At least in a technical sense,” Isaac stated with a grin.

  “In a technical sense?” Carolyn wasn’t letting him get away with that. “It is definitely illegal for a woman to have two husbands in the state of Texas, and not just in a technical sense!”

  “You could marry one of us publicly and have a joint ceremony privately. The only question is, do you want to have two husbands?” Grange interjected smoothly. “Do you want to be our wife?”

  Carolyn was stunned. She couldn’t possibly form a response to that. That would be as good as admitting that she wanted them, had often fantasized about them , and was inappropriately jealous of any woman they spoke to for more than two minutes…It would be admitting that she was in love with both of them.

  “I can’t possibly…in Texas…have two husbands.” Her voice sounded weak to her own ears.

  “Don’t think about legal or illegal, or whatever other people say is right or wrong.” Grange took her hands in his and knelt on the floor before her.

  Still very naked, her feminine senses noted.

  “For once, please think only about what Carolyn wants. That’s all. Just what you want. I love you, and Isaac loves you. We hope that you love us, too.”

  Isaac got down on one knee beside Grange and claimed one of her hands for his own. “We’ve told you what we want. Whatever you want, baby, it’s yours,” Isaac said, his brown eyes serious on hers. “If you want to marry us, we’ll both be thrilled, but if you want us to leave you alone, let you go…we will.”

  It was clear to Carolyn that Isaac had a hard time getting those words out, hated saying them, and that meant more to her than any glib speech ever could. It seemed that she really could state exactly what she wanted in her life and that these two incredible men kneeling at her feet would make sure that she got it. Amazing.

  “We’ll even step back and let you be with someone else, marry someone else,” Isaac said. Then his mouth twisted. “Even that skinny executive your father picked out, if that’s what you want. Just tell us what you want, baby, and it’s yours.”

  Carolyn drew in a breath and grabbed for the courage to take what she wanted for herself.

  “Yes, I love you,” she said and dropped to her knees between her men. “Yes, I’ll marry you. Both of you. Yes, yes, yes.” She punctuated each little word with kisses to Grange’s face, then Isaac’s, then Grange’s again, until the men realized that she was agreeing to their proposal and pounced.

  Hard, gentle hands peeled her silk dress off and tossed it, Isaac had his tuxedo pants off in seconds, and then they were all completely, blissfully nude.

  Mouths met in hunger, soft whispers became cries of need, and bodies rubbed and pressed.

  They rolled together, and Carolyn found herself suspended over Isaac’s rampant cock, with his strong hands guiding her hips down to absorb him into her dripping pussy. When he was fully seated and throbbing against her womb, he set up a smooth, racing rhythm that made her sensitive nerve endings shriek in pleasure.

  Beside Isaac’s head, Grange was on his knees with one fist gripping his swollen erection near her face, and she leaned slightly to the side so that she could engulf the flared head with her hot mouth. His big body jolted at the first soft touch, but he soon settled into her tempo, sinking long fingers into her hair.

  Isaac’s wicked pace gave her the perfect speed to torture Grange, pushing her tightly pursed lips back and forth over his rim, creating a ceaseless friction. A few heated strokes made him lose his fabled control and groan and curse with reverent appreciation.

  As the sun came up over the distant hills, its first rays shone through the living room window to bathe their writhing bodies in golden light. Carolyn, shaking and screaming with blissful ecstasy between her two magnificent lovers, took it as a blessing.

  Chapter 9

  It was almost eight in the morning by the time that Carolyn pulled Isaac’s truck into her driveway so she could change her clothes for work. Isaac had ridden in to work early with Dash, DIG’s other partner who also lived on the ranch, planning to meet up with them later at the office.

  Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing one of Grange’s T-shirts and a pair of his jogging shorts with Isaac’s jacket and her strappy gold heels from the night before. It was a bizarre outfit, but still a far superior option compared to her sadly wrinkled silk gown.

  She should have just enough time to get ready for work, since she had showered with the men at the ranch, and she lived only a few blocks from the DIG Security building.

  As Grange pulled in behind her, she jumped out, instinctively reaching for the gun that she didn’t carry anymore. She almost swore when her hand came back empty.

  Her front door was standing open, and her front window was shattered.

  Conn Reilly, one of the fiercest and most dangerous agents at DIG, limped a bit as he walked out the front door slowly, making sure that his hands were in plain view at all times. His wild red hair glowed like a torch in the bright sunlight. He had been wounded in the leg during an attempted assassination several weeks before, and he was still on light duty.

  He really should have his cane with him, Carolyn thought inanely.

  “Granger,” he said, nodding a greeting. “Carolyn.”

  Grange had come up fast and stood directly behind her, one big hand resting on her arm. It was subtle as statements go, but she saw Conn’s startling blue eyes flash to that hand, take in Isaac’s jacket, then jump to Grange’s face. Whatever he saw there had him nodding again in acknowledgement.

  He drew himself up and gave his report.

  “Carolyn’s south window alarm sounded at six a.m., and we couldn’t raise her on the cell or the DIG pager,” he began, his hint of an Irish brogue somewhat more pronounced than usual.

  Grange’s hand tightened on her arm, and Carolyn realized that at six, she had been firmly entwined between her two fiancés and enjoying the brilliant Texas sunrise in anew way. Her cheeks warmed, but she said nothing. Looking at the destruction of her beloved wide custom window, she was momentarily incapable of speech.

  “Of course, the guys on watch were panicked and planning to start World War Three, so I volunteered to come over immediately,” Conn continued. “Her front window was smashed, and there’s a big brick on the floor in the living room, obviously used for the smash. Doesn’t look like anything was taken, but Carolyn will have to take a good look around.”

  He shifted his weight, grimacing as he did so. “There’s some interesting, though not very original, graffiti on the brick, but the place is clear. No sign of an intruder. Sorry, but I picked the locks on the front door myself to get in. Bloody terrible set of locks, took me a bare few seconds,” he said as an aside to Grange, from one talented break-and-enter artist to another.

  “I do have a deadbolt as well,” she felt compelled to say, but Conn waved off her comment. On second thought, a deadbolt wouldn’t have kept him out. It would only have annoyed him until he could finesse it open with his magic fingers. Grange had the same almost spooky gift with gears and tumblers.

  “That new Sheriff Ivars and his deputy have been and gone already. He’s a right one, but the deputy is a blazing idiot. Made
a comment about the graffiti that I didn’t like, but the sheriff soon put him right. I told Ivars that Carolyn was with you, Grange, so he’s probably on his way out to the ranch about now. Sorry.”

  Conn shrugged his wide shoulders. The man was built on a massive scale. It was as if an ancient Celtic warrior had been dropped into Texas clad in denim and leather instead of a kilt. Carolyn thought the modern clothing made him all the more dangerous, camouflaging the serious and aggressive fighter underneath.

  “Well, and I didn’t figure you wanted everyone at the office to know, but the sheriff was all set to send out a search party to find her, and that would be bloody pointless when I knew precisely where the lady was.”

  “Thanks, Conn. Fine work, as always. Much appreciated.”

  Grange’s voice followed Carolyn as she walked dazedly up her front steps and into her home.

  There was glass everywhere, and the large yellow brick was visible from the entryway, as was the word slut painted on it in bright red block letters. It was painted in red to look like blood. It was shiny and it looked like...nail polish?


  Carolyn moved closer, careful not to touch anything as she looked at the top of the brick.


  The opposite side said CUNT.

  Insulting, but as Conn had said, not terribly original.

  She heard the men come in behind her, but she didn’t turn. Her brain was working, making an unlikely connection, while her eyes seemed to be drawn again and again to that brick.

  “Yesterday,” she said slowly.

  Grange and Conn waited, saying nothing, letting her think.

  “Yesterday, my office was out of order. Nothing was missing, no confidential papers touched, but…it felt wrong. I think someone was in there.”

  Carolyn turned to look at Grange. “I brushed it off at the time because I was already off my stride. But it could be important.” She gestured to the shattered window.

  Grange pulled out his cell and pressed a button. “Isaac, where are you? Glad you’re at the office because—you’ve already heard about her window?…Yeah, and someone was possibly in Carolyn’s office yesterday. Get a team on it. And keep it quiet, if you can. I don’t like this. If it started within our office…”


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