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Tabitha's Folly

Page 6

by Jen Geigle Johnson

  Breathless, she said, “Henry, you are a better dancer than the last time we tried.”

  “Have I improved from my thirteen-year-old bumbling self?”

  “Even from my coming out, if you remember.” She doubted it had been an important part of his evening at the time, but the memory of it had not left her.

  He slowed their pace for a moment. “You are correct, of course. We did dance at your coming out, didn’t we?” He tipped his head to the side. “I don’t think I’ve ever known what to do about our worlds colliding once you left your leading strings.”

  “Leading strings? Really, Henry.”

  “Fair enough. But what I mean is, it’s taken me this long to see you in a different way.”

  Her heart picked up, and hope filled her to the point of stealing her speech. She waited. Silently urging him to keep talking.

  When he didn’t continue, she choked out, “Different?”

  He stopped and closed the small space between them. “I know you are unchanged. I am the Henry I have always been to you. But I am finally seeing…” He paused and ran a thumb down the side of her face.

  She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.

  His silence lingered, so she opened her eyes again. His gaze held questions, mingled with a spark of joy.

  A small grin growing, he stammered, “Could you feel it also? Is it possible… Could you welcome…”

  She grasped his hands in her own, tipping her chin so that she was as close as she could stand. His earthy musk filled the air around them. He studied her face, his eyes moving to her lips before he swallowed and returned to her eyes.

  “What’s this?” Edward stepped out onto the verandah.

  Other couples circled around in the space to their front. They were by no means alone. But Edward’s tone cut with disapproval.

  Tabitha would have backed away, but Henry resisted, holding her hand to keep her close.

  Confused, she searched his face. He had such a look of determination. She swallowed. She was nervous about what he would say and hopeful he would say something to indicate his feelings.

  “Edward, this is something, possibly new, between us?” He searched her face again, but she didn’t know what to say. Dare she admit the intensity and duration of her feelings? With her older brother frowning on the whole scene? Henry’s eyes dimmed with disappointment. And Tabitha longed to say something, do anything to bring back the precious intensity.

  Edward’s eyes narrowed. “Tabby?”

  She wanted to scream at the injustice of what they asked. How could she be the one to define this new thing between them, when she herself didn’t know. Who knew how sincere Henry was in his changed manner. How foolish she would feel if she confessed her love and then discovered his attentions to be short lived or shallow. “I’m sure I don’t know what to say.” She had too much to reveal and too much to lose.

  Henry stiffened and stepped back, his expression more guarded. Then he cleared his throat. “She wanted to practice the waltz. Better me than any of the others. We made a wager.”

  Edward watched Henry’s expression above her head, and it must have satisfied him because he nodded. “Thank you, Henry. Even with all of us here, we still need you.”

  “I’m happy to help. She’s been trailing after us all these years.” He shrugged.

  Tabitha pulled away, shaken, hurt. How could he toy with her so?

  His eyes held a question, confusion, and embarrassment.

  Then the footman, her friend, approached with a tray. He dipped his head and offered them each a drink.

  She almost shook her head to send him away, but his eyes held such compassion that she paused and took comfort in them. Then she nodded, sipped lemonade, and turned away, hoping to return to her room as quickly as she dared.


  Up to Something

  A waltz with Tabby. He hadn’t known the waltz could be so special. Her trusting eyes, their deep blue igniting his protective instincts as he guided her across the floor.

  He could see Tabitha’s upturned face in his memory, leaning into his hand. He had thought she was developing feelings for him.

  Then the ache of the previous evening returned, and he grimaced before he could stop himself.

  “I’m sure I don’t know what to say.”

  When he asked if she shared his feelings, she never responded. Even when Edward asked her, she had paused.

  Blast and dragons. He could not be sure. And what if he went about declaring himself too early and disturbing the chance he had to win her over slowly.

  The carriage dipped into a rut. Lady Walters giggled and fell against him.

  His smile stretched unnaturally across his face.

  The carriage lurched to a stop at last, and he handed down Lady Emily Walters and Lady Summers, Lord Felling’s two charges on his trip to the Lake District.

  “Oh look at this quaint little town.” Lady Walters jarred him back to the irritating present. She reached over to place a hand on his arm to get his attention, but then she continued pressing into his forearm with her fingers.

  His frustration grew.

  Miss Greystock, curse the woman, had arranged for Tabitha to ride with Sir James in the other carriage on their way to town. They were to tour the village.

  The ladies’ silly fluttering of eyelashes every time he looked in their direction was the exact reason he avoided most social activities where young debutantes were present.

  Lady Summers pouted. “I don’t know. It seems primitive. Do they have any shops of interest here?” She placed her hand on his other arm and tried to share a conspiratorial glance with him, but he couldn’t muster the energy.

  He felt a desire to defend the place. “It was lovely on Sunday, when we attended church. I do believe there’s a tea shop and a baker as well as a milliner and other things you ladies enjoy.”

  One woman on each arm, and he was already fatigued.

  They continued in their raptures about everything, turning their nose up or falling in love with each thing in turn.

  Henry settled in for a long outing.

  “You look so uneasy. Relax, Lord Courteney.” Lady Walter’s voice grated on his nerves. “Although.” She lifted her chin. “I don’t see much with which to be enamored, if you want my opinion. The guests at this house party are likely the most genteel and respectable people this little town has ever seen.”

  He gritted his teeth. “Perhaps.”

  Tabitha stood with Sir James and tried not to see Henry exit his carriage with two ladies, one on each arm. Tabitha recognized them. They were both highly sought after, both lovely and titled—and determined to gain his attention.

  Henry smiled, laughed at their jokes, and escorted them cheerfully enough.

  A sick feeling began in her stomach and started to spread.

  Sir James cleared his throat.

  Tabitha whipped back around. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I did not hear what you just said.”

  His eyes held kindness, and he tipped his head toward the threesome. “A man does not enjoy that kind of attention for long.”

  Her eyes widened in embarrassment. Were her feelings so obvious?

  “In fact, I’d wager he is gritting his teeth in frustration as we speak.”

  She paused, wondering how much of her personal feelings to disclose to a stranger—feelings she had never voiced to anyone.

  Miss Anne stepped up at that moment and linked her arm with Tabitha’s.

  “Hello Miss Easton, Sir James. And how is your tour of the town?”

  Tabitha was filled with a desire to share her inmost thoughts. “It is lovely. Sir James is as polite and attentive as ever.” Without planning to, her eyes travelled to Henry again. “And others seem to be enjoying themselves as well.” The ladies were laughing at him again as they entered the tea shop.

  Anne followed her gaze and squeezed her arm. “Perhaps we shall pay a visit to the milliner?”

  Sir James bowed. “I
f you will excuse me, I will allow you ladies to discuss ribbons and lace with abandon and not worry about my male sensibilities.” He winked, and Tabitha felt gratitude anew for his friendship. He had already turned from them, seeking out something of interest on the opposite side of the street.

  “I am so glad to see you!” Tabitha couldn’t keep the relief out of her voice.

  “And I you.” They walked arm in arm down the sidewalk. “How are things in your pursuit of Lord Courteney?”

  Tabitha groaned. “Am I that obvious? I feel even Sir James knows my secret.”

  “You are not terribly obvious, no. But it does seem easy, for all but those who are closest to you, to perceive your tendre.”

  She sucked in a breath and then whispered, “I almost told him. And Edward as well, all at once.” Her heart stuttered at the thought.

  “After cards? I saw you leave out on the veranda, and Edward was soon to follow.”

  Tabitha felt her face heat. “Yes. We had stopped dancing. He held me close.” She couldn’t believe she was saying the words aloud. “And he asked me how I felt about him.” She paused, still confused about the whole conversation. “I think that was what he was trying to ask me.”

  Miss Anne squealed as they entered the shop, and the attendant startled.

  “Oh, beg pardon.” She curtseyed and then looked at Tabitha. They both giggled.

  When they had found their way to the corner displaying new kid gloves, Miss Anne asked, “Well, what did you tell him?”

  “I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t very well explain to Edward and Henry my feelings. I felt so bare. I must know if he feels the same before I say anything.” She swallowed as her certainty grew. “He must be the first, otherwise how can I know he will take me seriously?”

  Miss Anne didn’t answer.

  “What? Is that not a wise plan?”

  “But what if he is waiting for some kind of signal from you?”

  “Signal. What do you mean?”

  “Well, a sign, some sort of indication of your feelings.” After thinking for a moment, she said, “Something obvious will likely be required.”

  Tabitha thought about this for a moment. And then shook her head. “I don’t dare.”

  Her attention was distracted as she watched out the front window to the shop. “Isn’t that…?”

  Miss Anne turned. “What?” The back of a footman’s livery passed around the corner.

  “Let’s follow.” They left the shop in a hurry, Miss Anne obviously confused.

  The footman turned a corner up ahead. “Oh, let’s hurry!” Tabitha walked nearly to a run.

  Anne, breathless, called, “Why are we following this footman?”

  “Because he is up to something. I just know it.”

  Henry rounded a corner near them, and she fell back against the wall, out of sight. “It’s Henry.”

  Miss Anne’s eyes opened wide. “Why are we hiding?”

  Tabitha thought for a moment. “I don’t know.” Then she peered around the corner again.

  Henry looked in all directions then took the same alley as the footman. Her eyes narrowed. “He’s up to something as well.”

  They rushed to the alleyway and hurried to the door that had just closed. It was the only movement in sight; Henry must have gone inside.

  Then a little girl with dark chocolate curls and a frilly pink dress came running out of a blue door on the opposite side of the alley. Laughter followed, a honey timbre Tabitha recognized, and the footman himself stepped out into the alley. He stopped short, meeting her eyes with a full smile. He seemed so relaxed, happy. Then he replaced some of his candor with the emotional guard of his footman mask. For that is how she had come to think of it. He bowed. “Miss Easton, Miss Anne.”

  They nodded. Anne said, “Damen.”

  Tabitha turned in surprise. “His name is Damen?” Then she felt her face heat. “Your name is Damen?”

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” His eyes teased her.

  She almost grunted but instead turned to Anne. “And you know his name?”

  Her eyes widened and then she said, “I thought everyone knew it. Miss Fairchild is the one who told me.”

  The little girl came forward and reached for his hand. Both ladies must have showed their suspicions plainly for he quickly explained. “This is my cousin, of sorts.”

  The other door opened behind them and voices interrupted. Henry stepped out into the alleyway, followed by Lord Felling and several men Tabitha had never seen before. As soon as they noticed their group, they stopped in surprise, cutting conversation immediately and eyeing Damen in great suspicion.

  Henry stepped forward. “Weren’t you inside the pub just now?”

  How strange he would not even address her or Miss Anne.

  Damen’s eyes flitted over the group, and she almost saw a look of great arrogance cross his features. But she must have been mistaken, for he looked very much the servant as he said, “I did go in for a bit of ale, right before I paid a visit to my favorite lady.”

  “How dare you be so informal around them?” Henry’s towering form seemed to rise even higher as his frown deepened.

  Then Damen arched a brow and indicated the small bit of pink frill at his side.

  “Henry! Really.” Tabitha could not understand his animosity. “This is Damen’s cousin…” She turned to the little lady. “I do apologize, little one, but I did not catch your name.”

  The little girl giggled. “She sounds so proper, even talking to me.” Then she curtseyed. “I’m Annabella.”

  As Tabitha turned to Miss Anne, Henry at last said, “I wondered if you two might like to accompany me to the tea room?”

  Tabitha nodded, and they each took one of Henry’s arms. She felt unsettled. Henry had never seemed so unreasonably accusing.

  But when they arrived at the tearoom, he smiled his largest grin, held the door, and waved them in. Tabitha allowed some of her tension to melt away. The room was cheery and smelled of tea, coffee, and a sugary sharp anise. He held out a chair for her and then Miss Anne. He ordered her tea, with two sugars and extra cream, and her favorite blackberry tarts before turning to Miss Anne.

  They sat at a cozy table in the back. Once all their orders had been served, Henry said, “Now, what are the two loveliest women at the house party doing without an escort?”

  They glanced at each other. Tabitha wasn’t certain how it had come about. But before they could respond, he said, “I shall not complain, for I am to benefit.” He sipped his tea, and the warmth in his eyes put Tabitha further at ease.

  He leaned back in his chair. “Miss Anne. I bet I could reveal some surprises about our Miss Tabitha here.”

  She laughed, eyeing them both. “I am sure you can, and I long to hear them.”

  “First of all…”

  Tabitha laughed at his self-satisfied grin.

  “She is a terrible chess player.”


  “That’s all you will reveal?” Anne feigned disappointment.

  “I’m only getting started. She is also abysmal at Whist.”

  Tabitha scoffed. “Now that is untrue.”

  “I have a waltz to prove it.” His eyes sparkled.

  She felt her face heat. Their shared gaze did not break for many moments, his expression full of sincerity. Her hope rose again.

  He took a bite of his biscuit. “But, she is the veritable queen, the expert among all the Eastons.” He swallowed and sipped his tea.

  Miss Anne laughed. “At what?”

  “Yes, we are all aflutter with expectation.” Tabitha’s unease was all but gone; she thrilled at his good humor.

  “She is the undisputed champion, at catching frogs.”

  She choked on her tea as she laughed.

  “And climbing trees.”

  Anne lifted her cup in a mock salute. “Those are two enviable talents indeed.”

  Tabitha could only shake her head and wonder if she would
ever understand what went on in Henry’s head.


  Distrust All Around

  All the Eastons gathered in the conservatory in the early-morning hours. Soft light filtered through the glass. The thick air and rich smell of earth surrounded them. It was their typical planning meeting to determine who would accompany Tabitha throughout the day; but on this morning, for some reason, Tabitha was required to attend.

  Tabitha sighed in resignation while her brothers argued and bargained for who would have to be with Tabitha during which activities.

  Rustling in the trees drew her attention. Giggling carried over to them, and then Henry and Lady Summers turned the corner and came into view. Tabitha’s heart sank.

  Henry held his arm out towards her brothers and turned to the woman at his side. “Here you go. I shall leave you to finish your walk with one of the fine Eastons.”

  Julian only smirked, but Oscar straightened and held out his hand. “We are almost finished here. Perhaps you would enjoy a turn about the gardens with me?”

  Her calculating expression almost made Tabitha laugh.

  Lady Summers rested her hand on Oscar’s outstretched arm, and they turned down the next row of foliage.

  As soon as Lady Summers left, Henry said, “I’m sorry I am late for the meeting.” Then he frowned. “Come to think of it, I was not aware of one.” He turned in question to Edward, who didn’t respond. But his face pinched, and Tabitha knew immediately he had kept the meeting from Henry.

  “What time would you like me to be present?” He came to stand at her side. “Hello, Tabby Cat.” His low voice sent tremors through her.


  Edward frowned. “How about you be available if we need you through the afternoon. We’ve got it planned out and taken care of otherwise.”

  “But I’m more than happy to take my turn. In fact, I could accompany her out on the pond, or we could take the horses out. Something fun instead of just standing about watching her talk to other men.” He coughed. “Or women.” His face turned pink.


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