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The Goblin King (The Kings)

Page 13

by Heather Killough-Walden

  Damon moved fast, leaning over to sweep her up into his arms at the very moment that her legs gave out and her eyes closed. She slipped into unconsciousness.

  Alarm shot through Damon, cold and hard. He could feel her essence draining away; the color faded from her cheeks even as he watched.

  No…. Desperation terrible and fierce claimed him. He was losing her. He had no idea why or how. It was a bolt out of the blue, cruel and meaningless.

  He acted without thinking. He had no choice in the matter. His body and mind knew where to go and what to do while his spirit cried out and cursed the fates and mourned the death of his hope.

  The world melted around them, twisting and turning, pushing and pulling. It sent them coursing through the veins of quantum reality and opened up again at some other end, depositing the Goblin King and his dying queen in a bedroom.

  It was a second floor bedroom in a log cabin. The smell of fresh cut wood permeated the air, accompanied by the distant aroma of fresh brewed coffee, shampoo and soap. A woman with black hair and a towel wrapped around her stood beside a lace covered bassinet by the bed. She spun around as he solidified with Diana in his arms. The woman had eyes that reminded him of the xenobe goblins’ eyes, multi-colored and gemlike. They were rather famous in the supernatural world. This was Dannai – the Healer. And the sleeping fraternal twin babies in the bassinet were her children, Kavanagh and Jazarah, or Kevin and Jessie, for short.

  For a moment, Damon fully expected Dannai to let loose with a scream of surprise and a whollop of an offensive spell. After all, he had just materialized in her bedroom, and she was clearly just out of the shower.

  However, this was not Dannai Caige’s first rodeo. Instead of screaming or attacking, she looked from him to the woman in his arms and her shoulders relaxed. Her hand, which she’d placed protectively on the handle of the bassinet, rested with relief. Then her gaze slipped past Damon and Diana to something over Damon’s shoulder.

  Damon turned.

  Lucas Caige stood in the doorway. The six-foot-plus werewolf was bare chested, having obviously just slid into his jeans before heading downstairs to brew coffee and start breakfast. Right now, his dark eyes sparked with that predatory wariness werewolves displayed so easily. It looked as though he had been a half-second away from shifting.

  But the alpha was no stranger to emergency situations either and, just as his wife had, he’d very quickly assessed the situation. Plus, he recognized Damon anyway.

  “Dannai,” Damon turned his attention back to the Healer. “Can you help her?” He appealed to her in the least desperate tone he could manage. But that desperation was quickly replacing the blood in his veins like a poison.

  Dannai strode forward, waving her hand dismissively. The towel flashed bright white, shifting with magic into a pair of denim shorts and a white t-shirt. “Put her down on the bed,” she instructed.

  Damon moved carefully but swiftly to the bed. Diana was a light, warm weight in his arms, delicate despite her strength. A part of him didn’t want to let her go as he leaned over and deposited her on the king sized bed against one wall in the center of the log and wood beam room.

  Dannai was at her side at once, and he forced himself to step back to give her room.

  The Healer placed a gentle hand on Diana’s forehead and then moved that hand to Diana’s chest. “She’ll live.”

  Relief flooded Damon like an actual rush of hot water, cleaning through his body and soul to wash away the terror that had taken him over bone and spirit.

  After a moment, Dannai’s back stiffened and she straightened, looking at him over her shoulder. “She’s your queen.”

  He nodded, just once.

  “And she’s… a healer?”

  Again, Damon nodded.

  The look on Dannai’s face was just as Damon had imagined it would be. She was shocked. Until now, only Dannai was known to possess her kind of power. But she was also relieved. For the very same reason.

  It was a lot of responsibility.

  “Well, we have to get this girl on her feet again right away,” she said, shaking her head in bewilderment. “She’s gonna to be my new best friend.”

  “What happened to her?” he asked as Dannai’s hand began to glow, emanating a bright warmth that radiated from her palm and spread across Diana’s chest and then moved outward to her arms, midsection, and legs.

  “She’s just drained. I’ve been this way before, so it’s easy to recognize. She overexerted herself. How many people did she heal?” Dannai asked the question with a quick glance over her shoulder before she closed her eyes and appeared to concentrate.

  Damon was afraid to answer the question. He was afraid… and overwhelmingly ashamed. What had he been thinking allowing her to heal so many goblins? So many enormous goblins? Especially after she’d been in that fight with those punks and had healed the cat too. Not to mention how ever many furry bodies she may have repaired during the day at her clinic….

  Oh gods, he thought as he felt the blood drain from his face and his stomach turn to lead. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m a bloody fool!

  He’d been so desperate to convince her to stay. So desperate, he’d almost killed her.

  “But she seemed fine,” he whispered, unaware at first that he’d even spoken out loud.

  The glow from beneath Dannai’s hands faded and the Healer slowly dropped her arms to the edge of the bed. Diana’s chest rose and fell in even, deep breaths. She appeared to be asleep.

  Damon could sense Diana’s magic back about her again, slowly rebuilding itself. She was asleep. He wondered if she dreamed, and if so what about.

  Lucas Caige went to his wife and helped her stand. “You okay?” he asked her softly, words between lovers. She nodded, then returned her attention to Damon.

  “What did she heal?” she asked, an edge of accusation to her tone.

  “Goblins,” he told her without pause. There was no point in hiding it. He wanted to know what had gone wrong so he could prevent it from ever happening again. He made his way quickly past them to kneel beside the bed – and took Diana’s hand in his own. It was warm, not cold as he’d expected. That warmth helped soothe the cold fear that had earlier coiled through him.

  Dannai’s brows raised. “They must be very big goblins.”

  “You have no idea,” Damon said without looking at her. Instead, his eyes roamed over Diana’s sleeping, beautiful face. Her lashes were light colored, but so long that they brushed against the tops of her cheeks. Her recently kissed lips were still plump from his attentions and were parted slightly in sleep. Up close and in the early morning light coming through the windows across the room, he could see the smattering of her freckles outlined against the fair color of her skin. They had been delicately placed across her nose and graced the apples of her cheeks. Her shimmering hair spilled across the pillow beneath her head, inviting him to touch it. He could have looked down at her for hours.

  But the fact that she was laying here in the first place was like an anchor on the ship whose sails her existence had given wind. “But she gave no indication of being weakened,” he told the Healer, again without looking at her. “She even said she felt good. And then she passed out.”

  Now he did look up, sitting back on his heels so he could remain holding Diana’s hand as he spoke with the werewolves in the room.

  Dannai frowned. “I think I can explain that. It’s happened to me before. We so badly want to believe that we can go on making a difference that we block out what’s happening to our own bodies. That may be the case here. But I think… there’s someone we should call,” she said. “When I was healing Diana, I sensed something else. I don’t want to make any guesses about it. Lily Kane will know. And I would also like to call for Lalura.”

  Damon had no issues with that. The ancient witch was so powerful and so wise, she was even allowed a permanent seat at the table of the 13 Kings. She would always be welcome by Damon. Her contrived crush on him not with

  “And when she gets here, she can probably shed a little more light on the situation,” Dannai finished.

  “In the meantime,” said Lucas, also speaking to Damon, “we heard about the attack on her house. Roman told a few others and word spread. If she’s staying here, we’ll need reinforcements. Just in case.”

  Caige was absolutely right about that too. And Damon also needed to speak with Roman personally. When Diana came around, she was going to want to know what happened with her best friend. In addition, Damon needed a word with Avery and Caliban about the Bookas and spell spiders on Diana’s house. The fae were crossing borders, and not in a good way.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  It had been about an hour or so since Diana had awoken in a stranger’s home. It was now midday, and she found herself in the cozy and tastefully decorated living room of a large log cabin somewhere along the Pacific Northwest coast. Wind blew steady through tall tree tops outside, and in the not-too-far distance, waves crashed against the rocks of an ocean cliff side.

  There were a total of eight people in the log cabin’s living room now. They’d introduced themselves earlier, and since then, there had been a lot of talking, a lot of questions, and a lot of answers.

  The one who had introduced herself as the Seer was Lily Kane, a beautiful woman with long, golden blonde hair who was apparently also a werewolf. Dannai Caige was the woman who had healed Diana after Damon had apparently brought her to her home in an unconscious state. Evelynne D’Angelo was the Vampire Queen, another beautiful woman – with a name that sounded familiar to Diana. Evelynne was the wife of the befanged gentleman Diana had met outside her home when it was being attacked by monsters.

  Siobhan Ashdown was a warlock, a user of “black” magic, and also the Phantom Queen. The latter was a concept that Diana seriously could not wrap her head around just yet. She felt like she was floating as it was.

  Chloe Septeran was something called an Akyri and was also reputedly the Warlock Queen. Again, it was too much information presented far too quickly, but Diana was proud of herself for hanging in there and compartmentalizing as well as she was.

  Then there was Lalura Chantelle, a singularly charismatic and ancient woman with quite possibly the most intelligent eyes Diana had ever seen, and soft and weathered parchment for skin. She was a witch. This, Diana believed with utmost clarity and conviction and a complete lack of confusion. She was simply the most probable witch ever.

  The last two in the room were Damon Chroi – and Diana.

  There had been other men there earlier, all of the husbands. But the lot of them had gone outside to take watch against possible attacks, leaving Diana with the women and the Goblin King.

  “I’ll be right outside,” he told her now from where he stood beside her at the edge of the couch. “In the meantime,” he continued, “I want you to eat and drink something.” His tall, dark form radiated electric heat and loomed over her like both a threat and a shield. His demeanor had changed somewhat since they’d come to this place. He seemed agitated and overprotective.

  Diana didn’t respond well to people telling her what to do. But she also wasn’t stupid. She was in the middle of nowhere with no way of contacting anyone and she was surrounded by strangers. Granted, they seemed like very nice strangers and one of them had even saved her life. But they weren’t family.

  Not yet.

  Diana frowned at the wayward thought – and shoved it aside.

  She didn’t respond to Damon’s command, but instead sat on the edge of the couch with her arms wrapped tightly around her middle. She wasn’t sure what she would say anyway. The truth was she was hungry. She was just stubborn.

  Damon curled a finger under her chin and tilted her head toward him. Their eyes met. “Please,” he added a little too softly, as if he’d had to force it from between his perfect white teeth. The scar that ran through his lip gave him a look just then that struck Diana as severe and dominating. In an overtly sexy sort of way.

  It almost made Diana want to defy him. Just to see what he would do….

  But the level-headed part of her nodded, appeasing him. I’m fucking starving, she admitted to herself.

  Damon’s sexy lips turned into a small gratified smile, and he released her, stepping back. She watched from the couch as the Goblin King nodded at the others, and left the log cabin. She listened to his boots descend the stairs outside, taking him to the ground level where the others were gathered.

  A low whistle drew Diana’s attention to the dining room table, where several women sat. Lalura Chantelle was shaking her head. “That man gives me hot flashes.”

  “You’re too old for hot flashes,” said Dannai, rolling her eyes.

  “He makes me feel young again.”

  Diana turned away from the two and looked back toward the door through which Damon had disappeared. He’d made a lasting impression on her.

  He was so tall... and broad. He was warm to the touch. He looked at her with literal fire. And he smelled like rain. He was a walking, talking winter’s night at home on the couch in front of the fireplace with the one you loved.

  Diana went still. The one I…. Oh, no. People didn’t fall in love over the course of one night. Not this kind of night, especially. And not kings. Not Goblin Kings. Not with her.

  Oh, shit on a cracker.

  She ducked her head to hide her blush as these thoughts danced across her unwilling mind, and hugged herself tighter.

  “Here, come with me and I’ll get you some hot tea,” said Dannai, who gently took her elbow and nudged her toward the kitchen.

  Diana followed her into the small, welcoming room. It smelled like fresh baked goods and coffee and strong tea. It was warm, but not too warm. The babies had awoken an hour earlier, been fed, and were once more sleeping soundly in swing chairs beside the kitchen window in a beam of sunlight.

  Dannai, or Danny to her friends, placed a hot mug in Diana’s hands and steered her toward the dining room table, pulling out a chair for her. Lalura, Evelynne – who preferred Evie – and Lily were already seated there. Siobhan and Chloe stood against the wall of the dining room, sipping at their own drinks. It was the coziest and strangest gathering of people Diana had ever been in the company of.

  Lily leaned over the table and very gently placed her hand over Diana’s. It was an unexpectedly comforting gesture. “Diana, can you tell me about the visions you had when you touched Damon in that alley and were knocked unconscious?”

  Diana blinked. “How did you know about that?”

  Lily smiled, shrugging. “Seer, remember?”

  “Which is why I asked her to join us,” said Danny. “I sensed something when I was healing you. Not only do you possess the same ability to heal that I do,” she spoke with an enormous smile that clearly displayed a good deal of relief, “you also possess a power that reminded me distinctly of Lily’s.”

  Lily’s smile was warm. “It’s possible that you’ve got a bit of the seer in yourself,” she said.

  Diana looked from her to Danny and then the others. Every one of them watched her with open kindness. They were the most welcoming people she’d ever met. It was difficult for Diana to hold on to her fear and uncertainty when she was surrounded with these souls. They felt familiar to her… almost like family. And not the oh my god, get the alcohol, the holidays are coming, kind of family, either.

  “Okay,” she said tentatively. She licked her lips and thought back. “I saw….” She concentrated inward, reliving that first moment when she’d met Damon in the alley. As she did, she told the others what she’d seen when she’d been knocked out.

  “Well, I have no idea what the dishes and things on the table might mean, but the thirteen queens are pretty recognizable,” said Evie. “Especially on an enormous chess board, standing together against a coming danger.”

  “It was more than a danger,” said Diana softly. “It was….”

  “Death,” finished Lily knowingly.

nbsp; Diana nodded.

  “Well, my dear, I think you’ve just had a taste of what it’s like to be a queen,” said Lalura, her voice as old and weathered as her face appeared to be.

  Diana shook her head now. “I’m sorry,” she said. “But I really can’t imagine myself as royalty.” She looked at the others. She looked at Evelynne D’Angelo with her beautiful hair and perfect porcelain skin and…. Oh my god! Now Diana remembered where she’d heard her name before! She was a New York Times bestselling author! One of the most loved indie vampire romance authors was actually a vampire. Talk about having an in.

  Well that cinches it, she thought. I don’t belong.

  Chloe Septeran looked like a living, breathing fallen star. Siobhan had that fairy-like Celtic perfection all around her with her dark red hair and proud stance. And they all looked all of about twelve years old.

  Diana, on the other hand, was thirty-six. She’d been told she looked younger, but she didn’t feel younger. She worked with animals all day and barely wore anything but sweats and jeans. “I would make a horrible queen. Frankly, I’m overworked, I barely sleep, and at the moment, I’m a little too obsessed with the fact that I’m losing my hair.” She made a small derisive sound. “Stress.”

  Evie laughed softly, drawing Diana’s attention. “Believe me love, we all have our issues.”

  Siobhan nodded enthusiastically. “I count things. Like, obsessively. Steps to a front door, stairs to a second floor, number of times I come to a red light – you name it. It’s a coping mechanism.”

  Evie joined in. “Panic attacks here,” she said, raising her hand. “Not as bad since I was turned, but I get the occasional spell and I’ll never forget how horrible they were before.”

  Chloe piped in next. “I absorb people’s emotions and get migraines.”

  “So you’re not alone, young lady,” said Lalura. “In fact, it would seem you fit the profile to perfection.” The old woman took a slow sip of her tea, closed her eyes, and nodded approvingly. “You’ve gotten better, child,” she said, opening her blue, blue eyes and pinning Danny with them.


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