Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship Page 2

by Jessie Rose Case

  Holy shit!

  She realised she was staring like all the others as the whole room went silent and looked down fiddling with her papers.

  Like gods that owned the world they walked in or maybe the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The jury was clearly still out so she couldn’t be sure. Girls mouths were opening and drooling, I’m certain I saw a swoon or two, I kid you not, guys were either a little afraid, or really afraid or maybe wanted to bang it. Actually, fear was a big impact on the whole room.

  Even teach looked a bit unnerved. So, these were the bad boys, kings of the hill and they had power.

  And there was definitely a vibe of I wanna be him or them or I wanna do him or them.

  Each carried their own smirk as they waked in that told them all that they knew it too. Several girls made whispered comments about how bulked up they were, while drooling. She guessed they’d been to the gym a lot in the summer break if it pulled that much notice.

  They were headed in single file in her direction between the desks. Giving everyone a chance to look at the goods, smirking at everyone as they passed.

  Sam kept her face neutral looking forward ignoring them. Each one glanced up in her direction as they approached. A buzz started between them. An elbow here and chin lift there. From under her lashes and the corner of her eye there was no denying how good looking they were. One deliberately ran his hand up and under his T touching his pec showing off stacked muscle and a shit eating grin when several of the ‘in girl’s started wiggling in their seats breathlessly and licking their lips.

  Jesus, really?

  It was so deliberate it was a joke and took everything in her not to eye roll and keep the distain off her face.

  And when they came near her she thought she’d done pretty well not to slap the one who sniffed at her hair, ball punch one that stroked his hand down her arm, bitch slap one that touched her face with his fingers, until he, the last one of the group, glanced in her direction looking her up and down and stopped in front of her. His chest expanded as he breathed her in. The whole class looking on.

  Was he expecting her to drool? Batt her lashes. Look up in awe? O dear. She was gonna be a BIG disappointment.

  Sam yawned and patted her mouth looking as bored as possible. He stared down at her.

  “You tasty bitch?” he sneered loudly licking his lips with a hint of Irish that made him sound very rakish and several girls giggled and moaned. “I’m hungry. Wait outside after roll call I need to eat. Need some new meat.” There were plenty of sniggers and outright laughter until Teach told them to calm and sit down. Comments of ‘new whore’ filtered around her.

  What an arse.

  She was sure most of the class was now wet including the guys.

  He was still hovering ignoring the teacher.

  Was she meant to say something sweet? Be embarrassed? Run?

  So he looked hot. Torn jeans, white crisp T, blond hair and clear blue eyes that could look right into your soul. He was pant wetting worthy, she’d give him that and that was without taking into account the height and build of a line-backer. Altogether, she could see why the girls were gaga for him. But this wasn’t just a footballer. This was a bruiser in every fibre of his being. A fighter, someone who was used to fighting to get what he wanted, oozing sex, confidence and a nonchalance that was practically icicle.

  She wasn’t blind and could not only see the appeal just by being in the room, but she could feel it. Her skin tingled and that pissed her off.

  Was he not happy she wasn’t ready to drop her panties there and then?

  “New douche.” She sneered snidely ignoring him and none to quietly with plenty of sark in her voice looking bored out the window.

  You could hear a pin drop. He didn’t move although she was sure the teach had told him to sit several more times. From her peripheral vision she could see him cock his head down at her then he leant forward his lips at her ear.

  “O bitch we’re gonna have so much fun. I’ll be eating that cunt real soon.”

  Then laughing taking his seat.

  “Sorry asshole, choosey.” She could feel the heat blasting her.

  Okay round one completed. Get this fucking day done…..

  She legged it from homeroom not stopping for anyone and headed to her first lesson. Again the teacher wanted to do the ‘I’m new’ shit and she turned that down flat asking if she knew what seats were free.

  Luckily, she did pointing out one in the second row by the window. She took it and got out her book. The rest of the class filled in, she recognised a number from her homeroom, the class settled and teach started of all things English. Before she even got to what page they were on, Ms Sneer from homeroom put her hand up and asked sweetly for the ‘new girl’ to introduce herself. There was nothing sweet about that. Sam looked at the teach with distain making it clear that wasn’t happening.

  Teach looked from the sneer girl to her and back again. Sam kept her face steely. With that, ‘don’t even fucking bother lady’ look. She knew she wouldn’t do it. If she asked, she still wouldn’t do it and then Teach would look an idiot.

  “Pick your battles lady,” she whispered.

  The Teach blinked a few times, then made up her mind and told Ms Sneer they were here to work not socialise. Ms Sneer looked shocked then covered it well. Sam smirked opening her book at the right page.

  She felt the heat on the side of her face and moved it subtly. Desk hugger had arrived and was staring right at her. She got the feeling he’d not missed a thing.

  Let battle commence.

  She followed the lesson and caught bad boy desk hugger looking at her throughout. Like he’d seen the entire conversation both earlier and now what was in her head. Catching every nuance of the dance she’d just done with the teacher and Ms Sneer. Like he could read it from her mind. She whipped her head around to look at him and narrowed her eyes.

  He stared right back, no emotion on his face, until his eyes filled with heat and he leered at her. Not even trying to hide it. And that look….

  Was that a bit of admiration?

  If it was it was soon gone. His crew bantering with the girls joining in looking uninterested, while his crew played with the girls they were clearly into. It looked like a well-rehearsed dance that had been going on for years. She expected it had.

  Wading through the lesson, going over things she already knew, trying to stem off boredom, when the bell sounded, she slowly packed up as most of the class rushed out. Desk hugger stopped and leant down.

  “Not buying the unaffected bullshit. I’m gonna own your pussy and enjoy it.” Then slaughtered off with smirks from his crew. Her body fired up. No one had ever spoken to her like that. Dirty and commanding. Wanting her and making it so very crystal clear. She had a moment of joy at the attention then remembered who he was and why she was here. But relished that he’d not treated her like an invalid until reality set in. He probably didn’t know, and she didn’t need to be prey.

  No. No. No. Not happening. Not now, not ever.

  Before she even got a chance to call him on his bullshit, Ms Sneer and co surrounded her desk.

  The welcome party how nice.

  “So who are you then?” She sneered down at her looking all entitled and shit, her head cocked, her hand on her hip. These girls were never going to be her friends and she didn’t need the bullshit or to waste her energy on them. Or have to make much of a guess about what this was really about, going on the worried looks from girls passing her, these were not the nice girls. These were the mean girls and the Kings had shown her some interest. They would see her as competition they would want gone.

  “Not interested.” She barked.

  Standing at the same time, grabbing her stuff and pushing through them while they stood there surprised at her answer heading out the door and back into the hallway without looking back.

  Checking her map she headed to her next class and to lunch without further incident.

  With more
than a bit of relief, she ate her packed lunch on the school field on a bench under a tree that was kinda cool. Glad that it was warm enough to still be able to do that. There was no way she was running the gauntlet in the cafeteria. Looking back at the school while she ate her apple taking it all in, she supposed it was your typical high school and what she’d expected. No real surprises. Apart from him.

  She was a little freaked by her reaction to him and what he’d said. It wasn’t like it was the first time a guy had hit on her. Or tried to unsettle her. But it was the first time it was deliberate, that raw and that it had kinda worked. That bothered her.

  She wasn’t here for this and couldn’t afford the distraction.

  Pissed with herself for over thinking it, she packed up and made her way to her next class when the bell rang.

  With a sigh she noticed several of Ms Sneer and co outside waiting to go in. Someone knocked into her and her shoulder slammed back against the lockers. Sam gritted her teeth and held in the pain.

  “I hear they threw her out of her old school for being a slut.” Ms Sneer pouted looking at her audience.

  Ms Sneer looked in her direction and sneered what appeared to be her signature smile with disgust which was rather ironic considering what Sam had heard earlier about her. The hallway went quiet. Everyone listening as she walked up, waiting for the snip back. She’d seen desk hugger and his crew standing back with sneers crowd, leering, smirking, sucking on what looked like cheerleaders, hands up skirts and in shirts who were pawing them. Part of the ‘it’ crowd she guessed.

  Eww. Good to know.

  Sam pushed off the locker and laughed walking up to the classroom door, wiping away fake tears. Then shut her face down and turned to look at her coldly.

  Sam made a point of looking her up and down.

  “You think you’re top bitch?” Sam asked cracking a smile. It wasn’t welcoming and put all her steel in her voice.

  “Far warning. You don’t want to play this game with me. Where I come from it’s about survival. Wanna know how you survive where I come front? No limits. Understand? The cost is whatever it takes, however hard you have to go and they don’t pamper to an audience to do it. Or crave a man’s attention or anyone else’s. They do it for themselves and bring the pain. Hard. Decisive. For good.”

  She heard several people take an intake of breath during her speech, some said; “She’s British.” Having heard her voice properly for the first time. Other’s tittered. Some shocked. What she’d said is true. That’s exactly how it was back home. Information was key. Information could be used. The mind could be manipulated better than the body and the outcome far far better too.

  She kept her eyes on Ms Sneer and came out punching.

  “For example: You Clearly don’t know my old school at all and just made up that shit in an effort to make yourself look good. But I’ve got news for you. Didn’t work and you look a fool. But I’ll throw you a bone cos you look like you could do with some more fat on those hips.” There were several sniggers and gaffs.

  “Like here and luckily for you, according to what Tom, Dick and Harry said earlier, they don’t kick you out for being a slut. For giving head in the Janitors closet between classes in the hallway,” she thumbed to the one along the corridor, “they do, and I hear you’re the girl to see for that. So boys take note. Want someone to suck your cock during break, according to gossip, she’s the girl for you and for a mere 10$. Go figure.”

  Candice, Ms Sneer gave her a wide eyed ‘what did you say’ horrified look. It was true, she’d not made it up. She’d heard two guys discussing it having seen Ms Sneer go in with one of the footballers, John, Josh something, giving a blow job in the Janitors cleaning closet. They’d been listening in.

  All eyes turned to Candice. There were more gaffs now. Her face flooded red and for a moment Sam felt bad for her but that changed the minute she remembered her gunning for her and Candice spat at the floor in front of her, flounced and walked off with a ‘fucking British whore’ comment. Her entourage going with her.

  Sam fake laughed again. “What? I only know one whore girl and I just met her. O no. Whereya going?” she called out after her. “10$ Is cheap, a bit prossie but it’s still cheap, I can ask John or Josh for references if you need them and I can keep a waiting list for you if you like, take names and numbers, set up a diary we’re just getting started homey. I’ve got all the juicy details from Tom, Dick and Harry to share. No?..… O okay. Later’s.” She called mockingly after them. To several sniggers and plenty of outright laughs.

  She held in a sigh. Things were going so great.

  She could feel heat at her back, dropped the act and turned. Desk hugger was standing right there behind her. Invading her personal space. He stared down at her for a moment. He was so damn tall. Broad, delicious.

  “Which Dick did you get the info from? And how much of his dick did you see? I don’t like sharing sweetheart. I might have to kill him.” He told her coldly.

  She raised her eyebrows at him. “Wow. Great taste in women there stud.” She nodded in the direction of where Candice’s ass had gone.

  “Not her seeing dick I was talking about. You.”

  She shrugged and looked away from him. “I’m no grass.”

  He moved in closer almost toughing her now, leaning into her. “I could make you.” He smirked, leering at her coldly. His intent clear. Give it up or I’ll make you and you won’t like it.

  She could feel the menace and intensity clouding her. The boy/man did look determined. She kinda liked it.

  His heat was intoxicating. He seemed to look bigger up close leaning over her and far too tasty. More threatening too. Several of the girls in the hallway looked nervous and scared. Looking for a way out and that bothered her more.

  Her eyes narrowed. “No. You couldn’t.” She railed loudly. “And tone it the fuck down, you’re upsetting some of the girls.”

  There were several sharp intakes of breath around them again. His crew leant off the lockers and moved forward. Desk hugger put his hand out and they stopped. She ignored them, there was only predator she needed to be aware of and he was standing right next to her, but she wasn’t letting her concern show. Time to push it home.

  “It might be the norm here but I don’t take that kind of shit and this, doesn’t interest me or bother me. Maybe you should run along after your girlfriend and make out, so she forgets the taste of someone else’s cock in her mouth earlier. But really the question is, why would she need to go looking for someone else’s dick, if she’s satisfied….. with you?”

  There were several more shocked intakes of breath. The hallway now deadly silent. She’d just called his cock a waste of space. And by the size of him that was probably a big fat lie, but she was hanging on to it like her life depended on it. It just might if the look on his face was anything to go by.

  He leant down towards her, his eyes cold steel and penetrating. Several people took steps away.

  Umm had she gone too far?

  “You seem very interested in dick.”

  She shrugged looking bored. “You’re a big guy, your cock should measure up I guess, unless all those hormone shakes have shrunk it but even so, I can’t see why she’d be looking elsewhere you look like you’ve got the goods.” She turned to look at him and gave a knowing smile. “Unless getting it up is an issue or you need more….. practice?”

  “Holy fuck…. Did she just say….” The voice tapered off.

  Desk hugger looked ready to blow. She smiled.

  He crowded her against the lockers and boxed her in with his arms. His head in the crook of her neck completely invading her space. He breathed in and his lips touched her ear. His hand landing on her thigh and squeezing. To anyone watching it looked intimate.

  “Getting it up isn’t a problem baby, feel that.” He rubbed up against her. “You offering to be target practice for my cock Brit?”

  To his surprise look on his face, she yanked on his hair pulling his fac
e back from her neck to look at her. “Slopping seconds aren’t my deal. Back off.”

  His lips hovered over hers. “Just so you know, I don’t run after any girl. They run after me.”

  No… he hadn’t. O that was too good to pass up….

  Still holding on to his hair tightly, she pushed him back suppressing a laugh and coughed. “Maybe she got bored of that shit right there. Arrogant much.”

  He pulled his hair free of her hand going back to speaking low into her ear. His hand slid up her leg holding it wide so her body was against his cock. Her breath hitched. Very close to her heat.

  “You talk way too much about dicks and cock sweetheart. I’m thinking you’re need some or several.” He bent a little lower, lifted her leg higher. She had to steady herself, her balance wasn’t good at the best of times and he ground his cock into her heat regardless of their audience. It was hard pressing into her pussy dry humping her.


  He whispered. “Me and the boys could take pity on you and make a fivesum. Fill all your holes at once and still leave you with a cock in each hand to stroke out. You’d be full and covered in our cum.” He bit the side of her jaw and mouthed around it. “You wouldn’t be walking straight or able to open that mouth of yours for days. If you survived.”

  Then looked down at them intimately joined. “You wanna watch your back Brit or you might find yourself bent over something and someone’s dick in you.”

  She batted her eyes up at him and couldn’t stop opening her mouth. This was a dangerous game.

  “That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? Threats? Should I be wetting my panties?”

  He bent back down trusting his hips into her, his lips by her ear. “Should I check just how wet you are Brit? Here. Now. Shove my hand in your panties and feel it. I can smell your scent. You’re pushing me. Be sure you can handle it.” He withdrew slowly standing back up, letting her leg go. She couldn’t help but be relieved and took a beat to make sure her legs were okay.


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