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Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3

Page 29

by Manda Mellett

  “Hits?” Judge asks.

  I take pity on him. “If the Jokers go inside, they’ll still be gunning for Stevie. They’ll appeal their sentence, that could go on for years. If Stevie’s not around to back up her statements, they may have a chance of success. Being inside would distance them from any murder, though that wouldn’t stop them pulling the strings and getting the job done.” I grow cold at the thought. “Only way out is to take out those with any influence, the officers and ringleaders.”

  “Wretched Soulz have enough people on the inside. At the moment the Jokers can rely on the Soulz for protection. If they lose their charter, it changes the dynamics.” I don’t elaborate, suspecting the man can fill in the gaps for himself.

  “Christ.” Judge wipes his hand over his face and shakes his head. Just as I start wondering whether he’s going to be a good fit for this life, he grins widely. “Now a permanent solution I like.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “Here, boy,” I call to Max who trots over, giving wide berth to Bitch who’s watching him with wary eyes. She stands, arches her back and hisses as he passes just a little too close for her liking, but out of range of her claws. Guess they’re never going to be best buddies.

  Opening the door, I lead him outside. “Get busy,” I instruct, and he does, immediately. I reward him with a ‘good boy’, and a pat, then stand for a moment, giving him a chance to sniff the weeds growing up through the cracks in the pavement. With half an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t start tracking the trail of some small animal that’s passed by, I stare around.

  The outside of the clubhouse is a dismal area. The old furnace, the huge pit where they used to melt down trains, is the most interesting feature. A few picnic tables are sprinkled around, but instead of grass, they stand on old broken concrete. It’s a good size area and could be made into something attractive if its current resemblance to a demolition site was tidied up. I make a mental note to mention it to Demon. It wouldn’t take much more than a hired digger to get rid of the trip hazards and broken surface. Then we could use a rototiller to turn over the soil and lay some turf. Much safer for Stevie when she returns and wouldn’t take much more than a weekend if we all put our backs to it.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, boy?” Max, moving remarkably well on his injured leg, has returned to my side.

  Why am I thinking about sprucing up the clubhouse? I won’t be here much longer. I’ll be returning to Tucson. A smile curves my lips as I think how Stevie would love the compound in Arizona. We could build a house at the top alongside the rest going up, and there’s a good safe area and a swimming pool for those inevitably hot days of summer. Nestling in the valley between the mountain ranges it’s a beautiful place. In my mind’s eye, I’m imagining describing it all to her.

  How would Max get on with Grunt? Do dogs just accept each other? I glance down at Max. Somehow I suspect he’s too well trained to get into a fight. Chuckling softly, I imagine lording it over Heart when he can’t get Grunt, his oversized mongrel to obey his commands, whereas Max will do anything asked of him.

  “Yeah,” I start quietly, not even embarrassed I’m talking to a dog. At my voice he’s raised his intelligent eyes and is staring into mine. “You’d love it in Tucson. A little hot, but there’s air conditioning inside. Kids who’d adore you, women who’d spoil you. Not sure Drummer would allow you into church, but then you’ll be back working, looking after Stevie…” My voice trails off.

  Yeah, he’ll be back to a working dog if I can find that woman of mine. One of my fists smashes against the palm of my other hand. I am going to find you, Stevie. But will you be dead or alive? A feeling of sheer panic goes through me. Sensing my change of mood, Max whines quietly by my side. Got to think positively. I’d go crazy if I thought I’d never see her again. Is she thinking of me?

  It’s all the unanswerable questions which are driving me crazy. The only thing I don’t challenge is that I’m going to make her mine. Whatever objections she has, I’ll overcome them. I’ll draw her a picture of a life she can’t turn down. With me. In Tucson.

  “You’re deep in thought.”

  I jump about two feet in the air, and my hand automatically goes over my heart. “Way to scare a man half to death, Brother.”

  “Never thought I’d walk up on you unawares, Beef,” Paladin replies with a smirk. “You seemed to be somewhere else.”

  I had been. “Just thinking of when I go back to Tucson.”

  “Yeah?” Pal looks around him. “Have to admit this place is a dump compared with what we left behind. But there is a lot going for it.”

  “Like what?” I’m genuinely interested to hear how he’s settled down.

  “Like Jay for a start. Wherever she is, that’s where I want to be.”

  Once I might have laughed at him, but now I’ve met Stevie, it’s something I can fully understand.

  “The brothers. Just as good people as those I left behind.” He pauses, and this time it’s his eyes which glaze slightly as he drags up what’s on his mind. “I’ve been able to find my place here, become a new man if you like. There’s been opportunities and I’ve grabbed them with both hands. Got a respected place around the table.”

  “You had respect in Tucson.”

  He shrugs. “It wasn’t the same. I was always the youngest member. Sure, I’m still the same age, but I’m not the kid anymore. Demon’s handed me and Cad the security business since he became prez. Nice to have something of my own to build up.”

  “How’s that going?”

  “Well. I’m actually taking some classes online to learn about new methods and stuff we could do. Oh, and the legal shit as well.”

  I realise that everything’s been a blur since I arrived, I haven’t had the chance to speak with Paladin before, or not in any depth. I admire him for taking the opportunities offered by moving to a new place, settling into a new family. I’m genuinely happy for him, but can’t see myself doing that, I’m longing for the men I’ve called brothers for years, the familiar rather than the new. I’m too old to change. Unlike Pal who still has a chance to find his place in the world, I already have mine, and it’s not here in Pueblo.

  Though I think he’s got something right. I suspect wherever Stevie is, I’d be happy.

  Max, getting restless, wanders off once again. Pal’s eyes follow him. “Any news on your woman?”

  I bite back my reply I’d not be idly standing here if I knew where to find her and try to summon up a polite reply. “Zilch. Cad’s working with Mouse who’s pulling in favours from Cara, but the marshals know how to hide their shit deep. Drummer’s still trying to trace Devil who’s gone underground.”

  “And there’s been no word back from the Wretched Soulz?”

  “Nah. Driving me fuckin’ crazy if you want to know.”

  Pal’s eyes crease in sympathy. “When Jay disappeared, I went out of my mind and that was only for hours. It’s been a week for you now, Beef. I can’t begin to imagine how you’re feeling.”

  “Just putting one foot in front of the other and keep breathing air into my lungs. I feel so fuckin’ helpless, that’s what’s worst.”

  He makes no verbal reply, but I feel the slap of his hand against the leather of my cut. The simple gesture of sympathy and support, letting me know he’ll be there for me no matter what. Not for the first time I wonder how I could tolerate a situation such as this without knowing I had such men at my back. The knowledge I’m not alone is what keeps me moving forward.

  Another church, the second since Stevie vanished. Ten days gone by and we’re no further forward. Negative reports all around. For want of something to say that doesn’t attract answers of no news, or how the fuck should I know, I bring up the ideas I’ve had while taking Max outside to do the necessary. A task I need to do so often, the state of the area has been playing on my mind.

  “You know you could turn the yard into something attractive?” I start when Demon asks whether there’s any
other business. Seeing I’ve got their attention, I lay out the ideas I’d thought about the other afternoon.

  “Yard’s been that way since we moved into the place,” Rusty grumbles, jerking his chin toward Bomber and Hellfire, the original members.

  “Rather like the rustic feel,” Pyro observes.

  “Rustic? Construction site more like.” Ink sounds like he could be brought over to my side.

  “Pussies from Tucson probably want a swimming pool dug out as well.”

  Lizard’s eyes gleam at Mace’s complaint. “Now you’re talking!”

  “Vi’s always worrying about Theo when he comes to the club. He’ll soon be crawling. I’m up for the idea.”

  I raise my chin toward Prez. Two coming around to my way of thinking.

  “How much is this gonna cost, Beef?” A not unexpected question from the treasurer.

  I supply the answer, “Less than you’d think. If we do the labour. Just the cost of hiring equipment for a couple of days and the turf.”

  “I’m game. As long as Skull’s woman bakes some of those muffins and cookies to keep us fed.” Mace grins.

  “Get the prospects to do it,” Thunder growls, seeming unimpressed by the enforcer’s reference to Melissa’s cooking skills.

  “We’ll all pitch in,” Demon states firmly. “Bout time we did something about tidying up the outside. Add in fencing to go around the furnace. Don’t want any dogs or kids falling inside.” His pointed look toward me states volumes. Or blind women.

  It’s something I can put my back into. Sorting out what we need, getting people organised, having to draw up a rotation from the large number of volunteers who seem more like a pack of kids wanting to take their turn with the new toy, the digger when it’s delivered, keeps me occupied. It doesn’t take my mind totally off Stevie, but at least helps me get through the day. With everyone doing their bit—even the club girls getting involved with Titsy who shows she’s got green fingers and demanding we leave part un-turfed so she can start a vegetable and flower patch—the work proceeds at a good pace. By Sunday evening the yard has been transformed. The ground has been cleared and flattened, and Kentucky Bluegrass has been laid. Just as we finish there’s a rainstorm which means nature’s taken care of watering it in.

  Standing inside looking out of the kitchen window, Demon slaps my back. “Will you look at that? Transformed the fuckin’ place. Let’s have a family barbeque next weekend, put it to some use.”

  Like the rain drenching the newly laid grass, his words have a similar effect on my pride in the fruition of my idea. What good is a family event when you’ve no one to share it with?

  “We’ll find her,” Demon states softly, but with determination. “It’s only a matter of time, Beef.”

  The new grass barely has time to settle before it starts getting covered with loungers which, in turn, bear almost naked bodies of the club girls, and only slightly more decently attired old ladies. Jay, Melissa and Violet adorn themselves with bikinis, much to the ire of Demon, Pal and Skull while Mo, Jeannie and Sindy make do with more discreet swimsuits. Cad, strangely, as he’s so pale it wouldn’t be expected he’d spend much time outside, seems very taken by the new greenery, and takes it on himself to direct the prospects to move the furniture each night to avoid browning the new grass. For everyone else, the mood is cheery, and expectations of the barbeque, which is approaching fast, are high.

  While Violet’s overjoyed she can sit Theo on a blanket outside and is currently helping him throw a ball for Max—well, roll it along the ground really as he can’t run too fast or jump yet—the preparations just serve to remind me that my woman isn’t here.

  Hellfire wanders over and passes me a beer. In order to stop him asking how I’m doing, which seems to be everyone’s opening gambit now, I get in first.

  “While I was at the cabin, Hell, I found the frame of an Indian. Engine and bits and bobs where it had been stripped. Looked like someone was going to rebuild it but didn’t go back.”

  Glancing at him, I see a shadow pass over his face. “Forgot about that, Beef. Yeah. It was Furnace’s.”

  “He was Blackie’s VP, wasn’t he? Became the prez when Blackie died?”

  Hell’s face blackens at the reminder of his father, and I hurriedly remember that there’s some dark history in this club that I vaguely remember hearing about. Didn’t Hell kill his father? I backtrack fast. “You were Furnace’s VP.”

  “I was. Decent fucker, he was. Totalled his bike. Yeah, that was his Indian, he was going to rebuild it. Got as far as stripping it down before he died. No one had the heart to touch it after that, been so long, I’d forgotten about it. You want it, Beef? Doubt anyone will challenge you if you want to take it. Finders keepers and all that.”

  “It’s the club’s, Hell.” It’s a generous offer. If I take it back to Tucson, Sam could help me do it up.

  “You’re club, Beef,” he says, sharply. “Only Bomber and Rusty would remember it in any event, and, I suspect, like me they’ll have forgotten it was there, and even if they did remember, wouldn’t want to put in the work. I, for one, would be quite happy to see it ridden again.”

  “I’ll give it some thought.” If I can’t have Stevie, might need something to focus on to help me forget.

  “Take it if you want it. Better than it rotting away.” A quick glance, then he adds, “Furnace would have liked you.” A chin lift, then he walks off.

  I watch him leave, see him picking up his grandson and throwing him in the air, smiling for a moment as I realise family is as important here as it is in Tucson. I’m club, as Hellfire said, welcome wherever I am. The feeling brings me comfort, even if my heart and arms feel empty.

  Mo joins Hellfire, Demon’s arm’s around Vi. Pal and Jayden are laughing together, Sindy’s with Buzzard and Bomber with Jeannie. Fuck, even Skull is standing close to Melissa.

  Whereas I don’t know where my old lady is, or, even if I have one.

  The sun may be shining, but I feel as cold as a dreary winter’s day. This might be a celebration, but there’s no pleasure in it for me.

  When the time comes, I munch mechanically on a hamburger, barely tasting the food in my mouth, sneaking more of it to Max than I manage to consume. I escape to my room as soon as I feel my absence won’t be noticed. Not that it’s much better there, all I can see is Stevie lying on the bed.

  Though she’d bundled most of her clothing and taken it with her, I’d found a pair of her panties forgotten at the back of a drawer. Clean, unworn, but still something of her. Like a pervert I twist them in my hands, imagining her wearing them, imagining her being here with me. Lying back on the sheets, I close my eyes, picturing her lying next to me, conjuring up that memory of her perfect tits, pale brown nipples, that soft rounded stomach, that pert little ass.

  My cock swells. When I place my hand on it, I try to dream up her scent, the feeling of her touch, trying to make believe it’s her hand that’s stroking me, up and down, her fingers squeezing then loosening, her palm surrounding me as she increases the speed, pumping my dick hard.

  Ribbons of cum cover my stomach quickly cooling in the draught from the air conditioning.

  I feel no relief, instead I’m consumed by an emptiness. Had it been my fault? Had I had my head so far up my ass I didn’t see what was in front of me until it was much too late? What if I’d told her how I felt earlier? What if…

  What if I never find her?

  What if my memories are all I have left?

  They aren’t enough.

  Wetness on my cheeks tell me I’ve tears rolling down from my eyes. I lie, silently weeping, unable to bear the thought of a future without Stevie in it.

  How will I survive?

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “Beef. Get your ass back to the club. We’ve got company.”

  I stare at the phone, the call abruptly disconnected. The questions I wanted to ask not even voiced, let alone answered.

  “You off?”

sp; “Yeah.” I put down the wrench that I’d been using to loosen the nuts on an engine. “Sorry, Ro. Boss wants me.”

  Pyro waves me off. I don’t need to explain more. When Demon summons, you respond. My bike is parked out front of the auto-shop, already facing away from the building. It takes but a second to get on, start the engine, and let those pipes roar as I shift through the gears and back toward the compound.

  After yesterday’s barbeque I’d been in a foul mood. Helping out Pyro by tinkering with an engine he couldn’t find the fault with at least focused my mind and let me think of something other than the time passing with no word about Stevie. It’s got so that I’m not even expecting news today. Half of me is wondering whether it’s nearing the time when I’m outstaying my welcome in Pueblo, and whether I’ll be given my marching orders to get back on the road.

  What good am I doing here? I’ve not done the job I was sent here for. Demon’s no closer to finding a VP than when I arrived. My enquiries at other chapters has so far turned up nothing. I’ve failed both him and Drummer. Will Drummer even let me go home? It was my request to go nomad, if it suited his purposes he could send me on to another club rather than letting me return.

  In truth, the nomad patch is starting to annoy me. Conversely, the thought of returning to Tucson doesn’t fill me with delight. Pueblo is my connection to Stevie. Going back with her is one thing, but returning alone? Would seeing Rock and Becca be even worse, now I know I could have had what they do, but had let it slip through my fingers?

  While I’m not optimistic about Demon’s reasons for calling me away from the job I was tackling, I didn’t expect the summons would be for anything significant. I’m therefore surprised, when I draw up to the clubhouse, to see Drummer and Wraith’s bikes parked outside, alongside a few more I don’t recognise.

  My thoughts return to me with full force. Will I be returning to Tucson with them, knowing I’ve let down my prez? Or will Drummer give me orders to move on somewhere else?


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