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Tempting Fate

Page 14

by Lisa Mondello

  She finished tying the bow and lifted herself from her awkward kneeling position on the floor.

  "I'm going to get some water. Can I get anything for anyone?" Lauren asked.

  "No, thank you," Judy said, the fatigue of the day finally beginning to show on her face.

  Will shook his head and kept on studying the directions for constructing one of the kid's toys.

  It was nearly two-thirty when she made her way past the grandfather clock in the foyer and to the kitchen. Her aching toes started to protest loudly after being in heels for so long and her pantyhose were uncomfortable. She couldn't wait to change out of her clothes and get into a pair of old sweats, but all that would have to wait. She needed to see Kyle first.

  If she could only find him.

  Zoey was in the kitchen when she poked her head through the doorway. She was barefoot and her oversized team T-shirt hung just above her knees.

  "Did the Santas finish up or am I still banned from the living room," Zoey said, taking a glass from the cabinet. She opened the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of orange juice. In the dim light from the lamp above the sink, Lauren noticed her eyes were puffy and red.

  "I'm surprised you're still up," she said.

  "There's only so much sleeping a person can do before it gets old. Do you want some?" Zoey held out the carton of orange juice and waited for a reply before placing it back in the refrigerator.

  Lauren shook her head. "Bruce didn't show up tonight?"

  Zoey slumped back against the counter. "I think Kyle scared him off." She sighed and looked as if she were on the verge of tears. "Who am I kidding, he probably had something better to do than hang out here. You can't count on a man for anything, can you?"

  Up until a few hours ago, Lauren probably would have agreed with Zoey.

  But not anymore.

  "I'm sorry things didn't work out. But that doesn't mean it never will." Her words sounded lame, even to her own ears. She'd heard those same words before, over and over, but never believed them. "You know, you remind me of myself a little when I was your age."

  Zoey chuckled and pulled at her spiked hair. "Yeah, minus the Technicolor hair and pierced everything."

  Lauren couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, you're right. But I would have given anything to have a big brother to look after me the way Kyle looks out for you."

  Zoey deposited the glass in the sink and swung around to face her. "Be my guest. You can have him."

  Nothing would make me happier.

  "Speaking of Kyle, do you know where he is?"

  Zoey motioned out the window. "He went back to the carriage house a little while ago to change. Said he was going to turn in. The lights are on. He's probably still awake if you want to head over."

  Her shoulders sagged. Why hadn’t he waited for her as they’d planned? "I don't want Kristen to wake up and find I'm not here," she said quietly.

  "She did fine the other night when she was here. She probably won't wake up until Scotty drags us all out of bed at five in the morning." She rolled her eyes, then smiled, softening her expression. "She'll be okay. I'll check in on her. It's not like I'm doing much of anything else."

  Lauren hesitated a minute. "Okay, thanks Zoey."

  She grabbed her coat from the closet in the foyer and slipped out the kitchen door. The moonlight was bright and her body cast a shadow on the pebble stone path as she walked. But the path remained well lit. Her high heel shoes dug into the gravel and crunched with each step. Or maybe that was her toes. They were bunched up from being in her heels all evening and were now cold. But even with the frigid temperature outside, it was amazing how warm she felt inside now that she finally knew love.

  There had been plenty of times when she never thought she'd find love in her life. Many times when she felt there was no room in her heart to love anyone but Kristen. But she had been wrong. Thank God she'd been wrong and found a man like Kyle Preston to show her how good love could really be.

  That is, if he'd still have her after all the pushing away she'd done.

  As she pulled the outer carriage house door closed and started up the long staircase to Kyle's apartment, anticipation raced through her veins. Each step was taking her closer to fulfillment, closer to the love she never thought she'd have.

  She knocked lightly on the wooden door and strained to hear an answer. Please let him be awake, she prayed silently.

  "It's open," she heard him call from inside, and her heart skipped a beat. She eased the door open, hearing the hinges creak slightly, and stepped inside.

  It was dim in the apartment, she noticed as she made her way passed the bedroom and down the hall toward the living area.

  When she saw him, she said, "You disappeared on me. I thought you were going to help with the dollhouse?" Even to her own ears, her voice sounded uncertain.

  Kyle was seated in a recliner facing the woodstove. Max was sprawled out on the floor by his side. When she walked into the room, he looked at her, then turned his gaze to the dog and stroked his thick fur. "I went looking for you...after you got the phone call, but you weren't anywhere around. After a while I figured maybe you didn't want to be found, so I came back here."

  "I had to get Kristen ready for bed." She stood by the counter in the kitchen, and he was way too far on the other side of the room for her comfort. "You know, she knew it was you playing Santa tonight."

  From the woodstove's fire glow, she saw his half grin, but he didn't answer or look her way. He just held his gaze down and stroked Max fur. She still couldn't be sure he was happy that she'd come here at all.

  In an instant, Lauren forgot her reasoning, replaced by sheer impulse that was foreign to her. She didn't recognized the womanly impulse she was acting on or the woman she'd become. But it felt good and natural and being with Kyle had made that metamorphosis.

  She exhaled slowly. "It's been a long time since I've felt part of a family." She dropped her coat on the back of the kitchen chair and willed herself across the room. Kyle made no move to meet her. She wondered just what he was thinking, maybe why she'd come to see him this late at night, what her intentions were.

  He lifted his head with her motion. Their eyes met and held for a lingering moment and Lauren thought it would last a lifetime. He still didn't speak. He just gazed at her, a thousand different emotions flashing across the strong features of his face.

  "I know, that you..." Lauren stammered, then puffed her cheeks. “Oh, boy.”

  "I know. Me, too." His baritone voice swept across the room, singing softly in a way that filled her soul. "I've been doing a lot of thinking tonight."

  She flipped a lock of hair behind her ear and with her fingers, followed the strand down until she reached its end, just above her breast. “You called my parents-"

  "Don't," he said tersely, looking down at Max lolled on the floor. "I know I had no right to go against your wishes, no matter how good my intentions were. I wanted you to have a special Christmas. I wanted you to be with your family again. I thought I could help. And now I've-"

  "I'm so glad you did," she cut in.

  His head shot up and his expression was one of pure shock.

  “I’m glad you didn’t listen to me. In seven years we haven't managed to get as far as we did tonight.”

  "But I saw you. You were crying. I thought I'd-"

  She smiled, feeling her bottom lip quiver. "They were happy tears, Kyle."

  His chest heaved with a sigh and the muscles of his face smoothed instantly, as if he were relieved. In the light from the fire, she saw the glistening of tears in his eyes. "I thought I'd messed up everything for you."

  “Tomorrow, Kristen will finally meet her grandparents and have a real family Christmas. I’m a little nervous about how things are going to go. Scared to death, in fact. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my parents, but you’ve helped give us a start and for that I’m so grateful.” She shrugged. “Who knows? We may just be okay, after all."
  Kyle smiled, then bolted from the chair and met her half way across the room, pulling her into his arms in a tight embrace. He felt so good, so alive, so comforting. She breathed in his scent, intensely masculine and inviting, absolutely arousing all her senses. She couldn't imagine how she'd made it this far without his strength and now she knew she couldn't live without it.

  Her cheek was pressed against his shoulder, her eyes closed. "I'm sorry about what happened the other night at my apartment. I...was scared."

  He kissed her head. "I know. But you don't have to be. Not with me."

  "I know that now. I missed you that night when you left. And every night since."

  "Then stay with me now. Let me hold you like I should have held you then."

  That was all she needed to hear him say. Taking a step back, she unzipped the back of her dress and waited. Kyle tucked his fingers beneath the delicate fabric and pulled it down to reveal the bare skin of her shoulders. Gravity took hold of the dress and pulled it to the floor, where it puddled at her feet.

  The hunger in his eyes was fierce and matched the pounding of her heart. His breathing turned quick and rough when she took his hand and pulled him toward the bedroom. They reached the door and she heard prancing paws on the kitchen floor. Kyle swung around for a second and warned, "Not on your life, Max." Then closed the door behind them.

  # # #

  Chapter Twelve

  Lauren rolled over on her side and ran her index finger across Kyle's brow as he slept. She was in love with Kyle Preston. It was an incredible feeling.

  Snuggling closer, she bent down and kissed his cheek. His response was immediate as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to his naked body, tangling his legs with hers.

  "Merry Christmas, Lauren," he murmured in that deep tone she found so sexy, his eyes still closed.

  She smiled. Yes, it was a very Merry Christmas, indeed. For all of them. She kissed him again, this time full on the lips and breathed in his scent, mingled with the scent of sex from the warm sheets.

  "I hate to do this, but I need to get out of here," she murmured.

  His eyes flew open and he lifted out of bed, resting the full weight of his upper body on his arms.

  Lauren chuckled. "Don't worry. I just need to get back into the guest room before anyone wakes up. I have a six year old daughter, remember?"

  He smiled and sank back onto the pillow. "I guess it wouldn't look very good for you to be strolling in the house wearing last night's party dress when everyone is in their pajamas." He reached over and pulled her to him. "Personally, I'd rather be out of my pajamas with you."

  Her head felt as light as a feather and she giggled. "I like the sound of that, too. But we have to hurry. We have a big day ahead of us."

  "Are you nervous about seeing your parents?"

  She hesitated. "A little."

  "It's going to be okay."

  Lauren knew Kyle was right. He had to be right. "First we have to get through Christmas morning. I want to be there when the kids wake up. I can't wait to see Kristen's face when she sees the dollhouse."

  “Me, too.”

  The room was just starting to get light as the sun rose over the hills. As she threw the blankets off her body, the cold air chilled her skin, warm from snuggling so close to Kyle, and caused Goosebumps to rise on her bare skin. "Where are my clothes?" she muttered, searching on the floor for her pantyhose and underwear, discarded last night in their haste to make love.

  "I think your dress is still in the other room. At least, I hope it's still there. Max was loose all night."

  "Oh, no! How am I going to sneak back in to the house unnoticed without my dress? What if someone is awake and they see me?"

  Kyle started to laugh.

  "What are you doing?" she scowled teasingly, trying to wiggle into her pantyhose and bra. "What am I going to wear?"

  "I'll give you a sweatshirt," she heard Kyle say as she ran into the living room to search for her dress. Despite her initial horror, she found her dress on the floor by the leather sofa, apparently spared by the dog's teeth.

  The shades to the bay window were open and Lauren caught the first poking of the sun up over the horizon. After wiggling into her dress, she turned to find Kyle standing behind her wearing a pair of blue sweatpants.

  "What I wouldn't do to crawl back into bed with you," she said, brushing her hand down his washboard stomach.

  "I know. But if I know Scotty, he's probably already knocking on my parent's bedroom door, begging them to see if Santa came."

  "You'll be right behind me?"

  "All the way."

  Lauren could hardly contain her excitement as she ran back to the house. Christmas morning was here. So many possibilities lay ahead.

  * * *

  It always amazed Kyle how much time it took to wrap all the gifts for Christmas and how little time it took for everyone to tear them apart. He'd caught Lauren worrying her bottom lip when Kristen sat down in front of the dollhouse. But any fear of Kristen's disappointment was dispelled when Kristen's whole faced beamed. Yanking on her mother's arm, Kristen pulled Lauren to the floor, and they proceeded to spend the morning rearranging all the miniature furniture inside each tiny room. He didn't think he'd ever forget Lauren's radiant smile and how happy she was at that moment.

  Kristen's strong desire for a daddy had been put aside. At least, for the time being. There was plenty of time later in the day to put his plan in motion. Then they'd all have their Christmas wish.

  Judy had pushed dinner to later in the day to allow Lauren's parents time to drive down from Syracuse. Lauren chewed on her fingernails and peeked out the window more times than Kyle could count. He knew the instant Samuel and Brenda Alexander arrived.

  "They're here," she said breathlessly, turning to him with tears in her eyes. "How do I look?"

  He walked with her to the foyer and kissed her before opening the door. "Beautiful. You go on. I'll get Kristen."

  Lauren clutched her stomach as she opened the front door. She was glad Kyle had taken care of getting Kristen. It would give her a few minutes alone with her mom and dad before they met the rest of the Preston clan.

  As always, her mother waited inside the car until her father came around to open the passenger door. Tears spilled from her eyes with the sight of them. Her father was older than she remembered. His hair was more silver than black now. He'd taken off his overcoat during the long ride. Lauren guessed he wore a size or two larger that he had seven years ago. As her mother stepped out of the car, she saw how the years had taken its toll, but Brenda Alexander was still as beautiful as Lauren remembered.

  All fear of her parent's rejection was cast aside when Brenda opened her arms to Lauren. Lauren ran to her. The arms she never thought would hold her, clutched her tight. Samuel placed his arms around the two of them and they huddled in the driveway for a long overdue embrace.

  "I'm so glad you're here," Lauren said, sniffing back happy tears.

  "Me, too," Brenda cried.

  "Where is my beautiful granddaughter?" Samuel asked.

  Lauren couldn't help but giggle. She'd waited so long for this moment. "She's inside with Kyle. Come on and meet the Prestons. You'll like them."

  She walked up the driveway arm in arm with Brenda. Samuel walked on her other side of Lauren, a bundle of brightly wrapped presents in his arms.

  Brenda tugged at her. "Kyle seems like a good man."

  She looked up and saw Kyle standing on the porch, holding Kristen in his arms. Words didn't describe how she felt about Kyle Preston. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yes, Mom, he is a very good man."

  "I'm happy you found him."

  Lauren could have told her that Kyle had been the one to find her broken down in an empty parking lot. He'd rescued her that night. In more ways than one. Did he really know what he'd done? She'd have to make a point to tell him in her own special way.

  They all walked into the house together and introducti
ons were made. Judy and Wally stayed back as Lauren introduced Kristen to her grandparents.

  "This is Grandma and Grandpa, Krissy."

  Kristen clung to Lauren and stared at her grandparents. Lauren had expected as much and hoped her parents were hurt by Kristen's shy reaction.

  Samuel took Kristen by the hand and said, "Do you see this bag? I'll bet you can find a present or two in here with your name on it. You want to sit down with your Grandma and Grandpa and take a look?"

  Kristen peered up at Lauren with a weary expression.

  "It's okay, honey. I'm right here."

  Lauren stayed by Kristen's side as she unwrapped more gifts. She was aware of Kyle's gaze the whole time. When it looked as though Kristen was comfortable being doted on by Brenda and Samuel, Lauren went to Kyle's side.

  "Thank you for this," she said, taking his hand, knowing she could never adequately express her feelings for all he'd given her.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head. "You got your Christmas wish."

  "And what about you, Kyle? What's your Christmas wish?"

  He breathed deeply and she felt his chest press firmly against her breast. He tipped her chin with his fingers so she'd meet his gaze. "I have everything I want right here in my arms."

  She sighed. "It's not just me. This is a package deal."

  "I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that little girl as much as if she was my own flesh and blood."

  "I know. I just needed to hear you say it."

  Kyle bent his head and kissed her. "I have something for you," he murmured against her lips.

  She chuckled softly. "Kyle, you've done enough. What more could I possibly need or want?"

  "For us to be a family. I can't think of anything I'd want more."

  She gazed into his eyes and saw the promise of forever. "You're serious."

  He pulled a velvet box from pocket. The room went still as if everyone was focused on the two of them alone. Kyle opened the box to reveal a sparkling diamond solitaire. "Oh, Kyle," Lauren gasped.


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