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The Alien's Virgin: An Alien SciFi Romance (Chief of Kurah)

Page 18

by Morgan Rae

  His eyes turn a deeper hue of lavender and the world around me begins to melt. No, no, no. I try to fight it, but all I can see are his eyes. They burn like the hottest flames of open fire as they stare straight into my soul. I can't hear the fight anymore or the scrap of blade on blade. I can't hear my own son scream for me, calling out for his mother.

  It's just Faron and I now. Everything else melts away and we're alone on the open fields, grass shuddering in the wind. I know this isn't real. It's a cloak he's used to cover the bloody, ugly reality. Still, my heart beat slows and I find myself relaxing into his dream world, as though I've been infected with a toxin, turning my blood to sludge and slowing the beat of my heart.

  You know how this ends, Faron says, though his lips never move. I hear his voice in my head. Garock will die. Your son will suffer. And you are powerless to stop it. You've brought this on yourself.

  The dream breaks like a crack of thunder. Leyana shoves Garock backwards and swing goes flying from his hand. Before he can grab the handle again, she raises her sword.

  This is it, Faron says in my head. This is how it all ends.

  Gently, he cups my son's chin and twists his head towards the fight. "Watch, little one," he says. "This is important."

  My feet are trapped to the ground as though I have roots in the earth. I open my mouth, but no sound comes out. I feel helpless and trapped.

  No, I think. You are not helpless. You are a Goddess, and Goddesses are capable of anything. Think.

  Faron is making everything foggy. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as Leyana approaches Garock to deliver the final blow. Tears blur my vision and run down the sides of my face.

  Then it hits me. Faron is in my head. Faron is in my head.

  If he wants to live here, he'll have to deal with all of me and that includes Garock's five second rule. I close my eyes and let myself feel everything. All at once. I let fear and anxiety break through my walls. My mind has become quiet an inhospitable environment. I feel Faron's hold on my shudder

  Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.

  I delve deeper into the recesses of my mind. I draw from my most painful memories. I think about the day I left Naruda. I think about every time I looked in my son's eyes and struggled with telling him the truth of where he came from. I think about Leyana's blade going clean through Garock's body. I think about that night as a child, stuck at the hospital, swishing my little feet back and forth while they delivered news of my parents.

  Tears run freely down my face, but I am oddly calm. I am the eye of the hurricane. I don't run from my emotions, I embrace them. Faron's energy is bouncing around inside of me, like someone looking for a foothold in an avalanche. It's working.

  And now, for the final blow.

  I open my eyes, stare straight into Faron's lavender irises, and throw my energy at him. Every feeling of sadness, fear, and insecurity hits him like a train. He stumbles backwards, blinks rapidly, and I feel his hold lift. His irises dim to a sharp blue as the spell breaks. His mouth opens but no sound comes out.

  He drops to his knees and crumples to the floor. His two guards take a step back and stare at me,. they're terrified.

  My body starts to wind down, energy spooling and pouring around me. Everything looks clearer, as though I could see every blade of grass if I really focused. The Kaul mark on my wrist pulses with a bright white light.

  I've done it. I've overpowered Faron. I broke him. Garock was right all along, I am the Goddess of Naruda. I'm not surprised like I should be. Instead, for the first time, my heart is at peace.

  I’m not scared anymore. I am done running and I am standing up for what is mine.

  "Leyana!" My attention jerks to Garock's bark. "Leyana, stop! It's me!"

  He's got his hands up and Leyana hesitates above him. When her eyes meet mine, I nod. "It's okay," I say.

  Leyana drops her sword and extends her hand to Garock. He groans as he gets up to his feet, covered in mud and nicks from Leyana's sword.

  "Ben!" I call out. He comes running to me and wraps his arms around my legs. I hold him tightly to me not wanting to let him go. I'll never let him go. Emotion swells in my throat and I squeeze him a little tighter, making sure he's really there. "Are you okay?" I ask.

  "I'm fine," he says. He's quiet, stunned, and I know he'll have a million questions once the shock passes.

  Garock and Leyana step beside me and stare at Faron, who writhes and twitches uselessly on the floor.

  "What did you do to him?" Garock asks.

  "I gave him a taste of his own medicine."

  . "Then it's over," Leyana says. "Naruda is ours."

  "It's not over yet." Garock lifts Swing from the ground and approaches Faron's body. With a sinking feeling, I know exactly what he's going to do. "Turn Ben away," he says.

  I do, quickly, and cover Ben's eyes with my hand. I can't look either, even though I know it's as much a mercy killing as anything. I don't know my own strength, I am positive I fried Faron's brain. I hear the axe slide through the air, and I hear the heavy thunk and splatter. I wince at the sound.

  When I open my eyes, Garock has blood on his clothes. He lets the axe fall from his hand, only this time, he doesn't go back to pick it up. Faron is quiet now and forever. Garock's Kaul burns brightly and then flickers out like a blown out flame.

  Garock crouches down on the ground and lifts a handful of dirt lets some pour out from his hand. I can't hear the words he murmurs, but I can tell he's praying. He's praying for Faron's soul.

  He presses a kiss to his knuckles and then releases the rest of the dirt. There's a shift in the air, as though the clouds have lifted. I feel rooted to my spot and I hold my breath.

  The two Selith guards drop their weapons in a show of surrender and lift their palms. "Take him," Garock tells him. "Give him a proper burial. Let the rest of the Selith know they no longer have any claim over Naruda. It belongs to the Kurah now, as it always has."

  They mumble out some vague agreements and scatter quickly. Together, they lift Faron's body, both pieces. Their feet kick up dirt as they run.

  Garock's attention shifts and his eyes land on mine. They lose their battle-hard sharpness and soften. He approaches me and says, "Are you okay?"

  I nod my head, though it takes a second for the affirmation leave my lips. "Yes."

  He crouches down so he's face to face with my son. He sets a large hand on Ben's shoulder. My spine goes frigid, not quite able to shake my overprotectiveness. Poor Ben can't even look at him. "I'm sorry," Ben blurts out quickly. "It's all my fault."

  "Look at me."

  Ben lifts his big eyes and my heart clenches. Please don't say anything to stress him out further, I silently pray. Ben has had enough for a lifetime.

  Garock gives Ben's shoulder a small squeeze. "You were very brave today. I'm proud of you."

  Ben holds Garock's gaze, I'm proud of him for that. My little boy has the strength of a full grown man. He responds without a quiver in his voice. "Thank you."

  Garock straightens up and rests his hand on my shoulder. There's a limp to his left leg, but he's doing an admirable job at ignoring it. "We have to go back to the Tribe," he says.

  Right now, the Tribe sounds like a relief. It's something familiar I can hold onto. I help Garock with his weak leg and I hold Ben's hand as we make our way back to the Tribe. It's not far and, once we get there, I feel a little life return to Ben's small body. He's pale with shock and confusion, but the color starts to return to his face when he sees the tents all lined up.

  I squeeze his hand. "Penny for your thoughts, little man?"

  He glances up at me. Even after everything, there's a small smile on his face. "It looks just like the pictures," he says.

  When we get to the camp everyone stills and their voices drop away. They stop washing their clothes, making food, talking amongst each other. As we walk through the crowds they drop their heads in reverence.

Garock is a big deal," I tell Ben.

  Garock gives me an odd look. "The Tribe is not bowing to me," he says. "They bow to their Goddess."

  It's then that I can make out their whispers, Goddess. I'm struck dumb with surprise as the entire Kurah Tribe bows to me.


  "Huzzah! I'll defeat you, evil beast!"

  "Not if I defeat you first!"

  Plastic swords beat hollowly against each other as Ben and his friend, Mikey from school, play Knights and Dragons in the front yard while T-Bone dances circles around them. I grin as I watch them chase each other back and forth, ducking and weaving through the trees.

  Maya does her best to chase them down, but to no avail. "Come on, you rascals! We'll be late for the movie!"

  They don't seem to hear her and continue to run and jump around. I feel Garock come and stand beside me without even turning to look at him. Our bond has become second nature now and I can feel him constantly, like a warm glow beside me. "Your son is becoming quite the warrior," I tell him.

  The boys make a mad dash in front of him and Garock steps in, plucking Ben's sword from his hands. "Enough play time," he chastises. "Do as Aunt Maya says."

  I crouch down and fix Ben's hair, which has gone haywire in his play fight. "Be good for your aunt, okay? Have fun at the movie."

  Ben nods and launches his arms around me. I’m not looking forward to the day when he is too cool to hug his mother. Until then, I savor every one of his warm hugs and squeeze him back, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He gives Garock a hug as well, winding his arms around Garock's leg. Garock messes up all my hard work with his hair. "Tell me all about it when you get back," Garock tells him.

  "Okay!" Ben dashes off before I can get another word in, brimming with excitement. It's hard to imagine this outgoing kid was once as shy as a turtle in a shell. As I watch him head to the car, Mikey gives Ben a last swipe, which nearly topples my son over.

  Immediately, Garock stiffens like a watch dog beside me.

  "Let him be," I murmur quietly. "All little birdies have to learn how to fly on their own eventually."

  Sure enough, Ben brushes himself off and stands up for himself. "Quit it!" he says. The boys bicker briefly before Ben pulls a silly face and they both explode into laughter, forgetting what they were fighting about in the first place.

  "You see?" I tell Garock. "He's got this."

  "You were right," he admits.

  We help the boys pile into the car. "Enjoy date night," Maya says once she closes the car door and winks at me. "Got any big plans?"

  "Something like that," I grin.

  "Fine. Be secretive." She gives me a hug and whispers, "Does Garock have any brothers?"

  "I'll see what I can do," I laugh and unwind from her. I wave to Ben through the car window as they peel off down the road.

  "What exactly are these big plans?" Garock asks me once the dust settles.

  I turn to him. God, he's handsome. He's settled into life on Earth well and it looks good on him. Soft, fitting t-shirts that stretch across his broad chest, casual, loose fitting jeans, he's the full package. The lines on his face have softened as well. He's kept his hair long, but he ties it back, giving it the look of something only half tamed, which is exactly how I would describe him. Half tame.

  "I have a surprise for you," I grin and hook my fingers in the loops of his jeans.

  There's that glint in his eyes. You can take the man out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the man. "A surprise?"

  I nod. "Close your eyes."

  "Very well." He does, an amused smile playing on his lips. I link my fingers in his and reach into my pocket with my other hand. I rub the familiar, smooth ascension stone between my fingers, close my eyes, and murmur a wish.

  When I open my eyes, it's grown darker. Time passes differently on Naruda and the suns are setting on the horizon. The suburban setting has peeled away and we stand on the top of a hill at the edge of the forest.

  A gull caws and though Garock doesn't open his eyes, his grin widens. "I know where we are."

  "Not yet. Keep your eyes closed," I say and tug his hand. He blindly follows me deeper into the woods, down a small, stone path. I stop abruptly, look at his face to get his reaction, and say, "Okay. Open them."

  He does. He blinks in surprise, his mouth goes slack, and then his eyes light up.

  A large, round hut stands in the center of the woods. It's finely made with sticks, clay, and stones, carefully designed and put together. And it's all ours.

  "How did you do this?" he asks.

  "What's the point of being a Goddess if you can't pull a couple strings now and then?" When he lifts his eyebrows, I rub my hands over his chest. "The Tribe wanted to do something for you. You've earned it. I know they've all claimed shelter in the castle now but I know how much you loved your hut."

  "I did love my hut." His eyes flicker up to the house and a grin slowly draws over his mouth, like a young boy at Christmas. He grabs my hand, "I want to see inside."

  I squeak as he pulls me me straight into the hut. I hold my breath, praying some animal hasn't gotten inside and wrecked it, but I'm able to let out a sigh of relief when we step inside. It's perfect. The floor is covered in a nice, thick, home-woven rug. Quilts and herbs are posted up on the walls. There are water basin pots in the corner and a small lantern that hangs from the wooden bars above. And then, my pride and joy, the ceiling opens up to a beautiful view of the sparkling night sky above.

  "I left it open for effect," I say, "but there's a thatch we can use to cover the ceiling in case it rains."

  Garock scoops me up in his arms and kisses me hard and I melt against his lips. "It's perfect," he says, his voice thick with emotion.

  "You're perfect," I murmur back and cling to his shirt.

  We're already heated, our bodies close and warm, our excitement mingling and sparking. I'm not at all surprised when he scoops my feet out from under me and lowers me down on the rug. He yanks off his clothes, I wiggle out of mine, and we're kicking and tearing off fabric as we kiss. His skin is hot against mine and I arch up against him, longing for the feeling of his bare flesh. Soft skin, hard muscles, and I'm instantly wet.

  Sharing parenthood with Garock is incredibly rewarding. He's sweet with Ben, but never a push over, and the kid is in complete hero-worship of his father. But having Ben around so much means we don't get a lot of time to do this and now that I have him naked on top of me, I'm desperate. He is, too, I can taste it in his kisses and the firm way he grips me. His passion makes me weak. Energy skips between us like flat stones across a river and I reach down to grip his cock. He's already stiff, but he grows harder as I stroke his velvety length. I have to bite my lip to stave off my wanting.

  "Is this what you want?" he asks. Lust is coming off of me in waves. Of course he knows I want it. He just wants to hear me beg for it.

  "Yes," I whisper, a hungry hitch in my voice. "I need you inside of me."

  His eyes flash and he gazes down at me with carnal need and loving worship. I can't get enough of my warrior man. His hand slips between the two of us, gently batting me away from his erection. His fingers part my sex and he gently rubs my slick petals and I gasp. My hips jerk under his touch and my heels dig into the braids of the rug beneath us.

  He presses a finger deep inside of me, then another, pumping them, getting me ready. Garock's weight feels nice on me and I squirm, my legs tangling with his own.

  "You are beautiful, my Goddess," he breathes. I quiver. He reserves that name now almost entirely for moments like this, when we're alone, and like Pavlov's dog I've been trained to respond to it. I feel myself growing wetter, coating his hand as his fingers hit deep and break a dam inside of me.

  I shudder and moan. Already, my insides tighten, and reach that edge, even as I try to make this last. " How do you know how to touch me in all the right places?" I whisper.

  "You are
part of me," he answers. "And I am part of you."

  To prove his point, he takes his fingers out and replaces it with his cock, pushing it inside of me. I gasp and clench my thighs around his hips. He plunges deep inside of me, thick, hard, mine.

  "Oh my god," I whimper.

  "My Goddess," he responds and closes his lips over mine. My tongue dances over his frantically and I grip him by the hair, holding him tight. I can't get close enough. He swings his hip low and deep and my thighs quake with every thrust. I feel our energies begin to mix in that burning, chaotic heat. I am soft flint, he is hard stone, and I feel like I might burst into flames at any second. The lantern casts dramatic light through the tent and our shadows meld together, writhing and clinging and moving as one.

  His self-control begins to slip, a spark of hot pleasure strikes through me, and I begin to lose myself as well. Neither of us need to say a word now. I can feel what he feels, his body speaks to me louder than any words. I know the language of his grunted breaths, erratic thrusts, the throb of his manhood inside of me, and it sends me over the edge.

  He catches my lips the second I start to crash over and I cry out into his kiss as my orgasm pushes and pulls, contracts and expands in bursts of white-hot pleasure. His tongue licks mine, drinking me in, and I hear a muffled moan from him as his hot seed fills me, hitting deep inside of me. We stay like this a moment longer, rolling together as our pulsing, passionate love making winds down. I'm covered in sweat, burning hot despite the crisp mountain air, and Garock tastes the sweat along my neck, my bare breasts.

  Finally, we've both had our fill and he collapses beside me. Our limbs remain tangled, neither of us having the strength or desire to pull away. Wordlessly, I tuck my head against his chest and listen to the rapid beat of his heart until it finally slows. Above us, the opening at the top of the hut shows off the clear, inky night sky, spattered with stars.

  My mind drifts, hazily. "Should we check on Leyana while we're here?" I ask lazily. "Make sure the tribe is doing okay without you?"

  "Sometimes, you have to let tiny birds fly," Garock says. I can hear the smile in his voice. He's proud of himself for that one.


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