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Taming the Warrior

Page 3

by Samantha Bates

  By the time breakfast was finished Eric was eagerly booking him in for another photo shoot tomorrow. At this rate having time to piss was going to be the challenge. Donning his baseball cap, dark sunglasses and his Ipod he was set to go. Unfortunately Eric had been busy so instead of being greeted by his two usual minders, he was greeted by four. Alec and Stan did not look happy at the added intrusion.

  "Sorry guys, bosses orders and just to cheer you up we are going to meet more." This time the groan came from his men.

  The ride to the Security Consults office was filled with signing CD covers so much so that his arm was starting to ache. As his car stopped he looked up with surprise, expecting an office building he was instead sat outside what appeared to be a nightclub.

  "Eric where are we?"

  "I refused to meet in their offices; I didn’t want you to be exposed so we are meeting at one of the companies businesses."

  As Eric stepped out of the car he nearly tripped over a homeless person who was trying to salvage a soda can that had been crushed by his limo's wheels. Never one for patience, Eric cursed at the old man.

  "Get a fucking bath you eejit." With a tut Eric stepped away from the man with a scowl.

  Luke exercising a little more sympathy helped the man to his feet. "Sorry sir, we didn’t mean to crush your can."

  "At least someone has some fucking manners." Luke laughed at the man's retaliation causing Eric to utter another curse. Just for the amusement Luke slipped a fifty out of his pocket pressing it to his hand in time to prevent Eric from stepping in the way.

  "Old man piss off!" Turning his attention to Luke's security, Eric proceeded to ball at them, "how bloody slow are you idiots, that tramp could have knifed Luke or attacked him and where were you guys? Stood fucking watching is where."

  "ERIC enough, I know you worry but everything is fine."

  Having to ring the bell infuriated Eric some more. "Fucking royalty comes knocking and we are left waiting at the door. Not a very good start."

  As the door opened, Luke caught sight of a slim young lady with long brown hair falling past her shoulders, red spectacle frames drawing his gaze to blue piercing eyes, eyes that seemed kind and gentle.

  "Uh hi, please follow me. I will take you to the bar area." The woman didn’t seem fazed by the troops following him in the door.

  "Thank you sorry to intrude on you." Luke wanted to apologise though he wasn’t sure why.

  When she smiled her face beamed. "Don’t worry, Ben is on his way."

  As she led them into what had to be the dance floor Eric halted his security. "You idiots wait out here, heaven forbid you screw this up."

  "Just ignore Eric, obviously someone got out of bed on the wrong side." Luke often had to play nice guy to Eric's annoying idiot routine.

  As he and Eric followed the woman he smiled when he heard Alec muttering. "He always gets out of bed on the wrong bloody side."

  How right they were. As they sat down at a table he cringed when Eric addressed the woman. "Well considering we were left waiting you can fetch me bourbon. Make it quick."

  The shock was evident on the woman's face although she didn’t say anything, turning instead to leave. As a bear of a man strolled through the doors, Luke was impressed. The man had an immense presence, confidence showing in his footsteps and straight back.

  "Eric I wish you would stop talking to people like shit." Luke was frowning at Eric when he spoke.

  "Calm down Luke, she's a damn barmaid what does it matter?"

  It mattered to Luke though he was saved from answering as the door opened.

  "Morning guys, sorry to keep you waiting the wife just wouldn’t let me leave."

  Luke automatically liked this man although he wasn’t sure why. Eric interrupted his thoughts before he could reach a conclusion. "Well I must say I was surprised. I have dispatched the woman to fetch me a drink."

  A look of confusion crossed the man's face. "The woman? What did she look like?"

  When she returned holding the glass of whiskey, Luke was momentarily confused. She seemed different; her hair seemed different although that might be due to the baseball cap she had added. Though hadn’t she been wearing jeans not combats? Yet her walk was altered, when she let them in there was gentleness to her movements, yet now her footsteps were strong and purposeful.

  Chapter 7 Ellie watched from the toilet doorway as the two men entered. The shorter one seemed annoyed, his face was grim. The taller one was more relaxed, and vibrant and strong and sexy. No not sexy, just strong and different.

  She watched in annoyance as the shorter man ordered that May bring him a drink. Hoping May would tell him to take a hike; she waited for May's response taking her cell out of her pocket. Sliding round the back of the room unnoticed she caught up with May at the bar.

  "Don’t rush it May, you should have kicked him in the balls."

  May grinned at her. "I will let you do that."

  As the phone on the other end was answered she whispered into it. "I know it is the twilight hours at your end, but can you wake your man and teleport to the bar on the first floor. Tell him it will only take a few seconds."

  Beth's sleepy voice came back at her. "Are you okay Ellie?"

  "Peachy princess, I just need your talents for a moment." Her older sister could instinctively know who a person was and what gifts they had.

  She kept watching the two men from the shadows until Beth arrived. Getting the answer she needed she took the glass from May. "Time to piss off the dickhead."

  "Hold on Ellie this is a potential client. I am not upset so just ignore him."

  "May, you are a hundred times more important than a client so it is not okay. Add a few more shots to the glass." she felt May's confusion.

  "Sweetie I need more liquid in this glass."

  Squaring her shoulders to ease out of some of the inner tension she made her way to the table where Ben was now waiting. Sneaking a glance at the taller man, she averted her eyes when he met her gaze.


  Suddenly for Luke the internal growling kicked in with an intense frenzy, his heart rate increased as he met piercing blue eyes that sparkled like rare diamonds. As he met her gaze realisation dawned on Luke. The same woman, but different this one powerful and sensual, vibrant and utterly sexy and completely mesmerising.

  Waiting for her to come closer, he was disappointed when she headed towards Eric, maybe this Ben guy can tell him who she was. Amazement and amusement followed as he watched her straighten her arm towards Eric before feigning a trip where the glass tipped towards Eric and landed straight in his lap.

  Eric's temper had barely been in check before but now Luke knew where it would be directed. Leaping from his chair he jumped in between them. "Before you say anything these are not the people you piss off and we are here to ask them for help. Go clean up and get some more pants, then come back and meet me. Take the car."

  His tone brooked no argument and Eric knew when not to push which for some unfathomable reason was now. The man named Ben had took the woman to one side; her back was now facing them as Luke's thoughts went off on a tangent. It was a lovely back, slender and obviously toned.

  Eric stormed from the room as the two returned to the table. This time Luke assumed position facing them, his lower half hidden from view which was necessary considering his redundant anatomy had decided to join him.

  Ben started the conversation. "I would like to say that Ellie will apologise to you manager but…"

  "But I won't, so Ben won't say it." She interrupted Ben with a glare of fury tinting her eyes, he couldn’t stop staring so maybe it was a good thing that she hadn’t finished speaking. "At this point, I don’t think that Silver Security can protect you."

  She was feisty this one, feisty and fierce. "And why not?"

  "Frankly, right now I want to kick you in the balls, before punching you in the face."

  He waited for Ben to step in and reprimand her, he didn’t
, and actually Ben was watching with amusement.

  "Can I ask what I have done to deserve such creative and violent thoughts?"

  "Your manager was disrespectful to my sister."

  "WHAT?" Shit, Ben didn’t seem happy with that if Ben's scowl meant anything. Luke needed some damage limitation.

  "He did and for that I WILL apologise. If you agree to protect me then I will ensure that he does not make the same mistake twice."

  Ellie was not convinced even though the man seemed convinced of his words. "Well Luke, this is how Silver Security works, we only represent people who are open and honest with us. If you partake in any illegal activities we leave, even if that leaves you unprotected. You would have to take direction from the guards that I send in whether you or your MANAGER likes it. Hell you current security would have to work with ours. We provide security and nothing else; we aren’t butlers, nannies or skives."

  "That sounds good to me, when can you start?" Luke suddenly wanted her close to him; he wanted to get close to her. He just needed a way to make that happen. Maybe he did need protecting from a crazed stalker; his thoughts were on overdrive with the need to find a way to get her closer, closer than security.

  "Here's the thing, I have a stalker someone who managed to get into my hotel room last night. This has been a problem that has been getting more serious over the last few months. I have a feeling that there is something I am missing. So I want your services, I need your services."

  Ellie was pondering his words while Ben was waiting for her decision for it would be her decision. "Here's the thing Mr Famous you tell me what you are and I will agree."

  Her last statement left Luke reeling, how the hell did she know. He had gone to the extremes to hide his inner self and she somehow knew within minutes. This was crunch time was he willing to tell her what she wanted to know.

  Watching a little smirk line his luscious, delectable mouth filled Ellie with a sense of dread. She had a feeling that she wouldn’t like what he was going to say.

  "Before I answer let me give you some conditions of my own. If I tell you, you will not tell anyone else. You agree to provide security in the exact manner that I want, which is covert security in a way that works for me."

  Automatically defensive her instinct was to refuse and leave, so Ellie had no idea why she was still sat here, she was further surprised when she nodded her agreement.

  "So you agree that as long as I am honest, and do not engage in illegal activities you will provide covert security in the way that I require it."

  "Yes." Ellie could feel her frustration and annoyance surfacing.

  "Then we have an agreement."

  She nodded again. "In that case I am a Jaguar."

  Ellie stood with a smile. "I know."

  She walked away with him calling after her. "Where are you going? We need to make arrangements."

  Without breaking her stride she shouted her reply. "Ben can do that, oh and suppressing your inner self is unhealthy."

  Shutting the door to Ben's office she dropped into his chair as the air deserted from her body. With her elbows on Ben's desk she dropped her head into her hands. What the hell had just happened? She didn’t let anyone dictate terms and conditions to her, so why the hell had she just agreed to his condition?

  Lifting the phone on the desk she called Danny. "Hey D, we have a new client. I will be there in an hour for briefing so roster on six people working eight hour rotations of two at a time. Also book the ring near Silvers for training two human guards. Danny the client is famous so don’t schedule anyone who is likely to get awestruck, the guy already has an ego the size of a truck."

  "So why are we doing this Ellie?" Danny was one of the only people who would question her.

  With a sigh she answered. "I'll be damned if I know."

  Sneaking out of the back door was the work of a coward, so today she was a coward. The drive home failed to soothe her, the music blaring from her stereo failed to drown out the thoughts of him. Distance however would work, Ben or Danny could run this one, and she would provide the tactical support.


  As he watched the door slam the growling increased, trying to dampen it down didn’t work so he ignored it.

  "Who is she?" the wonder was in his tone, the result was growl from the man next to him.

  "She is my step daughter."

  "Oh." It was the best answer he had.

  "She is also not interested so don’t even go there."

  He faced the man next to him, a man who was clearly an Alpha male and he could see some of her in him.

  "Then what I want form your company is going to piss her off. Can I just say in advance that she agreed?"

  "You can, but know this in advance if you hurt her and place her in danger I will kill you." By the tone in his voice Luke didn’t doubt that he would try. It didn’t change his plans.

  Chapter 8

  Ellie was slick with sweat that was dripping down her torso, over her breasts and down the hard plains of her stomach. Her hair was slicked back with a band but the sweat was sliding forward into her eyes. The pain didn’t matter, she would beat the tension from her body, she would beat the thoughts of him from her mind or she would collapse from sheer exhaustion.

  Around her the gym was busy though everyone kept a distance knowing that she was not in the mood to chat or have fun, until Ben caught the recoil from the punch bag.

  "Let's spar."

  He was in joggers, and no shirt. The people around them stopped as he climbed into the ring. Theo and Darius along with Danny and Leyland were all training as well as some of the pups. As soon as her feet hit the ring Ben pushed her.

  "Come on Ellie, show me that fighting spirit."

  She swung out towards him connecting with his jaw as he danced away from her, but she followed. Bending at her knees she jumped forward with a jab to his ribs. More dancing, Ben had always been light on his feet, but Ellie was fast and her blows connected with his head and torso. Ben kicked in with some jabs of his own, though he did as normal and reigned in the force behind them which as usual infuriated Ellie. As she connected with his eye, the crowd cheered though Ellie did wonder whether she would see a bruise, her mom got pissed when that happened.

  Ben stopped and Theo jumped into the ring.

  "My turn kiddo, you ready." Ben had stepped into the corner; she nodded to Theo who immediately swiped her feet from under her, as her back hit the floor she vaulted back up. Swinging her leg high she placed a roundhouse to his head, instead of being angry Theo laughed. "Nice moves kiddo, but are you fast enough?"

  Theo danced back spitting blood from his mouth, he was one of the strongest men she had ever met and was not as reserved as Ben, his fist shot out towards her face this time it was Ellie turn to dance as she flipped backwards away from him.

  Immediately she kicked out with her foot landing on his chest, though Theo did not move out of place. Crowding him, she punched him over before he moved back and Ben took his place. This time she let rip with punch after punch to Theo as his torso took the brunt of her anger. And then it was time to stop, her body was sated.

  Bending low while taking deep breaths she was passed a bottle of water which she promptly used to rehydrate her body with.

  "Feel better." Ben was asking and she was considering his question, did she? Actually she did.

  "Good, because I am about to piss you off again. Meet me in the old hall."

  Shit this didn’t sound good. As she hit the shower the exhaustion hit her which was a good feeling, maybe she could get this over with and climb into bed and dream away the crappy day.

  Ellie's first thought as she entered the old hall was why the hell was Theo, Danny and Darius here? Walking through the banks of computers she was unsurprised to see Imogen peering at the numerous screens. Imogen was a technical whiz and had developed electronic security systems that were now widely used across the city. Maintaining these though were a challenge, hence the multiple screens an
d the six people manning these.

  Joining the men at the table she was further surprised when her mom arrived. Sparing a second to kiss the top of Ellies head and hug her, her mom sat next to her. As Ellie's inquisitive look her mom answered the unspoken question.

  "Ben thought that he might need me here."

  Clearing his throat Ben made a start. "For those that do not know Ellie agreed to provide security to Luke Drakos today."

  Her mom gasped and grabbed her arm in excitement. "That's marvellous honey, a great opportunity."

  Ben must have said something telepathically to her mom for she stopped smiling and peered at her before he continued speaking.

  "Anyway, Ellie agreed that security would be provided in the way that he requires it."

  That resulted in everyone looking at her. "I know so you don’t need to say it and don’t ask me why because I can't bloody answer that. Look I will co-ordinate whatever the idiot has demanded, and no we can't back out unless he gives us cause to so what did he demand Ben?"

  Taking a deep breath, Ben averted his eyes. "You."

  Her head flipped to face him, "what." Her voice was quiet, her brain waiting for Ben to explain.

  Ben lifted his eyes to her while the room went completely silent. The noises from the computers faded into the background, her ears were swimming with Ben's words. "He wants you Ellie; you are to attend an awards ceremony tomorrow night under the guise of his date."

  Standing she knocked her chair to the floor. "I don’t fucking think so. Give me his number."

  Her mom stood with her, watching intently. "Ellie if you already agreed to this…"

  "I didn’t agree to that."

  Ben sat calmly watching before addressing her. "It is done Ellie; I have managed to negotiate that you will only provide this type of security for a period of two months. In addition to this, we will be providing additional guards as per our normal security."

  Two months, two whole months, was that the best he could do? She knew that this was her doing and not Ben's. "Ellie I don’t like this anymore than you do."


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