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Beyond Redemption (Marked Series Book 2)

Page 24

by Jesse Lorenzo

  Detective Stevens let out a frustrated breath. He had hoped that after hearing of his attack, he’d be free from Dalton. But nothing and no one seemed to be able to stop him. Dalton was untouchable, even in prison. The deeper Dalton pulled him into his twisted life, the farther away he was to being the upstanding peace officer he sought out to be.

  “Yes, sir,” was all he was able to utter.

  Dalton breathed heavily into the line. “Do NOT let me down. My patience for second chances is done.” The wounded man slammed the receiver down, ending the call. Steadying his anger and regaining his composure, he struggled with his damaged sight and dialed another number. The line picked up immediately.

  “I was awaiting your call. I heard what happened. What do you need me to do?” The only man Dalton could trust to get things done, Troy Wyndham, was always ready for another job.

  “You have proved to be my number one after all these years. You’ve more than proved your loyalty to me, so you are now my right hand man. I will be entrusting you to get my affairs in order while I await my departure out of this vile place. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Claiborne.” Troy’s voice showed his pride in the honor bestowed to him.

  Dalton knew this would please him and keep him right where he wanted him. He’d be his eyes on the outside. “I want you to place Shannon in the position Susan used to occupy as my personal secretary. Show her all that needs to be done and train her the way I like… with fear and leverage.”

  Dalton could almost hear him nod in satisfaction. His love of all things twisted and malicious had always appealed to Dalton’s nature. “And what of the others? How would you like me to handle that… unfortunate situation?”

  The blinded man engulfed in his darkness had thought on this for the last two months. “I want them all to suffer. When I get out of this disgusting place, and am set up as far away as I can get, when I give you the green light… kill them. Kill them all.”

  Dalton could hear the smile in Troy’s voice as he agreed. “Yes, sir. It will be done. I will finish this. By the way, I have that number you asked for. It wasn’t difficult to find out.”

  Dalton scribbled down the numbers Troy spouted off and ended the call. Dialing the last number, Dalton was delighted to hear the hesitant voice that picked up on the other end.

  “Hello? Who is this?”

  Dalton growled into the receiver, gripping it so tight that his knuckles whitened under the pressure.

  “Game over, Susan.”

  To be continued in the Marked Series with

  Book 3: Forgiving the Past

  To my Lord and Savior. For he rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of HIS beloved Son—Colossians 1:13

  To my loving Hubby. I sacrificed countless amounts of time and energy away from my family, in order to follow my dream and write this series. Your love and support means everything to me. Thank you for putting up with me. I love you so much, Eggie.

  Womb-mate! Thank you so much for your continued love and support. I can always count on you. I love you, twinny.

  Thanks, Mommy, for reading to us at an early age. I’m so happy I was born in a family of book lovers. Daddy, your over-exaggerated story telling and crazy antics helped fuel my imagination.

  To my Chicken Soup Chicks, thank you for always being there to help support me. You all are the best group of people on the planet. I’m truly proud and blessed to call you all my friends. I still plan on meeting you all in person someday… It’ll happen.

  To my Amazing Beta Readers/critique partners, Babs, Tori, and Cindi M., thank you for all your help. I’m so grateful for all your hard work. You ladies are the best! I love your faces off.

  To my PA ,Tori “The Terminator” Carlson, you are a machine. Thank you for all your help, love, and support. Even with a full-time job, you’re bodaciously amazeballs. You rock. The End.

  Kendra, I’m so happy I’ve met you. Not only are you a badass editor, but I’m also happy to call you my friend.

  Airicka Phoenix, once again you blew my mind with another amazing book cover and banner. I’m so in love. You did a beautiful job, and I had a blast working with you.

  And last *but certainly NOT least* thank you to all my amazing readers. You are epic and I love you. Thank you for loving my characters as much as I do.

  I’d love to hear from you, good or bad. Your feedback and reviews help make the next book better. THANK YOU! ~ Lady J

  I grew up in Upstate New York, but my heart belongs in Arizona. If given the chance, I’d gladly trade in frost burn for sunburn. I grew up causing all kinds of trouble with my twin sister/partner in crime. My wild, over-exaggerated story telling grew along with my love for reading. I am a proud wife and mother of three beautiful daughters and two fur-babies.

  With the support of my hubby and the encouragement of my womb-mate, I put pen to paper and let my imagination run free.

  I love coffee, hiking, shooting BIG guns, and OF COURSE, reading. I enjoy all genres—paranormal, thriller, romantic suspense, dystopian… you name it.

  Book One in the Marked Series, Forever Marked, released in August of 2015.

  I’d love to get to know you all, so hit me up. I love to chat. Go ahead. Don’t be shy.

  Where to get a hold of me:




  Twitter: @LadyJ_Author

  Instagram: @ladyj_author


  Falling Deep Into You

  (Torn Pieces: Book One)

  By: Terra Kelly

  Copyright© 2016 Terra Kelly

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Preslie was dreaming about some place warm. She was sitting on a chaise lounge reading. The back patio doors were open letting the warm air permeate the room. Then she heard an unusual sound, snoring? She looked around, but no one was there. Then the room she was in became fuzzy, and the low snoring sound became louder. She opened her eyes, adjusting them to the bright lights streaming through the windows. She was unsure at first where she was, but then her evening all came rushing back to her. She had her head still resting on Miles’ leg. She looked like a cocoon, all nestled in her blanket. She knew the moment she lifted the blanket her body would feel the immediate reaction to the cool air. Unfortunately, if she waited any longer, her bladder may explode. She sighed, and carefully threw back the covers. Trying not to startle Miles, she lifted her head slowly off his leg. She sat up, and looked over. Miles had his head to the side, and was letting out little puffs of air. Then every so often he would make a sound like a pig, and she had to quietly giggle. He was beautiful, and adorable when he slept. She let her eyes wander down to below his waistline, and sucked in air. You could see an outline, and he was very erect. So beautiful.

  She sat on the edge of the couch for a few more moments, just taking in the surroundings. There was an acoustic Guitar resting against the front window, in the living room. She knew only the basics of guitars, but had always wanted to learn how to play. Looking down, she let out a soft laugh. She still couldn’t believe she was wearing her most risqué nightgown. All that she had underneath was little bikini panties. She shook her head and stood up. She quietly walked to the bathroom. When she walked back into the living room, she enjoyed the feel of the soft carpet between her toes. This house was inviting. What did he say, he was renting it? It would be a keeper in her book. As she sat down on the floor, she pulled the nightgown up around her. She rested her body against the window sill, and lifted the guitar onto her lap. Her knees were together and sitting to the side in f
ront of her. She slowly started to play a few chords.

  Miles had a tough time falling asleep on the couch, but when he did, he was out. Preslie never moved the whole night, so he slept perfectly. In the past, Angie was known to toss and turn, and keep him up all night. Also, he was a light sleeper, which went with the type of job he had. You always felt on, and ready to jump into action at any moment. He never felt Preslie get up, but as he opened his eyes, he noticed she was gone. He started to come out of the sleeping fog, and realized he heard a guitar. He looked around, but didn’t see Preslie. Then he looked behind him, and there she was. It was like an Angel sitting by the window. There was soft lighting shinning a beautiful beam around her gorgeous body. She was holding one of his guitars, and sitting there pretending to play. He had to smile. This was just too beautiful. The guitar she was holding was one of his prized possessions. It had been signed by Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. He had signed it personally. God he could watch her like this all day. He looked down and laughed to himself. Hopefully his other body parts would cooperate soon, and just relax. He couldn’t stand up, when everything else was standing up, too. Shaking his head, he rubbed his eyes, and thought about cold water.

  He stood and walked towards her, “Good morning, Princess.”

  She smiled as she looked up at him, “sorry if I woke you. I couldn’t resist strumming a few chords. I really have no idea how to play, but have always wanted to learn.”

  Miles loved her honesty, “Well, just so happens I know this guy who plays the guitar.”

  Laughing, “You do, huh?” She rested her hands on the guitar, “Was it okay that I grabbed this one?”

  He sat down on the floor beside her, “Of course. Do you like Led Zeppelin?”

  She looked shocked, “Who doesn’t? They’re the best. Why?”

  He pointed down below her fingers, “Jimmy Page signed this for me. He has played on a guitar like this.”

  She squeaked, “Oh my God.” Then she handed the guitar to him carefully, “I’m so sorry.”

  He let out a laugh, “Why? You didn’t do anything wrong. If you were banging it around, that may be an issue.” He handed the guitar back to her, and moved her hair away from her face.

  He leaned in, with his head next to hers, he showed her a few notes.

  She slowly moved her hands up to his, feeling each movement. She rested her head against his, and sighed.

  Quietly he asked, “Should we have breakfast? Maybe wear clothes like normal people?”

  He continued to strum the chords, but moved his body closer to hers. She nuzzled into the crease of his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. She lightly laughed, “Do normal people really wear clothes? In the house I mean?”

  He could feel her smile on his neck, and had to smile too. “Hmmm…Maybe not.” He stopped playing and moved the guitar away. He pulled her onto his lap, “Would you like to spend the day with me today?” He looked up into her eyes, “Or do you have some reality TV show to watch?”

  She playfully punched him, “No.” With an innocent face, “I don’t watch reality TV.” You could see she wanted to laugh, but she was holding back.

  He looked at her, and started laughing, “You’re so lying.” He shook his head, “Breakfast, then what?”

  Smiling, she looked down, “Well, can we swing by my place and grab some nightgowns, or maybe clothes?” She leaned up and kissed him on his lips. Then quickly stood up, and reached for his hand.

  He was a bit surprised when she leaned in to kiss him. As much as they talked in the past weeks, and especially last night. He had to get used to physical contact with another woman. After 10 years with one woman, your mind can struggle with change. Of course, Angie was making it easy to move on. He still couldn’t believe he found Julian with her last night. The guys were going to freak. He looked up and grabbed her hand, and pulled himself up. He swatted her behind and walked to the kitchen.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One



  About the Author

  Sneak Peek from Terra Kelly




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