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Deadly Pasts (Agent Nora Wexler Mysteries)

Page 19

by CR Wiley

  They’d been so busy looking at the floor and walls that they almost missed something on the ceiling, a narrow ventilation pipe about as wide as a golf ball. Nora looked for signs of light and held up her hand hoping for air pressure but got neither. She held her phone up trying to get a signal until her arm got tired.

  “Nothing,” she said. “We’re better off trying the door. Can either of you pick locks?”

  “I can try,” James said when Wyeth shook her head.

  But other than Nora’s hairpin, they didn’t have much to work with. Nora and Wyeth huddled around James as he fiddled with the pin in the lock. He had his ear right by the key hole, holding the pin beside his cheek.

  “I think I’ve got something,” he said after a while. “A little more. A little more. Almost there.”

  The hairpin snapped in half, jamming the lock. In frustration, James banged the butt of his fist against the iron door, something he immediately regretted.

  “He really got us good, didn’t he?” Wyeth said, leaning against the wall and sliding into a seated position. Nora couldn’t help but agree. That tiny vent could’ve been the only thing keeping them alive at this point. She went to it, trying to send texts or place calls until the battery started to run low. With each breath she felt a little more lightheaded.

  “I think I hear something,” James said. “No, no. My imagination.”

  Nora’s lungs felt heavy and her eyelids began to droop. All of a sudden the room started to spin, throwing off her balance.

  “Are you OK?” Wyeth asked.

  Nodding made Nora feel more disoriented. She tripped over her own feet and dropped onto the cement floor. Darkness.





  “Where am I?” Nora asked, opening her eyes in a daze of light and noise. She noticed the tubes running into her nose, fuzzy images of people around, and the light green gown covering her. She tried to sigh at the realization that she was back in the hospital, but it came out as a cough. It was like the car bomb in Seattle all over again.

  “You’re safe,” Detective Wyeth said. A hand on her shoulder made Nora turn her neck. Caroline was there with a relieved smile on her face. There were so many people that they may as well have been having a party. The Devonshires, Stephanie, Officer James, a nurse, and even Chip were all there. Nora looked for Travis and blinked when she recalled he was on the other side of the country.

  “What happened?” she asked. A look the other way at a window hinted at the darkness outside behind the curtain.

  “You’re being treated for respiratory issues related to chemical inhalation,” the nurse said.

  “We waited for three hours until someone came to check on us, and it was another hour before they could cut the door open. The entire time we were worried to death we were going to lose you,” Wyeth added.

  “Gupta?” Nora noticed a slight slur in her speech. Her jaw was sore.

  “There haven’t been any signs,” Officer James said. Both he and Wyeth were still in the same clothes they had in the bunker and seemed to have handled the chemicals just fine. Nora didn’t find it comforting that she apparently had the weakest constitution of the three of them.

  If the professor was still out there, this wasn’t a time for her body to show weakness.

  “Word hasn’t gotten around campus yet. I didn’t think anything would be able to compete with the hearing, but this might actually be close,” Lauren said.

  “By the end of Monday the entire campus will be whipped into a frenzy,” Caroline said.

  “I still can’t believe that Professor Gupta was hiding this the entire time,” Stephanie said. “I had him for two classes and he seemed like the most professional, straight-laced guy ever.”

  “He hid it well. We’ve had a couple more people look at that paper of his. The entire computer-simulated model he published may have been completely carried out on live animals. There isn’t an ethical code out there he hasn’t broken,” Wyeth said.

  Nora squirmed in bed, slightly embarrassed about everyone standing over her.

  “We still don’t know for sure if that’s what provoked Maria’s death,” Nora said. “It’ll be a mystery until he’s caught, and I’m supposed to fly back east on Tuesday.”

  Detective Wyeth seemed more than capable to take over the search, but it rubbed against Nora’s desire to see things through to the end.

  “The most important thing now is that you get plenty of rest, or else that flight might be out of the question,” the nurse said.

  “What time is it anyway?”

  “2 a.m.”

  “Are you serious?” Nora gasped. “The hearing is tomorrow. I’d better be well enough to make it to that, and you had better get some sleep if you’re going to be ready for it.”

  “We’re ready,” Chip said with a confident nod. After they all left, Nora spotted Chip through the door window; he was talking to Caroline. Every once in a while they’d glance at Nora’s room. The last thing either of them needed was to worry about her, but at the moment it couldn’t be helped. All Nora could do was try to forget about the tubes running into her nose and let the drowsiness take over.

  Nora awoke around mid-morning. “I’m feeling tons better,” she insisted as she climbed out of bed and searched the room for her clothes. The nurse had being grumpy down to a science.

  “But you really can’t leave yet. We’ve got to make sure—”

  “I get the impression you haven’t worked with anybody involved in law enforcement. Hanging around in bed while you fill out paperwork doesn’t work for us. I can’t miss this hearing.”

  As soon as she’d thrown on her clothes, she was out the door and scrambling to get to the hearing. A call to the detective told her the car and keys were at the police station, requiring a taxi ride there. And some important papers were still at Caroline’s. A bite to eat for her roaring stomach and a shower wouldn’t hurt either.

  The thing bothering Nora was whether that awful sex video of Lauren would prevent them from getting a favorable verdict against Preston Lowery. With so many people around and everyone with phones, she couldn’t believe that more images or videos hadn’t leaked out to incriminate other boys participating in the assault.

  When she got to Caroline’s, she found that they had already left. Five minutes was going to be all the time she had to get ready, and for the first time in her life Nora encountered the unique experience of stuffing her face with a peanut butter sandwich while taking a shower.

  Finding parking on campus was another challenge Nora could’ve done without, but soon enough she’d caught up with Caroline near Sproul Hall. They were still a fair way from the main entrance, but already the area seemed to be swarming with people.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people out for something like this at once,” Nora said. “Maybe we should call for a security escort before we go any closer.”

  “Lauren’s already inside and we’ll be fine,” Caroline said, pulling Nora by the hand with confidence. “The crowd is different too. I can tell.”

  “What do you mean?” Nora asked.

  Caroline stopped and surveyed the hundreds of people gathered in front of the hall’s elegant entrance.

  “That video seeming to give Preston consent was a terrible blow for Lauren. It’s empowered the Greeks and the athletes out here for him, but other people who have a gut feeling about the truth are demanding justice on behalf of Lauren. All they need is one real proof that she was wronged or that more than one person was involved in the assault to tip onto her side.”

  “Not to mention the DA, who wants a sign from the disciplinary committee that a favorable outcome would be likely in court,” Chip said, suddenly joining them. He wore a black suit and had a confident, appealing smile that was easy to return.

  “I guess this is it,” Caroline said to him.

  “The proceeding
s will be closed and there’s extremely limited space available for those attending on Lauren’s behalf. Other than myself and Lauren, only one more will be let in,” Chip added.

  The prospect of sitting in a lobby area with the other Devonshires was grueling to Nora, but apparently Caroline didn’t feel the same way.

  “If there’s anybody who could go in there and be helpful, it’d be Nora,” Caroline said, casting a warm look her way. “That spot is yours.”

  Nora was taken aback, unable to imagine making the same kind of sacrifice. They hugged.

  “I won’t let you down,” Nora said.

  “You couldn’t if you tried.”

  The noise around the entrance ratcheted up during their approach. Some people had banners and signs, if only those of their organizations. Nora happened to lock eyes with Marvin amongst his TKE brothers on the lawn. His lips twitched and it looked like he was going to spit at them, but he evinced a spiteful expression and a condemning shake of the head.

  Inside the large doors they met Linda and Brent Devonshire.

  “They’re waiting for you,” he said, gesturing toward closed doors.

  Nearby, Stephanie used a pillow she’d brought from Caroline’s to settle onto a bench.

  “My guess is this’ll be about an hour,” Chip said, but Brent shook his head.

  “We’ll be waiting until they announce their decision,” he said.

  Nora and Chip left them behind and slipped into the hearing room, essentially a large classroom with tables arranged in a square. Her ire rose when she saw Preston sitting back in a chair on one side, but a middle-aged man in a gray suit with sunglasses embedded in his styled hair puzzled her.

  “Who’s that?” Nora asked.

  “It looks like Preston brought legal representation,” Chip said as they scooched by some college officials. He went on as Nora’s eyebrows rose. “It’s getting more common even though these are supposed to be more informal proceedings, but he must know what’s on the line if he loses. They’re not taking any chances.”

  “I hope we’re not either,” Nora said. They should’ve already looked at private representation for Lauren, but the fact was they’d have a hard time finding anybody better than Chip regardless of the price.

  The pair took seats on each side of Lauren, who seemed glad for their support. Nora took the girl’s hand under the table and squeezed it. There was no telling what state of mind she was in or what she’d face during the hearing. Chip whispered a few words in her ear. A woman seated in the front of the room cleared her throat.

  “Let’s get started then. I’m Professor Marcellis of the Anthropology Department, and I’ll be conducting these proceedings and heading the disciplinary committee for this incident. I’m joined by Professors Garent and Keithner of Math and History respectively. Together we’re empowered with evaluating testimony and evidence and rendering judgment on behalf of the college in accordance with guidelines found in the campus handbook,” she said.

  As Professor Marcellis spoke, it struck Nora how bizarre it was that the college had people with no legal training judging the cases. Marcellis had a prudish air about her, making Nora ponder whether she’d be more outraged by the assault or horrified at the thought of a young woman engaging in sexual activity.

  “Let’s begin with a description of the incident from both parties, starting with Lauren Devonshire, the plaintiff, and then Preston Lowery, the defendant. Please don’t spare any detail.”

  Chip whispered another word in Lauren’s ear as she nodded and sat up straighter in her seat.

  “All right,” she said, sounding much more timid than Nora would’ve liked. There were so many stony faced strangers scrutinizing her from around the room. “It was the night after the UCLA football game. I’d watched it with a group of senior girls who were going to party with the team after the game along frat row. I was hoping to interview someone on the team as part of a journalism project, and I went with them. We ended up at the TKE house. The doors were open, people were streaming in and out, and there was a lot of drinking going on.

  “I’ll be honest that I don’t remember a lot of what happened. Some pieces came to me later, but mostly I was playing a drinking game and then felt woozy. I remember being naked, being in a lot of pain, and there being people around when Preston Lowery was forcing himself into me. I didn’t want to and I wasn’t in any state to make an informed decision about it. My blood/alcohol levels were far beyond the limit for lucid comprehension. I remember glimpses of other guys…‌taking advantage of me.

  “Then the next thing I know, I was in the health center getting treated for alcohol poisoning and, um, sexual assault. Apparently I’d tried to walk back to campus in the early hours of the morning without any pants on and had collapsed somewhere.”

  Lauren’s eyes were watery and her fingers were shaking by the time she finished. Marcellis nodded and shifted her attention to Preston, who nodded to his lawyer and began to speak with a stilted rhythm. Right away Nora knew the whole thing had been rehearsed.

  “First of all, I have to disagree strongly with that account. I’ve worked so hard on and off the football field to develop a strong sense of character and moral fortitude, and it cuts me deeply to have someone would try to tear it all down out of spite. I’m the last person who would ever take advantage of a woman no matter the circumstances.

  “After the game, me and my teammates went out to party on the south side of campus. I don’t say this as any kind of bragging, but being on the football team results in a lot of unsolicited female advances. I spent a few hours hanging out with a large group of people at the party, drinking and playing games. It started to get late and I noticed one girl in particular was trying to get my attention. I didn’t even know her name was Lauren until later, but she kept dancing up close to me, whispering in my ear that she could give amazing blowjobs, and putting her hands around my genitals.

  “When a game of beer pong started up, we both ended up playing together. By the time it ended, the crowd had thinned considerably. Lauren pulled me out of the room and toward the stairs. Based on everything she’d been saying I knew she wanted to find a bedroom. I asked her if she was sure and she asked me if I couldn’t tell. I don’t know if she didn’t notice or didn’t care, but it didn’t bother her that there were already a few people in the room when she stripped off her clothes. She then proceeded to give me a lap dance before we did it. After that I fell asleep and when I got up she was gone.”

  Nora steamed through Preston’s entire speech. Lauren had been fighting back tears the entire time, but it was painfully obvious how little emotion Preston felt about the whole thing. She guessed the only thing that concerned him was the possibility of a punishment affecting his athletic eligibility.

  “Thank you both,” Professor Marcellis said, continuing to jot down notes on a pad. “Let’s open it up for questions, starting with Ms. Devonshire. I’ll go first. Both you and Mr. Lowery were vague about what exactly took place between you two in the bedroom. Can you tell us what happened between you two in more detail?”

  Marcellis’s question brought a renewed flush of embarrassment to Lauren’s face. She brushed some strands of hair away from her eyes and swallowed.

  “You mean sexual intercourse? It’s hard for me to remember. I was barely awake,” she said.

  Fingers interlaced on the table before her, Marcellis pursed her lips. “We need to know more about the kind of contact that went on between the two of you,” she said authoritatively. Nora leaned back and exchanged a worried glance with Chip.

  “Well there was touching everywhere on my body…‌my butt and breasts. Everywhere people would consider a sensitive area. And intercourse,” she said.

  “So his penis was inside your vagina?”


  “And you were in what position?” Marcellis asked. Nora’s mouth dropped open, wondering what alternate reality they had wandered into.

  “On my back and on my hands and k
nees, I guess. I can’t remember what position happened with whom, just that the testing afterward showed a lot of tearing that would point to multiple partners. Please have a look at the printout for more details about that,” Lauren said.

  Mercifully, Marcellis ended her line of questions and looked through the medical report.

  “Can I ask one other question about your account of events?” asked Professor Keithner, a youngish professor with glasses. “You said you remember glimpses of other men. Can you say more about that? It could be that you confused Preston for multiple partners.”

  Lauren shook her head vigorously.

  “It really wasn’t though, believe me. Every image I remember is a bundle of pain that’s been haunting me. There are different things that have to be different people. Harrier chests, different nipples, one of them not even undressed above the waist. There were probably three or four different assaulters.”

  There was a pause as people looked around the room to see who would ask the next question. Nora put her hand on Lauren’s back, wishing she could imbue her with strength as she fought through these queries.

  “It’s time we got to the heart of this matter,” said the man in the suit beside Preston. “Ms. Devonshire says she didn’t want to engage in intercourse with my client, but all of her behavior suggests otherwise. No one who was present that night has come forward to corroborate her story. There’s video documentation exhibiting in clear detail her approval of the act. It’s irrefutable that she did willfully consent at the time of the act. So my question is this. Ms. Devonshire, at what point after that night did you begin to regret what you had willingly participated in and decide to fabricate a story condemning Preston Lowery?”

  Lauren’s lips parted, and Nora could tell she was struggling to formulate a response.

  “I woke up in the health center being treated for almost a dozen injuries. That was the first time I was lucid enough to even know what had happened to me.”

  The lawyer gave a wan nod and picked up his pen.

  “Let’s spend a little more time focused on the video, which I assume we’ve all seen. Do you deny its contents?”


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