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The Last Note (Mystical Marvels Mysteries Book 2)

Page 7

by Claudette Cleveland

  “Get him on his feet. We’ll use him as a human shield until we get in the house,” Dottie told her. “You try anything mister and this gun will go off. Walk.”

  Birdie knocked on the door. “Erin, it’s Birdie. Hurry, open up.”

  “What the hell?” Erin said.

  “Ricardo, have you called the fire department? They shot fire bombs into the upstair rooms. The whole right side of the second floor is on fire. We had to climb down the trellis.”

  “Where’s Mother?”

  “She and Vi are on the other balcony. Call them on the walkie talkie Dottie.”

  “This is two. We’re downstairs in the front. Hacienda on fire. Do either of you need help? Top floor is hot so be careful.”

  “This is one. Smoke coming under bedroom door. May need some assistance. Two men with long rifles below us.”

  “This is three. Hallway filling with smoke. Can’t help one from here. Coming down.”

  “This is two. Help on the way. Stay near the top of the outside stairs.”

  “You ladies stay here,” Erin stated sternly. “We’ll handle it now. Sean, Brad, stay with these three. Don’t let them out of your sight.” Clara had joined them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Erin had taken one of the walkie talkies. She remembered playing with them as a child. Nothing like old school. She took Wade’s rifle. She and Ricardo inched their way out the back door, hugging the wall as they crept toward the stairs where Sophia and Vi were waiting. As they came around the corner, a shot rang out from behind some pecan trees in the compound. Erin raised the rifle in ready and when she saw the glint of moonlight on the barrel of a gun, she pulled the trigger.

  A scream cut through the night. “One down,” Erin whispered. They edged closer to the stairs. Solid walls of stucco concealed both sides of the steps. At the top the two ladies hovered behind it. Ricardo waved them down indicating that they scoot keeping below the wall. Erin watched for the other man the girls had seen earlier. When they were on the last step Ricardo told them to run toward the back door.

  Erin watched as she edged toward the corner. Another shot erupted the silence. Erin felt the wind of its flight as it embedded in the wall two inches from her head. Without hesitation she took aim at the exposed shooter and he went down. She didn’t hang around to see if he was going to shoot again.

  “The police and fire are on the way. Said they are about ten minutes out,” Ricardo told them with his ear to his phone. “There’s the sirens now.” Looking at his mother, he quietly said, “Mother, I believe you have some explaining to do.” He could not maintain a stern expression. He was so relieved that all the women were alive and unharmed. Now was not the time for a mother, son confrontation.

  Some firemen were running up the inside stairs while others were working their way up the balcony stairs with hoses in hand that were hooked to a water truck. One of the firemen called down, “We’ve got two men up here who are tied up. Looks like they’ve been shot.” Two officers ran toward the outside stairs.

  “You might want to send someone for the two on the other balcony,” Sophia said to another of the policemen.

  The cop looked at the tiny white haired woman.

  “Are they hurt?” he asked.

  “One has a little damage to his knee and the other one may have a little hole in his thigh. We stopped the bleeding on the knee. They’re sitting against the wall up there.”

  The cop shook his head. “If you ladies ever need a job, we can always use help like you gals. I’ll be back to get the report, but I’ve got a feeling that my captain is not going to believe this one.”

  The fire was extinguished and the captives, who numbered seven, were gathered. Reports were taken. “We’re not staying here tonight,” Ricardo announced. “Nogales is thirteen miles away. We’re staying at a motel there and having some food brought in. Is that okay with everyone?”

  All of them were too tired to argue. Ricardo did some phoning and had accommodations within a few minutes for everyone at the best motel in the small town. It was already one o’clock in the morning so Ricardo called one of his friends at home, who owned a restaurant. He ordered enough food for everyone. He grabbed six bottles of wine and two bottles of tequila from his liquor cabinet. “Let’s head out. My men will watch the place over night.”

  Sophia had grabbed some nightwear, shirts, slacks and clean underwear for the older women. By the time showers were taken and clothes free of smoke and blood were put on, the food had arrived. A buffet of Mexican finger foods was set up in one of the rented suites. Everyone took a plate of food and a drink of their choice and quietly ate. After stomachs were full and several drinks were consumed, all meandered to his or her room.

  * * *

  The next morning Erin, Sophia, Vi, Dottie and Birdie went to the police headquarters in order to complete the shooting report. One of the men that Erin had shot had died. The others were in custody in the hospital. By now word had gotten around the small police force and the women had become infamous overnight. As they walked into the room full of Nogales officers, everyone stood and started clapping. As it turned out the men they took down had been terrorizing the area for years, but could not be caught in the act. They would now be sent off to prison for a long time because of these women.

  Later, back at the hacienda, Ricardo and Sophia examined the damage. Half of the upstairs would need rebuilding and the other half had considerable smoke damage.

  “Ricardo, Sophia, we would love it if you would allow the Mystical Marvels to treat you to a stay at the Saguaro Resort on us for saving our lives.”

  “That’s not necessary, but I think we’ll take you up on it. My foreman can get things going here.”

  “We’ve got private security at the resort. In fact I called and doubled it. I think you women will listen to us now,” Wade told them.

  “If they don’t, I’ll handcuff them to a chair,” Lou told them, looking sharply at his love, Dottie.

  “That goes for you too, Mother,” Ricardo said.

  Then the men all laughed. “What are we talking about? They could protect us. The Nogales police department wants to put them on call for when they need help,” Ricardo said. “They got a standing ovation there. Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.” Mostly from tension, they all burst out laughing.

  “Well, I’m ready to soak in a hot tub and get a mani pedi. How about you ladies? Sophia, if your clothes are ruined at the hacienda here, they have a beautiful boutique at the resort,” Vi offered.

  Chapter Twenty

  Erin found the five older women with swimsuits on and sipping piña coladas while sitting in the outdoor spa. “I think we should make this an annual event, ladies,” Vi said. “Are you all up for it?”

  “Can we skip the gunfight at the OK corral next time? Birdie and I are clawed up by that climb down that bougainvillea-clad trellis,” Dottie said, raising her arm to show them the scratches.

  They had had enough to drink to start giggling like teenagers. Erin stood on the edge of the spa. “I want to be just like you all when I grow up.” This brought on more giggles.

  “Start now dear. Get that cute little waiter and ask him to bring us another round,” Birdie directed, waving at the young man who was getting quite a kick out of the women who were nothing like his grandmother, but of the same age.

  “I’ve got to go. Harry, and now this Bloomberg, is still a threat out there. You ladies enjoy and don’t go anywhere without one of these men here escorting you.”

  “Wouldn’t think of it,” they sang in unison and then giggled.

  “Oh boy,” Erin murmured as she walked away.

  “I think I’m pruning,” exclaimed Vi. “I’m getting out.”

  “I’m hungry. Let’s order some food,” Clara suggested. “How about guacamole and chips for one thing?”

  “How about a dozen street tacos, some meat some bean?” Sophia suggested.

  “A plate of beef nachos,” Dottie added, “How abou
t you girls?” looking at Birdie and Vi.

  “What’s those little rolled up things called,” Birdie asked.

  “Taquitos,” Sophia answered.

  “Salsa and chips. I’m ready for a Dos Equis with the food,” Vi said. They all agreed.

  Food came and they drank and ate. Part way through the eating, the men joined them and helped them finish off the abundance of food.

  “I don’t know about you all, but I need a nap before we rehearse later. You ladies will join us won’t you?” Vi asked Sophia and Clara.

  “Are you going to sing Sean’s song?” Clara asked.

  “Actually, there’s been a change of plans. We’re going to accompany Sean as he sings The Last Note,” Dottie told them.

  “We’ll be there. What time?”

  “Our suite, how about four? That gives us a couple of hours for a nap.”

  * * *

  By 4:30 the girls and Sean had gathered in Dottie’s suite. It was the one with a piano in it. Sean sat at the piano. Vi had her sax and Birdie was on guitar.

  They warmed up with a couple of old standbys that their audiences felt cheated when they didn’t perform them.

  “Are you ready Sean? Clara, you want to take over piano? This is your creation. Sing it,” Dottie instructed him. She sat down with Sophia and watched. The boy has a voice. The music he creates comes from a special place. The world needs to hear this, she thought as her mind wandered to a time in her youth when another young man tore at her heart with his music. We all make choices. She sighed.

  The room was stunned into silence when Sean ended. “I can do better. Let me try it again,” Sean said.

  “Oh Sean, honey. That’s not why everyone is so silent. It took our breath away it was so amazing. Sing a couple of your other songs for us,” Birdie said as she wiped the tears off her cheeks.

  He sang two more songs, one an upbeat one and one a tender love song. The kid has talent. No wonder this Bloomberg and Richter characters wanted his work, thought Dottie.

  The rehearsal went on for another hour. “Clara, could you sing one of your old songs for me?” Sophia asked. “It’ll bring back a time in my life when things were simpler.”

  “Oh Sophia, I haven’t sung in years except in the shower.”

  “Please, could you do one in Spanish? Must be old age, but sometimes I miss my homeland.”

  Clara thought a moment and felt what Sophia was feeling, but she was sure it wasn’t the same. She left Mexico by choice with her American husband. Sophia left to protect her family after her husband was killed. “Just for you Sophia.” Her voice was like crystal glasses tingling. She sang a tender love song in her native language. It had been one of her signature songs when she was performing professionally.

  “Oh my gosh, Clara. I see where Sean got his talent. That was outrageously good. Dottie, she needs to sing it in our show.”

  “No, no, no. That was just for Sophia.”

  “How about just opening night. Use your stage name. People who come to see us tend to be older and this area has a lot of ex-Mexican citizens. Just one song?” Dottie pleaded.

  “How’s it going?” asked Bud as he was let into the room by one of the security guards. “Anything I can do for you?”

  “Come in Bud.” She introduced him to Sean and Clara and told him of the change in the program.

  He was excited. “You know when you girls are around, it’s never dull. I have missed all of you.”

  “Well, we women have decided we’re making this a yearly event. We’re calling it our yearly spa time so book us,” Vi announced.

  “You’re on. I came to ask if everyone will have dinner on me as a celebration for your safe return from being kidnapped. Lou told me about you capturing seven thugs. Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you ever.” They laughed.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Dinner was enjoyed on a private patio. The Mystical Marvels’ party, which had grown since they left Chicago, were seated around two large tables. The younger people drifted to one table and the older ones to the other. Sean and Brad told about the experience with Daisy Dawson and Harry, and for the first time in a long time, laughed.

  Toward the end of the evening after several toasts, the older folks meandered off to bed. “Sean, you do know that Conti and Bloomberg are not going to stop coming after you?” Ricardo told him.

  “Yeah, I figured that. Any ideas how we can end this? Conti’s your ex-brother-in-law. Any insights about him that we can use to trap them all? They’ve got to be hopping mad to have their men out smarted by a group of senior citizen women.”

  “Watch where you call them senior citizens. That one thug called one of them an old woman and she shot him. Of course he was pointing a gun at her,” Erin added.

  “I don’t know about you all but I’m fading. How about we sleep on it and meet for breakfast without the girls?” Brad suggested.

  They all agreed and went to their various rooms escorted by a couple of security guards.

  * * *

  They had agreed to meet in the resort’s coffee shop. Brad had printed out some research on Richter, which he passed around. “As you can see, this guy’s got his fingers in a lot of things, almost all of them illegal. Interpol has been watching him for years, but has had no success in catching him in anything illegal.”

  “My god, illegal arms sales, human trafficking, drugs, stolen art and artifacts. How can they not catch him on even one thing?” Ricardo exclaimed.

  “If you read on, he is very good at insulating himself from the people he hires to do the dirty work. Conti and Bloomberg are a prime example.”

  “What I don’t get is why a minor songwriter like me is on their hit list,” Sean said shaking his head.

  Brad smiled. “You underestimate your talent. Take a look at Richter’s personal life.” They all flipped a couple of pages. “Notice his sexual preferences. He’s been with a partner for over five years now. His picture’s at the end of the report.”

  “Wait a minute. He’s gay?”

  “Yep, he’s been with Hahn Krauss for over five years. Krauss is an aspiring singer. Evidently somewhere along the way he was told about your songs … probably through Conti. Conti probably tried to sell your songs to Richter through Bloomberg,” Brad explained.

  Ricardo shook his head. “My brother-in-law is not the sharpest pencil in the box. Only he would be stupid enough to try to make a deal with the devil.”

  “I’m seeing a plan coming together here,” Erin said smiling. She looked at Brad. “You see it too, don’t you?”

  “Yep, after we eat, let’s adjourn to my room. I don’t want to do what I have to do in a public room.”

  * * *

  Erin had coffee delivered to the room. Brad sat on the bed and typed away. Erin and the others sat at the table going over her plan.

  “You’re saying that I’m to offer my songs to Richter and Krauss for money if they agree to come to Arizona so that I can make sure that Krauss is the singer good enough to record them? Are they going to buy that? This guy’s not been caught because he’s smart.”

  “Sean, he also has a weak point, as does everyone. His is his lover. From reading the dossier on Krauss, looks like Richter has opened many doors for the guy’s singing career. He even bought a nightclub in Berlin and a cabaret in Paris.”

  “Yeah, but what if he insists that I fly there?”

  “Not gonna happen. By now he has to have given up on Bloomberg. Brad, do you have that done yet?”

  “Just about finished … there, all set. Now we wait.”

  “What? Tell us what you did,” Ricardo asked becoming more impressed with the quiet man by the minute.

  “First of all, I contacted Richter through his private encrypted email and gave him Sean’s proposition. Then I forwarded a copy of the email to Interpol. I have a feeling we should be hearing from them momentarily.” Brad’s computer signaled an incoming message. “Here we go. Either they agree to our plan or I’ll go to
jail for hacking their system.”

  Brad read the message as it came in. The message from Interpol was laced with threats of imprisonment, but ultimately they wanted to meet and discuss an alternative. The group smiled.

  “Okay, half done. Anything from Richter yet?” Erin asked.

  “Not yet. Here comes something now. As we expected, Erin, a counter offer to fly Sean there.”

  “Tell them no dice, here or nothing. Assure them that their arrival and the meeting will be kept secret for everyone’s benefit.”

  Brad typed the answer and they waited. You could have heard a pin drop in the room. When the machine came alive again, everyone held his breath. Brad read the incoming message. “We will be in contact when we arrive. We will disclose a meeting place at that time.”

  Brad wrote back. “Expect to meet with both Richter and Krauss, no middlemen, such as Bloomberg.”

  “Don’t know who that is,” was the reply.

  Brad alerted Interpol and set up a meeting with the area representative for that afternoon at a nearby restaurant. “Okay Sean, Erin will be going with you as your manager,” Brad explained.

  “I think we need one more member in our little party,” Erin announced.

  Brad looked at her and agreed, “Wade?” Erin nodded.

  “I don’t trust any government organization as far as I can throw them. I’d bet my last dollar they’ll bring in the FBI for political reasons. We all know how they can screw up things. Remember the case of the deadly doctors?” Sean and Ricardo looked at her questionably. “I’ll explain later.”

  Sean called Wade’s private number and arranged to meet him at the resort. He asked him not to mention their meeting to Clara or any of the girls. He agreed.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “They’re meeting in Brad’s room,” Birdie told the group. “They think I didn’t see them. Something’s up.”

  “I hope they’re not crazy enough to take on Conti or Bloomberg by themselves,” Lou said knowing that was probably exactly what Brad and Erin were cooking up. “Maybe I’ll take a little walk to his room and get a feel. You girls stay here and enjoy your breakfast.”


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