Book Read Free

Awakening Threat

Page 9

by Patrick G Cox

  Harry shifted uncomfortably. Ever since the attempts to hack into his thoughts, he’d been ultra-cautious, and had built barriers with Beagle’s help. Now he realised that he was being told he might have to commit suicide if the situation required it. I’ll deal with that situation as and when, he told himself inwardly. I’ll find a way to fight for my life and complete my mission successfully.

  “I understand, sir.”

  “All your systems check as functional, sir. You have a full seventy-two-hour charge on air, recycle and power packs.” The Warrant Officer looked up from his display. “Good luck, Mr. Heron.”

  From within his EVA shell, Harry nodded. “Thank you, Warrant. With a little assistance from the Almighty, I hope I’ll have all the protection I need.” He hesitated. “You’re absolutely clear on my instructions, right? If I shut down all power to the suit, you’re to withdraw immediately. If I’m compromised, you must get the barge as far away from me as you can, and quickly.”

  The Warrant Officer nodded. “Clear, sir. I hope your Almighty won’t let that happen.”

  Harry grinned. “So do I—I can assure you.” He gripped the container loaded with the recorders that he planned to launch into the surveyor barge as soon as he could, and he manoeuvred to the airlock. “Right. No point in putting off the inevitable. Remember, if I’m compromised, the monitor link will provide a channel for whatever it is that has taken over Surveyor Two, so cut the link the moment you see me shut down my power, or if something appears wrong with me, break contact immediately.”

  “Got you, sir.” The Warrant Officer hesitated as the inner door began to close. “Just so you know, sir, the rest of us are praying that everything works right,” and then he added under his breath, “even though some of us don’t know much about all that.”

  “Thank you, Warrant. That means a lot to me. Right, then, let’s get ’er done!” Harry said with a mock American accent, and that got a smile out of the nervous Warrant.

  Harry watched the gauges. When the exit command lit up, he operated the outer hatch and eased himself into the void. Powering up the propulsion pack, he directed his trajectory toward the abandoned Surveyor Two, his bag of specially adapted and protected recorders trailing in his wake. Reassuringly, the surveyor craft’s beacons were still functioning, so when he was within a hundred metres of the ship, he killed his motion and attempted to find the vessel’s AI with his link.

  The link worked, but the AI itself was not functional. Harry explored the circuits that remained and found that he could command the opening of the airlock he wanted. He then launched his two video recorders toward the open hatch. With those inside, he commanded the hatch to close, then opened the inner one and directed the recorders to explore the interior. He hoped their images would be captured and relayed to the barge.

  He was about to move closer when he became aware of a ship closing on him from beneath his feet. His comlink burst into life.

  “Mr. Heron! Get out of there, sir, and back to the barge immediately! The LPSL ship is trying to get between us and Surveyor Two!”

  Chapter 10


  The impact took Harry by surprise. He was cartwheeling through space on a trajectory that took him past the abandoned Surveyor Two and away from the barge and whatever had hit him. The alarms in his suit all seemed to be active, but the one that got his immediate attention was the warning that his propulsion pack was inoperable.

  “Bravo Four, I’m out of control. Can you track me and retrieve me?”

  The heads-up display flashed a message before his eyes:


  Additional malfunction messages followed. As he operated the system diagnostics, he learned to his annoyance that not only was his propulsion system now useless, but his communications were too. Worse, he’d lost the atmospheric recycling system. He did a quick check to verify this and was dismayed to find that he had about an hour’s worth of air left in the suit.

  He tried a series of movements and managed to slow his tumbling motion somewhat, and then he was able to see what had caused the problem. To his fury, he saw crewmembers leaving the LPSL ship’s airlock, apparently in an attempt to board the surveyor craft. Typically, his rage gave him focus. Cold anger froze out all other thoughts as he set about identifying the problems in his EVA system and restore some function.

  He saw the barge swing around and over the interloper, but he continued to wrestle with the problem of getting enough response from his propulsion unit to stabilise his flight. If his communications were out, it was likely that his tracker beacon was too. He had to find some way to direct himself to a location where they might be able to find him—or better, to where he could get aboard the damned LPSL ship and teach them some manners.

  “LPSL Galactic Shepherd, you are placing yourselves at serious risk. That surveyor craft is quarantined. Withdraw immediately.”

  Captain Kretzmann had difficulty keeping his anger out of his voice. “I am sending a boarding party to impound any equipment you place in contact with the vessel and any personnel responsible for the possible killing of my officer.”

  “You don’t have the authority to do that, Captain. I am acting to protect the life form that is currently living in this hulk. We have reason to believe that your officer was about to destroy it.” The triumphant sneer on the face of the Shepherd’s Commander underscored the man’s belief that any action was justified by the desired outcome. “We have the World Treaty Organisation on our side in this. I remind you that the WTO endorses the Protocol on the Protection of Sentient Life. If you attempt to board this ship, we will resist and take legal action against you.”

  Captain Kretzmann swore under his breath. “You deliberately rammed an officer in an EVA suit with your ship, and you think that is reasonable action? You further endangered my barge and its crew, and now you are deliberately breaking quarantine and endangering your own crew. I know exactly what my authority is under the circumstances. Your ship will be boarded, and any resistance will be dealt with.” He punched the link with enough force to make the communications officer wince.

  Harry managed to restore the function of his propulsion pack. When he tested it, he found that he had managed to change his direction. Finally, he was heading back toward the LPSL ship.

  He checked his readouts. He couldn’t afford to waste another minute. “Any port in a damned storm,” he muttered under his breath. He operated his unit and accelerated toward the distant ship. “And this one has the added attraction of giving me the opportunity to settle a score.”

  Off to his left and even farther away, the barge detected the propulsion pack signature. The Warrant Officer immediately ordered a course to intercept and set off in pursuit.

  “Looks like Mr. Heron is going to pay them a visit. I hope his suit isn’t as damaged as I think it is.”

  The TechRate on the barge’s helm grinned. “God help them if he does get aboard. There’ll be hell to pay for bumping him like that.”

  The Warrant Officer grimaced. “You’re probably right. I hope the Marines get there first. Even if the Loot’s not injured, there’ll be a few too many injuries among the Shepherd’s crew if he makes his feelings known the way I would.” He paused. “Come to think of it, with the way they paint him as a savage hell-bent on wiping out everything he comes across, we better get there before he gives them even more reason to believe that.”

  “I heard he can be pretty savage in a fight. They say he took on a whole garrison on Lycania. Must have been scary to watch.”

  The Warrant Officer laughed. “It scared me just to watch him holding himself back when he confronted Heemstra and his partner on the Twee Jonge Gezellen. You wouldn’t want to see him really go fighting mad, I reckon.”

  “You were on that detail? That must have been something else!”

  The Warrant Officer snorted. “You said it. First he and Lieutenant O’Connor smashed up every control surface and operating panel for the sh
ip, then they led the rest of us to capture the Consortium crew, and then, when Heemstra reckoned he’d won anyway, they brought us home using those links of theirs and not much else.” He shook his head. “Damned if I know how it works. No one’s been able to do it again with anyone else.”

  The TechRate nodded. “It’s scary enough watching him. He just sits there, and the ship does whatever he wants it to.”

  “You guys don’t know the half of it.” The Warrant Officer watched the display. “Damn, he’s reached the Shepherd. Where the hell are the Marines?” He checked another channel. “Bugger, they’re still ten minutes off. Get us alongside pronto. I’m going after him.”

  Harry killed his forward motion and allowed the attraction effect of the LPSL ship’s bulk to draw him in. He checked his readouts. He had ten minutes of air, though it was getting very stuffy in the suit, and the environmental system was going awry. Parts of the suit were extremely cold, and others were very hot. Obviously, the suit’s ability to absorb heat and redistribute it to the cooler areas in shadow was in danger of failing at any moment.

  He located the hatch for an airlock and gripped the external handles to steady himself as he punched in the command to operate it. An annoying message flashed on the screen denying him access. He swore silently then placed his helmet in contact with the hull and sought the computer. Finding it, he linked.

  “Shepherd, this is an emergency. Disable security on all airlocks.” When the display changed, he hit the command again. The hatch slid open and he pulled himself inside, closing the hatch behind him. “Secure the outer hatch to airlock starboard fourteen-delta-zero-three.” The ship obeyed. “Shepherd, open the inner hatch when pressure is equalised.” Again, he watched as the ship obeyed.

  When the inner hatch opened, Harry stepped out of the airlock and extracted himself from his damaged EVA suit.

  He took stock of his surroundings. He had a plan of the ship in his head, and now he began to lock the controls and take command from the crew. Turning, he strode to the Command Centre propelled by the cold, hard fury that roiled inside him. Those he encountered stepped smartly aside, the blazing anger in his face so evident that it advanced in front of him like a sort of battering ram. Only one man dared to challenge him.

  “Hey, where do you think you’re going? You Fleet types can’t just stroll in here and—”

  Harry had the man by the throat before he could finish his sentence. Pinning his victim to the bulkhead, he spoke in a tone that froze everyone to the spot. “We Fleet types, as you call us, take exception to being endangered and almost killed by the likes of you and your reckless and utterly self-indulgent stunts. Now get out of my way, sir, or I shall go through you or over you. The choice is yours.” He thrust the man aside with enough force to send him crashing through the door into the command deck. The ice in his voice, his steely expression, and his authoritative bearing rendered everyone speechless.

  Harry glared around the Command Centre. “Who is the Captain of this vessel?”

  A stocky individual confronted him. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “I, sir, am Lieutenant Heron—the man you have just tried to kill by ramming me with your ship.” His eyes burned into the Captain’s. “Who are you?”

  “This is my ship, and I’ll ask the questions. We’re protecting the life form that you were trying to destroy, and…” His eye caught sight of the ship’s displays shutting down. “What the hell?” He glared at Harry. “Get off my ship!” he growled, and then he made the mistake of swinging a punch.

  Harry brushed the blow aside and his own fist connected solidly with the Captain’s jaw with a solid crack. He’d have collapsed if Harry had not caught his wrist and pinned him face down over a console with a painful arm hold.

  “Wrong, sir. This ship will now obey me alone. I have commanded it to lock you and all your scum out of its systems. You attempted to kill me and to interfere in my task of discovering what is happening aboard our surveyor craft, and what the aliens who planted their device on it are attempting to do.” His contempt was like a wall around him, and he continued unfazed, oblivious to the arrival of the Marine detachment. “Attempted murder is a crime in any society and culture. You, sir, have attempted to kill me. You are a murderous charlatan, a deceiver and a liar. In other circumstances, I would offer you the opportunity of seeking satisfaction against my charges. Since you are a common criminal and not a gentleman, I will not make that offer.” He glared one by one at the crewmembers who stood watching in wide-eyed surprise. “As for the rest of you, you are, in my view, accessories to the attempt to commit murder. I will not forget that, nor will I forgive it.”

  “Fine words, but you can’t stop us!” the Captain said dabbing his bleeding lips as Harry released him. He had moved no more than a few inches before Harry’s face was close to his, and Harry’s grip on the front of the Captain’s shirt was so firm that it was almost strangling him.

  “I remind you that I have control of this ship.” Harry’s voice was quiet, but the seriousness of his intent was unmistakable. There was a gasp from the onlookers as all the control lights dimmed. “Should I choose to do so, this ship will plunge directly into the star.”

  A cough behind him made him hesitate.

  “I think I’d better take it from here, Mr. Heron.” Marine Captain Keith Isaacs stepped calmly between them, easing Harry back and removing his grip from the Captain’s shirt. He directed his next comment to the Captain, who still looked rather flushed and flustered from his encounter with Harry’s vice-like grip. “Though I am inclined to agree with Lieutenant Heron, I rely on more usual methods, like having my men shoot to incapacitate anyone who resists arrest or makes any threatening gestures.”

  He watched this sink in. “Captain Jonathon Brivel Brenner, I am placing you under arrest for breaking quarantine on a ship infected with a dangerous alien agent. Further charges include endangering the lives and safety of other ships and the attempt to kill, maim or injure an officer of the Fleet.” He recited the statutory caution, stressing the man’s rights, and then he finished by saying, “Furthermore, I am placing your crew under arrest, and the party you sent aboard Surveyor Two are likewise placed in quarantine.”

  Captain Brenner looked as if he was about to explode. He dabbed at his bleeding lip where the bruise and the swelling were now evident. “You have no right! You’ll regret this interference. We’re a large organisation. You can arrest this ship, but we have others, and we will do anything and everything to stop you and this racist relic from destroying the cultures and natural development of sentient life wherever we may find it. And I’ll bring a charge of assault against him too.”

  The Marine Captain put a hand on Harry’s arm. “Easy, Lieutenant. Now, Captain Brenner, may I remind you that your own monitors will show that you attempted to assault Mr. Heron. Taken with your having rammed him deliberately with this ship, the law might not be as ready to support you as you’d like. Mr. Heron, I suggest you leave this to us. Sergeant Conradie will arrange your transfer to the Beagle where Captain Kretzmann is waiting for your report.” He met Harry’s eye. “I think he’d be a little upset if you were delayed.”

  Harry hesitated. His anger at the insult and the slur on his character had rekindled his desire to teach this uncouth man a swift and painful lesson. He forced himself to relax. “Very well, Captain Isaacs, I’ll go. Where is the Sergeant?”

  Releasing Harry’s elbow, the Marine indicated the blank displays. “What happened to the command system?” He knew what Harry was capable of, he hoped the shutdown wasn’t irreversible.

  “I’ve taken control of the ship and locked them all out of the controls.” Harry grinned, his anger ebbing. “Let me know when you want to take charge, and I’ll tell the ship who to take orders from.”

  “You had me worried for a moment there, Harry. Go to the starboard docking port. The Sergeant has been following this, and he’ll be ready for you.” Isaacs watched Harry leave, and then he too
k in the abashed looks on the faces of the Shepherd crew. “I was worried that he might have destroyed your controls. He has a rather more direct way of dealing with enemies than the rest of us.” He looked the Captain over with a contemptuous smile. “I almost wish I’d arrived a few minutes later. You were shaping up to get the hiding of your life. You’re lucky he only hit you once.” He motioned to the Corporal at the door. “Handcuff the lot of them and place them in the crew lounge. You can place this fine fellow in the launch. Send him and all the other officers to the Emden.”

  Harry stepped out of the barge and made his way to the Commander’s office expecting to be escorted to the Captain.

  The Commander smiled when Harry entered. “Welcome back, Harry. What did you find?”

  “The alien entity has taken over the complete hull, sir, and parts of the AI, but only the cognitive functions. The control functions still work.” He hesitated. “I was conscious of something attempting to shut me out, but I could not understand it.”

  “Did you manage to block it?”

  “No, sir. I was trying to discover what was causing it when those idiots in the LPSL rammed me and broke my comlinks, among other systems.”

  The Commander leaned back. Slowly his face relaxed into a smile. “They probably saved your life then.”

  Harry stared, perplexed, then realisation dawned. He chuckled the last of the anger draining from him. “You could be right, sir. And to think I almost did the man a serious injury.”

  “So I heard.” The Commander frowned and leaned forward. “I understand that he hit you first, and I hope the monitors caught that or else we’ll have claims of you attacking him without provocation. We’ll take steps to secure the video recordings. Now, back to the business at hand, Captain Greenway has sent a prize crew to take the Shepherd to a fleet base. You’d better tell the ship to allow them to do so.”


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