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Love Sex & Other Games: Part 1

Page 4

by Cheryl McIntyre



  “Do you know the difference between my job and a dead prostitute?” Cooper asks me, one hand resting on the gearshift, the other on the steering wheel. He’s relaxed, comfortable in the driver’s seat. His elbow rests on the ledge below the window, fingers curled gently, guiding the car.

  I press my head into the seat and roll it to look at him. “No. What’s the difference?”

  “My job still sucks dick.”

  I chuckle at his lame joke. “I thought you loved it?”

  “Dead prostitutes? No. I prefer my hookers breathing. You pay for a service, you want it done, damn it.”

  I swat at his arm, but he pulls it out of my reach, anticipating it. “You’re so gross. I meant your job, dummy.”

  He shrugs, shifting gears as we pick up speed. “I do. It’s challenging and I enjoy that. I just don’t like where I do it at.”

  I smirk. “That sounded dirty.”

  He gives me his wolfish grin accompanied with a wink.

  “You’d be weird if you adored every aspect of your job,” I say seriously. “I think it’s a rule that you have to be a tiny bit miserable sometimes.”

  He smirks at me. “Are you calling me normal?” He places his hand over his heart in faux surprise.

  The smiles come easier and easier each day, I’ve noticed. I lift one shoulder. “It’s all relative, isn’t it?”

  Speaking of relatives. Over the past couple of weeks, between work and classes, Cooper and I have been spending a lot of time together. I saved him from his date from hell, he saved me from a potential date from hell. But really, what bonds us is our mutual despondency over each other’s siblings.

  It’s nice having someone to talk to about it. Someone who understands. He’s quickly becoming a good friend. One of my favorites—though I’d never tell him. He has a big enough ego as it is.

  “What are we doing again?” I ask through a yawn. It’s been a long week and I’m beat, but when he called and said he was on his way to pick me up, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hang out with him.

  “Netflix and chill.”

  “And by Netflix and chill, you mean?”

  “I mean sprawl out on the couch in sweats, eat pizza, drink—beer for me, Cherry Coke for you—and binge watch Daredevil until we explode or fall asleep.”

  “I like your version much better than most other guys’.”

  He shifts his head, blatantly looking me up and down. “I only offered the tame version because I didn’t think you’d go for the dirty one.”

  I return the deliberate ogling, letting my eyes trail over him slowly. I’m not too proud to admit I find Cooper is incredibly good looking. He and his brother have such similar facial features, though Miles is light—blonde hair and pale blue eyes, and Cooper is dark—black hair and butterscotch eyes. They are a perfect mix of their parents.

  There is no denying, though, that Cooper has a thicker, harder frame than his younger sibling. And now that I’m actually paying attention, I can’t help but notice how sexy he is. Not that we have that kind of relationship. Everything between us is strictly PG-13—due to our foul mouths and playful sexual innuendos.

  “You know I love dirty,” I reply, letting my eyes linger on his mouth. He doesn’t respond with his usual quick wit, and my gaze flicks up to meet his.

  “Don’t tempt me, Ems. I haven’t been laid in weeks.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, poor baby. Weeks? How ever do you manage not to hump everything in sight after being deprived for so long? I can’t believe your cock hasn’t fallen off from lack of use.” I gasp in feigned horror, raising my hand to my mouth. “Your balls are probably bluer than a smurf!” I flip him off, putting my middle finger right in his face. “Weeks. I haven’t been laid in twenty years.”

  “You know,” he retorts, “that was a bit of an overreaction. It sounded a little like you were projecting.” We stop at a red light and he turns in his seat to face me. “Is someone sexually frustrated?”

  I throw my hands up in a DUH motion. “There’s only so much I can do for myself.”

  He cocks a brow, his eyes drifting over me once again, but where before it was lighthearted and good-natured, this time his gaze is searing. I swear I can almost feel it caressing every inch of me. Goose bumps prickle my skin.

  “There’s only so much you can do for yourself, Ems, but there’s a limitless amount I can do for you. To you. All you need do is ask.”

  “Light’s green,” I breathe.

  His lips part, his tongue sliding out to wet them, and his eyes blaze. I feel my stomach tighten and it’s been a long time since I’ve had this feeling. Only one other guy has ever been able to incite a reaction like this.

  The car behind us blows their horn. “The light is green,” I say again, only this time it’s barely more than a whisper.

  “What?” Cooper whips his head back, looking up at the stoplight and curses. We start moving again, both of us quiet, and for the first time since my sister’s wedding, there’s tension between us.



  As soon as we get inside my apartment, I head straight into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. I press my palms into the counter and stare at myself in the mirror.

  What the fuck was the Cooper?

  What were you doing?

  What are you doing now?

  Your dick is fucking hard.

  For Emerson Metz.

  For Roselyn’s baby sister.

  What the fuck?

  Seriously. What the fuck?

  I try reigning it in. Try to gain control of my speeding pulse. But damn. When Em said the light was green, I thought she meant she was good to go. That she wanted me, and fuck if I didn’t want her too. Badly.

  And there was something about her desiring me. Seeing me. Not my brother. I can’t even describe how that made me feel.




  Jesus, she’s so damn sexy.

  No. She’s a virgin, Cooper. You, shit. Saving herself for love.

  But the way she was looking at me in the car… The fact she’s still here, in my living room, waiting for me.



  I like her. I can’t deny that. I like her a lot, actually. More than I thought possible. Way more than I probably should.

  We’re both grown adults. Both sexually frustrated. Both in need of a warm body and a good friend.

  We could take it slow, just see what happens. Find out where it leads.

  She’s Rosie’s sister.

  Shit. Fuck.

  Rosie’s sexy, funny, smartass sister.

  I keep staring at myself, fighting a losing battle with my internal thoughts.

  Fuck it.

  I push away from the sink, ready to rip the door off the damn hinges and let whatever happens tonight, happen. A knock, soft and hesitant perks my ears.

  “Cooper?” Em calls, her voice weak.

  I fling the door open and she’s standing right in front of me, cheeks flushed and eyes wide. Two steps. That’s all we need.

  I take the first one, moving out into the hallway. I reach for her just as Miles rounds the corner, his eyes dropping to my outstretched hand.

  “You’re brother’s here,” Em murmurs.


  “I need to…” She shakes her head, gaze fixed just over my shoulder. “I’m going to go.”


  “Ems,” I plead. “Wait. I drove you.”

  She’s moving quickly, feet padding down the hall and into the living room. She grabs her purse and jacket, not bothering to put either on. I’m right on her heels. “It’s okay,” she rasps. “I’ll get a cab. You two should talk.”

  Fuck that. I don’t want to talk to Miles. I want to talk to her.

  She fumbles with the door handle, but I slap my palm flat against the wood, holding it closed. My chest presses into her back.
God, she smells good. This is not how this night was supposed to turn out.

  “Ems, please don’t go.” If she leaves, it’s going to change everything. I don’t know how I know it, but I do. I feel it in my bones. I have no idea what we are. What this is between us. Or where it’s heading. But it feels like it could be the start of something. “Please,” I say again, my voice low, hoarse.

  I feel a shudder run through her body.

  “You okay, Em?” Miles calls, still standing halfway in the hall. She and I both go rigid at the sound of his voice. Why the hell is here? Now, of all times?

  Em shakes her head and I’m not sure if it’s in response to him or me, but it doesn’t matter. She brushes my hand away and opens the door. There’s a moment, just a beat where she pauses, almost like she’s reconsidering. My heart gallops in my chest.

  I blink, and then she’s gone.

  Part two in the Love Sex & Other Games serial coming August, 2016.


  I’ll keep this short and sweet. Thank you to my sister/editor/voice of reason when I can’t find mine, Dawn. As always, you came through for me at the last minute, and I appreciate you so much. Love you!

  To my niece, Becca, thank you for CPing this a portion at a time and for all of your hilarious comments to make this project even more fun than it already was. Love you to death!

  To Daryl, thank you for another awesome cover. I know I say it every time, but I think this one is my favorite.

  To my mom, thank you for overseeing the cover design process, and for passing on the storytelling gene, and giving birth to me and all that. I love you with all my heart.

  To Beth Michele, thank you for encouraging me to follow what felt right in my heart. I love you bunches!

  And to all you readers, bloggers, and book lovers, thank you for being you. Thank you for reading. And thank you for allowing me to share my stories with you.

  About the Author

  Cheryl McIntyre is the author of the bestselling Sometimes Never series, as well as the Dirty series, Infinitely, Dark Calling, Villain, and HARD. She resides in Ohio with her high school sweetheart, their two sons, one daughter, and one fur son.

  You can follow her author page on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter—though she has not yet mastered the art of tweeting—on Amazon, BookBub, tsū, Instagram, Pinterest, or on her website. You can also join her newsletter to receive information about new releases and current sales.

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