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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 11

by Jessie Rose Case

  She looked at him stroking his cock. “Wow. You covered all the bases with that one. Did it take long to practice?”

  He dropped his head on her forehead. “Fucking ages I kept messing it up.”

  He grinned and she laughed a little.

  “You’re gonna have to help me.” She told him honestly. “My energy is low.”

  In moments her top was undone and her breasts on display. “Jesus Sam you are beautiful. Can I… touch you?”

  “I’m touching you, only seems fair.”

  “Thank fuck.” He removed his hand from over hers on his cock and moved over her body keeping his weight off her, kissing down her neck and across her chest. Cupping her breast, his thumb circling the nipple already taught. “Don’t stop stroking me babe, my balls won’t forgive you if you do.”

  His mouth was on her nipple before she could answer. He was ravenous. His hands as hungry as his mouth. The low burning fire in her belly ignited as he licked sucked and lathered her.

  “O my god Dillon.”

  “Yeah I know I feel it too.” He told her mouthing her nipple.

  His hand slipped down her belly and under her waist band. He sucked in her breast playing with her nipple with his tongue. It was so hard it was painful as he settled between her thighs.

  “I wanna touch you. Feel your heat.”

  “O god yes.” His fingers slipped under the fabric of her PJ pants as his mouth and other hand, played with her body, heightening her need, playing with her lust, keeping it simmering. She felt the pre-cum slip out the eye of his cock. Dillon moaned as she ran it around his bulbus top.

  “Christ, that’s so good.” He strained.

  His fingers moved through her curls and found her pussy. He moaned again. “So fucking hot.”


  “Yeah baby I got you.” He found her clit pulsing away and touched it gently as she lifted off the bed. “Easy now, I’ve got you.”

  He circled the hot numb already soaked with her juices. “You are so fucking wet for me Sam. I’m barely hanging on here.” She pumped his cock faster, squeezed it harder.

  “Yeah baby bring it home.” He played with her clit circling harder, his mouth going in search of her breasts once more. His fingers paying search and destroy until his finger tip found what it was looking for. And slipped one finger into her.

  “O my god….” She panted, her body clenched.

  Her channel gripped his finger hard, he pumped into her and she exploded around it crying out she covered her mouth with her hands. He bit down on her nipple and she exploded again. “Fuck!”

  Grabbing his cock with his other hand he stroked himself harder around her hand while he finger fucked her at the same time with the other.

  “I’m close Sam. So fucking close. Come for me again.”

  She couldn’t hold it back, her body started thrashing, shaking heavily, convulsing under him. He fucked her harder with his finger then added another one.

  “Noooo.” She cried out holding herself tightly bound then screamed as her climax detonated around his fingers. He slammed his hand over her mouth as he came himself on the biggest fucking high of his life. And kept coming. All over her body. It poured from him and kept coming while the euphoria swept over him again and again.

  She was his!

  “Fucking hell.” He panted removing his hand from her mouth and kissing her hungrily once more. Loving the fact that his hand was still in her pussy and his cum all over their bodies.

  “Perfect Sam. The best fuck ever and I’ve not even been inside you. I can’t wait for that.”

  O my god…..

  She’d lost her mind. He’d give her four organisms. Four.

  Was that a thing?

  Her heart pounded, her body tingled, breathing laboured. She was sweety and sticky but who cared. She was sure for a moment there, she’d left this world and gone to a higher plane of existence.

  Was that normal?

  She blinked up at the face resting on her forehead. Her arms had dropped like lead weights. He’d kissed the living daylights out of her and she pushed him away to breath.

  “Wow.” She told him on a choked whisper once she could engage her mouth and get it working.

  He chuckled. His own breathing not much better than hers.

  “Wow? That’s all you got.” He moved his fingers in and out of her.

  She moaned. “Yeah, brain fucked.”

  He bit her neck. Then lathered it and peppered it with kisses. “Brain fucked? Is that a thing?”

  “It is with you. I can’t think.”

  He kissed her neck some more than withdrew his fingers from her, hopped out of bed to her bathroom and came back with wet and dry towels cleaning her up. Helping to remove the rest of her clothing, he kissed both her breasts gently and removed her PJ bottoms, spending time languishing over her pussy. Kissing it, licking it, sucking it.

  “So fucking tasty, I knew you would be. Can’t get enough of this.”

  Sucking and nipping, he licked and teased her until she came again and ate at her until she’d begged him to stop. Laughing and peppering her with more kisses he wiped her clean once more and after a quick shower, she didn’t have the energy for, he was back and in bed cuddling her in no time. Spooning against her.

  He kissed her shoulder. “Thank you. Best time of my life Sam. I promise, it will only get better from here.”

  “You are welcome. My bill’s in the post.”

  He sniggered. “Your weird but my kind of weird Samantha Goring.” He pulled her in tighter.

  She settled in and sighed against him. “Yeah, you’re my kind of weird too. Sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”

  She slept in and woke to him gone and the smell of cooked breakfast or brunch. Finding the energy to shower, when she eventually came down it was to find Bill only too happy it wasn’t him doing the cooking. They ate Dillon’s offerings that wasn’t that bad and chatted about nothing, ignoring the fact that he’d given her the best night of her life.

  They spent a lazy day around Bills pool, joined by his crew and her girls who were given the highlights of her condition with promises of no comments and they played while she slept with Dillon never far away, eating dinner when it came. It was the best day. Later that night he crept in and held her while she slept.

  The week flew by. Candice seemed to have got the message at last and stayed away. They had lunch together as a group. She watched as the boys tried to single out each girl and hook her. She went to the mall with the girls in the week and hung out. And every night Dillon would come to her and love her. It felt like love. He was careful and loving, almost referent in his handling of her. So very careful.

  Friday came all too quickly, and she was facing the usual round of Dillon asking to go with her to the clinic the next day. She refused and he let it go. Knowing how much that tore him up, she loved him more for doing as she’d asked.

  Saturday when she woke it was to find Mr Connolly sitting there waiting on her. They talked and laughed, and he made sure she ate her food and drank.

  Dillon picked her up asking if she had any visitors and she guessed he already knew. She didn’t sugar coat it at all and told him, yes his dad and been there all day. He wasn’t happy but let it go too.

  Later that night he’d held her and once again made love to her using his hands and mouth. Almost like he was branding her as his once more.

  Sunday looked much like the week before. Dillon cooked breakfast and after going to the gym while she slept some more, came back and declared they were going to the park as it was beautiful Sunday and a great day to get out there and have a pic nic in the park. He was fun and infectious, and although still exhausted she couldn’t help but agree.

  He parked close to a rear entrance. They lazed around in the last of the summer heat, she slept, they dipped their toes in the lake and ate a picnic lunch while laying out on a blanket soaking up the sun’s rays.

  Dillon brushed her hair out of her face
looking down on her. “You look beautiful.” He kissed her, moving over her.

  “Thank you but you’re bias.”

  He pulled back. “How’s that?”

  “You’re led by your balls and I firmly have them.”

  He sniggered and moved over her body not caring that others could see them and slipped between her legs and played with her breasts and nipples.

  “Ummm…You’re right.”

  Biting and sucking through the cloth of her shirt, he teased her nipples with his teeth, his cock firmly at her pussy. He moved against her rocking into her a little firmly.

  She moaned. “Jesus, you’re killing me,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to share those balls with me now by any chance?” He wiggled his eyebrows. His hand found her clit through her pants and he rubbed hard.

  “O my god. See, led by your balls.” She squeaked. He smirked and pressed into her a little harder. She moaned again. “O god. You’re driving me crazy.” And clung to him.

  “I think I could fuck you right here and nobody could see us.”

  Her breath hitched. “You’re joking right?”

  He attacked her neck. “Nope, but I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do Sam.”

  His hand slipped under the waist of her jeans and found her soaking wet and hot for him. He groaned.

  “Fuck Sam, you’re soaking babe. I need my cock in there but if you don’t want it, say.”

  He moved his fingers and slipped between her folds, she squeezed her legs together trying to hold back the tide. He chuckled. “That’s not gonna work babe. You’re already panting and hot and so fucking wet you need to come.”

  She moaned. She did. She needed to come badly and relaxed her legs giving him better access.

  “Let me give you this. I’ll be careful no one will see us I promise you and no Bill to worry about.”

  She panted. “Okay be quick.”

  He smirked. “I’m not being quick when it comes to fucking you.”

  “Shush. Less talking and more action.” He bit her neck grinning.

  “O baby I’m so gonna fuck you.” He ground out between the skin in his teeth.

  She was squirming under him. “Yeah? I’m only hearing words.” She panted.

  He checked under his lids that no one was near them. That they were on their own. He’d picked a secluded spot overlooking the lake on the edge of the tress. Undoing her jeans, he slipped them down with her panties covering her with the sides of the blanket and his body.

  Pulling down his own zip, his cock sprung free. Liftin her hips towards him he found her entrance and crouched over her kissing her hard pulled her legs apart, he looked in her eyes.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes I’m sure.”

  His cock breached her, and he stilled.

  “Waited so fucking long for this.”

  Hot silken skin surrounded the tip of his cock. So tight it was almost painful. He took a breath. Then pushed in slowly. More heat, more silk and so fucking tight. Trying to take it slow, he pushed and pulled a little using her juices.

  “Jesus Sam, you are killing me, so fucking good. So tight.”

  Her body bowed, her hands clenched at him her nails digging in. “Dillon I’m not…. I…. don’t have ….. O my god, please…”

  “I know.” He pushed in harder. It was so fucking tight, he withdrew. “I’m sorry it’s gonna hurt but I can’t hold back.” He slammed home placing his hand over her mouth. Felt some resistance then she cried out under it, her eyes wide at the intrusion. He stopped and panted. That was unreal.

  What the fuck just happened?


  “I’m… okay… I’m good. Move.”

  He couldn’t hold it back. He lifted her legs wider and started to pound. Long deep strokes hammering into her heat. She came, crying out with her own hands over her mouth this time. He hammered into her more. Needing to be closer. Deeper. He growled and thrust in deeper.

  “So fucking good. Got to get deeper Sam. I’m sorry. Need to be in so very fucking deep that I brand you inside.”

  He moved slightly and slammed into her pelvic area smacking into her, his balls smacking her ass.

  “Fuck yeah, better, deeper.”

  He pounded on. Sweat breaking out on his face.

  “Jesus Sam, fucking love the feel of you around my cock. Sucking on me.”

  He gripped her harder and felt her coming again. Rippling along his length.

  “Dillon…. I’m….”

  “Come for me baby I got you.” He hammered home on another cry as she splintered apart for him.

  “Fucking hell!” He shouted as his balls tightened, his cock grew bigger and lengthened, she got tighter around him.

  “Had no fucking idea it could be this good.” Or that his cock could do that. An intense need to mark, to claim came over him. He jack knifed in deep holding he tightly under him and thrust hard time and time again. His mouth going to that soft spot he loved so much on her neck and he bit down. Hard.

  Another climax hit her from nowhere. She cried out this time unable to stop it. He kept going slamming into her, needing to be close, needing to be deep until he jammed himself in deep one last time and spilled on his own raw cry between the flesh in his teeth.

  Holy shit. What the fuck just happened?

  She was shaking. He was shaking. He held her to him. “You… okay Sam?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I’ll …. Let you know when I stop shaking.”

  He sniggered. “Ditto. I fucking love you Sam. You might not be ready to hear it, but I do.” She smiled back at him.

  “Ditto,” she whispered. He hoped she was telling him she loved him too and kissed her deep and quick. They were both breathing hard. He kissed her neck and saw he’d drawn blood.

  “Fuck. Damn I’m sorry Sam I’ve drawn blood on your neck. I bit too hard. Fuck.”

  She raised a shaky hand that was far too heavy and touched the sensitive spot she was only just feeling. “Couldn’t feel it.”

  “You will. I’m so sorry. I was out of control at the end.”

  She snorted. “We both were.”

  He peppered her with kisses. “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to do it.”

  She put her arms around his shoulders. “Stop. I know.” He’s cock jumped inside her. She looked at the banked heat in his eyes above her. “You’re still in me.”

  “Too fucking right. It doesn’t want to ever leave.”

  She sniggered. “Okay that might be awkward when we have dinner with Bill later.”

  He groaned and slowly pulled from her body and moved to keep eyes from seeing her naked under him. And froze.

  “Sam. There’s blood. My cock’s got blood on it. Fuck your legs are smeared in it. What did I do?” Fear assaulted him. He’d hurt her in the most intimate of ways.

  What the fuck!

  He looked at her beautiful face. It was flushed and a little embarrassed. There was no pain or …. anger.

  “Sam for fuck sake speak to me I’m losing my shit here.”

  “I’m…. sorry I should have told you. I…. didn’t sleep with my other boyfriends.”

  He looked at her in stunned silence. “You… were a virgin?” he practically shouted it looking at her horrified.

  Sam frowned looking around embarrassed, he’d said that so loud. He sounded angry and was making her angry too. “Okay I don’t think they heard you back in the UK do you think you could say it any louder?”

  He started cleaning her up, moving clothes around and packing himself away.

  “Shit. Fuck. I’m such a fuck up.” He yanked her jeans back on her. “Get fucking dressed!” He ordered. Then threw her a load of napkins. “Pack yourself out or you’ll stain those jeans.”

  He buttoned himself up quickly, helping her to do up her top and was throwing the picnic back in its box.

  She went to touch him and he full away from her hand. “Okay calm down. What are you doing?” She was
confused and he was upsetting her. Moments ago, he’d told her he loved her, and she told him the same, it had been so damn perfect. Now it was …… a bloody nightmare.

  “You should have told me.” He bit out aggressively slamming stuff in the box.

  “What difference does it make?”

  He ripped the blanket out from under her. Literally. “What difference? You just gave me your cherry. I don’t deserve it. I don’t want or need it. This was wrong. All wrong. Hurry I’m taking you home.”

  He didn’t help her up, just picked everything up and stormed off.

  What the hell?

  He couldn’t look at her as he strode for the truck. He couldn’t touch her again.

  Fuck he’d not even helped her up!

  He couldn’t think. His brain was exploding. He slowed down making sure she was with him, but he couldn’t pick her up even if she’d needed him too. He raced for the truck and brought it over to the curb and idled opening the door from inside so she could get in, as soon as her belt was in place, he was racing her back to Bills.

  He couldn’t talk. Just parked. She hesitated for a moment then got out.

  “I’ll tell Bill you couldn’t make it.” Her voice rough and sad. Grabbing the stuff she shut the door on him. He couldn’t even get out the car to help her. He was such a fuck up and the joke was on him.

  And he couldn’t watch her struggle either, putting the truck in drive he put his foot down. He had to get away. Away from her, from what he’d done.

  What the hell had he thinking back there?

  That was the problem. He hadn’t been thinking. He’d been feeling his way to another fucking pussy.


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