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Courting Jealousy

Page 2

by Kimberly Dean

  The tendons in his neck strained. “Damn,” he hissed. “I’ve been fantasizing about you doing that ever since I first walked into Luxxor’s offices and found you waiting for me.”

  Her hands became swift and sure as she unrolled the protection over him.

  He caught her panties and gave a firm tug.

  Noelle lifted her hips to help him. The thin nylon popped over her curves and stretched as he tugged her panties down her thighs. The wooden desk felt hard beneath her bare bottom, all pockmarked and scratched. Dane knelt to dislodge her panties from where they’d snagged on her shoes. When he rose, it was slowly and determinedly. He settled his hands on the inside of her knees and spread her thighs wide before stepping between them.

  Noelle arched when his hand wrapped over her naked mound.

  “You’re wet for me,” he said as his finger swept along her slit.

  She’d been wet before they’d even made it to the museum.

  “I want you,” she confessed, “and not as some pretty boy toy on my arm. I want you for me.”

  His eyes narrowed. The hand on her pussy squeezed possessively, but then he caught her by the hips. He pulled her right to the very edge of the desk until her only option was to wrap her legs around him or fall off.

  “And I have to have you,” he said in return.

  Her heels knocked together when she felt his hard cock glide along her wetness. Anticipation and nerves spiked. His blunt tip found her notch, and then he was pressing into her.

  Heavily. Inexorably.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned. Her head dropped back until her hair brushed against her spine.

  The pressure was sexy and intense, and it only built higher. The intimacy was right there for them to watch as his big cock disappeared into her. Soon, she’d taken all of him.

  “Noelle,” he groaned.

  His hand covered one of her upturned breasts possessively.

  And then he began to thrust.

  And pump.

  And judder.

  She held him tightly, her fingers biting into his shoulders, his back, and then his flexing bottom. Oh, he was hitting her just right. Their connection felt incredible. Her blue stilettos clunked together at the apex of each thrust, becoming faster and louder as his tempo increased.

  “So good,” he grunted, kissing her neck and biting her collarbone.

  “Yes,” she moaned. Her thighs burned from exertion, and she heard the old desk creaking beneath her. His big cock was pounding into her now, filling her over and over again. Her hips teetered right on the edge of the old desk. In her precarious position, there wasn’t much she could do but take him.

  She submitted and was swept away by the pleasure.

  Their lovemaking lasted longer than it had the right to, inside the tiny secret room. One night, he’d said.

  She dropped back to lie on the desk as he fucked her hard and long. She hit mini-peaks along the way, but her stiletto heels were up by his ears when she finally came. The tension swept through her body, pulling tight like a rubber band and then springing loose.

  It kept Dane in its grip longer, and he ground deep inside her until he finally sagged forward. He braced his hands against the desk to catch his weight. It was a while before he regained his equilibrium.

  “Oh my God,” Noelle breathed.

  Her lover’s gaze turned gentle. Leaning over her, he gave her one lingering last kiss. “You are amazing. Don’t let anyone ever convince you otherwise.”

  She wouldn’t – not when she had that memory to fall back upon.

  But did it really have to be only in her memory?

  They gathered their things and got dressed. Dane helped her zip up her dress. She turned around and held his jacket out to him. He put it on, but she impulsively caught him by the lapels.

  “Why only one night? Can’t I just tell Nina I want to extend the contract?”

  The look on his face was rueful. He shook his head. “No.”

  “But why?” A lump settled in her throat. Please don’t let that have been a sympathy fuck.

  His hands settled over hers. “Because tonight was my last night as an escort.”

  “Oh.” The answer was so unexpected, her mind went blank. Then it kicked into high gear. “So couldn’t we just see—”

  His head came up. “You wouldn’t consider—”

  They’d spoken over one another, and embarrassment filled Noelle.

  “You probably have a girlfriend,” she said, although the thought of that made her stomach turn.

  He caught her face with both hands. “I don’t have a girlfriend, and I don’t sleep with clients.”

  The stupid question had to be asked. “So why did you work as an escort?”

  “The money,” he said bluntly. “I needed something to live on until I got the full-time job I wanted.”

  She smoothed the lapels that she’d just wrinkled. “I understand that.”

  She’d seen the lengths to which people would go to get by. Heck, she knew how far she’d gone just to avoid another demoralizing encounter with her ex. It seemed so shallow now. She had no room to judge.

  He cocked his head in surprise. “I think you really mean that.”

  “I do.” How could she not? She didn’t think any less of herself for hiring him, although sex hadn’t been anywhere on her mind when she’d been writing the check.

  He stuffed his hands in his pockets and, for the first time, his debonair attitude seemed ruffled. “So… does that mean you’d be willing to see me sometime? Off the clock?”

  Her brow furrowed. “No.”


  She closed the distance between them and went up on her tiptoes. “I want more than that. I want to date you.”

  The smile on his face started slowly, but it was a grin by the time she finished kissing him.

  “I can deal with that,” he said. “Want to get out of this place?”

  She looked around the dingy little room. It would always hold a special place in her heart, but they could do better. “Yeah.”

  Dane swung an arm around her waist as they headed for the door.

  “Just out of curiosity, what is your new job?” she asked.

  “My background is in political science. I’ll be working for Congresswoman Hill.”

  She stopped in her tracks. “Uh oh.”


  “That may be a problem.” She chuckled. “My father is Congressman Hatcher. He’s on the other side of the aisle.”

  They were both laughing as they turned off the light and left the room, but their amusement was cut short when they nearly ran into another couple.


  She looked up sharply and found herself face to face with a man in a tan suit. A busty blonde stood at his side. It was…

  For the life of her, she couldn’t remember his name.

  Dane whispered in her ear.

  “Barry,” she said quickly. “It’s nice to see you. You look lovely tonight, Pia.”

  She snuggled closer to the handsome man at her side. “This is Dane.”

  Barry did the math fast. His gaze started with her hair, which now hung down around her shoulders. It traveled next to her pink cheeks and on to her wrinkled dress before bouncing to the storeroom. The door was practically invisible again, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to put the evidence together.

  Barry’s chest puffed up, and his fists clenched. His lips narrowed, and fire glowed in his green eyes.

  “Oh, Barry,” Noelle said tiredly. She really was beyond this. She patted his arm and took Dane’s hand. “You two have a good night.”

  “Because we certainly are,” her new boyfriend said in her ear as they finally exited the aquarium corridor.

  “Champagne?” It was the pretty blonde waitress again, the one who looked like a princess.

  “Absolutely,” Dane said as he took two flutes. He passed one to Noelle. �
�We have something to celebrate.”

  “To new beginnings,” she agreed.

  He clinked their glasses together. “And to the green-eyed special.”

  Mischievousness shown in his eyes, and Noelle coughed on her drink when she realized what he meant. Cheeks pink, she swiftly looked around to make sure nobody else had heard.

  He rubbed her back comfortingly. “Think we can do that again sometime?”

  She winked at him. “We’re going to make all the other couples in DC jealous.”

  Thank you!

  Thanks for reading COURTING JEALOUSY, a bonus story in my Courting series. I hope you enjoyed it. To continue reading about the world of Luxxor Limited, try COURTING TROUBLE next!

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  Turn the page to read an excerpt from COURTING TROUBLE.

  Excerpt from Courting Trouble

  Published by Mischief, November 2014

  Copyright Kimberly Dean 2014

  He took another step, this one to the side so he was directly in front of Sienna. “But you don’t like me very much, do you?”

  There it was, the spark he’d known was there, buried deep down.

  Her weigh transitioned backward, away from him, but he moved with her, pressing her up against the concrete planter. He stopped her before she could trip, his hands naturally seeking out the warmth of the bare skin at her waist. He didn’t grab her. The hold was barely there, only touching her, but she froze.

  “I don’t dislike you.”


  Her body language wasn’t standoffish, but it was closed in. Rejection. Jason frowned. Was she afraid of him?

  His gaze quickly skimmed back up to her face, but before it got there he noticed the way her breaths were working in her lungs. The distracting cutouts in the sides of her dress made the fact clearly apparent.

  As did the press of her nipples. The dark color of her dress had hid them well, but with the play of light and shadows, he saw them now.

  Jason felt the thrumming inside him. He didn’t know why he was pushing her like this.

  Yes, he did.

  He didn’t want to be out with one of Nina’s creatures. They were slick and trained and cultured and correct. He wanted the waitress from the party. He wanted to feel that zing and see the pink in her cheeks when their gazes connected.

  “You think I was rude to Etienne’s wife.”

  She lifted her hands. One settled on his biceps, not holding him away, but creating a barrier.

  “I think you were eager to talk to him about your idea.”

  She was still lying. He’d seen the way her jaw had clenched and caught the furious looks she’d thrown at him before she’d veered the discussion in another direction.

  “You weren’t happy to be paired with me. I saw the disappointment on your face in Nina’s office.”

  Her pretty blue eyes snapped open. “You were the one who wasn’t happy.”

  Ah, there it was. Still polite, but it scraped at the iceberg of truth she was hiding.

  He took a small step toward her, invading her space. The planter behind her hid them from any prying eyes at the restaurant. “You think I’m an ass who can only get woman by paying for them.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You’re a smart girl, that’s clear.” He let his gaze slide over her again, and deliberately ran his thumb underneath one of those convenient cutouts at her waist. “Did you take this job for the perks? Do you like playing dress-up and going to all the fancy dinners?”

  Her mouth dropped open before snapping closed again.

  “Is it just easier to pay the bills using that angel face and killer body?”

  Everything turned on a dime. Fury flared in her eyes, and her cheeks went beyond pink to bright red. She pushed at him and lunged sideways, but he moved with her.

  “You are an ass,” she hissed. She pushed at his shoulder with her free hand. “You didn’t even mention that Marie was going to be here tonight. You discounted her entirely, when she’s key.”

  “I know,” he said, watching the fury that radiated from her face. “Now,” he amended when she glared at him.

  “You treated Nina like a whipping post when all she was trying to do was help you.”

  He gritted his teeth. “You obviously have no idea what was going on there. I’m not apologizing for that.”

  “You’re a bull in a china shop,” she snapped. “Constantly pushing things out of your way. I didn’t have to come tonight, you know. You’re lucky you got anyone on such short notice.”

  “I’m lucky I got you.”

  He closed the distance between them fast. He’d been fantasizing about finding her for weeks, but in his head, none of it had gone down like this.

  It had gone like this.

  He kissed her, his mouth closing over hers. Swinging an arm around her waist, he pulled her against him.

  The sparks that had been flying combusted.

  Fire and ice. It was all he could think as their mouths melded and their bodies squished tight. She fit him perfectly, soft curves cushioning all his hard places. She had a cool exterior, but God… the fire beneath the surface…

  He swept his tongue along the seam of her lips, wanting access. She made one last fierce sound of protest, but then let him in.

  The bottom of Jason’s stomach dropped out.

  She liked to converse in French? He’d show her how the French really communicated. Pushing his tongue into her mouth, he laved at that sharp tongue that had just given him a lashing.

  And she gave in.

  A primitive growl left his throat.

  He stroked his fingers deeper under her dress, but the damn cutouts were too small. He wanted to stroke his hands over her skin, fingers stretched wide and palms pressing firmly.

  Her belly squeezed. “Jason—”

  “Shhh.” He kissed his way down to her neck, where he stopped to nuzzle. Everything about her felt good. Better than good. She was lighting him up.

  He ran his tongue over the pulse pounding in her neck and stroked his hands down her back. Loose tendrils of her hair tickled his ear, and goosebumps popped up on the back of his neck.

  One kiss. One kiss from her, and he was ready to explode.

  He cupped the curves of her bottom in his palms and squeezed.

  “Ah!” she squeaked. Her hips rocked forward in a natural motion, and her belly cradled his aching cock.

  Her eyes fluttered closed, but then that damn propriety set upon her again. She flinched, as if suddenly remembering she should, and tried to back away.

  “Uh uh,” he grunted. He grabbed her ass more possessively, lifting her to him. “Do that again.”



  Thank you again for reading COURTING JEALOUSY. Please consider leaving a review.

  Links to Other Kimberly Dean Books

  Lexie (Triple X, Book 1)

  Maxie (Triple X, Book 2)

  Roxie (Triple X, Book 3)

  New Year’s Bang


  Tiger Lily (erotica)

  Solace in Scandal

  Blade of Moonlight


  High School Reunion

p; Going Deep (erotica)

  Private Dancer (erotica)

  To find out more about my upcoming books, sign up for my newsletter. You’ll receive quarterly updates, emails about new releases, access to exclusive contests, and other fun info.


  Published by Tiger Eye Productions, LLC

  Courting Jealousy

  Copyright 2014 Kimberly Dean

  All Rights Reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, locales, or events is purely coincidental.




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