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Her Mafia Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance (Romano Mafia Brothers Book 1)

Page 5

by Bianca Cole

  His fingers remain around my throat, as he kisses me deeply. I reach out for him, letting my hand tease down the hard planes of his muscled chest. He groans against me, nipping at my lip in an almost warning.

  He lets go of my throat and turns away from me, letting me fall back into my seat. Silence fills the back of the car again, and I feel more confused than I’ve ever been. He has made it clear he doesn’t intend to whore me out. I’m just not exactly sure what he means by I’m his forever.

  I’m so fucked up. This man has me held captive for almost a week, and I want him like I’ve never wanted anyone before. The way he kisses me makes me melt every time, making me crave him more. I barely even know him, but when he kisses me, I want to beg him to take my virginity.

  The SUV pulls to an abrupt stop and Kane opens his door, leaving me sitting there on my own. I let out a long, shaky breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Around him, I forget to breathe. It’s as if he draws all the oxygen out of the space he’s in.

  Suddenly, my door opens and Kane is standing there. “Out,” he commands.

  I do as he says and jump out of the SUV, craning my neck to look up at him as my feet hit the floor. His hands settle on my hips and he pulls me close to him. “You’re about to witness the true power of the Romano Mafia, baby girl. This is your life now,” he whispers into my ear.

  A shiver passes down my spine, and he grabs my arm and drags me forcefully toward an industrial building. There are lots of other black cars all lined up in a row. My curiosity is peaked, but I’m too anxious to ask where we are or what we’re doing here.

  The Romano Mafia is the real deal. It’s not petty crime like my step-dad is involved in. They kill anyone who stands in their way. Alex is lucky that he had me to offer Kane, otherwise he’d be dead and buried in an unmarked grave by now.

  That same shift in Kane’s demeanor makes me shake. Anytime we’re alone, he’s caring and kind. The moment we’re out in public he’s the rough, dominating man who barely speaks.

  He drags me into the building full of people in suits. A long metal table in the center of the warehouse has chairs all around it. Two of Kane’s men flank us as we walk toward the table. Kane stops a few feet short of the table and jerks me a stop, pushing me toward one of his men. “Take her,” he grunts.

  All I feel is confused, as I get handed off to one of his men. The guy’s hands tighten around my shoulders, and he drags me toward the edge of the room, stopping there. My eyes remain fixed on Kane whose jaw is clenched and his shoulders are hunched. It’s as if he’s making sure he doesn’t meet my gaze, keeping his eyes anywhere but on me.

  Another muscular man enters the room and everyone goes silent. He emits even more power than Kane and I know instantly who it is—Rick Romano. Everyone watches him as he sits at the head of the table. Once he is seated, everyone else takes their seats.

  Kane’s eyes find mine for a moment, but they remain steely and cold. I break his gaze, looking down at the floor. This man is getting more confusing by the minute. It is like he has split personalities.

  Rick stands and clears his throat. The entire room turns silent and goosebumps prickle across my skin, as I watch him scan the room. “Thank you all for coming to the weekly sit down. We’ve got a few matters to discuss.” He nods at a huge guy standing by the door, who steps forward, dragging a middle-aged man whose face has been badly beaten up. “Joe Benz, you’ve been caught trying to steal from the Romano Mafia. Death is the only option.” He clears his throat. “Do you have any last words?”

  “Please don’t do this,” he splutters, dropping to his knees. “My family was starving, and I needed food.”

  Rick’s jaw remains hard and set. “No one steals from us and survives.” He nods to the man behind him who pulls out a gun.

  I can’t stifle the gasp that leaves my lips.

  The man behind tightens his grip and leans toward me. “Keep quiet.”

  I glance at Kane who is staring right at me with an odd expression in his eyes, something I can’t quite place. I glance back at the man who now has a gun pointed right at the back of the thief’s head. Then I return my gaze to Kane who gives me a slight nod. I bite my lip and keep his gaze, knowing he’s telling me not to watch. In his own twisted way, he’s trying to protect me from witnessing it.

  The faintest whisper of a sad smile plays at his lips. He looks regretful as the gunshot rings out around us, and I keep staring at him, too scared to look at the scene unfolding. I can picture it though, the blood everywhere, the man’s lifeless body. It’s one thing knowing what the Romano family are capable of, but it’s another thing witnessing it.

  My heart aches at the way the man begged for forgiveness and the cold way Rick, Kane’s brother, ordered him to be shot down. All I can think of is Kane’s words, this is your life now.

  Is that true? It’s as if the gun shot woke me up from a stupid daze I’d been in, lusting after my captor. Kane Romano and his family are the worst people imaginable. This isn’t the life I want, not after everything I went through with my mother.

  There has to be a way out. I need to escape him and head to the west coast of America. As far as I’m aware, their reach doesn’t stretch that far, and I should be safe there. They run the east coast, not the west.

  All I need to do is hitchhike over there and then get a job, buy a new identity. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?

  My shoulders slump as the man behind me keeps a hold of my shoulders. If it wasn’t for him, I’m sure I’d collapse right now. I keep my eyes fixed to the floor as the meeting continues.

  The first man isn’t the only one to be murdered. Two more men are brought in, both of them pleading for their lives and both of them shot dead anyway without mercy.

  Kane has done me a favor, bringing me to this meeting. It snapped me out of the silly daydream like state I’ve been in for the past week. He’s a killer and a monster. I can’t want him. This isn’t a life I would ever choose for myself.



  We sit in silence in the back of the blacked-out car. Jasmine has barely glanced at me since we walked out of the warehouse and hasn’t said a word. Maybe it was a mistake to bring her to the sit down, but she needs to know who I am and what I do. This is my life, and if she’s going to be a part of it, she needs to know.

  The moment her step-dad offered her to me, I knew I’d want her in more ways than one. I want Jasmine Cavino to want me the way I crave her. The chance of that happening seems slim considering she’s an innocent girl caught in this shit because her step-dad is a jackass.

  She won’t even meet my gaze anymore, staring unendingly out of the window. Her hand is trembling on the seat next to me. It irritates me how I have to act toward her while we’re out in public.

  Cold and detached is my way when anyone other than my family is in my presence, even my men driving. I met this girl a week ago, and I’ve already shown her my soft side, I’ve got no idea why.

  Her face made me guilty when those three men were shot during the meeting. I held her gaze for the first one, making sure she wouldn’t watch. After that, she wouldn’t tear her eyes off the floor for the rest of the meeting. I’m not used to worrying about anyone else but myself and my brothers.

  The need to protect her from seeing horrible things is strong. For the first time in my life, I wanted to break my tough public persona and go to her, pulling her into my chest and holding her tightly, but I couldn’t. It’s the most important rule of all—never show weakness to anyone. One wrong move could be a death sentence for her.

  All I can hope is that no one noticed the way I was so fixated on her throughout the meeting. Our enemies are everywhere, even within our own mafia, and we trust no one. If anyone learns they have a way to hurt me, they will snatch the opportunity. I know how selfish it is for me to want to keep her in my life. This is no place for a woman like Jasmine.

  I crack my neck, feeling stressed by the situation. Although I know the right
thing would be to let her go—let her walk out of my life—I can’t. She’s mine and there’s nothing that could make me give her up. The drone of the engine seems louder than normal as the tense silence rests uneasily between us.

  My fingers are itching to reach out and brush against hers. I want to ask if she’s okay, but I can’t bring myself to speak. The rest of the journey we travel in silence back to the house. A long sigh escapes my lips, as the crunch of the gravel drive beneath the wheels signals our arrival.

  Jasmine still hasn’t so much as looked my way since we got in the car. It’s driving me insane. The car jolts to a stop and I get out, clenching my fists by my side. Jasmine remains in the car, unmoving. I grit my jaw and walk around to her side, yanking the door open. “Out,” I mutter, staring at her as she keeps her gaze fixed to the floor.

  She jumps to her feet outside the car and keeps her eyes on the ground. If she doesn’t look at me, I will lose my shit. My hand tightens around her wrist and I pull her with me, heading into the house.

  The fight and resistance she put up against me the first day I dragged her into the car from the club is utterly gone. It is like I’m dragging a doll into the house. Rick and Leo are already in the main entrance, chatting. They eye both of us as I head up the stairs, pulling her with me.

  I’m acting insane, and I don’t give a fuck. This woman is driving me mad, and I’ve got to make her see I’m not the monster she believes I am. Although, dragging her through the house like this might scream the opposite.

  Once we’re behind closed doors, I let go of her arm and let out a long, shaky breath. She still won’t look at me. “Jasmine, look at me,” I breathe, hoping the bridges between us haven’t burned.

  She doesn’t move a muscle. Her fists are clenched tightly and are shoulders are tense. Jasmine fears me. The girl who looked at me almost adoringly this morning. What the hell was I thinking taking her there?

  A sudden flood of anger at myself coils through me.

  “I said, look at me.” She jumps at the tone of my voice and forces her face up, staring at me with cold fear and disgust in her eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat and try not to let that look get to me.

  “Jasmine, I’m sorry you had to witness that.” I’m regretting my decision to take her, and wishing I could turn back time and do it differently. Maybe it was too soon to show her who I was and what I do. It’s only been a week, but it feels like we’ve been here together for a lifetime.

  “Sorry I had to witness how much of a monster you are?” she spits, glaring at me.

  It hits me harder than I’d ever expect. Normally, words bounce off me, but from her it hurts. I shake my head and take a step toward her.

  She takes a step back.

  “Please, Jasmine.” I try to step forward again. “Let me explain.”

  She shakes her head. “Don’t come near me.”

  My heart aches at her coldness. She’s in shock but I can’t let her push me away—my heart won’t allow it. Instead, I move slowly toward her, keeping eye contact as if she’s a deer ready to bolt. “Please,” I whisper, willing her to let me come close.

  Her body trembles the closer I get. Do I really scare her that much? I reach a hand out toward hers, and she doesn’t stop me from closing it around her own. With a gentle tug, I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her. “I’m sorry, Jasmine. I didn’t want to scare you.”

  Her body is tense and unmoving in my arms. “Let go of me,” she says sternly, trying to step away.

  I let her go, removing my arms despite feeling desperate to hold her close until she submits to me. I may be a criminal, but I’ve always respected a woman’s boundaries, it unusual for me to want to go against them.

  Her eyes are filled with unshed tears as she narrows them at me. “Leave me alone.” She crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her chin, staring me out.

  For a girl who is scared about her situation, she sure as hell isn’t worried about standing up to a monster. I hate that she used that word—a word I’ve often used for myself. I hate that is how she sees me now. God knows what she would think if I’d had to do the killing, luckily, I didn’t. If she knew what I’d done when I left her yesterday morning, she’d hate me more.

  I clench my jaw, staring at the woman I long for, before turning away. “Get some rest, princess.”

  She doesn’t respond as I step out of the room. The two guards standing outside the door of my room give me a nod. “No need to lock the door, but keep an eye on her.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  I head down the hallway toward the stairs and descend to find my brothers. There’s something odd happening to me with Jasmine, and I’m not sure I like it. She’s making me feel, which is dangerous when you’re entangled in such a brutal line of work.

  As I step around the corner, Leo blocks my path. “What’s wrong big brother? The girl making it more difficult than you thought?”

  I shake my head. “Get out of my way, Leo.”

  “Boss is in a meeting.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Who the hell with?”

  An irritating smirk curls onto his lips. “Austin.”

  I punch the wall, feeling overwhelmed by rage. Austin is an asshole. He’s our spy, reporting on anything rival families might be planning. I’ve never trusted the guy though—he’s a real psychopath.

  “How’s your plan going to get her to beg you for it?” Leo asks, picking at his nails.

  My jaw clenches. “Fine.”

  Leo loves getting under my skin. I love him because he’s my brother, but I could really kick the shit out of him for being such a cocky son of a bitch.

  “Are you sure you’re not getting too old?” The smirk widens. “Maybe she needs someone younger.” He raises an eyebrow.

  I snap and grab his collar, forcing him against the wall. The stupid smirk is wiped from his face and he lifts his hands up. “Sorry, bro, I didn’t realize you were so serious about the girl.”

  I let him go, running a hand through my short hair. “She’s driving me fucking crazy.”

  There’s a look in his eyes, as if he knows exactly what I mean. It makes little sense considering Leo never dates. He’s a self-professed man whore who can’t keep it in his pants. He couldn’t know what I mean. It has become clear over the past week this woman has her claws in me so deep I don’t know what to do.

  “How did the shipment go last night?” I ask, trying to get my mind off everything.

  He shrugs. “Fine, until I got called to Mode to deal with a thief.”

  My brow furrows. “What happened?”

  There’s a strange look in his eyes, as he averts my gaze. “You don’t want to know.”

  I nod my head, assuming I really don’t want to know if Leo says so. Normally, he’s not shy about going into every little bloody detail about the deeds he carries out. Leo has always been the least affected out of the three of us by death and violence. It made the underboss position perfect for him. He deals with more of the day-to-day issues and workings of the mafia.

  “Why are you looking for Rick?” he asks, changing the subject.

  I sigh heavily. “I’m not even sure. I just had to get out of that room.”

  Leo’s eyes light up. “How about we go for a drink?”

  Me and Leo haven’t been for a drink in ages, but it sounds like a good idea. I need to get my mind off of the woman up in my room. “Sounds good.”

  Leo practically skips toward the exit. “I’ll drive, let’s go to Mode.”

  My eyes narrow, but I don’t question him on his choice. It seems an odd place to want to go after he had to deal with a thief there the night before.

  After a few beers at Mode, the attempt to keep my mind off Jasmine isn’t working. Leo is on one tonight and won’t slow down. By the time it gets to midnight, I’ve had enough.

  I fight my way onto the dance floor to find my brother, but he’s nowhere to be seen. For fuck’s sake, this is why I never go out with Leo—he
’s a loose canon. I pull my phone out of my jacket and type a text to him.

  I will get a cab home. No idea where you are.

  I fire the text off and then head for the exit, stepping onto the street. There’s a few cabs parked out front, and I walk to the first one, sliding in the back. The cab driver’s eyes widen the moment he clocks who I am. “Where can I take you, sir?”

  I mindlessly tell him our address and loosen the tie around my neck. The plan tonight was to get drunk and forget about the woman in my bedroom. Instead, I’ve thought about her constantly. It’s like she’s infected my brain.

  By the time the cab pulls up to our gates, it’s gone midnight. It’s against our rules for any vehicles other than our own to enter the compound. I pay the guy, getting out and starting the trudge down our ridiculously long driveway. It’s useful tactically, as if we ever come under attack, we’ll have plenty of time to prepare for whoever is coming at us.

  The driveway is at least a mile, but I enjoy walking beneath the stars. It helps clear my head a little, even if Jasmine still plagues my mind.

  It’s a relief when I make it to the house, entering the hallway and hurrying up the stairs. Even though it’s only been a few hours, I’m desperate to see her. I need to see that she is safe.

  A flood of relief fills me as I enter the room to find Jasmine under the covers, curled in a ball with her back to me. My cock throbs at the mere sight of her. The side light is still on, as I slowly ease my jacket off my shoulders and sling it onto the chair in the corner of my room. I then strip off my shirt and pants.

  I’m not sure whether or not Jasmine is asleep, as I get under the covers beside her and glance over at her. She doesn’t move, even once I’ve settled on my side of the bed. The temptation to wrap my arms around her is strong, but I resist.


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