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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 8

by Jessie Rose Case

  “No. If you’re going back in there, then I am too. It’s what he wants and you’re letting him win.”

  He took a step out of her embrace and paced, then roared with hurt and anger. This wasn’t just about the conversation with the man in there, she knew that. This was also about what she’d witnessed. What the cheer sluts had done and said. His history trying to destroy him.

  Then he panting hard, he took in a deep breath looking at the sky.

  “What they said…” He screamed at the sky shaking his head. “He wins anyway.” He sounded broken.

  His body was shaking with so much power, with so much desperation in every action to hold onto his control, it was like watching a volcano before it erupted. She took a step towards him again and he stepped back.

  “Don’t come near me when I’m like this I don’t want to hurt you Sam.”

  “Fuck that.” She told him angrily as she stormed the few steps between them and threw her arms around his waist and hugged him fiercely to her once more.

  “You are not just that Dillon.”

  They stayed clinging together for minutes, or it could have been hours, but her legs would have given out by then, so it was probably only minutes until he started to calm. She felt him sag a little against her. Breathe her in and his arms slowly slid around her shoulders and he crushed her to him.

  “I’m so fucking sorry you had to hear that shit but maybe it was better getting it out in the open like that. They can’t use it to hurt you now.” He mumbled into her hair before picking her up in his arms and carrying her back to the truck once more, securing her belt around her. She looked him straight in the eyes.

  “I’m not going in. I promise.”

  She gave him a nod and he closed her door and came around truck and got in.

  As he started the ignition the man came out of the restaurant and stood there watching them. Sam wound down her window. The man had deliberately tried to hurt Dillon and her. He had hurt Dillon. Looking to fight him. And by the sound of it, it was a regular occurrence for Dillon. It had been intentionally brutal. Hate is a strong word, but her feelings were close to that at that moment for that man.

  As Dillon pulled the truck around, she faced the man out of her passenger window, she gave him the bird making sure he locked eyes with her while she did it. The man was dangerous but, in that moment, she couldn’t give a shit. Dillon was more important.

  “Did you just give my Da the bird?” he asked pulling away.

  “That asshole was your dad then?” Dillon nodded. “Sure you can’t be adopted or something?”

  “I fucking wish.” The rest of the drive was empty space, but she didn’t want to go home. Too much in her head.

  “Wanna hang?” she asked. “Not at the dugout but you should go if you want to and I do mean that.”

  He said nothing while he drove a while then pulled over to a pretty park area and slammed the truck in park.

  He was quiet for a bit. They sat in silence looking out the window. And she understood that silence was a large part of Dillon’s life.

  “My Da told me to get rid of you when he found out you were British but I’m guessing you know that by now. You should also know that what the cheerleaders said was true and probably not the half of it.” She didn’t say anything and held in her cringe.

  “I’ve fucked every hole I was given since I was 12. Fucking 12, I didn’t get to be a kid for long after mom passed.” He banged his head against the head rest. She still didn’t say anything.

  What could she say?

  He was hurting and she didn’t think he was looking for her sympathy.

  “I’ve done a lot of shit, fucked my way through middle school, high school, beaten men, hurt them, worked with my family on a lot of illegal shit because I wanted to be just like him. That all changed two years ago. I hate him but he won’t let me be free of him.”

  She had the feeling that he didn’t talk about this to anyone and wanted to hold him, help him but all he really needed was someone to hear him. So she didn’t move.

  “He had me doing shit with my brothers. Around school time. They got me out of bed around 3am one Sunday morning, I’d not been in it long. I was wreaked, been drinking since the night before. So full of it. We hit a house, someone who owed Da and was refusing to pay. They broke in the back door while they were all sleeping. I was fucking laughing. Laughing. They started trashing the place. No not they, us.”

  He wiped his hand down his face.

  “Thing is, the guy we were after wasn’t there. Not been there for months. He’d taken the money and left. He left his wife and two small kids with nothing. We found that out when the wife came down the stairs to confront what was going on. She’d called the cops, so she wasn’t completely stupid, but her purse was on the table with every penny she had in it. She came down to confront four men for 60$.

  “60$ Fucking dollars. Before we knew that, one of the men with us grabbed her by the hair and dragged her across the room screaming demanding that her husband come down and save her. Do you want to know what happened next? He started to rape her. I went nuts. Lost it. Smashed a fucking frying pan against his head and knocked him the fuck out. I turned around and both her small kids were standing there at the bottom of the stairs. Watching. She was screaming that he wasn’t there, to take her money it was all she had. I ran outside and threw up. When I was done, I came back in and my brothers were dragging the fucker out, he’d woken up and I gotta tell ya, I kicked and punched him till he was out cold again. The mom was in a chair holding her kids shaking so hard like a lifeline telling them it was all a misunderstanding.”

  He laughed but there was nothing funny in it. “A fucking misunderstanding! How the fuck could you miss understand that? Her kids couldn’t unsee that shit. I made her some tea and poured the kids some juice and left every cent in my wallet on the counter. I sent someone around the next day to fix the back door with a fuck tonne of groceries and told my aunt to find her a job and Da to kill that fucker who tried to rape her and to fuck off and do a better job on finding the people that owed him and that I was out.”

  He looked so lost. “We’ve not been on good terms since.”

  He closed his eyes leaning back against the seat and looked like the world was on his shoulders. Whoever said confession was good for the soul wasn’t looking at the person she was. He was haunted by it. By it all. She hoped he did feel freer, but doubted it. They sat for a while in silence. She ran all that over in her mind and eventually looked over to him feeling his pain that he’d had to endure all that and when she did, she realised that he’d fallen asleep.

  Maybe he’d found some peace after all. His soul a little lighter for telling her. She hoped so.

  And quietly took her book out and her phone and pinged off a text to Bill to let him know she’d be late and nothing to worry about. Then started reading her book. When it got dark, she used her phone light.

  Before she knew it, it started to get cold and she checked the time. Nearly midnight. They’d been in the park for nearly six hours. Dillon asleep for most of it. She knew he must have been exhausted. Her bum was numb, and her joints were complaining, then he started to stir.

  She’d admit she was more than a little relieved.

  She watched him come to, his face waking and looking at where he was. He wasn’t surprised to be sitting in his truck sleeping and she wondered just how often he fell asleep in it. He must have sensed he wasn’t alone and looked across at her.

  His face dropped. “O Shit. I’m sorry Sam. I must have passed out.”

  She smiled. “No harm done. But if you’re okay to drive could you take me home. I’m a bit cold.”

  “God, shit.” He turned the engine on and put the heater on full blast. “I’m sorry. Really I’m so sorry.” She touched his arm and he flinched back. “Shit, sorry. I’m still a bit out of it.”

  She withdrew her hand. He was struggling. “That’s okay. No problem. No reason to be upset.”
r />   He drove her home in silence. She could see he was embarrassed and really upset about it and she was making it worse by just being there. Grabbing her backpack when he pulled up, she got out. Turning back she looked at him.

  “I know that story haunts you but the pay off was that that woman was helped, so were her children. Could it have gone better? Sure. But when you realised what was happening, you didn’t stand by and watch it or take part, you acted. That was a good and right thing to do and I bet her life and that of her kids is better since that night because of you.”

  She closed the truck door without looking back again. Her joints were stiff, and she struggled up the path, unlocking her front door as Bill came towards her. He looked concerned.

  “Hi Bill,” she gave him a wave. “I’m ok, sorry if I kept you up. I fell asleep.” She told him lying putting her backpack down in the hallway. Not wanting Dillon in any more trouble. Bill didn’t look impressed.

  Before he got a chance to reply a knock sounded on the door. Bill walked passed her and opened it. Dillon stood there.

  “Sir, I want to apologise for keeping her out so late. It was unintended, I took her for Pizza, and we got talking in the truck and I fell asleep, I’ve not been sleeping well, and I didn’t want Sam to be in trouble because of me.”

  Bill looked between them both. He shook his head. “She already lied about it boy saying it was her that fell asleep.” Dillon looked at her.

  “You shouldn’t have done that Sam. I don’t want you in trouble because of me.”

  Bill sighed. “It’s late. I need some sleep. There’s a sofa in the den if you want it Dillon. Quilt and pillows in the cabinet. Sam you need your rest. It’s a school day tomorrow, show Dillon where to go if he wants to stay. We’ll talk in the morning at breakfast.” He left them both and walked up the stairs.

  She looked from Bill to Dillon a little surprised at the offer considering how he’d been seeing Dillon that morning. “You okay with me staying?” Dillon asked.

  “Yes. Come on I’ll make us a hot drink and then I need to crash.”

  He came in and closed the door. Bill said goodnight and left them as Sam headed into the kitchen and made some hot chocolate with marshmallows in silence then showed him into the den, pointing out where the bedding was and the downstairs bathroom. It was a large sofa, wide and plenty big enough to sleep on. They drank their hot chocolate warming her instantly.

  “There’s a shower in their too fully stocked. Bill keeps spare toothbrushes in the top draw and towels in the cupboard if you need them.”

  “Thanks, who’s Bill to you Sam?”

  “Okay that’s a little complicated. He’s my aunts by marriage brother-in-law by marriage. So twice removed. He offered to house me while I’m here, so I took the medical nearest to him. It was very kind of him.”

  “What does he do?” He was looking around the house. “It’s a nice house.”

  “Yeah, he works for the government. Quite high up in tech I think.”

  She finished her chocolate and got up. “I’m wreaked. I’m sure I can find you a clean T for tomorrow unless you want to go home.”

  “Naw that would be great.” She walked away. “Sam.” She turned towards him. “Thanks.” She smiled he looked so vulnerable sitting there.

  “Didn’t do a thing.”

  Chapter Three

  She was making packed lunches and Bill breakfast when Dillon made an appearance next morning. He was showered and wearing a new black T that Bill had found to give him. It was a bit snug but on Dillon it was just, wow.

  “Morning. Did you find everything?” Bill asked.

  “Morning.” He was rubbing at his hair. “Yeah, thanks for the T Bill.”

  “No problem son. Got a number of brand new one’s I’ve never worn you can have if needed. Sit breakfast is ready.”

  He dished up eggs, bacon and toast. “Tea or coffee Dillon?”

  “Coffee please.”

  They all sat and ate. Sam dug in and sipped her tea. She caught Dillon staring at her and she smiled back.

  Dillon like Bill didn’t hold back and demolished the food. “Man that was good. Better than a pop tart.” Dillon told her.

  “Pop tart?” Sam asked scrunching up her nose.

  “Yeah, not much cooking going on in our house Sam. Moms been gone a long time.”

  “O I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. She was a good mom. Just got ill.”

  Bill slapped his thighs. “Right, I’m off. You two don’t be late for school and I expect to see you both for dinner tonight my treat okay?”

  “Okay, thanks Bill.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he was gone.

  Wrapping up breakfast she cleaned up and loaded the dishwasher. Then put it on.

  “Need any help?”

  “No I’m good, you can do it next time.” She loaded two lunch containers into her backpack with drinks and fruit. “Ready?”

  They walked out the house and she locked the door. As she turned around Dillon came to her, crowding her space, but he didn’t touch her.

  “After yesterday, are we good Sam?” he asked. She could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

  She hugged him and he pulled her in. All-encompassing and strong. She laid her head on his chest and hugged him just as hard back.

  “Yes, we’re more than good Dillon.”

  They stood like that for a little while longer then he pulled back and brushed his lips across hers.

  “I’m sorry about the girls. I’m sorry they threw it in your face so you would be hurt and I’m sorry for my Da and what he said but more importantly I’m sorry I crashed on you and you got cold last night. I can do better Sam.”

  “Hey, you don’t owe me any explanations I know that. Friends don’t judge. We’d better go. I don’t want Bill getting a call that we were late.”

  He nodded as he grabbed her hand and strode towards his truck. Opening the door, she got in and in no time they were parking up at school.

  Dropping her at the door she sat while he went to park. Since her run in’s with Candice she gained some notice and not all of that was bad, several people waved, said hi or smiled. Julie, Kim and Laraine came running over chatting about what they did last night. She listened and smiled but she only had eyes for him as she saw him running back and grinning at her. He threw his arm around her shoulders.

  “What’s up?” he asked the girls who each gave a weird reply or wave or giggle. Sam tried not to laugh at their fan act. She got up shaking her head, roasting them on their tied tongues to their good humour and walked into the building with Dillon’s arm over her shoulder and her girls following behind heading to their corridor for homeroom.

  She spotted Candice and co waiting on her. Yay!

  Dillon gripped her tighter as Candice stood there cocking a hip with her hand on it pouting. He dipped his head to her ear.

  “I’ll fucking kill her if she starts again.”

  “Dillon,” Candice called out. Everyone turned to look. “You didn’t make it to dugout last night. Did you find another hole or two to fill?” The entire corridor quietened.

  He dropped his arm from her shoulders and faster than she could track, his hand was around Candice’s throat slamming her against the lockers. Snarling in her face.

  “That stunt you pulled yesterday will be your last. Do you hear me Candice? Say one more fucking thing to hurt her and I will fucking finish you, you’ll be off that cheer team and looking at expulsion if I give up what I know and that goes for anyone else who says anything.”

  “You’re not serious.” She said around a tightened throat. It looked like he squeezed harder. Sam swallowed.

  “Try me.” He pushed into her, then let go and Candice crashed to the floor. He went back to grab her arm and yanked it. It wasn’t gentle. “7 Grand Friday Candice. You don’t want to disappoint me. My brothers are always looking for sport.” He bent and sneered in her face. She shrunk back.

  “You wanna get fucked by
a Connolly Candice? My brothers like to share with their men. They’ll give you more than you can handle. You might even survive it.”

  “Dillon!” Sam shouted.

  He pulled away from Candice and came towards her, then took her hand and dragged her off to her homeroom. Once they were out of ear shot, she let her anger loose.

  “That was too much Dillon. You were threatening her with rape. I’m not standing by and letting that happen no matter who it is. She nearly shit herself right there when you said that about your brothers.”

  He nodded. “She deserved it. I told her to let it go, but did she? No she fucking didn’t. She made that happen yesterday to hurt you. I’m not letting that happen again. She should have listened. Because if I give her up to them, they’ll chain her up, use her, then dump her ass in a hospital. She’d need the treatment.”

  She stopped and held him back. “What?” she whispered.

  He pulled her hand gently to his chest then slipped his other hand into her hair holding her head catching her eyes.

  “I’m a fuck up but I’m the good brother Sam. My brothers don’t have anything good in them. They’re takers and users. They are the business end of what my family does. They work the whores, with our men and in our bars. They’d take everything she had and then go back for more until there was nothing left. They’d use her and break her and laugh while they did it. It’s who they are and everyone but you in this town knows it. Its why Bill freaked out when he saw me picking you up yesterday.”

  She shook her head. “That’s some sick shit right there Dillon. But you wouldn’t let them do that to her would you? I know she’s a bitch, but I get that she’s upset with me because she’s not with you right now and we’re not even together like that. But no one deserves that.”


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