Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship Page 3

by Jessie Rose Case

  He saw and frowned, then grazed his lips across her cheek biting her jaw once more then back again deliberately licking her lips with his tongue. “I’m gonna do that to your pussy and you’re going to scream my name.”

  Several of the girls around them moaned. Sam rolled her eyes as he straightened back up and pushed him away.

  “Well,” she straightened. “That was way too easy.” She told him knowing they were all listening. “I needed that. Thanks for the offer but after that little demonstration I’m going to have to pass. It was just……” she wrinkled her nose. “Too vanilla but thanks for the offer though.” She told him with a wink giving him a shove and walked into the classroom not waiting for his reaction.

  She thought she heard him laughing but wouldn’t bet on it.

  A couple of girls came rushing in after her as she took her desk introducing themselves. “That was frigging awesome. Never seen both cheer bitch and the kings get a hiding. So worth the watch. And did I say hot. Like HOT hot? Yeah it was, he was almost fucking you right there and you threw ice all over that shit. I hope you’re sticking around cos I need that entertainment. I’m Julie and this is Kim.”

  Sam nodded smiling at the description. She couldn’t help it and if truth be told she needed the distraction. Her body was betraying her big time.

  She nodded. “I’m sticking around.”

  “Thank fuck.” Kim told her putting a hand on her heart dramatically. “I really needed some light relief coming back to this shit again. Thank fuck this is the last year.” They both sniggered.

  “This is going to be so much fun.” Julie told her grinning. “Girl you just scored three new friends!”

  And that, was that. It set the pattern for the next couple of weeks.

  The cheer bitches and Candice made a nuisance of themselves. Knocked into her. A lot. Cold shouldered her. Spat out poison. The kings, made leering comments but mainly stayed out of the line of fire. Desk hugger, Dillon as he was known, was never far away. Julie and Kim introduced Laraine the next day and they stuck with her whenever they could. And, Kim was right. It was kinda fun.

  She hadn’t wanted friends but as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They hung out. Took in the mall, went for pizza, and burgers. Did homework together in the library or at one of their houses. Went to movies, lunch they showed her the local hang outs. And she found she had the energy after all. And they had all the gossip she needed. Everything on the cheer bitches and the kings.

  In a world of Kings and Queens, information was god.

  Someone found her locker on that first Friday and vandalised it. Graffiti all over it calling her a slut and whore. Slag and bitch. She didn’t use it and just laughed when she saw it and kept on walking much to the disappointment of those hanging around to see her reaction. Dillon seemed to be one of them. Off to the side with his crew always watching and waiting. And luckily for her she had an out for PE.

  So she’d sit and watch and do homework. Which was just as well because Julie, Kim and Laraine had cornered her after lunch on the third week telling her there were rumours that Candice and co were going to humiliate her during said session.

  What could she say? That she hadn’t already known that was coming. She wasn’t that stupid.

  Candice had spent the weeks following their confrontation making her position clear to anyone who’d listen. You were either with her or you were an enemy. There was no fucking way she was with her. So enemy it was and it was all rather sad really. There was so much out in the world that you didn’t control, that was bigger than Candice and her drama, that when she finally faced it, Candice had a big shock coming to her. Sam knew. She’d been through that already.

  Keeping her distance she went through the motions. Dillon and some of his crew had a number of classes with her during the week and ignored her for the most part which was okay by her. She’d already had her quota that first day in the hallway and the weeks that followed. Even so, Dillon found ways to corner her, isolate her in the hallways, crowding her, touching her without her permission, things she tried to ignore, making scathing comments. Retaliating when he attacked. Having no choice but to call him on it when it went too far.

  On week five she found Dillon already in class, shocker, sitting on her desk in homeroom. More of a shocker. Doing nothing but sitting there while she took her seat avoiding him as much as possible. She had no idea why he was there, but it couldn’t be good. He didn’t speak. Once or twice some of the jocks made jerking off movements with their hands over their cocks aimed at her. They all thought Dillon was shagging her and to her surprise he’d barked at them to fuck off which really confused her, and she just kept her head down remembering he’d told her that he owned her pussy so maybe he was defining his ownership.

  Did he actually believe that shit?

  She did her best to avoid him. Some of the more easy-going kids were polite and she was the same back. Week five turned into six. Six turned into seven. She buffered the war of words and snide comments from the cheer sluts. Stayed away from the kings where she could, went in the opposite direction to not be cornered by Dillon and stayed with her small group of friends. It gave her a reprieve. The days flew by but she didn’t let her guard down. This battle wasn’t over.

  Some of the students were fascinated with anything different and being British. Much to her annoyance it fuelled more than a bit of interest on everything to do with it. She was often sort out for information or comments.

  But not Dillon. His interest in her was non-verbal and physical.

  They were waiting to go in to history class when someone asked about English history compared to American.

  “Black Monday. British Rule. Bloody Sunday.” Dillon’s voice could be heard sneering loudly across the hallway to titters from the gallery of Candice and co before she could answer. He was leaning on the opposite wall slightly behind her staring at her. His eyes hooded.

  He just threw it out there, right in the middle of the packed hallway.

  Clear distaste and disgust in his voice for everyone to hear. And that was the point wasn’t it. To ridicule and humiliate her. Just like Candice had tried. No one seemed too surprised either. It was the norm in warfare. Attack where you can. Score a win at any cost. She knew this game well. And still several people seemed surprised at Dillon’s outburst. She knew why;

  1) Cos he’d clearly been listening and 2) he didn’t really talk to anyone other than his three besties who were equally as self-assured and imposing as he was.

  She’d come to realise that football was top of the sports tree and the other three kings were really good football players too, which pulled in a type of obvious female attention that seemed to go with their status. They seemed more into it than Dillon appeared to be. In school anyway. Not that he didn’t get his share of attention, he did. His buddies were just more obvious man whores than he was according to the gossip.

  As far as she could see he tended to ignore the female flutterers. He constantly looked bored and ignored them when they were vying for his attention but that wasn’t to say he wasn’t using them. He was according to the gossip and took his fill, but he didn’t seem to show much interest in school.

  He was often rude and by the look of the girl trying it on, they were often upset and affronted like he should have been nicer to them. She guessed there was probably a reason for that. They’d probably given him some sugar. If not the whole fucking bag. But he didn’t do girlfriend’s apparently. Not that that seemed to stop the girls from trying. Actually, the gossip from her girls told her that none of them wanted girlfriends. Just casual fuck buddies.

  Which was lovely. Not. The word on the vine was that Dillon fucked his way through the weekends and nights and the girls queued up for the privilege.

  Go him. STD’s much?

  She should let it go but then, that just wasn’t who she was.

  So she turned to him leaning on the locker behind her looking directly at him as if everyone
else wasn’t there. She nodded honestly. “Yes. Poorly done.” She tapped her forefinger to her cheek like she was thinking.

  Then pointed it at him gun fashion and pulled the thumb trigger. “But, I think we paid for that ignorance over and over again. Lets see….. 1972 Aldershot. 73 London bombings, 74 Coach bombing, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London, Guildford, Birmingham, Pubs, Restaurants, Harrods during the Christmas run up affecting thousands.” There were several intakes of breath.

  “75 More than ten bombings up to Christmas again. Got to love that Catholic and Christian holiday and all that good cheer with thousands on the streets trying to buy presents for their loved ones and boom! 76. More than half a dozen bombings including Olympia and an ambassador’s car.” There were shocked gasps, a few fucks, she ignored them and carried on.

  “77 Westend bombings in the January sales. 79 Warrenpoint and Lord Louis Mountbatten murdered. 80 Kensington, again. 81 Oxford and Chelsea. 82 Hyde Park, Regents Park and the Prime Minister. 83 Woolwich and Harrods, again. 84 The Brighton Hotel bombing. And I could go on. Wapping, London Stock Exchange. London tube, pubs, buses. Thousands of men, women and children all over the place.”

  “Jesus,” someone spat out. “Fuck that,” someone else murmured.

  “Yes,” she told them. “We lived it all.”

  His face was a shade of purple. People were now staring at him. “You’re not defending it?” he barked out, clearly embarrassed. He hadn’t done his homework, had been caught out and left hanging and mis-judged his audience. Classic mistake.

  Stupid. Didn’t he know information was god.

  Candice had her eyes narrowed and glued to the exchange.

  “God no. Political assholes all of them. Everyone has an agenda.”

  He frowned and stared at her narrowing his eyes in confusion. He was so intense she wondered if he was going to snap and charge her. Then he surprised her.

  “You seem to know a lot about it.” He stated begrudgingly.

  She shrugged. “I live there, my family lived it. No one forgets bombs being targeted at you and an A level. Political science.”

  There were a few shocked gasps and open mouths, they were saved by the bell and everyone moved into the classroom. Dillon came over and stopped her going in. Leaning over her caging her in.

  He sniffed up her neck. “That was fucking hot. I really need to fuck you.” His lips lingered over her ear. Her body shuddered as his lips brushed passed it, lightly kissing it before moving back.

  Her legs wobbled as his heat moved away. Racheaching out she grasped the locker and took several deep breaths. Dillon saw before going into the class. She was sure he frowned at her before it was gone. Pushing her feelings aside, with her body shaking she made her way into the class finding her seat and trying to get on with the lesson. It wasn’t easy. His scent lingered in her nose and her mind was stuck on his lips touching her. Until the bell suddenly sounded and they exited the classroom.

  Candice and co were waiting for her.

  Fuck sake!

  “So Sam,” she drawled gathering her crowd of on lookers.

  Hey she knew her name. That was good right?.

  “So why is it exactly that you can’t do PE? Afraid to break your hymen?” Several people laughed.

  She was too on edge from the run in with Dillon and not guarded enough.

  She’d let her get an upper hand. That was never good. Candice laughed with her co in fake hysterical laughter. Students stopped and listened waiting for the exposure. Some laughed and sniggered along with her. Exactly want Candice wanted. She didn’t bother looking for Dillon and his crew, she knew they were there somewhere, and Candice was digging her claws in which was never a good thing. Sam got pissed. When that happened, she made rash decisions and threw caution to the wind.

  “Candice, Candice, Candice. You are such a predictable cow.” She called out. “Again speaking without facts or information. Stupid, really stupid. Let’s revisit your history shall we? Your hymen was gone when you let Garry fuck you at 13. Seeing at he was 17 at the time, that would have been….. well you know what that would have been, you were there. As for me, no actually. Not afraid I’ll break my hymen.” She bit out. Aware that Dillon and his crew were now walking up behind Candice but couldn’t stop. “Afraid I’ll die bitch.” She told her coldly walking off to her next class wondering what the fuck she was thinking blurting that out personal stuff and only 7 more months of this shit show to go.

  She was fucking fuming!

  Totally pissed with herself. She’d blurted out personal stuff wanting to strike hard. She knew better and ignored everyone but Julie, Kim and Laraine for the rest of the day. The rest of her senior year seemed to give her a wide birth after that, like she had the plague or something and actually, she’d have preferred the plague to their company anyway. So it was win win all round.

  Dillon appeared to be the exception much to her annoyance. He kept showing his face which only seemed to make it worse. His crowd pulling in others like planets gravitating to the sun.

  Her avoidance of him ratcheted up. Not up to feeling his presence or heat or getting into another debate, she didn’t want to see him, let alone talk or have him touch her.

  At the thought, she shuddered. Sadly, not because she was disgusted. It was all too real.

  She had bigger issues to deal with. Her treatment started tomorrow, and she needed her wits about her for that and her strength. It was waning with the anxiety of school and what tomorrow might bring.

  Other than her girls, no one spoke directly to her and that worked for her, but it made her uncomfortable that they probably heard the confrontation with Candice and that just made her feel exhausted. She didn’t want people knowing her business and somehow got through the day.

  Next morning her first visit to the clinic wasn’t easy. More stressful than she could have imagined. The tests, the questions and then the first dose had hit her hard. Throwing up what little was in her stomach and knocking her out. She was thankful when the day was over, and she could rest in on the Sunday.

  And the war of words did hold Candice and co, off her back for nearly two whole weeks. So that was a yay!

  Not so much Dillon.

  Come the following Monday there he was hanging by her locker. Waiting for her. She cringed and held it in.

  “You look like shit Brit.” He told her as she walked towards him.

  “Gee thanks, don’t sugar coat it.” She walked right passed him not stopping. She still wasn’t using that locker.

  “You coming down with something?” he asked as he kept up with her going to homeroom.

  “Nope. Just living the dream.”

  He stopped her catching her elbow lightly stopping her from opening the door and leaned in.

  “Are you now? Someone tasting what’s mine that I don’t know about?”

  She wasn’t up to this. Saturday had been really hard on her again while they found a cocktail she would work with. Any finesse was worn out of her. She looked up at him and found his lips close to hers and pulled back but saw the spike of a smirk in his eyes and moved back in their lip’s millimetres apart now.

  “Coming in from the carpark was most enlightening.” She told him. “I hear you had your dick in Alison on Friday night at Cosmo’s party. Saturday you had her friend in the pool and fucked them both Saturday night as Cosmo’s parents are away and Sunday, you spent eating several cunts before taking one of the cheer sluts’ up the ass. You don’t need to worry about who’s got their tongue in my pussy Dillon. You’ve got more than enough of your own.”

  She yanked open the door nearly catching his face as he reared back and walked through into homeroom. Candice’s eyes and her co following her every move then switching to Dillon as he came in behind her. She looked back catching him grinning from ear to ear licking his lips behind her like he’d got some.


  She sneered and sat as he came over slumping down at her desk leaning down all over her
and before she could object, his hand pulled her neck in to his mouth and was on her biting it. No one missed the sexual connotation.

  “Can’t get enough Brit.” He called out.

  For fucks sake!

  She tried to push him off and ended up with his shirt in her fisted hands, his hand suddenly over hers holding her tight. His lips worked his way up to her ear.

  “I am so fucking hard for you right now.” He wasn’t quiet and the class was listening. It was what he wanted. Showing the world, he had control. Control of her. She pulled her head away to his laugh.

  “Shame I’m so fucking dry. Fuck off man whore.”

  Candice’s eyes flaired, the cheer sluts hissed and spat. And just like that, the fake truce was over.

  Just over three months in and as much as she tried, she couldn’t avoid seeing them from class to class or during lunch. Dillon was always there slightly apart on the edges of his own crowd, hands in low rider pockets leaning on a wall or locker mainly talking to his three guys, glancing from time to time at her and without seeming to pay too much interest in them, she wondered what that was all about.

  They were his group. Right?

  She’d wondered but really it was none of her business and probably the fact that she’d heard he was the star quarterback and could pull all kinds of attention made it a little weird that he wasn’t enjoying it more.

  But that wasn’t all he was, and everyone seemed to know it. He had a brutish quality about him. He was a fighter who could throw and catch better than any of the others; she’d seen it many times during lunch and at both pre and post school times on the field while hanging around.


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