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Montana Sky: Murdoch's Bride (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Loving A Rancher Book 3)

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by Caroline Clemmons

  Aunt Edwina pulled a blanket over her legs. “This time we know what to expect. I borrowed the hands’ bedrolls and padded the trunks as well as giving us extra cover for warmth.”

  “I’ll get you a nice buggy, my dear. Then you can go to town whenever you wish. Guess I should get a two-seater so the boys can go with us.”

  “What a good idea, Kevin. I know how to hitch up and drive a buggy and would love having one handy.”

  Charity pretended to listen to the discussion on the merits of each type vehicle, but she tuned out the conversation. She stared at Logan’s back, but he never looked her way. Sean entered the discussion, but Logan remained silent.

  When they finally reached the parsonage, Logan hopped down and almost ran toward the businesses.

  Mr. Murdoch watched him. “Where’s your brother going in such a hurry?”

  Sean smiled. “Don’t worry, Pa. Logan had a quick errand but he’ll be back in plenty of time for the ceremony.”

  “He’d better be.”

  Mary Norton, the preacher’s wife, welcomed Charity and her aunt to her home. “Most of the brides change clothes here before and after the wedding. Go right into our room, small though it is. A couple of your fellow passengers are using the spare room where brides usually change clothes.”

  Charity carried the two dresses. “Thank you, Mrs. Norton. We appreciate your generosity.”

  The kindly woman took Aunt Edwina’s hand. “I’m sorry my flowers are all dormant. Do you have anything to carry as a bouquet?”

  Her aunt shook her head. “I don’t need anything but Kevin Murdoch. I’m so nervous I hope I don’t stumble going up the aisle.”

  Charity said, “Logan is going to walk you up the aisle. You can lean on him.”

  When her aunt was dressed, Charity touched up her hair style. “You look lovely, Aunt Edwina. I’m so happy for you.”

  “You look especially nice, too, Charity. What a shame we’re having such a small wedding and no one will see how pretty you are.”

  Mary Norton chuckled. “You’re going to be surprised. Since today’s Saturday, a lot of people are in town and word travels quickly. I expect you’ll have several attending your wedding.”

  Charity couldn’t hide her surprise. “Even though they don’t know us?”

  “They know Kevin and his sons. They’d probably come anyway, though. We’re a close-knit community and try to support one another.”

  They walked toward the church, holding up their skirts to avoid soiling them. When they entered the back of the church, the pews were half filled with people. How nice Aunt Edwina would have Kevin’s friends at her wedding.

  Logan waited at the back of the church, ready to escort Aunt Edwina down the aisle. He was impressive in his black suit, white shirt, black tie, and gray vest. When the music filled the air, Charity took a deep breath and walked down the aisle.

  Mr. Murdoch beamed so much Charity wondered he didn’t burst with happiness. Beside him, Sean was handsome in a black suit and tan vest. From the train station on their first day in town, she recognized Mrs. Murphy who sat beside a frail-looking man. She passed the pew where the ranch hands, Amelia, and Jenny sat. The sheriff sat midway in the church but she didn’t recognize anyone else.

  At the front of the church, Charity stepped aside. Logan handed Aunt Edwina to his father.

  Then, he turned to her and knelt on one knee and took her hand. “Charity Kelso, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife today?”

  Crying with happiness, she tugged him to his feet. “Oh, you ornery man, waiting until now but you know I will.”

  He gave her his handkerchief and held her while she dried her eyes. Then, he guided her to stand beside his father and her aunt.

  Reverend Norton smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. “We don’t have many double weddings. Certainly a son and father is a first, but a very welcome one. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here….”

  His words whirled in her head but all Charity understood was that now she and Logan were being married. Her groom nudged her when time came for her to respond to the minister. Logan produced a wedding band and slid it onto her finger.”

  He whispered, “My errand in town this morning.”

  She looked at the gold band with a design etched on the surface. Never could there be a prettier one. Checking her aunt’s hand, she saw what looked like an antique ring.

  The minister announced, “Each groom may kiss his bride.”

  Logan looked into her eyes then gave her a tender kiss. “More later.”

  Reverend Norton raised his hands. “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murdoch and Mr. and Mrs. Logan Murdoch.”

  Those in the congregation applauded. They surged forward to offer their congratulations and blessings.

  Logan said, “Charity, this is John Carter. You met his foster son Nick. John’s been here about as long as any Anglo.”

  She lost track of names and people, but she remembered the couples who were her and Logan’s age.

  Lina Barrett was plump and cheerful. Her husband, Jonah, was blonde but their son, Adam, was dark like Lina.

  Lina said, “We live close enough to exchange visits. You must come and let me serve you my Italian dishes. I love to cook and always have a pot of marinara sauce and one of minestrone soup on the stove.”

  Charity shook the other woman’s hand. “I had Italian neighbors in New York. I love the food. Do you make your own pasta?”

  “I do, but I’ve convinced Mrs. Cobb to order packages of pasta so everyone can cook my recipes.”

  Darcy Walker was tall and elegant. “If you like to read, I have a huge library and love to share.”

  “I love reading but only have a couple of volumes with me. Are you and your husband close enough for us to visit?”

  “Definitely. My husband is shy, but he enjoys talking to Logan.”

  Her husband, Gideon, was so blonde his hair was almost white. His silver eyes were also unusual, but he smiled and offered his blessings.

  A smiling strawberry blond said, “Hi, I’m Trudy Flanigan. Welcome to Sweetwater Springs. I hope you and Logan will come see Seth and me.”

  Charity liked the woman’s friendly manner. “I look forward to it and I hope you two will come to the ranch.”

  Beside her, Logan said, “We’ll arrange a party soon.”

  Seth shook Charity’s hand. “My sympathy on being hooked up with this man. I hope you can straighten him out.”

  Charity laughed. “I’m not a magician.”

  Logan grabbed his chest. “Ouch.”

  The wedding party went to the café and had a meal. Soon, the time came for—what should she call him now?—Pa or Uncle Kevin, Aunt Edwina, and Amelia to board the stage.

  Amelia hugged Charity. “Thanks for taking me under your wing. You have my brother’s address and I hope you’ll write. I promise I will and I’ll let you know what I decide.”

  Aunt Edwina, now garbed in her mauve traveling suit, hugged Charity. “I’m so happy both our lives are finally on the right track. Thank you for all you’ve done for me, Charity. Don’t think I’ll forget how kind you’ve been to me.”

  Beside her aunt, Uncle Kevin said, “I won’t forget either. Welcome to the family, daughter. I couldn’t be happier with Logan’s choice.”

  Him calling her daughter was the perfect cap to her wonderful day. “I’m pretty happy myself. Please let us know how things are going on your trip.” She hugged his neck and whispered, “I’m not sure Reggie wants Edwina to come there.”

  He whispered, “I thought the same thing.” Speaking normally after their brief hug, he said, “I’m warning everyone, Edwina and I may take a notion to go to San Francisco and take in the sights there. It’s our honeymoon and we’ll go where the wind takes us.”

  “All aboard who are going on the stage.”

  Uncle Kevin helped Aunt Edwina and then Amelia into the stage. The ride would be short, just a few miles to where a train waited to take them we

  Chapter Twelve

  Charity rode beside Logan on the trip home. Home sounded wonderful. She now had a good home with a man who loved her.

  She giggled. “I just realized my aunt is now my mother-in-law. Isn’t life funny?”

  Logan looked askance. “So, that makes you my wife and my cousin?”

  “I guess so. I don’t care how crazy our family sounds, I think we’re perfect. All we need is for Sean to marry.”

  From the back Sean objected, “Hey, no matchmaking for me.”

  She turned to look at him. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Someday you’ll find your wife on your own.”

  “Thank you.” He stretched out on the quilts covering the wagon bed and tugged a couple over him.

  She and Logan had a blanket over their legs and she had one around her shoulders.

  Logan clicked the reins. “Pa plans to build on to the house this summer. He wants us all to live there, but said we need more space so each couple can have privacy when we want.”

  “That would help. Eventually, we’ll have children and so will Sean. The house could become overcrowded.”

  Charity loved thinking about the children she and Logan would have. They’d play with their cousins and be close to one another. She wondered if she and Logan would have children with dark hair like his or dark blonde like here.

  She asked, “How many children do you want?”

  He grinned wickedly. “At least a dozen, maybe more.”

  She punched his arm. “Answer truthfully, this time.”

  “Two or three. No more than four, but I’ll be happy with however many we have.” He leaned over to kiss her. “Pa said for us to draw out how we want our wing of the house arranged.”

  “He’s very considerate. I’m so happy he and Aunt Edwina are married. She deserves happiness and so does he.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad everything worked out for Pa and for me.”

  “And for Aunt Edwina and for me.”

  He leaned over to kiss her. “When we build on to the house, we’ll strengthen the bunkhouse, too, and build a nice fireplace instead of that crazy stove. Then the hands will be set for any weather.”

  When they arrived at the ranch, the hands were waiting. They’d already changed clothes.

  Whitey hurried to take the reins from Logan. “I’ll take care of the horses and the wagon so you can go on inside.”

  “Thanks, Whitey.” Logan hopped down from the seat and came around for Charity. He lifted her to the ground and let her slide down the front of his body much closer and longer than necessary.

  She sensed a blush’s heat on her cheeks. He led her to the front porch. Sean passed by in a rush, presumably to go change out of his suit.

  Logan held one arm around her and stretched out his other to gesture across the horizon. “This is all ours, Mrs. Murdoch. We’re building a ranch to hand down for generation after generation. I’m proud of our home.”

  “I love our home, Mr. Murdoch.” She leaned against him. “The view is awe-inspiring and the company couldn’t be better.”

  “I’m more content than I’ve ever been, Charity. You’ve made me the happiest man on earth.”

  “And I’m the happiest woman.”

  “I’m sorry I caused you unhappiness for a while. I love you, Charity Murdoch.”

  “And I love you, you ornery man. Let’s go inside so I can show you how much.”

  “I may be ornery, but I’m not stupid.” He swept her into his arms and carried her over the threshold. When he set her down, he said, “Lead the way, Mrs. Murdoch, my lovely bride.”

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  Read Caroline’s western historical titles:

  Amanda’s Rancher, Montana Sky Kindle World

  The Rancher and the Shepherdess, Montana Sky Kindle World

  Murdoch’s Bride, Montana Sky Kindle World, coming 2016

  Patience, Bride of Washington,American Mail-Order Brides Series #42

  The Bride Brigade Series

  Josephine, Bride Brigade book 1

  Angeline, Bride Brigade book 2

  Cassandra, Bride Brigade book 3

  Ophelia, Bride Brigade book 4

  Rachel, Bride Brigade Book 5

  Lorraine, Bride Brigade Book 6, coming in 2017

  Prudence, Bride Brigade Book 7, coming in 2017

  The Surprise Brides: Jamie,released simultaneously with three other The Surprise Bride books which are Gideon by Cynthia Woolf, Caleb by Callie Hutton, and Ethan by Sylvia McDaniel, each book is about one of the Fraser brothers of Angel Springs, Colorado.

  The Kincaid Series

  The Most Unsuitable Wife, Kincaids book one

  The Most Unsuitable Husband, Kincaids book two

  The Most Unsuitable Courtship, Kincaids book three

  Gabe Kincaid, Kincaids book four

  Stone Mountain, Texas Series

  Brazos Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book one, Free

  Buy the Audiobook here

  High Stakes Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book two

  Buy the Audiobook here

  Bluebonnet Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book three

  Tabitha’s Journey, a Stone Mountain Texas mail-order bride novella

  Stone Mountain Reunion,a Stone Mountain Texas short story

  Stone Mountain Christmas, a Stone Mountain Texas novella

  Winter Bride, a Stone Mountain romance

  The McClintock Series

  The Texan’s Irish Bride, McClintocks book one, Free

  O’Neill’s Texas Bride,McClintocks book two

  McClintock’s Reluctant Bride,McClintock’s book three

  Daniel McClintock, book four, coming in 2017

  Save Your Heart For Me, a western romance adventure novella

  Long Way Home, a sweet Civil War adventure romance novella. Kindle only

  Caroline’s Time Travel

  Out Of The Blue, 1845 Irish lass comes forward to today

  Caroline’s Contemporary Titles

  Angel For Christmas, sweet

  The Caprock Tales

  Be My Guest, mildly sensual, book 1

  Grant Me The Moon, sweet, in box set Come Love a Cowboy, book 2

  Capture The Stars, sweet, book 3, coming in 2017

  Snowfires, sensual

  Home Sweet Texas Home, Texas Home book one (sweet)

  Caroline’s Mysteries:

  Almost Home, a Link Dixon mystery

  Death In The Garden, a Heather Cameron cozy mystery, Kindle only

  Take Advantage of Bargain Boxed Sets:

  Wild Western Women – Mistletoe, Montana, Kirsten Osbourne, Sylvia McDaniel, Merry Farmer, Caroline Clemmons – Kindle only

  Wild Western Women Spring Into Love, Kirsten Osbourne, Callie Hutton, Caroline Clemmons, Sylvia McDaniel, and Merry Farmer

  Come Love A Cowboy, Kathleen Ball, Caroline Clemmons, Margo Bond Collins, Patti Sherry-Crews, Keta Diablo, Julie D’Arcy, Andi Downing, and Hebby Roman

  The Surprise Brides Box Set, includes Jamie, Caleb, Gideon, and Ethan

  The Kincaids, Books 1-4 in one set

  Wild Western Women Ride Again, Kirsten Osbourne, Callie Hutton, Caroline Clemmons, Sylvia McDaniel, and Merry Farmer,

>   Wild Western Women: Kirsten Osbourne, Callie Hutton, Caroline Clemmons, Sylvia McDaniel, and Merry Farmer.

  Mail-Order Tangle: Linked books Mail-Order Promise by Caroline Clemmons and Mail-Order Ruckus by Jacquie Rogers, Kindle and print

  Courting The West: Ten full-length novels by NYTimes, USAToday, and bestselling authors Debra Holland, Kristen Osbourne, Lily Graison, Cynthia Woolf, Jacquie Rogers, Sylvia McDaniel, Paty Jager, Merry Farmer, Keta Diablo, and Caroline Clemmons.

  10 Timeless Heroes, time travels include Out Of The Blue and novels by Sky Purington, Skhye Moncrief, Donna Michaels, Beth Trissel, P. L. Parker, L. L. Muir, Linda LaRoque, and Nancy Lee Badger. Kindle only

  Silver Belles and Stetsons, Christmas novellas from ten authors including Kathleen Ball, Cait Braxton, Caroline Clemmons, Carra Copelin, Kristin Holt, Lyn Horner, Susan Horsnell, Paty Jager, Hebby Roman, Margaret Tanner -- Kindle only

  Men of Stone Mountain, contains the first three of the Stone Mountain Texas books: Brazos Bride, High Stakes Bride, and Bluebonnet Bride. Kindle Only

  Rawhide ’n Roses, Fifteen 2,000 word short stories by various western historical authors, nominated for the Rhone Award, all proceeds go to Black Hills Wild Horse Rescue.

  About The Author

  Caroline Clemmons is an Amazon bestselling and award winning author of historical and contemporary western romances. A frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, she has taught workshops on characterization, point of view, and layering a novel.

  Caroline and her husband live in the heart of Texas cowboy country with their menagerie of rescued pets. When she’s not indulging her passion for writing, Caroline enjoys spending time with family, reading, travel, antiquing, genealogy, painting, and getting together with friends. Find her on her blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google+, WattPad, Shelfari, and Pinterest. Subscribe to her newsletter here to receive a FREE novella of Happy Is Bride.


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