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Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3

Page 33

by Manda Mellett

  “The men who took me, they said something about that. They were so angry. I didn’t understand it. Back, back…”

  Back there. Where she almost suffered a fate worse than death or had been killed. My eyes close and I need a moment to control myself when I think of what could have been the outcome today. Her head moves, bumping into my jaw, and I wince.

  “Are you hurt?”

  I laugh softly, realising she hadn’t been able to see what went down. “Stinger, babe. He wanted a distraction and hit me to provide one. He packs quite a punch.”

  Her hand rises and now it’s her comforting me. Smoothing away my bruises with her touch.

  Putting my hands on her biceps, I turn her so she’s facing away from the bed. “Sit a moment, Stevie.”

  Feeling behind her, she does. Then tilts her face up. “You’re going to ask what happened to me, aren’t you?”

  “No. If you want to tell me, you can. If you’d prefer, you can talk to someone else. There’s no pressure, babe. Whenever you’re ready.”

  But it seems she’s ready now. She shudders. “It was close. So close. They wanted to get me to LA from Denver fast. One of them, well, he tried, but the others wouldn’t let him. Said it would hold them up too much. But once we arrived here.” She shudders. “I was thrown in with the other women. Those women, Beef. I couldn’t see them, but I knew enough by the tone of their voices let alone what they were saying. They were used, by all the Jokers and by other men and that was what was going to happen to me. They said no one was kept there long. They told me men chose them, then they were taken away and didn’t return.”


  “Let me finish. They came for me. I heard them talk, they didn’t attempt to be quiet. They knew I couldn’t see, so they taunted me. They were all going to try me out. They were… explicit in what they were going to do. One, two, three… All of them at once. They felt my breasts, groped my ass… But you came and stopped them.”

  The blood rushes from my head and I feel faint when I realise just how close it had come. “Stevie…” I croak.

  “You were in time.” Her voice sounds stronger. “I held onto the thought that I’d be saved, and you came.”

  “Stevie.” I drop to my knees, my arms going around her, no longer wanting to give her space. “From this moment on I swear to you, I’ll always come. I’d walk through hell to be with you.” Yeah. I knocked on the door once and they didn’t let me in, and now I know why. I’m her guardian devil. That’s my role, my place and that’s what I’ll be until the day I die.

  We stay like that, rocking gently in each other’s arms. Just taking comfort from each other, both of us lost in the thought we might never have seen each other again.

  “No more marshals, Stevie,” I tell her at last repeating the words from before.

  “I’m still going to testify.” Her jaw looks set.

  I know her too well to ask her to do anything but. “I know that. And you will. We’ll figure out a way.”

  There’s a knock at the door, it makes her jump. I glance across, then back to her. “You okay? I can tell whoever it is to get lost.”

  Her shoulders straighten a fraction. “I’m alright.”

  I open it surprised to see the Wretched Soulz LA prez standing there.

  “How is she?” he mouths.

  “She’s fine,” a voice calls out from behind me.

  At his confused look, I tap my ear. “Excellent hearing.”

  “Could be awkward.” He grins. Then, seeming surer of his welcome, steps inside.

  “Hi, Stevie, I’m…”

  “Stinger. I recognise your voice. Apparently, you hit my man.” I’m amused at how cross she sounds on my behalf.

  His grin widens. “Good memory too. Yeah, that’s me, and I’d say I was sorry about that, but it saved you from a bullet. I’m the prez here.” His smile slips away. “You doing okay, darlin’? Those fuckers hurt you?”

  “They would have,” I tell him grimly, “if we’d been minutes later.”

  He inhales sharply, then lets it out on a sigh. The implications hitting home. He raises his chin. “I’m sure Beef here’s told you, but you’ve nothing to worry about from the Wretched Soulz. Just wanted to tell you that in person.”

  “Thank you.”

  Stinger looks at me uneasily. He can’t read if she’s really okay or not, and to be honest, neither can I. She looks so unusually uncertain. His glance goes from me, to her, then back. Finally he suggests, “You want to come down and get something to eat?”

  I look back at Stevie, at her hands twisting in her lap. Then turn back to Stinger. “We’ll be down later.”

  A look of commiseration crosses his face, a recognition that in the last day or so Stevie’s gone through hell. We might have been in time to stop the worst happening, but in her nightmares? I’d place good money she’ll dream we didn’t get there in time.

  After the door closes behind him, Stevie calls me over to her side.

  “What do you want, sweetheart?”

  “For you to hold me, Beef. Just, hold me.”

  Lying down on the bed, I manoeuvre her up against my side, pulling her into me. Tears of relief prick at the back of my eyes. Having her back with me has brought me to my knees. She’s my one. The woman I’ve been searching for all my life. Knowing how close I came to losing her…

  “It’s alright, Beef. I’m here.” Her hand smooths over my head and then caresses my cheek. “I’m alright. I’m not going anywhere.” Rolling over, her arm drapes across my chest. “Is Max okay?”

  “He’s doing fine. His leg’s about healed now. He’ll be over the moon to see you again.”

  “I hated leaving him, but I didn’t know where I was going, and I couldn’t look after him. I knew you’d take care of him for me.”

  I assure her I have. I tell her some of his antics, how he’s twisted Pyro around his paw and manages to scrounge scraps from him at the table. How he and Bitch are keeping a good distance from each other, and how tolerant he is of Theo pulling his ears—not that we encourage that of course. As I bring her up to date with news from the compound, slowly her eyes start to droop and close. Her arm, still draped over me, becomes heavy and drops away. It makes me realise she can’t have got much, if any, sleep in the past twenty-four hours.

  As there’d been times I never thought I’d have her close to me again, I’m content simply to hold her.

  A gentle rap on the door which she doesn’t hear. I slide out from under her and go to answer it, stepping into the hall and pulling it closed behind me.

  “She gonna be alright?” Thunder asks, quietly.

  “Sleeping. She needs it.”

  “Drummer wants a word.”

  I look back at the closed door undecided. If I leave her and she should wake, or have a nightmare…

  “I can sit with her,” Thunder offers. “She knows me.”

  “Call me the moment she wakes.”

  He agrees.

  Drummer and Wraith are sitting at a table in the bar, bottles of beer in front of them. At my approach, Drummer waves to a prospect who brings over another for me.

  To pre-empt the question, I formulate the answer before it’s asked. Wiggling my hand in a ‘who knows’ gesture. “On the outside she’s fine. Inside? Hell, I haven’t even asked about the marshal being killed, or if that was in front of her. She’s got a lot to work through.”

  “We found her, Beef. Just concentrate on that and that you’ll be there for her.”

  “You claiming her officially, Brother?”

  “Yeah, VP, I am.”

  “So she’s under the Devils’ protection until she testifies. Stinger,” Drummer tilts his bottle in the direction of the table where the LA prez is sitting, “reckons the Warped Jokers are getting depleted—probably with the Soulz help—and those on the inside won’t last long without protection. After the trial, it should be safe for her to resume her old identity.”

  I nod. That’s somethin
g we need to talk about. I don’t even know her real name. Something I need to find out is whether she’d want to resume her old life. Does she think my commitment to her is only until the court case is over? But I’ve got a few weeks before all this is over, and hopefully during that time I’ll make her see her life is with me.

  “You want to get that nomad patch off your back, Beef?”

  I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow.

  “Come on home to Tucson? Girls would love to meet Stevie.”

  Why isn’t my heart jumping for joy? Why even the slightest hesitation? “I don’t know, Prez. You gave me a job, and I haven’t done it.”

  “Think we can give you a pass on why. You got dragged into your woman’s problems before you even arrived.” Wraith makes excuses on my behalf.

  “Thing is,” I twist the bottle in my hands until I can pick at the label, “you’re right about Demon needing a VP. Thunder could step up, but he doesn’t want to, so, as you’ve seen for yourself, he’s a great guy to have at your back, but isn’t doing the role properly.”

  “I’ll ask the other chapters. Maybe someone is ready to move on,” Drummer says, firmly.

  “Already got that in hand, Prez.” Or I would have, had I not been so focused on Stevie.

  “Thought you’d jump at the chance to come home. Oh, if you didn’t know, Sally’s taken the kids and gone back to her family. Tash is keeping in contact with her, and she seems to be alright. She’s even started dating. A regular guy, not one chosen by her folks.” Wraith laughs. “Think some of you rubbed off on her. She sent them packing when they tried to set her up.”

  “Good to hear. I was hoping she’d find she was stronger than she thought when she didn’t have me to lean on. But that wouldn’t be keeping me away, Sally knows where I stand now. It’s just, you asked me to do something, Drummer, and I don’t like feeling I’m leaving Colorado high and dry.”

  Drummer’s expression is unreadable. I can’t tell if he’s pleased or annoyed I’m not leaping at the chance to return to the fold. Then he barks a laugh. “Loyal to a fuckin’ fault, ain’t ya, Beef?”

  Chapter Forty

  The thought of what Stevie had gone through and the horrors I’m sure are running through her head keeps my cock flaccid, even though I hold her close in my arms all night. I’m so fucking scared of saying the wrong thing and upsetting her. All I want to do is have my face close to hers so when I inhale all I can smell is her.

  Exhausted, she sleeps, while I stay awake, hundreds of thoughts going through my mind. Does she need counselling? Would it be safe for her to see someone? That would mean letting someone else in on her secrets, and I’m not sure that’s for the best. Reading between the lines, the Wretched Soulz are making a game of picking the Jokers off both on the inside and out, but there may still be some around. Until Mad Bull’s no longer breathing and pulling the strings, they’ll still be trying to stop her from taking the witness box. She’ll still have to stay in hiding.

  Maybe Demon would know someone trustworthy. My lips curve as I think of the surprise she’ll find when she gets back to Colorado, a yard where she can walk freely, perfumed flowers that will grow and be there for her to enjoy. But she won’t be there long enough to see them bloom. Neither will I. While we’re waiting for the court case I’ll get in touch with Red and Snatcher, see if I can get that new VP for Demon. Then, I can go home.

  I never thought a new set of brothers would come close to those I’d left behind, but somehow they’ve crept inside. I’d call all of them friends. My lips curve as I think of their reaction to seeing Stevie. Yeah, no regrets that I turned down Drummer’s offer to go back to Tucson. There’s no rush, and with everything she’s been through, at least she won’t be overwhelmed by strangers.

  I must have dropped off sometime during the night as I wake to a loud bang on the door and a shout from Thunder telling me to get my ass in gear as we’ve got to get to the airport in time to catch our plane.

  “I suppose that means I’ve got to move.” Stevie rubs her eyes.

  “You slept well.”

  “Because you were here, Beef. I haven’t been able to relax since I left your side.”

  That’s a nice thought to hear, as she’ll never be leaving my side ever again. I’ll chain her to me if I have to.

  “Time to get up and fly, babe.” Still unsure of her reaction, I content myself with a peck on her cheek rather than the devouring of her mouth I’d prefer. Take it easy, steady, man. Let her lead.

  Stinger’s got one of his club girls to lend Stevie some clothes to change into, they’re remarkably respectable considering who owned them. We shower, dress—me in yesterday’s jeans and tee—then head to the airport.

  Due to Stevie needing to keep her head down low, Devil’s hired another private plane to fly me, Stevie and Thunder back to Pueblo, accompanied by RIP and Charmer. Who’s going to end up paying for this, I’ve no idea, but Devil mumbled something about laying the cost on the feds as they’ll be the ones to benefit if they get their RICO conviction. From what I know of him, if anyone can get them to cough up, he will.

  It’s at the airport that we part company with Drummer, Wraith, Chaz and Bull, as they’re taking a commercial flight back to Tucson. Devil is staying in LA for a while to help sort out getting the girls who want to return home back to their folks. I clasp hands with Drummer before leaving him.

  “You sure?” Drummer’s hand smooths down his beard in that familiar gesture, and his eyes focus on me. “I can have that nomad patch off in a moment.”

  I glance at Thunder waiting for me, and then at Stevie. “I’m sure, Prez.”

  “Ain’t your prez for the moment, Brother. That title belongs to another man.”

  I nod. Yeah, for now Demon’s my prez. Strange how that’s starting to settle with me.

  “You need somewhere to relocate Stevie, we’ll always have room,” Wraith assures me. “And keep us up to date with the court date. Reckon you might want support there.”

  Yes. I can hide Stevie until she’s called to give evidence, but at that point, there’ll be no getting away from everyone knowing exactly where she is and when she’s going to turn up. That hurdle I’ll face when I have to.

  “Appreciate that, Wraith.”

  A flight number is called, a last call to get to the gate.

  Drummer looks upward and then back at me with a slight smirk. “Guess that’s us, got to get moving.”

  “Drum, Wraith. Look, give my love to Rock and Becca, okay? To all the old ladies and kids. And a hug to my cute little niece, Rose.

  “Damn it.” Wraith slaps his forehead. “Forgot to tell you. Heart and Marcia are pregnant again.”

  My brows rise almost to my hairline. “Another miracle baby?”

  “Seems that way.”

  “Well, I’ll be fucked.” Good on Heart. I examine my thoughts about yet another baby on the Tucson compound, or it might be another set of twins the way my brother’s luck goes. While I’ve nothing against children, it is nice to be in a clubhouse where you’re not constantly stepping over toys. Do I regret that Stevie and I won’t have children? Nah. I’ll just be a favourite uncle to the kids of those who have. I’ll be quite content to give them back when they poop or cry.

  Another final call sounds over the loudspeaker, Drummer snarls impatiently as if telling the plane it can wait for him to be ready. We slap backs, hug and shake hands one last time, then I stand for a few seconds watching my long-time brothers stride off to their gate before returning to where Thunder is sitting with Stevie.

  As if knowing the turmoil going through my mind, Stevie’s hand rests on mine and squeezes gently. Then she leans in. “I can’t wait to be back on the compound. Since leaving home, that’s the safest place I’ve been. I was stupid to leave it.”

  “Hey. You did what you thought was best,” Thunder reassures her, a pointed glance my way to make sure I agree.

  I grin and raise my chin. Water under the bridge now. She went, and
I have to admit I didn’t like it, but now, she’s back by my side where she belongs.

  I’m tense during the journey. I hate riding in a cage, and a plane is a hundred times worse. On a bike you’re in control, you can see what’s coming and take action to avoid it. In a plane your life is in someone else’s hands. At least it’s a private plane and I don’t have to bump shoulders with all and sundry.

  With RIP and Charmer beside us, conversation is a little stilted. They don’t want to talk about their business, we don’t want to talk about ours. Stevie takes the journey in stride like just about everything else she does, but I notice she’s quiet, lost in her head, and I don’t know the words to bring her out of it.

  On landing I’m happy to see my bike where I left it. We say goodbyes in our biker way to the Wretched Soulz, then, having situated Stevie behind me, Thunder and I head our bikes back in the direction of the clubhouse.

  Demon is waiting to meet us, and he’s not alone. Vi is standing with him holding Theo in her arms, and Jay is hovering behind her.

  I don’t have a chance to greet them before a bundle of fur comes rushing across the floor, skidding to a halt just before he knocks down Stevie, and at a slower pace he finishes his approach and brushes against her. Stevie sinks to her knees and starts to cry as she wraps her arms around her faithful companion, the dog who saved her life.

  I watch her with an indulgent smile on my face. An expression which changes the moment I recognise who else is awaiting our arrival.

  Placing myself between the two having a reunion on the floor and the man approaching, I greet him coldly, “Lennox.”

  He’s not stupid. He takes in my demeanour and correctly interprets I’m certainly not pleased to see him. Behind me I hear movement and am not surprised when I feel a hand feeling its way up my back, then Stevie’s arm loops through mine.


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