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Beyond Redemption (Marked Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Jesse Lorenzo

  Adelle and Ellora directed the authorities up the stairs while sitting huddled behind the bar, sipping some tea to warm the icy chill that the fear of the evening had brought on. They watched on at a safe distance as Dalton, who was now wide awake, was dragged out unwillingly. His eyes immediately found the green eyes he’d been searching for in the crowded room.

  The wicked, eerie smile that spread across his bloodied face captured her attention, and he held her hostage with the pull of his glare. He shouted above the voices of everyone else, silencing them immediately. “I always win… one way or the other.” His eyes stayed trained on hers as he was escorted out the door, a strange smirk plastered across his face despite his current predicament. “As long as I’m still alive, your life will belong to me. And no one else’s.”

  His manic laughter echoed around the pub ominously as he kept his eyes on Ellora’s until she was no longer in his sight. The sound sent icy chills down her spine. Something about his promised declaration knocked the wind out of her lungs. Something wasn’t right. She fiddled with her shaky fingers as she began to pace back and forth along the length of the pub. A growing unease twisted at her insides, making her feel sick to her stomach.

  Where is Behr? Hours had passed with no word. This wasn’t like him at all. Surely, Gavin must’ve called Behr first, before calling Patrick and Grady. Something was wrong. Ellora sensed the threat deep in the marrow of her bones. Panic welled up inside her as Dalton’s words replayed in her mind over and over again in a relentless, never ending loop. His threats hollowed her out, leaving behind an emptiness that had her sick with dread, fearing for the life of the only man she’d ever loved.

  Had Dalton done something to hurt Behr because of her? That was something the vile snake would do to prove a point. Ellora’s frame trembled as each passing moment without her love safely by her side screamed that something terrible had happened.

  The pub doors opened forcefully, crashing as it swung wide, hitting the wall. Both girls jumped, startled by the sudden noise. “Behr!” Ellora cried out as tears burned behind her worried eyes, but stopped short at the sight of Gavin. Her unease escalated to panic at the absence of Behr’s presence alongside his friend, after many hours had all hope draining from her weary body.

  Gavin rushed toward the girls, seeing the bruising that darkened around Adelle’s face, and wrapped his arms around her strongly. “My God, did he hurt you, Ellie? I’ll kill ’im for layin’ a hand on you!” Too emotionally exhausted to stop him, Adelle accepted Gavin’s well placed kisses all along the discolored marks on her cheeks. Cupping her face delicately in his hands, he brought his mouth down to hers. His kiss unleashed all the pent up affection, frustration, and concern he’d carried around for her over the last few years, in each affectionate caress of his lips on hers.

  Finally breaking the connection, Adelle answered, “No. I’m a’right. You shoulda seen the other guy.”

  If Ellora wasn’t sure before, she definitely was now. Dalton’s declaration and Behr’s absence wasn’t a coincidence. “Gavin? Where’s Behr?”

  Adelle’s eyebrows lifted at the devastation in her friend’s voice, and she wrapped her arms around Ellora’s shoulders, trying to comfort her. Gavin dipped his head, avoiding her eyes, and that was all the confirmation she needed. Ellora’s stomach plummeted, and she had to brace herself against her friend to keep from toppling over. The whole room spun wildly out of control, and she fought to keep from collapsing under the crippling weight of all the devastating scenarios Behr could’ve been a part of.

  “Behr’s Ferry was found in wreckage all along the cliff side rocks…”

  Pushing past Adelle, she shouted forcefully, as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. “WHERE IS BEHR? GAVIN! WHERE IS HE?” Not wanting to accept that something happened to him, she continued to shout, pounding on his chest.

  Not at all offended by her understandable outburst, Gavin wrapped his arms around her tightly, uneasiness laced with each and every word uttered. “They are looking, Lor. They won’t stop looking until they find him.”

  Ellora’s legs finally gave out on her, and she crumpled to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. “Oh, Gavin. It’s all my fault. I made him angry at me. He left because of me. Oh my God, I should’ve never come here. I led Dalton right to your front door.” She was losing it. If anything happened to him, she would never forgive herself, and she would never recover from it.

  Thoughts of having to pick up and move worked their way through her head. She wouldn’t be able to remain in a place filled with such remarkable memories of the life she so desperately wanted; it would break her. But, just the idea of leaving her new family behind hurt her already torn up heart.

  Ellora knew she couldn’t live without Behr right beside her. She loved him so much. They had the kind of love that lasts forever… the kind of love her parents had for each other. And now, it was gone. Once again, Dalton ripped someone she loved most in the world right out of her beating heart, destroying it.

  Thunderous shouts from outside the pub caught all of their attention. Ellora feared that Dalton had broken free from his captors and was coming after her. She now believed his words. So long as he was alive, he’d always come after her. She shook as the shouting edged closer to the door. Gavin stepped in front of Adelle and stood strong, ready to shield her from whatever monster came through that door.

  The door burst opened and once again crashed against the wall. Both girls screamed, leaping back and away from the terrifying figure that burst through the door and charged inside.


  Blinking several times at the voice that called out her name, she sat frozen, unbelieving. She let her eyes adjust to the dark figure in the doorway.

  “Oh, m’sweet Ellora.” The large figure ran toward his only reason for living, who sat shivering on the cold ground, still in a state of mournful shock.

  Behr. It couldn’t be. This was just her mind playing cruel jokes on her. “Behr… is it really you? He… He said no one else could have me. He said he always wins… Then, when you didn’t come back, I thought… I thought he took you away from me. Oh my God, Behr, are you really here?”

  Behr’s stomach lurched at the sight of the dazed girl rocking back and forth. Her mind was shutting down on her, unable to handle all that had happened.

  He approached the trembling girl, dripping wet, completely soaked to the bone, and leaving a large puddle to collect at his feet. He took one look at the rough state of Ellora’s appearance and almost died on that very spot. The men outside said Dalton had snuck into her room and attacked her. He wasn’t sure what exactly happened, but the trembling, regressed, and roughed up demeanor of his petite and delicate love had him dreaming up nothing but the worst possible outcome.

  Behr dropped down on his knees, crawled over to where she sat on the gritty floor, and scooped her up into his soaked arms. Not wanting to question the already violated girl in front of an audience, he carried her into the kitchen and sat her down on a stainless steel stool. Behr located the first aid kit and approached the dazed girl. Cupping her pale face with his water logged hands, Behr tilted her head up to meet his eyes.

  “Did he touch you, Ellora?” The painful sorrow that shook his voice caught her attention, the agony that screamed through his pale eyes ripping her heart to shreds.

  “He tried,” she answered robotically, sparing him the details. Some things were better left unsaid.

  “Did he hurt you?” The whole world would fall if his beloved was harmed. His strong hands carefully gripped her chin and moved her head from one side to the other, checking for any injuries.

  “Some. Just a few scratches and bruises and a massive headache. Nothing an extra strength pain reliever can’t handle.” She forced a weak smile, trying to relieve Behr of the heavy burden of his worry.

  After searching all over her face and body, he finally pulled her into the security his arms always promised, holding her as tight as he dared, and drenching
her from head to toe. “I’m so sorry, love. I should nae left you behind like I did. I shoulda been ‘ere to protect you. I’ll nae forgive myself. I love you. Oh, God, I love you so much.” As the warmth of his body absorbed into her frozen form and thawed the numbness that kept her in a state of shock, she awoke from her nightmarish stupor. Ellora pulled back and blinked up at the owner of her heart and soul.

  Realizing that it was really Behr holding her and not some apparition, or will of the mind, that he was safe, Ellora lunged at him, not caring in the least that she was now soaked. She didn’t care. She never even noticed.

  “When you didn’t come back, I thought… I thought he killed you. Oh my God, Behr, I thought he took you from me.” She climbed onto his lap and crawled into his waiting arms, needing to be closer to the man she thought she’d lost. She wrapped her arms around his thick neck, clinging to him as tightly as she was able to in her weakened condition, chanting, “I thought you were gone. I thought I’d lost you.”

  Behr cradled her protectively in his strong arms as she finally let the evening’s events come crashing down on her. He let her get it out of her system, sobbing hysterically against his chest.

  After enough time passed, Gavin and Adelle wandered back to check in on the pair. Adelle voiced softly, full of motherly concern, “How is she doing? Is she a’right?”

  Behr nodded, not daring to tear his eyes off of Ellora. “She’s a’right.”

  Gavin walked over, dropping his hand on Behr’s shoulder. His eyes spoke of all the worry he’d experienced with the absence of his oldest friend. “I truly thought the worst, friend.” Ellora’s body quaked violently on Behr’s lap as she listened to Gavin admit to the same fears she had.

  Behr looked to his friend. “How did this happen, Gavin?”

  “The man himself who hired the very one you fought a few months back, Dalton, has been livin’ ’ere all along, watching us all and waitin’ for his chance to get to Ellora. He’s the owner of the warehouse she’s leasin’. He used that building as a way to get closer to her. He broke into her room upstairs and waited for her return. Adelle walked in during the attack.”

  Adelle spoke up, proudly announcing, “Clobbered ‘im good, I did, the rat bastard.”

  Gavin wrapped his arm around the brave girl, tucking her into his side. “The cops ‘ave ‘im in custody. When I spoke of my concerns for you, that’s when they gave word of your wreck. That’s when that Devil of a man admitted proudly in front of everyone that it was of his doing.”

  The soaked man held his love closer as the very real scenario of what could’ve happened, had Adelle not been there, played out in his mind. He should’ve been the one to be there. Guilt washed over him anew. He’d stormed off, leaving her to fend off the wolves herself. He swore to himself it’d never happen again. He wasn’t going to be like his father was, a man who walked out just because you didn’t agree or like what your girl was saying. You stay and hash it out… together.

  Gavin and Adelle decided to step back out of the room, leaving them to comfort one another in privacy.

  Ellora regained some of her lost composure and finally found her voice, asking, “How did it happen?”

  “I’m not sure, love, but I think he sabotaged the engine and controls somehow. The Sea Witch crashed into the rocks and sank like a stone.”

  “He destroyed your boat? Oh my God, Behr, are you hurt?” Ellora ran her hands up and down his face, neck, chest, and back again, searching for any injuries.

  “I’m a’right, love. It takes more n’ a cold surf to bring me down. I’m an excellent swimmer.”

  “Oh, Behr, but your boat... It is your livelihood, your dream. It’s destroyed now.”

  Behr waved his hand, stopping her from saying anymore. “I can always get another boat. Those are just things. They are replaceable. You are not. I’m sorry I shouted at you, Lor. You dinnae deserve it.”

  With no more tears left to fall, Ellora’s voice cracked as she proclaimed to the man she came close to losing, “Behr, I love you. I’m sorry I made you angry with me. None of this would have happened had I…” Ellora never drew a breath as her fears came tumbling out of her mouth all at once.

  Behr silenced her fears with each persuasive caress from his mouth to hers, pleading against her lips for her forgiveness. This despairing kiss spoke volumes of how much he needed her, how much he loved her, and how he couldn’t live without her. Cupping her face, he pierced her with his persuasive gaze.

  “I was nae angry with you, love. I was angry with myself. You were right all along, and I should nae o’ stormed off because I dinnae like hearin’ the truth. That was an ass’s way out. A true man doesn’t walk away. None of this is your fault. You are responsible for your actions, nae the actions of others. That man is pure evil, and you’re not responsible for his evil deeds. That is on him and him alone. I will make sure he pays for every vile thing he’s done.”

  Placing her back on solid ground, Behr pleaded his case. “Say you forgive me, my love, and I’ll make peace with my parents. I’ll take you to meet them. I’ll take you anywhere in the world you want to go, so long as you stand by my side. I love you, Ellora Belle. I love you so much it hurts my heart to be away from you.”

  Ellora shook her head, placing kisses along his dampened skin and sighing his name like an answered prayer. “Oh, Behr, I need you. I don’t want to be in a world without you in it. Life wouldn’t be worth living… without you living it right by my side. I love you.”

  Behr closed his eyes at the symphony of heartfelt words that poured out of her mouth. Behr lowered his frame down to meet his love. Running his hands through her thick black hair, he fisted it in a tight, needy grip. Tilting her head, Ellora eagerly gripped the back of her powerful man’s head and guided him to her. Their lips crashed together in a whirlwind of pent up emotions, waiting to burst out. This kiss was not at all soft or tender like their usual kisses, but a mixture of desperate need, unreleased anxiety, and fearful tension. Each battled to have the upper hand as they pulled, tugged, nipped, and devoured one another in a fury.

  “Oh, Behr. Don’t ever leave me. It’d kill me.” She sighed against his full lips.

  Behr nipped on her bottom lip. “You’re my beating heart. I cannae live without you, my love. You own me. Mind, body, and soul. Without you, I am just a shell o’ a man.” The two continued to kiss away their fears with renewed love and devotion to one another. Each one a promise of a future together.

  They were forced out of their heavenly solitude by impatient law officials needing statements. Reluctantly, Behr escorted her along without breaking some kind of physical contact. Behr’s hands remained laced with hers, always reassuring, always giving her the strength she needed to keep going.

  Several days had passed without a word from Dominick. After Giddeon’s outburst at the prison, he probably thought he was cracking up and needed space. He didn’t like the thought of letting him down, or of the detective thinking he was weak. But, for the first time in his life, Giddeon had been able to just… be. To breathe. To enjoy the contented bliss he’d experienced with his Angel.

  They’d hardly wandered out of bed except to eat and shower. They’d spent all their time fully immersed in each other. Giddeon hadn’t detected the presence of the beast within him stir, not once. The contented man let himself think that this could actually work… Him and Eva. He desperately wanted to believe that he could live a normal life, whatever that was. With her by his side, Giddeon could conquer all his demons.

  As he spent the last few hours thinking of this revelation, he lay satiated with his Angel tucked close to his side. Their limbs tangled together as one, her arms draped lazily over his scarred stomach. Eva’s closeness gave him a strange sense of security. He aimlessly played with her hair as she rested her head on his chest.

  She hummed a soft tune as she drew imaginary figure eights over his heart. With each melody uttered, Eva drew him up out of the dark and into the light with her. The very
sound of her heart thrumming along in rhythm with his chased away all the demons that had dwelled within him for so long, silencing them.

  The moment Giddeon took Eva into his arms and made her his, the crack in the wall that barricaded his lifeless heart had crumbled. It was an incredible weight lifted off his shoulders. All the guilt and burdens he’d carried around for all this time had finally lifted after just one passionate encounter with his Angel. Now, he was hooked on her love, her devotion… on her.

  The spent man smiled down on her as she nuzzled into his side, needing to get impossibly closer. She had spent the morning placing tender kisses on his marked up chest. Giddeon marveled at the beautiful glowing aura that radiated off of her, which was in stark contrast to his obvious darkness.

  A deep sigh escaped her perfectly used lips. “I’m probably making your arm go numb.” She laughed lazily as she moved to roll off him. Giddeon wrapped his arms around her as tight as he dared. Caging Eva in his demanding grasp, he rolled her onto her back. Hovering over his golden Angel, he searched over her face, marveling at all of her perfect imperfections.

  With just one look, she had him drowning in the deep blue depths of her eyes. When Eva’s expressive gaze lowered to his mouth, he knew he was a goner. Without pause, Giddeon dipped his head to meet her impatient lips.

  This time around, he wanted to take his time to savor the taste of her lips as they moved in exalting rhythm with his. In between kisses, Giddeon commanded, “Don’t ever pull away from me, Angel. There is no better feeling in this world than the weight of your body on mine.”

  Pulling the woman responsible for breathing life back into him impossibly closer, Giddeon choked past his broken voice and begged against her lips, “Don’t ever let me go.” His words were fiercely expressed past his desperately frantic emotion, afraid that life’s cruelty would take her away from him as well. His sudden anguish struck Eva like a solid blow to the chest. Her heart ached at his honest plea, triggering tears to trickle down her cheeks and onto the pillow. His worshiping caresses became more fervent, almost pleading with her not to leave him all alone in this world, like every other person that had appeared in his life had.


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