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The Battle for Endallen

Page 8

by Andrew G. Wood

  With some regret, Luca eventually nodded and asked that Elliot was let in and duly stood up to greet him.

  Forcing a smile on his face, Luca waited and watched as the young man entered the room, and after exchanging greetings, he suggested they sit.

  “What can I do for you?” Luca asked, although in truth not really wanting to be bothered by yet more problems.

  Luca could tell that Elliot was actually nervous of speaking, given away by the twiddling of his fingers and the somewhat reluctance to look him directly in the eye.

  “Is there something the matter?” Luca asked.

  “I have two matters to discuss…Both of which are sensitive in their own way.”

  Luca shrugged, “Ask away,” he replied waving a nonchalant hand out.

  Elliot fidgeted in his seat, “Well…Please don’t think me rude or in any way insulting for saying this…but I think not executing Frederick Elthan is a mistake!”

  Elliot said the words quickly, clearly having thought them through.

  “I see!” Luca replied. While he was a little angered by them, he did feel a little let down that Elliot of all people was not fully supportive of his decision.

  “The crimes he has committed against your mother and father, and Elysia of course…Sire…Many have been hanged for much less!”

  Luca nodded his head several times in agreement. What Elliot said was probably true, yet Luca had given his word that the man would be spared if he cooperated. Moreover, Luca had quickly realised on his return to the palace that Frederick was certainly not the brains behind the plan, despite all his previous fears that the man was a devious, deceitful looking person.

  “Let me ask you two questions,” Luca said trying to think of the best way to reply.

  “Do you think Frederick orchestrated this entire scenario? Secondly, do you think Frederick would have remained at the palace, long after his father had fled if he did not have some weird infatuation with Elysia?”

  Elliot now looked Luca in the eye, “No, on both accounts. As much as I hate the man for what he did, I can see that he does have feelings for her, even if he is somewhat deluded into thinking they are mutual.”

  Luca smiled, “Besides, I need to keep him alive. For now, he is a good source of information, something we might need if we are to remove his father from Bargsea before winter.”

  “He gave you the information needed?” Elliot asked.

  “He gave us something to go on, yes.”

  Elliot sighed, “I’m sorry. It is, just that you plan to release him, so he can return to his life as if nothing has happened!” Elliot said, his voice sounding a little more certain and confident than it had when first entering the room.

  “Oh, I think you’ll find Frederick’s freedom, if he gets it, will not be what he thinks.”

  “How do you mean?” Elliot asked.

  “Well, for starters he will no longer be a nobleman. No lands, no money, no large houses or castles, no fancy clothes…no anything really.”

  “You aim to cast him out on the streets?”

  “No, I have already arranged his future, should he earn his freedom. Lord Smyth…Edward, has agreed to take him into his employment.”

  Elliot listened on with some interest, and no small amount of intrigue as Luca explained things further.

  Frederick would be forced to work for Edward, doing demeaning tasks for minimal pay. Refusal would see him placed under arrest and imprisoned, however, if he behaved and did as was asked he would be allowed to have a life, albeit a somewhat limited one.

  “You think Frederick will agree?”

  “He doesn’t have a choice. I only agreed to free him from prison, I didn’t agree to him having his former life back. No, he will work hard for the rest of his days, and refusing to do so will see him returned to prison. The choice is a simple one.”

  Elliot finally gave some resemblance of a smile, “I’m sorry for questioning your decision, Sire.”

  Luca smiled back. As far as people went, he thought he quite liked Elliot and could see why his sister was so attached to him.

  “You said there were two matters to discuss?” Luca said remembering there was more to come.

  Elliot’s demeanour suddenly changed, as if becoming withdrawn, almost embarrassed to be speaking.

  “I’m not sure how to say this, Sire,” Elliot said twitching his fingers nervously once more.

  “You know I love your sister?”

  “And I think she loves you,” Luca replied, guessing what was causing the nervousness.

  “Well…I would like to ask your permission to officially start courting her…If that is okay?”

  Luca gave a small chuckle, “I’ve already said that I will not interfere with Elysia’s affairs of the heart. If she wishes for you to court her, then that is fine by me. And for what it is worth, I think you make a lovely couple.”

  Elliot’s face beamed a huge smile, “Thank you, Sire…for everything. I promise I will treat her with the utmost respect, and never hurt her.”

  “I know…Oh if you do have intentions of marriage somewhere further down the line, can we at least wait until we’ve sorted all this mess out?”

  Elliot laughed, a somewhat infectious sound that soon had Luca laughing along with him.

  “Of course, Sire.”

  After Elliot had left him all alone once more, Luca did briefly consider sitting to read for a while but feeling the effects of a very long day getting the better of him, he decided to head for his bedroom. With so much going on in his mind, he wasn't certain how well he would sleep. After getting undressed, washing and putting on his nightgown, Luca clambered up on to the overly large bed and slipped underneath the covers. Leaving one small candle burning on the table beside his bed, Luca lay his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes.

  Across the city, Nerina, Samuel and their mother had taken up residence in a small house nearer to the jail holding Frederick Elthan. Samuel ensured they were not disturbed and had taken to wearing his sword, just in case. In a dimly lit room, Nerina sat alongside her mother, her mind fully focused on the job at hand. Just a few hundred yards away lay the sleeping Frederick, whose food had been drugged to ensure he slept long and deeply.

  Frederick Elthan, although sound asleep, felt his dreams feeling so real and lifelike. He was standing near the beach at Bargsea, home to his family. Unsure as to why, but he felt the need to get into the castle, though why he couldn’t just use one of the gates he did not know. The urge to gain access was strong, and as soon as the tide allowed, he found himself running down to the wet sand and heading straight for a small insignificant break in the rocks. Slipping through the gap, he found the entrance to the cave he knew would allow him access and darted inside. Despite it being dark he found himself able to see where he was going without the aid of a lamp or torch. Moving to the rear of the cave he looked down to see his feet in several inches of sea water that had not yet fully drained away. Unperturbed, Frederick felt the need to push on and headed towards a set of rough stone steps that climbed up out of the water. Careful and mindful not to slip in his haste, he followed the route, twisting one way then the other until he came to a dark wooden door.

  The door was unsurprisingly locked from the other side as this was a route used for escaping the city should the need arise and not for entering it. However, Frederick knew the whereabouts of a key, and without delay he moved over to the damp stone wall, feeling with his hands until he found the crack. Slipping his fingers inside he afforded a smile as he pulled a large iron key out and without further delay headed back to the door. With a single turn of the key, he heard the lock click and with a single barge of his shoulder the door opened. Although incredibly stiff, a sign that it had not been used for some time, Frederick managed to force it open enough for him to squeeze through and emerge the other side. After venturing down a further tunnel he paused slightly to get his bearings, before then finding himself in a dark cellar. Frederick then headed for a set o
f wooden stairs that ran up the far wall, before heading out through another door. Stepping through, he turned back to look at the building he had just exited, knowing it to be a long disused guard tower on the outskirts of the city.

  Suddenly and without reason, Frederick found himself once more overlooking the beach in the exact same spot where his journey had begun. This time, however, the tide was now coming in and with the need to get into the city apparently even greater than before he knew he needed to find an alternative route. Knowing there were three such access points, he originally headed for a tower east of Bargsea but found himself struggling to find his bearings or even spot the tower in question. With no time to waste he changed course and went for the final and third option instead, a route he had only discovered by chance as a young boy exploring the area outside the walls.

  Frederick hurried over to the west side of Bargsea, its outer walls standing tall and imposing, barring him access. Scrambling through the long grass, he headed for a small group of trees that seemed out of place compared to the open land around them. Now he knew what the trees were covering he understood the reason as to why they were there, as he searched the ground between them. On all fours looking more like a wild animal scavenging for food, he used his hands to feel among the roots. Frederick afforded a smile as he felt something metal touch his fingers and immediately cleared the area around it. No more than three feet square was a hatch, and although it was a struggle, he heaved at the ring that pulled it up. The screeching from the rusting metal hinges was loud but summoning the strength that he needed Frederick managed to lift the hatch to reveal an opening and a set of steps leading down. Without delay he clambered down, leaving the hatch open to allow him some modicum of extra light, not that it was needed.

  After just a few moments Frederick felt his foot touch the bottom and duly turned about to see a narrow tunnel. Again he was surprised by how well he could see as if the mere memory of this place alone was enough for him to navigate the way forward. Several minutes passed by where the scenery around him did not change from the dark stone walls until he reached the end. An iron ladder was fixed to the wall that led up to another hatch, and knowing it was the way in, he duly clambered up.

  The hatch at the top opened much easier than the previous one and Frederick climbered up out into what he knew to be a stableblock. With straw and hay covering the floor, he felt the need to close the hatch and obscure it from view, not that anybody other than his own family used these stables. With the tunnel emerging in a stall that had long been used for storage, the straw was probably rarely changed, and Frederick doubted even his father knew of this way into Bargsea. If he did, he had certainly never mentioned it to Frederick.

  Nerina let out a gasp as she felt her body tiring from the ordeal. Her mother was quickly on hand with a small phial and immediately handed it to her.

  “Quickly, drink,” she said softly, knowing that her daughter needed a boost to recover.

  In one swift gulp, Nerina poured the contents into her mouth and swallowed, feeling the effects of the potion almost instantly.

  “I’ve discovered another way in,” she said proudly.

  “Quickly, I must write everything down while it is still fresh in my mind,” she added, making sure her mother understood the urgency.

  Chapter 8.Just another day.

  Luca was awoken by the sound of his house staff probably getting his clothes laid out ready for him to wear in his dressing room next door. With a stretch and a loud yawn, he considered staying within the warm cocoon that his blankets afforded him rather than brave the morning chill. However, knowing there was much to do, as there seemed to be every day, he counted down from three and threw the covers back before forcing himself up.

  The young man dressed in Royal Livery who was in Luca’s dressing room, bowed his head as he noticed the king walk in.

  “Good Morning,” Luca said trying to sound polite.

  “Good Morning, Majesty,” the man replied.

  Since his return to the palace, this was something Luca had decided to do differently. Previously he had always taken the staff for granted, expecting them to do the job they had without question. However, now realising just how difficult it was, not to mention the long hours some of them worked, he now intended to show them all a little more appreciation for their efforts. Moreover, Luca also had an entire list of ideas that might make those that worked at the palace feel a little more valued. Although, this was something that would have to wait to be sorted out as there were far too many other things that needed to take precedence.

  After washing and dressing, Luca wandered slowly into the main room of his living quarters and headed for the dining table. As if synchronised in their timing Edward appeared through the main doors, and after making his greeting from across the room, the two arrived at the dining table together. Luca sat down first and no sooner had he done so when Edward questioned him about whether he had remembered the dinner date.

  “Yes, don’t worry. I sent invites out last night.”

  “Good…and thank you. I know you’re only doing this for my benefit, Edward replied leaning over slightly so one of the serving staff could place a tray onto the table in front of him.

  “Well, it would be nice to have the old gang back together again, we’ve barely been together since our return to the palace.”

  “And once this is all over, we’ll barely see each other at all,” Edward replied sounding genuinely saddened by the fact they would soon all be going their separate ways.

  Luca helped himself to a few rashers of bacon and some scrambled egg, before asking one of the staff members on hand to pour him a cup of tea. While these occasions were usually informal, the serving staff who delivered the meals usually hung around until it was time for them to clear away, and occasionally assisted if asked.

  “So, what’s the agenda for today?” Edward asked taking a bite out of a sausage he had impaled on a fork.

  “We’ll have to have a word with Jack’s uncle. I understand he has arrived in Miranor none too pleased he has been arrested.”

  Luca paused to think for a moment, before adding they also needed to check on Nerina’s progress.

  “If she has managed to get anything then that needs to be written down and sent as soon as possible to those heading towards Endallen.”

  Edward just nodded and let Luca tell him his agenda, all the time continuing with his breakfast.

  Luca leant back in his seat and signalled to one of the staff members that he had finished, and thanked them as they took his plate away.

  “Oh, I had Elliot come to see me last night,” Luca said suddenly remembering the visit.

  “Really? What did he want?”

  “Oh just to tell me he wasn't happy with Frederick Elthan escaping the death penalty and to basically ask my permission to court Elysia.”

  Edward placed his own knife and fork down and mirrored Luca’s signal to the waiting staff member that he had also finished eating.

  “What did you say?”

  Luca just shrugged, “I told him that if Frederick was released, he was being put into your custody…You are alright with that aren’t you?”

  Edward grinned. A look that almost suggested he was actually looking to having Frederick Elthan skivvy for him.

  “Oh, I’m fine with it. As a matter of fact, I’ve already been thinking of how best to make his life a misery,” Edward added, chuckling just a little at the thought.

  “You’re an evil man Lord Smyth,” Luca replied with a grin.

  With their breakfast finished, and the pair ready to start another day’s work, Edward and Luca walked along the corridor, escorted as always by members of the Royal Guard. With several pairs of boots thumping down onto the carpeted floor in time with each other, Luca always tried to keep his own feet in synch, something he had always done a small child.

  “You still feel the need to carry the sword?” Luca asked noticing that Edward still carried his own weapon, desp
ite the fact there were soldiers about.

  Edward just shrugged, “Don’t know really. I guess I’m just used to having it there…and in truth it makes me feel better knowing it’s there should I need it.”

  Luca shrugged. In truth, he didn’t mind Edward keeping it, and now he thought about it, he guessed seeing Edward without it would probably appear odd.

  Their first port of call was the room being used by the young Lord Felton. Although only a brief stop, Luca could tell that his new friend, Jack, was nervous about his uncle being in the capital. Explaining that he and Edward would be having words with the new arrival, Luca checked that Jack was still willing to stand up in a court if needed. Naturally, the young lord didn’t want to create a fuss but admitted that this was something that needed sorting sooner rather than later. With the fleeting visit over, Luca and Edward then headed to the same room they had used previously when questioning Frederick Elthan.

  Sitting in his chair, Luca waited patiently as Edward stood beside him. Two soldiers remained in the room, two more outside the door and two more would be joining them in a few moments as they heard cussing and shouting outside in the corridor.

  “Someone seems a little upset!” Edward said somewhat sardonically as the door opened to reveal the cause of the unrest.

  A man, probably in his middling years was complaining about the injustice of the way he was being treated, although fell silent after one of the soldiers struck him a blow to the head. As much as Luca didn’t want to aggravate things between Jack and his uncle, and wasn’t certain having one of his soldiers beating the man was helping, it did have the desired effect of restoring some modicum of order.


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