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Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3

Page 36

by Manda Mellett

  As I watch them go to their bikes, part of me is envious. A long ride in the company of brothers? Fresh air in my face? Much better than being stuck on a flying prison. One day, I promise myself, Steph and I will just take off and travel. Her and me on my bike? Can’t think of anything better.

  I smile to myself. No wonder she’s not afraid of bikers or riding. From what her sister had said, it’s in her blood.

  Steph was bone tired when we returned from LA, all the stress and strain of the last few months leeched out of her. At first she slept, curled up on our bed with Max by her side. When I went up to find them there, I didn’t have the heart to move them, so I spent an uncomfortable night, well over to one side, almost falling out. I might love Max, but he’s not making a habit of this—darn dog takes up more space than both of us put together. And he was lying in the middle which meant I couldn’t cuddle my woman. But I’ve got days, weeks, months and years ahead when I’ll be able to do that.

  When she wakes the next morning, she’s got a full-blown migraine. Rusty told me not to worry, they sometimes come on when the stress is over. My plans to demonstrate my love for her are put on hold as she wants to do nothing more than lie in a dark room and sleep. Friday, she’s a bit better, but tired with a lingering headache. It’s that day her phone rings.

  Unashamedly, I listen to her side of the conversation.

  “Lennox. Yeah? Thank goodness. Thank you.” She ends the call and inhales a deep breath.

  “Well?” My voice conveys my impatience.

  “Guilty on all counts. Remanded for sentencing. Warrants have been issued for the rest of the gang.”

  Any other MC and I’d have corrected her. But the Warped Jokers are a gang, not my definition of a riding club even though their transport may be Harleys.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  She shakes her head. “Not now, no.”

  Watching her carefully, I see her face is tight. Though some people might expect to see relief, I can understand her reaction. It’s a lot to sink in after the months of anticipation, and the toll it’s taken on her. We’ll have to face a lot of things head on, but I can give her this breathing space to process.

  Worries are still in my head. Is she really out the other side? Is there still any risk of blowback on her? For now I think what remains of the Jokers will be keeping down low, evading arrest. Any thoughts I have on dealing with that can be discussed with Demon or Drummer. She doesn’t need to be bothered with anything other than fact.

  She remains quiet, thoughtful all day, and does little other than walking Max around the new yard and chatting with the other old ladies. I don’t interfere, knowing she needs to get things straight in her head, and it’s best to let her do that at her own pace. If she needs me, I’m there.

  It’s Saturday when she wakes up refreshed seeming like her batteries have been recharged. She looks so energetic that an idea comes into my head.

  “Want to take off for a while? Go for a ride?”


  I haven’t thought that far. Do we need to have a destination? “Just take off. See where the road leads us? Stop somewhere for lunch?”

  She’s jumping up and down like an excited child, her smile is like the sun coming out on a rainy day. “I’d love that, Beef. It’s been so long. Will Pyro look after Max?”

  “Someone will. Put clothes on suitable for a long ride.”

  Now I know a little about her family I understand better why she loves being on the back of a bike. “You ever go riding with your Dad?” I ask, “Or, your sister?”

  “Yes, but Dad’s more often got the bike apart than it being suitable for riding. And Susie’s not had her bike long. I just love riding. I feel freer than at any other time.”

  Same way that I do. Could this woman be more perfect?

  We grab a bite of breakfast, tell everyone we’re heading out, getting a warning from Demon to be back in time for church, then as we’re walking out of the door, Melissa comes running up.

  “Here,” she puffs, “Just out of the oven. Put them in your saddle bags in case you get hungry.”

  “Mmm, muffins.” Steph breathes in deeply and sighs. “Chocolate?”

  “Chocolate chip.”

  “Perfect. Thanks Mel.” She holds out her arms and Skull’s woman steps in for a hug.

  “Best thing that boy did bringin’ you to the clubhouse, Mel. Though you may get us fat.”

  Mel swipes at Pyro’s arm as he walks past. “And where do you think you’re going?” she shouts after him.

  “Someone said muffins,” he yells back over his shoulder.

  She throws up her hands in mock exasperation. “I better get back to the kitchen. He’ll eat the lot otherwise.” With that, she hurries off.

  Steph and I both laugh. Yeah, Skull did well with that one. She’s a good fit for the club, and they seem to go well enough together.

  I put the muffins in the saddle bags carefully so they won’t get squashed. Then we’re ready to head off.

  I love the feeling of Stevie’s arms as she puts them around me. Having started the engine, I wait, doing nothing more for a few seconds than enjoying the feeling of her holding onto me as if she was meant to be there. Then, with a shit-eating grin on my face, I turn the bike and head out west.

  I’ve decided to go toward the mountains. Stevie won’t be able to see or appreciate the scenery in the same way that I do, but I’ll give her the experiences and sensations that she can enjoy. The warmth of the sun on her face, the air rushing past, the smell of pine, the thrills of leaning with the bike as I take the curves. I know she’ll be mapping the road in her head as we go over the different terrain, my hand twisting the throttle and then backing off as I expertly navigate each twist and turn.

  My bike is up to the job, responsive enough so it feels like an extension of myself, not a machine I’m riding on. My mind flits back to that suggestion I get one of the touring bikes. Nah, not for me, and Stevie doesn’t seem to mind she’s got just a small sissy bar at her back.

  There’s a piece of straight road, Steph must have realised when I opened the throttle as her hands leave my waist, rise in the air, and she shouts out into the wind rushing past. She’s in her element, and I, in mine. I realise it will always be like this, her and I, riding together. Another good reason not to have kids, we can focus on us, with no one to say we’re being selfish.

  We stop and eat muffins, me kissing away the chocolate from around her mouth, then we’re back on the bike again. We have lunch in a small café. It’s a day to remember, and one I see us repeating time and time again. Us, the open road, and nothing to worry about.

  As we ride back to the compound, I feel her relax against my back. It’s been a long ride, and unused to it, she must be tired. I concentrate on the road, but part of my mind is thinking about our future, and where we’ll be living it.

  Drummer said I can go back to Tucson, and I admit, I miss the place. What I miss most is having somewhere I can call home. Here I’m only a temporary visitor, though I couldn’t have wished for a better reception or a better group of brothers to have my back with all the trouble I had with Steph. They even go out of their way to look after the fucking dog, for God’s sake. A good group of men here. I find I’m now as reluctant to leave them as I originally was to leave my real brothers in Tucson. But it would feel great to get this nomad patch off my back. At least Drummer wasn’t sending me on to another club.

  As I told Drummer, though, I don’t like leaving things unresolved. Until Demon gets a VP, I need to be here. Now that Steph’s safe, I can concentrate on that. I’ve approached the other prezes who’ve put out feelers, but so far, no one’s come back with a definite answer. Red had said in his latest contact that he might have someone, but he doesn’t want to lose him. Maybe this week I’ll follow that up and see if I can twist the Vegas prez’s arm.

  I still haven’t given up on pressuring someone from here to step up. Bomber, Ink or even Pyro are ca
pable of working with Demon, if they had the ambition. Hmm. I’ll bring it up in church, force the issue. These past weeks have emphasised there’s a gap that needs filling, and no one can argue with that.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “Did you have a good ride?” Vi asks as Steph collapses down on the sofa with a groan, then sits slightly forward and rubs her ass.

  Max immediately trots over and puts his head in her lap, his soulful eyes seeming to ask why she left him. He makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like a purr when she rubs behind his ears.

  “We had a great time,” she responds to the president’s old lady. “It felt amazing to just let go and enjoy everything.”

  I look around. Beaver’s behind the bar, and I saw Karl outside cleaning bikes. There are no members around. Which is strange, as it’s only an hour or so before our meeting.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “Church.” Vi seems unconcerned at her announcement that makes my face tighten.

  Church? I take out my phone and look at it. Nope. I’m not late.

  “They’ve been in and out of meetings all day,” Vi continues.

  What? Shit. Has something happened while I’ve been out having fun? If so, it’s not something the prez’s old lady knows about as she’s happily playing with her son and doesn’t look worried at all. She builds up a stack of blocks, and a giggling Theo knocks them over, the game seems to be on repeat.

  Leaning over I kiss Steph quickly. “I better get in there.” With half of me wondering whether I’ve been directly excluded as I’m not part of the club—a thought which I find more painful than I would have expected—I make my way to the meeting room. Ever since arriving in Pueblo I’ve been treated as nothing other than an equal member.

  My fist hovers in the air. Should I knock? Nah, I’ll just walk in. They can tell me to get lost if they don’t want me there.

  “Ah, Beef. Come in.”

  “Sorry if I’m late.”

  Demon shakes his head. “Nah. We just met early to discuss a couple of things. Wasn’t necessary to call you back from your ride.”

  As I thought. Discussing things which didn’t include me. Well, I’m not part of this club, they can do what they like.

  “What else did RIP say?” Hell leans forward, continuing a discussion I must have interrupted.

  RIP? My eyes sharpen. What have the Wretched Soulz been contacting Demon about?

  “As soon as the Warped Jokers are in the general population, Mad Bull and his VP will be taken out. The Soulz have got a guy in there who’s got nothing to lose. He’s up for a bit of fun. The others will be given a warning. Drop any action against Stephanie North or they’ll go the same way.”

  Now that’s information I needed.

  “I was waiting for you to impart that, Beef. Good news for your girl.”

  It is. I nod.

  “So, let’s get this meeting started now that Beef’s here. Buzz?”

  Buzzard runs through the normal stuff. Bottom line, we would like more dollars coming in, but are balancing the books. I zone out a little as I had when I first arrived. This isn’t my club, as this afternoon has reminded me. What do I care about their new tattoo parlour if I’m not going to see it in operation? Apart from Steph’s tat, of course, still got to get that done. Yeah. My mind’s off thinking about my handle inked on her skin, when Demon says my name. When I come back to myself and see his face, I realise it might not have been for the first time.

  “You got anything you want to share, Brother?”

  Yes. I have. I sit forward. “Yeah, I wanted to bring this up. I’m nomad, as you know, Drummer’s traveling enforcer. Drummer is worried that you still haven’t got a VP. Prez, Red might have a possible which I’m happy to follow up. Just a warning that if anyone here wants to throw their hat belatedly into the ring, now could be your last chance to do it. Otherwise an outsider will be coming to Colorado.”

  There. Possibly should have told him I was bringing it up, but it’s time I played my part, as Drummer would expect.

  “So I need a VP, do I?” It’s said in the prez’s deadly tone.

  Maybe I should have been more circumspect, and not as direct as I was. Damn it. He’s taken it as a criticism in front of his men.

  Well, it’s done now. Standing my ground, I shrug.

  “And what you’re proposing is finding someone with the right skills and personality from outside the club?” He sounds icy.

  I send an apologetic look toward Thunder. “You’ve a man acting as VP who doesn’t want to do it. You’ve others who could step up but won’t. So yes, I don’t see what other option you’ve got. What happened with Steph showed there’s a gap in your ranks. You need a permanent someone sitting on your left.”

  Opposite me Bomber is smirking. Pyro chuckles softly and raises his eyebrows toward Ink. Judge is smiling and exchanging looks I can’t read with Wills. Mace has his hand over his mouth though I can see he’s amused as his shoulders are shaking. Thunder simply sits back and folds his arms while Cad looks smug.

  They’re laughing at me? What the fuck have I said that’s funny? I run back over my statement in my head. Nah. Can’t see anything amusing there.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask. Quickest way to tempt my fists to start flying is to make me the butt of a joke I don’t understand.

  At last Demon’s set face relaxes and he leans his elbows on the table. “That’s what we’ve been meeting about today, Beef. Don’t need you to tell us there’s a weakness in our ranks. We know that. And we also know what we want to do about it.”

  Well, that’s great. I can leave them to sort it out themselves and point my bike toward Tucson. Yeah, that’s… great.

  Thunder takes over. “We’ve found just the man we want. All we need to do is find out if he wants to transfer to Colorado.”

  “You have?”

  Murmurs of assent go around the table.

  “Unanimous vote,” Demon confirms.

  That’s a weight off my mind. It means I can go… home. Yeah, home. To Tucson. About fuckin’ time. Steph will love it there. “So, right. Have you got the ball rolling? Have you asked him yet?”

  Demon shakes his head. “Not yet, no. Had to get permission from his prez.”

  Of course he does. “Want me to make contact?”

  Again, I don’t understand the sniggers, but I ignore them and focus on Demon.

  Demon gives a quick shake of his head and grins. “Nah. Did that myself. Just need one thing from you, Beef.”

  I nod sharply. Whatever he wants, he’s got it. My parting gift to Pueblo.

  He doesn’t immediately continue. Instead, he looks around the table. The mirth has gone like a switch being thrown. Now brothers are sitting forward, regarding Demon, and, for some reason, me, intently.

  As chin lifts go his way, as though in encouragement, Demon takes a deep breath. Then, at last, he speaks. “Need an answer from you, Beef. You want to transfer to Colorado and sit to my left? As my VP?”

  I draw in air sharply, then hold it. I glance around waiting for them to all laugh, wondering who will be the first to crack. This has to be the joke. Yeah, it’s a good one. They’re pulling my leg. I’m not officer material, and certainly not a vice president. To step up in Demon’s place if necessary? I’m muscle, that’s my role. Nothing more than that.

  My head moves side to side. “Oh, come on. Joke’s over. Who are you really looking at?”

  “Think they’re looking at you, Brother,” Hell says from my side.

  “Nah, I’m not—”

  “Whatever you think you are, Brother,” Demon interrupts, “isn’t the fuckin’ point. We need a vote, but from what I’ve heard, every man at this table respects you and knows you’ll have their backs. You’re fair, but firm. You don’t take shit. You stand up to the likes of RIP, and you’ve got a fuckin’ good head on your shoulders. You’re a friend, a true brother, to all of us in this club. Men will follow you as you’re a natural leader. That�
��s how we see you. How Drummer sees you as well. Why the fuck do you think he sent you here in the first place? He never let on until today, but that was his plan all along.” He breaks off to shake his head. “Cunning motherfucker, the mother chapter prez. Knew we had a gap to fill, thought you could fill it. Wanted us to get to know you, and you to get to know us. We might not have a swimming pool, but I’m sure we can offer enough to compensate. So, what do you say?”

  Drummer, you crafty motherfucker.

  I hold out my hands, palms up. “What can I say?” my voice sounds choked. “Yes.”


  Ayes come from all around with no dissent. Buzz pulls a book toward him and writes it down. Demon reaches behind him and pulls out something which he shoots down the table to me. Two patches. One a large Colorado rocker, and the other, a VP patch. I turn them over in my hands disbelieving but grinning broadly.

  “Crazy fuckers,” I say at last, still clutching the VP insignia tightly, as if someone might change their mind and snatch it away from me. “Not sure I’m the right man, but I promise I’ll try to live up to the trust you’ve placed in me, and I’ll never let you down.”

  “Party!” Sparky yells loudly.

  It seems there’s going to be a celebration held in my honour. Last time it was when I was patched in, many moons back and in a very different club. As men walk out of church in a celebratory mood, I sit for a moment, pondering how my circumstances have changed. Sure, I’ll miss Wraith, Drummer, Rock and everyone else in Tucson, but now I’ve got a new purpose in life; a role to be proud of, a woman at my side. All totally different from when I first rode into town.

  I don’t spend too much time in contemplation. There’s someone I need to break the news to.

  Steph’s still talking with Vi, I go over and pull her to her feet. “Need a word.”

  Men are already getting loud around us, so I take her upstairs where I can speak to her in private.

  “Beef, what’s up? Is there trouble?”

  “Nah, babe. The opposite.” I’m having difficulty getting the words out, still overwhelmed by what’s happened to me. “I know I said we’d live in Tucson, but would you have a problem if we stay in Pueblo instead?”


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